Bush seeks deep cuts in state, local homeland security grants

Waiting to hear a response from AZ congressional delegation

The Associated Press reports that the Bush administration intends to slash counter-terrorism funding for police, firefighters and rescue departments across the country by more than half next year, according to budget documents obtained by the AP.

The Homeland Security Department has given $23 billion to states and local communities to fight terrorism since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, but one document says the administration is not convinced that the money has been well spent and thinks the nation’s highest-risk cities have largely satisfied their security needs.

What states made that “highest-risk” list? Arizona, as a border state, is at increased risk, since terror suspects have been apprehended at the U.S. border. We can only speculate as to how many have gotten through undetected.

The Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, about 50 miles west of Phoenix, is the nation’s largest nuclear power plant both in size and capacity. It supplies electricity to over 4 million customers in four states. Just last month, it was under lockdown during a security alert when a contract worker with a crude explosive device in the back of his pickup truck, was detained.

Phoenix is now the nation’s fifth largest city. And, Arizona is home to several active military installations and large dams which supply water and power. All of these facts make this area especially vulnerable.  

The proposal “goes totally in the wrong direction,” said Rep. Peter King, (R – NY). “This would be a very grave mistake, and I will do all I can to stop it.”

What are Arizona’s elected officials saying?  The silence is deafening.

4 Responses to Bush seeks deep cuts in state, local homeland security grants

  1. Jack says:

    This is shameful. I would like to know if Arizona is on the highest risk list. And why aren’twe hearing from our delegation? Good for NY Rep. Peter King raising his voice in opposition.

    Funding a problem? Let’s begin cutting back–across the board–on foreign aid and take care of Americans for a change. Haven’t we learned we can’t buy affection? We gave billions to Africa to fight an AIDs epedemic, that turned out to be based on inflated numbers supplied by the corrupt United Nations.

    I agree that Arizona is in a unique position and we need to have our disappointing politicians speak up. They all sound so good while campaigning and then turn out to be ready to sell us out on a whim. Witness how we were duped by the seemingly reliable Jon Kyl.

    So far Trent Franks seems the lone straight shooter these days. It took guts for him to endorse Duncan Hunter over McCain for the GOP presidential nomination. I hope for David Schweikert to join Franks in Congress. He has a track record in the state legislature and as state treasurer and is not an unknown quanitity.

  2. Frankly Speaking says:

    Damn it! This infuriates me! I want to hear what McCain, Kyl, Shadegg. Renzi, Franks and Flake have to say on this. I’d be glad to hear the views of Pastor, Giffords, Grijalva and Mitchell. We’re all in this together!

    Get off your political high horses and start being representatives of the people!!!!

    No wonder political apathy and distaste of politicians is at an all time high. We are sold out at every turn. Amnesty presented to us as “Comprehensive Immigration Reforn” is the best example.

    After dealing with basics, hostility over this is still THE topic at the homeowner’s association meetings. Not a single resident would vote for McCain in a recent show of hands. there were nearly 85 people in attendance.

  3. Jim Kelly says:

    What a joke. I get angrier at myself for supporting Bush than I do at him for being an open borders jerk. And, I would like to know the thoughts of our AZ guys in Washington on this matter of critical importance.

  4. Kimberly says:

    Hate to admit it, but I do read liberal AZ websites on occasion. Need to know how their minds work. This post (above) was linked on the left-wing Random Musings. Pretty funny. They think Republicans would approve of these slashes in counter-terrorism grants.