Mark your calendar: Mon., March 1, Meet with J.D. Hayworth in West Valley

February 28, 2010

U.S. Senatorial candidate J.D. Hayworth will tour the West Valley tomorrow, Monday, March 1. J.D. will be meeting with West Valley citizens and address their issues and concerns. Hayworth will begin with a breakfast and speech in Litchfield Park.

Litchfield Park:

Daisy Cafe, 13321 W. Indian School Rd. Suite A-101, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340, 8:45-10:30 A.M. 

JD Hayworth looks forward to meeting you for  breakfast at Daisy Cafe. This will be a no-host breakfast followed by US Senate candidate JD Hayworth speaking and conducting a town hall meeting.

Sun City:

Sun City Grand/West Republican Women, 20800 N 135th Ave Sun City West, AZ 85375, 11:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M. 

Please join JD Hayworth for a town hall at Sun City Grand/West Republican Women’s meeting. This will be a no-host lunch followed by US Senate candidate JD Hayworth speaking and conducting a town hall. All are welcome!


Marley’s Restaurant, 18823 N. Country Club Parkway Peoria, AZ 85382, 2:00-3:30 P.M.

Join JD Hayworth for a late lunch meeting at Marley’s Restaurant. This will be a no-host lunch followed by US Senate candidate JD Hayworth speaking and conducting a town hall.

We encourage you to participate! How refreshing to have a candidate for U.S. Senate who actually wants to hear from you!

Weekend reading to make you smarter

February 28, 2010

Diana West, a nationally syndicated columnist and author, writes a compelling column regarding Arizona’s U.S. Senate race.

We recommend her latest effort, Go with Hayworth.

McCain teams with another Democrat to once again restrict our choices

February 28, 2010

Saturday morning the popular Dr. Bob Martin’s Health Talk, call-in radio program on KFYI-550 AM got into the political mode with his informative lecture against Sen. John McCain’s “Mavericky” aisle crossing — this time with North Dakota Democrat, Byron Dorgan — to severely restrict our choices as related to dietary supplements. 

Recently introduced by McCain in the U.S. Senate, the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 (S. 3002), is possibly the most direct assault on natural health freedom. If passed into law, this bill would require all dietary supplement manufacturers, distributors, and holders — down to the retail store level to be comprehensively registered. It would also allow for the arbitrary banning of nutritional supplements by the FDA and the introduction of questionable reporting of adverse events related to them.

McCain’s bill would repeal key sections of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. which protects supplements if 1.) they are food products that have been in the food supply and not chemically altered or 2.) if they were sold as supplements prior to 1994, the year that DSHEA was passed. If a supplement fits one of these two descriptions, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cannot arbitrarily ban it or reclassify it as a drug.

This is McCain’s faulty reasoning for severely restricting Americans adult consumers and limiting their choices. Read what U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, (R-TX) and a medical doctor, has to say on the subject.

Call Sen. McCain and tell him to stop this infringement on our rights at this very basic level.

His contact information is available here

Ho, hum: Democrat high-drama becoming routine

February 27, 2010

Less than a week after New York Gov. David Paterson formally announced his candidacy for governor, he called a press conference to declare an end to his campaign. Paterson halted his campaign for election amid eroding support from his own Democrat party and an uproar over his administration’s intervention in a domestic violence case involving a close aide.

Gov. Paterson, 55, was sworn into office in March 2008 after his predecessor, Democrat Eliot Spitzer, resigned amid a prostitution scandal. Political watchers will remember that as far back as September President Barack Obama, stepped in and  made clear his objections to a then-defiant Paterson running for the seat

Even as the Paterson was announcing the termination of his campaign, new calls emerged for him to resign, amid a criminal investigation by the office of Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. Thickening the machination-laced stew is the fact that state Democrats have been moving to anoint Cuomo, who has been quietly preparing his own campaign for governor, as their candidate.

 The New York Times has more here.

Hundreds of enthusiastic Hayworth volunteers show up to get campaign instructions

February 27, 2010

An energetic crowd of J.D. Hayworth supporters chanting “J.D.! J.D.!” is off and running with nominating petitions in hand and an excitement level not previously observed on the Arizona political scene.

The outpouring of support at the volunteer event clearly moved former Congressman Hayworth, now mounting a challenge to Sen. John McCain and his nearly 3-decade Washington career. 

Hayworth’s campaign manger David Payne noted that there might be some McCain staffers in attendance.  He welcomed them and pointed out the huge crowd was replicated “throughout the state in Arizona’s 14 other counties, and around the country. Citizens finally have a voice and a representative who will listen and react to their concerns, “ he said .

The effort to replace John McCain has determined foot-soldiers who are ready and willing to demonstrate the power of the grassroots Republicans and Tea Party patriots.

A recent WorldNetDaily poll attests to the fact that McCain is rapidly losing support. The unscientific polling results showed GOP primary challenger J.D. Hayworth with nearly 3,000 votes compared to just 22 for McCain.  The discontent has been brewing. As far back as September, Rasmussen Reports conducted a survey of Arizona Republicans, in which an astonishing 61% indicated McCain was out of touch with the party base.

This morning’s crowd of eager Hayworth volunteers attests to this disconnect Arizonans have with John McCain.  Get onboard this historic campaign to take back the Republican party and give voice to the people of the state of Arizona. 

It can be done.

McCain’s last stand?

February 27, 2010

The National Journal’s Hotline On Call exposes the heavy hand of John McCain in the Arizona political arena as his surrogates attempt to kick sand in the face of the state Republican party apparatus. Few of the party’s grassroots activists are keen on the old maverick.

McCain, facing a formidable challenger in former Congressman J.D. Hayworth, the favorite of GOP conservatives, is off his game and making shaky, fear-based decisions.

Read the article, complete with high intrigue here.

The Hotline On Call article relates to two exposés of the high-stakes, behind-the-scenes shenanigans previously reported on Seeing Red AZ here  (“McCain suffers another defeat at hands of grassroots Republicans“) and here (“Victory for whom? McCain-led stakeholders opt to shackle AZ GOP”).

Rep. Judy Burges makes international news

February 27, 2010

Arizona state Rep. Judy Burges (R-Dist.4) has made international news with her sponsorship of a recent bill (HB 2441) that would require presidential candidates who want to appear on a future Arizona ballot, to submit documents proving they meet the requirements to be president.

 Read the article which appeared in the Canadian Free Press here. The article is titled: Clever legislators in Arizona hit on new way to find Obama’s birth truth.

Rep. Burges also made the pages of the New York Times this week.

The bill was voted on in the House Government committee and passed by a 6 – 1 vote.

Birthers all? Of course not. This is about the rule of law.

Reminder: J. D. Hayworth Volunteer Rally, Sat. Feb. 27, 10:30 – 11:30 A.M.

February 26, 2010

  WHERE: JD Hayworth for Senate Phoenix Headquarters

                      3129 E. Cactus Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85028

We will gather at the J.D. Hayworth Headquarters for a rally to kick off the campaign and instruct you on various volunteer activities.

Please plan to attend (and bring a friend)…We need your talent…your energy… and support to put J.D. over the top!

Visit J.D.’s website here.

What’s this: McCain disses the Gov?

February 26, 2010

The Arizona Guardian is reporting that Sen. John McCain is distancing himself from Gov. Jan Brewer’s endorsement, as the former GOP presidential nominee tries to avoid being linked with a politician who favors a tax increase.

The governor gave her endorsement in Tucson last week, but officials working for the McCain campaign have said they weren’t ready to advertise her support just yet.

“We announce endorsements on our own schedule,” said Brian Rogers, a spokesman for the McCain re-election campaign. “We embrace our supporters but we have a list of endorsements we’re going to be making on a rolling basis.”

Although there aren’t too many lines to read between, the “Oops!” message is clear.

Brewer advisor Chuck Coughlin returned the favor, sledgehammer in hand:  “I don’t put much stock in what a spokesperson has to say. One thing I’ve learned is that John McCain spokesmen haven’t lasted very long and I’m assuming this guy will be gone very soon.”

Why a one-cent sales tax hike with a three-year sunset date should bother McCain who voted for the $850 million Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), voted against the Bush tax cuts, and supports costly amnesty programs, is beyond any reasonable comprehension.

In terms of intra-party unity, whirled peas won’t be on the menu tonight.

Happy Anniversary to Jim Ward

February 26, 2010

Jim Ward, running for Congress in District 5, celebrates his first anniversary as a registered Republican in Arizona this week. Letting no grass grow under his feet, he got right into the swing of things after registering to vote.  Within a couple of months he became an appointed precinct committeeman, and then decided to run for congress.  Quite a whirlwind of activity!

Ward’s slick website lists his “affiliations and honors,” is chock full of videos and gives a glimpse into his life of privilege. He even tells us his mother played the harp.  There is a good-looking logo and self-authored commentaries galore.  On issues of importance such as illegal immigration candidate Ward has perfected a nifty-two step worthy of John McCain himself. Ward begins with: “I do not support instant amnesty.”

He then moves into: “We must open up legal avenues of immigration to this country and incorporate patriotic immersion programs, while respecting cultural differences…”

Finally swinging into full gear with: “In addition, immigration will be an important economic driver to us in the future. We will face a labor shortage in this country. Our current birthrate of 1.6 children per family is far below the sustainability rate of 2.1, a rate that will leave us with a deficit of workers.”

Ward is clearly out of sync with the impact of the economic crisis on unemployment numbers, as millions of Americans are out of work or underemployed, and record homes in foreclosure.

Yesterday fed chief Ben Bernanke said the harsh reality is that 40 percent of unemployed people have now been out of work for over six months.

Earlier this month, the Labor Department released information that while the unemployment rate fell to 9.7 percent from 10 percent, employers still cut 20,000 jobs. The economy has lost 8.4 million jobs since the recession began.

Ward’s slogan is “The Right Kind of Change.”

We agree with the Arizona newcomer Jim Ward on that sentiment.  Here’s our take.