Jeb’s political witching hour closing in

October 31, 2015

Collapsing in the single digit range in national polls, failing at debates, forced to cut his staff and losing his high dollar donor base, Jeb! has begun begging in earnest, even going after those who have never — would never — give him a second glance or a thin dime.

Friday he was sending out feverish emails to those he calls, “Friend,” although they aren’t. He wrote, “We’re just 1 day away from our crucial October fundraising deadline, and I wouldn’t be emailing you right now if I didn’t need your help.

What makes this deadline so important? This is the first deadline since Hillary announced she has raised over $75 MILLION and we need to show we’re ready to fight back. But we’re still $46,241 short of our goal of $50,000.” Missing this goal is not an option. When we hit this goal on Saturday, it will show the country how determined we are to win next year, but we can’t do that without your help.”

Notice that the ailing candidate attempts to position himself as the Republican nominee, heading into the General Election match up with Hillary.

This plea was followed up by another, even more urgent one today. Jeb says, “I know I emailed you already, but I’m following up because this is our most important fundraising deadline yet.” We’re less than 100 days out from the Iowa caucuses now. If we don’t reach our goal of $50,000 by tomorrow night at midnight, we’ll have fewer resources to reach voters in Iowa and beyond.”

Jeb assures us that if we “step up right now every dollar you chip in will be matched 100% by a group of donors.”

Billionaire investor Paul Singer — who gave more money to Republican candidates and causes last year than any donor in the country — won’t be among those matching Jeb’s funds. He’s made headlines by throwing his support to Marco Rubio. The New York Times calls Singer’s decision a “major blow to Mr. Bush, who is seeing his once vigorous campaign imperiled by doubts among supporters…”

Hopefully Karl Rove will still be around. Someone will need to help Jeb get back to Florida.

GOP loses a conservative stalwart

October 31, 2015

Tom Tancredo, the grandson of Italian immigrants, and a Reagan appointee, has been a lifelong conservative. His political career took hold when he was a junior high school history teacher and won a seat in the Colorado House of Representatives. Later, Tancredo was elected to the U.S. Congress, where he served ten years. In addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in 2007 he confronted the issue of illegal immigration, which he has steadfastly opposed, with these words:

“If you want to call me a single-issue candidate, that’s fine, just so long as you know that my single issue is the survival and the success of the conservative movement in America.”

If this sounds like an obituary, don’t be alarmed. It is not one for Tom Tancredo — though it is the precursor of one for the Republican Party — which continues to betray its promises to conservatives.

His thought-provoking article, “I’m quitting the GOP,” posted at Breitbart is a must read. Tancredo pondered whether the Republican Party leadership still believes in the principles of smaller government, individual rights, fiscal responsibility, and free enterprise and concluded the answer is “no.”

Read his article and the issues that caused him to decide “it is time to end my affiliation with the Republican Party.” Tom Tancredo, a decades long conservative icon and fighter for our causes, echoes the frustration many of us feel, as we watch what he calls “the downward spiral of the Party of Lincoln and Reagan into the Party of Democrat Lite.”

Expressing strong discontent with the unacceptable status quo, Republicans have dropped the once considered inevitable presidential contender and establishment choice Jeb Bush in favor of two political outsiders. Business mogul Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson have continued to surge in every national poll.

We are clearly weary of double-talking, pandering to illegals, amnesty proponents, and are looking in new directions for leadership as we see our country collapsing. Thinking Republicans realize we are running out of time.

Why the confusing message from AZ GOP?

October 30, 2015

Robert Graham’s slippery mailers irritate, alienate voters

A. J. LaFaro, immediate past chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) calls into question the rationale of AZ GOP Chairman Robert Graham spending tens of thousands of dollars on mailings and robo calls to registered Independents urging them to re-register as Republicans so they can vote in the Republican Presidential Preference Election on March 22, 2016.

The Presidential Preference Election is not a Primary Election. A preference election is the means by which Arizona voters aligned with a political party cast their ballot for the candidate they want their delegates to vote for at the National Convention. The state’s actual Primary Election takes place Aug. 30.

LaFaro, currently serving as National Director of the Arizona Republican Assembly, notes Graham’s efforts make no sense if you look at Arizona’s four previous Republican Preferential Preference Elections:

1. 2012 – 45.45% of registered Republicans voted (511,239 of 1,124,726)
2. 2008 – 51.98% of registered Republicans voted (541,767 of 1,042,294)
3. 2004 – No election because Bush was the incumbent
4. 2000 – 35.56% of registered Republicans voted (323,242 of 909,063)

LaFaro cites the Secretary of State’s website, which reports there were 1,107,108 registered Republicans as of July 1, 2015. Instead of wasting tens of thousands of dollars confusing and alienating Independent voters and the public, he asks why doesn’t Robert Graham and the AZ GOP reach out to all of Arizona’s Republicans and encourage them to get involved, stay involved and vote for the presidential candidate they prefer?

Makes sense to us.

Fox News 10 ran this report titled, Confusion surrounds AZ GOP election mailer. (Click link to view.)

$eduction goes bad: Wooer revealed as John McCon

October 29, 2015

Receiving a love note from a devoted admirer can be a deeply personal, even breathtaking experience. When your enthusiast claims “you’ve been with me through thick and thin,“ and then moves on to detail all you’ve worked on “together,” and how you are worth fighting for no matter “who I have to go up against,” it can move a romance to dazzling new heights.

Then reality rears its ugly head. We’ve all seen enough true crime stories to smell a scam artist when the lofty promises of undying affection are tied to urgent requests for money.  That magical headiness flies out the window quickly, replaced by raw disappointment.

In this case, the revealing clue was an incoherent plea from the devotee with claims of “being targeted,” and citing an “utmost urgency” for the cash — needed within 4 days. This clearly was no run of the mill mash note it turns out, and was from no sweet young thing, but an over-the-hill politician.

John McCain, who will be 80 by Election Day, says he’s short of his fundraising goals for October.  He needs money today to help “us’ meet “our’ goals and guarantee “we” have the resources necessary to win next November. “I will NEVER stop fighting for our shared values,” he vows, “but I cannot do so unless I win my re-election campaign next November.” 

Poor John. At his advanced age he’s obviously forgotten we share no values, since he colludes with Democrats and has locked others out of his closed door town hall meetings. It’s also slipped his mind that he has a Republican Primary election with an exceptional, conservative challenger ready, willing and very able to take him on in 2016. Dr. Kelli Ward, not a decades-long entrenched politician, can actually use your help to get her message out. Make a donation here.

In his dotage, he’s forgotten that we’ve never had a relationship, since there is nothing on which we agree. If he was 60 years younger, he might be known as a scoundrel. As it is, he’s simply a well-practiced, but still second-rate, liar. 

No money from this corner, “my friend.” If you were actually in need, your lobbyist friends and your beer heiress wife should be able to help out. But just days ago, your own assigned reporter at the local newspaper wrote you were flush with cash, finishing the third quarter of 2015 ahead of the pack with $4.9 million in the bank. The quote from your campaign spokeswoman expressed your gratitude.

It’s time to cut the McCrap.

3rd GOP debate tonight: Main event 5 PM (AZ time)

October 28, 2015

Second tier candidates at 3:00 pm (AZ time)

The much-anticipated third Republican presidential debate takes place later today, October 28. It will be broadcast live from the Coors Events Center at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

The two-hour top-tier candidate event will begin at 5:00 pm AZ time (8 pm ET). Under card candidates will take the stage for one hour at 3:00 pm (6 pm ET).

This was the criteria used for determining the top card candidate’s standing. The following candidates will be onstage at the main event: Donald Trump: (25.22), Ben Carson: (19.78), Marco Rubio: (9.67), Jeb Bush: (8.11), Carly Fiorina: (8.11), Ted Cruz: (6.89), Mike Huckabee: (3.56), Chris Christie: (3.00), John Kasich: (3.00), and Rand Paul: (3.00).

Their eligibility is based on aggregated national polls conducted by NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, CNN and Bloomberg. 

In what should be their last stand, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki, and Lindsey Graham, the same four candidates who appeared in the previous second tier debate are back. They each have met the minimum threshold of one percent in any one of the specified group of national polls.

Hosted by CNBC, the three moderators are John Harwood, the network’s chief Washington correspondent, Becky Quick, co-anchor of the Wall Street-focused show “Squawk Box,” and Quick’s co-anchor, Carl Quintanilla.

Tune in and watch on Cox Channel 62, Dish Channel 208, or Direct TV Channel 355. KFYI Radio 550-AM will broadcast only the main debate. Listen Live here.

Mark your calendars. A fourth Republican debate is scheduled for Tuesday, November 10, 2015 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It will be hosted by the Fox Business Network and the Wall Street Journal.

GOP leadership collude with Obama, Dems on budget

October 28, 2015

This is why “political outsiders” Donald Trump and Ben Carson are surging

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) released this statement Tuesday. It came in response to Senate Majority Leader McConnell and lame duck House Speaker Boehner’s budget deal with lame duck President Obama and Congressional Democrats to extend Washington’s failed spending policies another two years.  Cruz called the grand bargain a slap in the face for conservatives and a victory for the Washington Cartel:

“For anyone wondering about the source of the American people’s volcanic frustration with Washington, one need look no further than so-called ‘Republican’ majorities in both houses of Congress increasing the budget and our debt by more than $400 billion. It’s ridiculous, deceitful, and a disgrace.

Make no mistake: the Speaker’s golden parachute is a victory for the Washington Cartel, for the politically connected elite, and for big business and lobbyists who get in bed with career politicians to grow government. Unfortunately, it is a loss for single moms, for Hispanics and African Americans, for small businesses, and for all of those hardworking Americans who can’t afford expensive lobbyists and are hurting the most under the Obama Administration’s failed policies.

No one in Congress who campaigned on stopping President Obama’s runaway spending and debt should vote to advance or pass this golden parachute that gives Obama and Boehner nearly everything they want. This budget completely annihilates the 2011 budget caps, the one successful attempt at spending restraint in the Obama era. We should never default on our debt, but this deal suspends the debt ceiling, saddling future generations with the bill for our reckless spending, while making no meaningful reforms to the programs driving our runaway spending.

President Obama and Speaker Boehner are heading into retirement. Some people get a gold watch. Obama and Boehner are settling for at least $80 billion in additional spending and debt above the budget caps. Unfortunately, our children and grandchildren will be left to foot the bill long after they are gone.”

Wasn’t Bill Mundell treated well enough by GOP?

October 27, 2015

The word on the street is that Bill Mundell is telling folks he’s being encouraged by (unnamed) supporters to throw his hat in the 2016 ring for a spot on the Arizona Corporation Commission. It’s a post he previously held, after being appointed to the position by Republican Gov. Jane Hull in 1999 to fill a vacancy.

Mundell was also appointed as Registrar of Contractors by former Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican.

Nothing strange there. Mundell, a Republican lawyer who was elected to the state legislature and served from 1987 to 1992 would be a likely go-to guy for these cushy state slots.

For six years back in the 1980’s he was a Chandler city court judge, another job to which he was appointed.

The oddity is that Bill Mundell is now a newly minted Democrat. All we can figure is that he’s got a hankering to vote for Hillary.

McCain’s $$ can’t boost unpopular amnesty stance

October 26, 2015

McCain’s pre-election tough talk always reverts to amnesty after election

Dan Nowicki, John McCain’s operative who collects his paycheck from the daily newspaper, has written another tender missive to the very senior senator — who will be 80 by Election Day. Running for a sixth 6-year term, the deeply entrenched McCain has long been backed by lobbyist and PAC* money, the extent of which the average voter can’t begin to comprehend. And like his close friend Hillary Clinton, McCain has found a lucrative Eden in having a Foundation or Institute for image enhancement.

Nowicki’s article in the Sunday edition extols McCain for “outpacing rivals in 2016 Senate race fundraising.”

The one-note reporter gives a fleeting mention of the fact that McCain has intra-party challengers.  Dr. Kelli Ward, a two-term state senator with conservative credentials is best positioned to take on RINO McCain. Engaging in wishful thinking, Nowicki leaps instead to the General Election and spends inordinate time discussing liberal Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick, an off-again, on-again CD 1 Representative, who was sent packing by voters after her second-rate first term only to resurrect following a two-year hiatus and altered district boundaries.

In elevating the censured and retaliatory McCain to undeserved heights, Dan Nowicki has developed a case of amnesia when it comes to the establishment elite, who have long ago ceased caring about constituents. A luminous example for Nowicki to contemplate is former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a Virginia Congressman, whose arrogance led him to take his position for granted and presume he was infallible despite his unpopular amnesty stance, which even the left-wing Washington Post acknowledged hurt him.

In 2014 Cantor lost the Republican Primary to conservative economics professor and political newcomer, David Brat, in a stunning upset. Embarrassed in defeat, he resigned his leadership post, following that with his early resignation from Congress. Though Cantor spent $5.4 million compared to Brat’s $122,000, Cantor still lost by a whopping 11 points. Cantor’s amnesty position contributed to his downfall.

After giving a brief concession speech and being whisked out of the hotel, open borders advocates stormed the ballroom to push for so-called “comprehensive reform.” They were too late. Their big-spending advocate was gone, replaced by a winner the media mocked as a “tea party candidate.”  Sound familiar?

Arizona conservatives can brew a cup of Earl Grey, take heart from that David (Brat) triumph over Goliath (Cantor) and gird their loins in preparation. We can do it.

*courtesy Center for Responsive Politics

Prophetic show tune describes Jeb’s predicament

October 25, 2015

Jeb_looking _bad

As his poll numbers continue to sag and donors are getting skittish, Jeb Bush’s campaign responded on Friday by drastically slashing staff and cutting salaries of his remaining aides nearly in half.

In a desperate move clearly demonstrating his weakened position, Jeb has had to call in the Dynasty Duo of Dubya and Daddy, both former presidents, to try to rev up the fundraising mechanism as he attempts to adjust his focus to the early primary states. Papa Bush is 91 and confined to a wheelchair after a serious fall in which he broke a bone in his neck and George W. Bush had previously said he would stay out of Jeb’s campaign, correctly noting “voters don‘t like dynasties.”

Yet the Wall Street Journal reports there will be a Texas confab today with both Georges, Jeb and longtime donors in an effort to resuscitate the dying campaign. Money can be political oxygen, although it’s doubtful this torpid carcass is able to be revived.

Neurosurgeon. Ben Carson and business mogul Donald Trump, both political outsiders, are leading the Real Clear Politics aggregated polling with Trump at 27.2 and Carson at 21.4. Bush, the establishment’s anointed “inevitable candidate” is now in fifth place and limping in with single digits. In the Iowa Caucus poll, Bush barely makes a ripple.

The classic award-winning Broadway relic “Oklahoma” featured a satirical tune, “Pore Jud Is Daid.” As you listen to it here, it becomes apparent the name Jud sounds an awful lot like Jeb. The songwriting team of Rogers and Hammerstein were more than musical wizards. It appears they were also political prophets!

Black Lives Matter myth: Radicals condone violence

October 24, 2015

Black Lives Matter anarchists have no problem crashing meetings and brazenly disrupting dialogues to get their skewed message out. They took over the leftist Netroots Nation gathering in Phoenix in July, and demanded that Democrat presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley each acknowledge that only “Black Lives,” not “All Lives” matter. O’Malley was booed for making such a grand faux pas and apologized. 

Such weak acquiesce from the left only emboldens these subversive provocateurs. Within 48 hours of NYC police officer Randolph Holder, 33, being shot and killed Thursday by a bullet to his forehead, they were marching through the streets, chanting, “It is right to rebel, NYPD go to hell!” Both the officer and the murderer are black. This obscenity follows an earlier mantra, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon,” inciting violence against officers. Yet the hypocrites who have declared open warfare on police have no trouble accepting police protection for their demonstrations.

Last week in California, the group’s obstructive thugs grabbed the microphone from Los Angeles’ Democrat Mayor Eric Garcetti, forcing him out of a Town Hall meeting with constituents. Outside, he was surrounded by a screaming mob, some of whom climbed on the Mayor’s car and stomped on the hood. No one was arrested.

The increasingly rabid activists most often target easily coerced white Democrats, who quickly fall in line.

The group’s issues are what they refer to as police brutality resulting in deaths of young black males and the need to lower incarceration rates. What is left unsaid is that the high death rates are most often gang related and the result of black-on-black gun violence.  Incarceration occurs, not in a vacuum, but when there is a conviction for criminal activity.

Now these radicals have the ear of Barack Obama, who struggles without his trusty teleprompter to justify their indefensible actions, (video) calling it a “legitimate issue we have to address and take seriously,” gratuitously throwing in the “tough job the police have.”

As Daniel Greenfield concludes in his well documented FrontPage mag report, “For black lives to really matter, black violence has to matter.”

Today we ask, where are the protests regarding this tragedy? Or this one that occurred in Tempe just days ago? Young black lives were put in grave danger or lost forever by parents who should provide the safest haven for their defenseless children. Black Lives Matter forgot about them.