Opposition to Trump features link to Muslim Brotherhood

September 30, 2016

Both Arizona U.S. Senators lacking rational thought

Staying on top of the news is an all-consuming effort. With jobs and family responsibilities, the task often seems overwhelming. Still, we know we have an obligation to remain as well-informed as possible for the well-being of our families and to vigilantly make the right decisions as we vote to secure America’s future.

With those thoughts in mind, we are providing a direct link to The Last Refuge/Conservative Treehouse.  This recent post, The Emerging Connections Between the Muslim Brotherhood and “Never Trump is an important key to your arsenal of information.

The post provides in-depth information, stating, “The “Never Trump” coalition has always consisted of a few noisy and indecent politicians within Washington DC.  Senator Ben Sasse, Senator Jeff Flake and Representative Adam Kinzinger the most noteworthy and vitriolic.”  It also links the far-past-his-prime, octogenarian John McCain to the Muslim Brotherhood, and ISIS, who McCain mischaracterized as “freedom fighters.” The pictures aren’t new, but substantiate the allegations.

Dan Nowicki, John McCain’s assigned reporter at the pro-McCain Arizona Republic, reported in 2014 that McCain vehemently denies ever meeting with and posing for photos with the ISIS militants. Do you believe the very senior senator or your lying eyes?

Arrogance does strange things to marginal people. But the question remains, “How did Arizona get so lucky as to have both of our U.S. Senators on the wrong side of crucial issues?”

We invite you to check out A trip down memory lane with John McCain.

Memo to Grant Woods: Grant us a break

September 29, 2016

The Hillary-endorsing Arizona Republic highlights news that is stale — as in years old. The headline, “Former GOP AG Grant Woods endorses Clinton for president,” is a case in point.

Dan Nowicki, John McCain’s unfailingly fawning assigned reporter, describes Woods as “a moderate-to-liberal Republican,” unaware that a liberal Republican is actually a Democrat. Nowicki has spent so much time groveling at McCain’s two left feet, that he doesn’t have that depth of awareness.  There just ain’t such a thang, Dan. McCain is proof positive.

Woods’ endorsement is contrived news.  The only reason McCain’s former Chief of Staff rates coverage at all is due to the fact that has learned he can generate attention by remaining a registered Republican while supporting Democrats. In 2002 he toyed with the idea of switching  parties, but like a spoiled child seeking attention, he knows such a move would render him flaccid as an attraction. He was prominently displayed on Republicans for Janet,* (click to enlarge) during Napolitano’s 2006 gubernatorial campaign and endorsed Democrats Terry Goddard and Felecia Rotellini for AZ Attorney General in two separate races. Leftist Harry Mitchell was Grant Wood’s pick for Congress. 

 Grant Woods is a show boater. This is who Woods is.  It’s how he thinks. It isn’t news.

Check out the 4th briefing in the ongoing seriesNever McCain.” This latest video is titled, “His voting record.” Each new video will appear on the “Never McCain” page.

AZ GOP chair Robert (Mc)Graham gets testy when truth hurts

September 28, 2016

The subscription only Yellow Sheet Report, published by the Arizona Capitol Times, has devoted several lengthy articles to Rob Haney’s “Never McCain” campaign.  AZ GOP chairman Robert Graham, a McCain sycophant, slices and dices Haney’s exposure of McCain’s decades-long deception, as he cloaks himself as a maverick while colluding with Democrats. Churlishly referring to Haney as an “angry man who needs exercise and vitamin B,” Graham derides the two-term Maricopa County Chairman as engaging in efforts unbecoming an elected office holder. Later he noted that Haney is no longer a precinct committeeman. This is an area where Graham has more than passing knowledge, since vigorous efforts went into purging not only Haney and his wife Marne, both longtime GOP activists, but other conservative committeemen who don‘t march in lockstep with the McCain syndicate.

Purging of conservatives has been a hallmark of McCain and his operatives as we reported here. In 2012 former U.S. Sen. John Kyl sent out these postcards as he engaged in the same conservative cleansing  These are the results of the most recent “overfilling” of precincts, replacing industrious PCs with McCain followers who are too disinterested or otherwise occupied  to take on the duties associated with the position. They are needed for a single purpose, electing intra-party officers who will go along with the McProgram.

Make no mistake. These are not haphazard efforts, but calculated bloodbaths. In a letter dated September 8, 2006, political consultant Kyle Moyer wrote, “We’re working closely with Sen. McCain’s office to build the party in these crucial districts. This is a write-in precinct committeeman campaign in LD 11 and LD 8. We have about 40 targeted precincts and need a few more volunteers to cover them all.“  Moyer continued, “I have attached the schedule for Election Day. Included in that is a brief description of what the general “game plan” is, including volunteer, itinerary, and general information for Primary Election day, September 12.  Our Election Day “War Room” is at Chaparral Suites. Meet at the War Room” at 5:00 a.m. for donuts, coffee and briefing. Lunch will be provided for volunteers between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.”

“All volunteers must report every ½ hour. When reporting, please include overall voter turnout, the number of cards you have handed out and affirmative exit polling numbers. Please report by text message in this format: name, precinct, turnout number, card number and positive exit number.”

When using the term “war,” Kyle Moyer wasn‘t kidding. Those in the gun sights were other Republicans, albeit of the conservative variety.

Prior to his first election as Maricopa County chairman, Haney served as LD 11 Chairman. He was challenged by former Gov. Fife Symington, a McCain cohort. Large donations poured in to defeat Haney and the deceptively named Grassroots Arizona PAC was formed — chaired by (unrelated) Ann Lynch and treasurer Jane Lynch. Donors included McCain allies Chuck Coughlin, Doug Cole, McCain’s former Chief of Staff Paul Hickman, Chad Willems, Betsey Bayless, Kathy Petsas, Mike Hellon, and San Francisco based Obama donors Greg and Lisa Wendt. Jane Lynch,  you’ll remember, is the Graham-appointed presidential elector who says she won’t cast her own ballot for Trump.

Despite the efforts against him, Haney was victorious. Later, he easily won a second term as County Chair by a resounding 1281 to 575.

Longtime McCain supporter and political consultant, Chuck Coughlin, one of the many who donated $1,000 for a slick mailer campaign to defeat Rob Haney, is quoted as making this bizarre comparison, “Haney’s position [is akin] to the ideological underpinnings that fuel ISIS. We see these types of people with Islamic extremists….it’s the Taliban of the Republican Party.” 

It’s a good bet Coughlin wrote the negative ads groundlessly linking Dr. Kelli Ward, McCain’s primary senate challenger, to ISIS. This is the new language of McCainiacs. It’s doubtful Coughlin would be inclined to describe the defecting McCain staffers who appeared on the infamous Republicans for Janet (Napolitano) list in such a inflammatory manner. The far left Democrat was running for governor against conservative Republican Len Munsil.

Suspense and Hilarity from the Arizona Republic

September 27, 2016

This morning’s edition of the reliably leftist Arizona Republic has reached into the arena of slapstick comedy  The all caps Page One headline “ON THE OFFENSIVE” tops an oversize photo of a smiling Hillary Clinton in the foreground with a shadowy Donald Trump barely visible behind her.

Centered beneath these in bold red type is this teaser: “Our endorsement.”

“At 6 p.m. today, the Arizona Republic editorial board will announce its endorsement for president of the United States. “

Today’s editorial headline is “Clinton takes down national bully,” making the feigned suspense superfluous.

Readers who would have to be flatlined not to have already guessed the newspaper’s position from months of ongoing derogatory coverage of Donald Trump and selective omissions of difficult to ignore scandals surrounding Hillary Clinton, are directed to the fish wrap’s Facebook page and  website for live coverage.  It will also be available in the Wednesday edition. 

No wonder Gannett’s stock is in a free fall. Click on “One Year” on chart to see the most recent plungeThe media conglomerate owns the Arizona Republic.

Donald Trump being undermined by AZ RINOs

September 27, 2016

Political consultant Brian Seitchik appeared in Politico a few months ago identified as GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s Arizona state director. He carried a strange bag of credentials, having previously opined that, “Trump’s impact on congressional races and other down ticket races could be disastrous.”

This past Saturday at a Trump rally in Mesa, Seitchik, exercising his newly found authority, attempted to pick a fight with twice elected, former Maricopa County chairman Rob Haney who was in line to pick up Trump/Pence campaign signs for himself and distribution to others.

How did this onetime California political operative with an obvious vendetta against GOP standard-bearer Donald Trump end up being appointed his Arizona state director? Who’s responsible for making such a detrimental appointment? 

Earlier this month we posted “McCain colluders Graham, Lynch set to scuttle Trump.” It included the list of Arizona Presidential Electors — all appointed by McCain cohort AZ GOP Chairman Robert Graham. Remember McCain actually called Hillary Clinton “a rock star he could support for president?

In the case of Jane Lynch, Graham bears the responsibility for choosing a like-minded, known McCain ally, who gives lip service to Republican values, but turns decidedly squishy when backbone counts, like the aisle crossing, pro-amnesty maverick himself. “I don’t like the fact that I’m going to do this,” said Arizona presidential elector Lynch, of committing her electoral vote to Trump. Lynch told Politico, “she’ll likely cast her personal vote for libertarian Gary Johnson or a write-in candidate.” So Jane Lynch, a  Trump elector, publicly announces her defection, which carries no consequence from the state party chairman.

Trump’s Arizona Campaign Chairman state Rep. Phil Lovas, who congratulated McCain on his primary election victory from the podium at Trump’s most recent appearance in the Valley, was soundly booed by the massive crowd of conservatives in attendance. Again we ask, who is responsible for these appointments?

Check out the 3rd briefing in the ongoing series “Never McCain. This latest video is titled, “McCain Not Pro-Life II.”

1st Trump/Clinton 2016 Presidential Debate 6 pm AZ time

September 26, 2016

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton match-up tonight. How fair will it be?

Date: Monday, September 26, 2016

Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM AZ Time
Moderator: Lester Holt, NBC News Anchor
Location: Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY

All Time Zones: The debates will air from 9 to 10:30 pm ET / 8 – 9:30 pm CT / 7 – 8:30 pm MT / 6 – 7:30 pm PT

The audience for this first Donald Trump / Hillary Clinton presidential debate is expected to exceed 100 million viewers — shattering all previous debate records and has the potential to smash viewing records for any live televised event. Football will be on TV tonight, but the NFL won’t be the main draw.

Tonight’s debate will be divided into six-time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on “America’s Direction,” “Achieving Prosperity” and “Securing America.” Moderator Lester Holt will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. Candidates will then have an opportunity to respond to each other.  There will be no commercial breaks. 

A disturbing Rasmussen Reports poll released this morning indicates a plurality of voters (46%) are convinced the moderators of the upcoming presidential debates will give Hillary Clinton a helping hand.

TV Channels: The debate will be simulcast live on C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including Fox News, CNN and MSNBC.

Live Streaming: All major news networks will offer a free live stream as will YouTube and Twitter.

Jarrett Maupin sinks ever lower in quest to achieve notoriety

September 25, 2016

Criminal behavior is Maupin’s calling card

Some people aspire to heights thought to be beyond their reach. Undeterred, they work diligently to attain their ambitions. It’s inspiring to see the results of their efforts, achieved through a combination of unrelenting resolve, effort and determination. Observing such people achieve their goals, plants the seeds for success in others.

Then there’s Jarrett Maupin, a never-was and never-will-be. In his teens, he emulated the notorious Al Sharpton, even placing the word “Reverend” before his name though he attended no theological institution.  Sharpton, it will be remembered represented Tawana Brawley on false rape claims against four New York men including an assistant District Attorney and a police officer. The hoax was a major story in 1987 potentially ruining the lives of innocent men.

In November 2008, Maupin, then 21, was arrested for filing a false report. The previous year he ran against Mayor Phil Gordon but was bumped from the race after the County Clerk’s Office determined that nearly 185 of the nominating petition signatures needed to assure Maupin’s spot on the ballot were collected by convicted felons, invalidating them.

In retaliation, Maupin lied to Maricopa County Sheriff’s investigators and the FBI presenting them with a list of witnesses who had supposedly seen video evidence of Mayor Gordon committing sex crimes with a child. Five investigators were assigned to the case and spent eight months conducting an investigation,

But when detectives interviewed the so-called witnesses, all denied knowledge of any criminal activity by Gordon and any evidence that would support Maupin’s vicious and baseless allegations. According to this report in the local newspaper, Maupin faced 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $2,500, but got off easy with five years probation and 75 hours of community service.  Later in 2011, the contemptible Maupin served time in federal custody for violating the terms of his probation in the 2009 conviction, and was given 36 months of supervised probation upon release — another slap on the wrist.

Another example of Maupin’s race baiting tactics occurred in the 2013 Phoenix City Council race, where he used vicious racial slurs against a Democrat female candidate who had the temerity to run for a council seat though not black. She won despite his attacks.

These days Maupin, the self-declared, jobless “civil rights activist” is trying to capitalize on the aggressive behavior of the Black Lives Matter goons who are creating havoc in cities across the U.S. falsely alleging widespread institutionalized police brutality. In July he tied up rush hour traffic at 24th Street and Camelback. Police thwarted his threats to block Interstate 10 in Phoenix.

His latest gambit is scheduled for 9 a.m. Monday, with protesters blocking the Mill Ave. Bridge in Tempe. He refers to this planned debacle as “Blockade on the Bridge: Moral Monday Action.”

It’s safe to say, Jarrett Maupin wouldn’t recognize moral actions if they sat on his now-shaved head. 

Selective news coverage fuels race-based riots

September 24, 2016

Skewing the news has consequences

The shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a police officer in Charlotte, North Carolina on Tuesday has fueled riots and looting by vandals. We have repeatedly witnessed such incidents used as an excuse for violent, marauding gangs to take to the streets to steal and destroy property as they ostensibly protest police.

Gov. Pat McCrory was forced to declare a state of emergency. Several hundred members of the N.C. National Guard and State Highway Patrol troopers were sent to Charlotte to maintain order after ongoing violence. Obama’s U.S. Justice Department sent Community Relations Service staffers who specialize in communities in crisis to Charlotte. Numerous businesses advised employees to work from home to avoid the hazards.

Scott, 43, a black man, was fatally shot Tuesday afternoon. The officer who shot him, Brentley Vinson, 26, is also black.

According to the newspaper account, police said Scott held a handgun as he got out of a car, though others claimed he was merely reading a book. Police said they found a gun but no book at the scene.

It took thirteen reporters at the Charlotte Observer to write this account of events. Which of them, we wonder, decided it was appropriate to have readers wade through 29 paragraphs before revealing the 26-year-old officer involved in the shooting is also black? If the officer who fired the fatal shots was white, it would have been in the headline and first paragraph. Why was there no mention of Kevin Scott’s lengthy criminal history which would rightfully make the officer wary?

What does the grotesque practice of looting and destruction of other people’s property have to do with protests? Drugstores, hotels, restaurants, the NASCAR Hall of Fame, an entertainment complex and even the United Way building were among multitudes of properties ransacked and vandalized.

Gateway Pundit reveals the intricacies of the Democrat Machine at work in the rioting and the Black Lives Matter thuggery.  Black Trump supporter Taurus Rachel calls out Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and McCain funder George Soros.  Powerline exposes the criminal history of Kevin Scott, blandly described in newspaper accounts as a kindly father of seven. The articles are well worth your time.

McCain morphs from fence builder to Spanish ad buys

September 23, 2016

Palpable desperation has McCain doing campaign turnaround, Cindy in begging mode

Trying to keep up with that slippery octogenarian John McCain requires more Geritol than most of us are willing to swallow — much like his shop-worn campaign promises that he conveniently forgets the day after the votes are tallied. Not only did he promise to “complete the danged fence  as he strolled the Arizona/Mexico border, but he clearly outlined why. Citing “drugs and human smuggling, home invasions, murder,” he said “of all the illegals in America more than half come through Arizona.” McCain concluded the ad by advocating for bringing “troops — state, county and local law enforcement together.” McCain’s “perfect plan” included “the National Guard and 3.000 new border control agents.” The word “control” is directly from his ad.

Notice McCain used the now verboten word “Illegals,” as he campaigned in 2010, promising to build the dang fence. Funny thing, but that was the last we heard of it. Immediately after election day, he and underling Jeff Flake played co-architects of the infamous Gang of 8, amnesty scheme, as they aligned with the most liberal Democrats in the U.S. Senate.

Now six years later, running for another six-year term, with the fence no longer a twinkle in his cataract filmed eyes, he’s seeking another constituency. Here’s McCain’s latest televised pitch, in Spanish, of course, titled “Por tu familia. Por tu comunidad. Por Arizona.”  (“For your family. For your community. For Arizona”) which we have translated for those doltish Americans who only speak English. You’ll notice comments are disabled for this YouTube video. It’s not difficult to imagine why.

Since McCain’s new constituency isn’t coughing up the cash, Cindy has resorted to email begging — in English, no less — on John’s behalf. Calling us “Friend,“ the Anheuser-Busch beer distributorship heiress pitches that  his campaign “MUST close out September with the strongest numbers possible. “In fact,” she tells us, “his campaign has set a goal of raising $225,000 by September 30th.” Cindy’s fortune was estimated to be in excess of $100 million nearly a decade ago. Bet’cha she could tap into those funds to help Johnny, and still have a bundle left over.

Cindy is desperate in her attempts to ensure John’s reelection, well aware as she is that his poll numbers are the worst in the countryShe knows she will never have another moment of peace…when Arizona voters say “Never McCain!

AZ Conservatives launch “Never McCain” campaign

September 22, 2016

Check back for additional briefings. They will be posted on this page.

Rob Haney, twice elected Maricopa County Republican chairman, takes to the mic as spokesman for the “ Never McCain” campaign. Inspired to action by Jeff Flake and other “Never Trumpers,” Haney is committed to doing a series of informative briefings, laying bare the deceitful record of John McCain. The “Never Trumpers” would prefer Democrat Hillary Clinton in the White House to Republican Donald Trump — whom they despise — even with the knowledge that a third Obama term, led by Clinton would, in all likelihood, finalize the loss of America as founded.

On the other hand, a successful “Never McCain” campaign, removing a Republican who acts as a Democrat, will serve to remind Republicans that the support of the grassroots requires that they oppose, rather than collude with, liberals.

Conservative Rob Haney won the Maricopa County chairmanship overwhelmingly 1,281 to 575 despite massive efforts by McCain operatives to defeat him. Maricopa County is the most populous county in the state of Arizona, and the fourth-most populous county in the United States, with 2,375,787 registered voters. The fourteen other Arizona counties combined have a total potential voting base of 1,438,075.

Conservative team efforts will concentrate on removing John McCain, betrayer of Republican Platform principles in the U.S. Senate.

There will be a series of briefings during the remainder of the campaign. We will post them here.  Bookmark this “Never McCain Campaign” post. The latest briefings will appear in order.

Second Briefing: McCain NOT Pro-Life

Third Briefing: McCain Not Pro-Life II

Fourth Briefing: McCain’s voting record:

Fifth briefing:: Senate and Unity Concerns

Sixth briefing: Betrayal

Seventh briefing: Betrayal 2

Eighth briefing: Patton’s Prayer

Ninth briefing: McCain’s Poor Leadership

Briefing Number 10: McCain 2nd Amendment: