Judicial Watch announces list of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2007

December 31, 2007

This bi-partisan list is made even more notable by the inclusion of four presidential candidates

New year’s resolution

December 31, 2007



Next time you receive a self-addressed, stamped envelope in a letter requesting donations from the pro-amnesty Sens. Jon Kyl and John McCain, or CD 6 Rep. Jeff Flake, you might want to copy this and send it back to them at their own expense.

What a powerful message it would send if their offices were flooded with these instead of checks.

‘On illegal immigration, there’s a huge difference’

December 31, 2007

Señor McCain vs. Mitt Romney

Oh, now we get it…any charity but John

December 31, 2007


Of course, Señor McCain isn’t a write-off

An interesting addendum the previous post about John McCain’s campaign financial woes is this article in today’s daily.

Titled, CEO leads company in tradition of giving back, it chronicles Robert Delgado’s rise through the company and the many charities bestowed large sums of money by Cindy Hensley McCain’s mega-sized beer distributing business—upwards of $1 million a year.

Hensley & Co. Distributing, with annual sales of $340 million is the largest company of its kind in the state of Arizona and third largest in the nation. Among the recipients of Hensley’s grand scale generosity are such institutions as Friendly House. and Chicanos Por La Causa (translated to Chicanos for the Cause) which is affiliated with the racist group LaRaza or “The Race“).

Such warm philanthropy doesn’t extend to John’s presidential campaign, which would not be tax-deductible.

McCain: Multimillionaire’s husband running on line of credit

December 31, 2007

Señor John McCain’s dilemma appeared to be whether to dip into family money, as Mitt Romney is doing, or employ his other option—cash in on the public financing system to get his message out to the very voters who would be footing the bill to hear it.

How well that sits with those who are supporting other candidates remains to be seen.

But from the looks of his final-hour and desperate donor solicitations, it would seem Cindy McCain has plugged her keg of Anheuser-Busch distributorship dollars.

Read Wealthy candidates face money questions.

2008 Predictions pique curiosity

December 30, 2007

With the New Year rolling in, our friends at Sonoran Alliance have asked their readers to make some predictions for 2008.

The responses are intriguing. Wish we’d thought of this!

Watching a left-wing paper hysterically reel

December 30, 2007

Oppose illegal invasion? In AZ Republicese you’re a “Mean-spirited hick”

The Arizona Republic, which we often refer to as the Fish-wrapper, is so apoplectic over the pending Employer Sanctions law, that it actually placed its editorial on the front page of today’s Viewpoints section. 

Titled, State now needs a guest-worker program, it continues on page two, with such memorable pronouncements as:

“Congress flubbed immigration reform, states began pushing local enforcement and reason disappeared.”

“Our employer-sanctions law is attracting national notoriety and leaving businesses trembling and lawyers scrambling.”

“If Congress can’t provide leadership, Arizona will. Washington just needs to get out of the way.”

“We asked Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (D – AZ) and he says that if Congress passed enabling legislation, Arizona could become a test site for a guest-worker pilot program.”

“Illegal immigrants are not plague inflicted by some mysterious external force. They are here because they need us and we need them.”

The exceedingly lengthy and histrionic editorial continues in this vein, concluding with a warm sentiment about the citizens and their own readers:

‘Arizona gets portrayed as a land of mean-spirited hicks. This is a chance to show good sense and cool logic

The paper appears unimpressed with either voter’s frustration or the results of a Cronkite/Eight Poll conducted in October, which found that 69 percent of all registered voters support penalizing businesses that knowingly hire illegal immigrants. And, 83 percent of Arizona voters oppose issuing driver’s licenses to those in our country illegally.

Incidentally, the paper is advertising for a senior editorial translatorLa Voz Publishing, LLC in Phoenix, home of La Voz, TV y Mas, seeking a bi-lingual Spanish language translator.

The way it looks, non-English speakers are the market-base the paper seeks

Yes, we know

December 30, 2007

Arizona’s tough new Employer Sanctions law goes into effect Tuesday

The daily runs yet another doom and gloomer about the January 1, 2008 implementation of the Employer Sanctions law, telling readers that “many Arizona businesses are still unprepared.

The looming question is, “Why?” There has been ample opportunity to be up to speed.

Although the staunchly pro-illegal alien newspaper stresses what it considers impediments to the new system, there is no getting around the fact that the law has survived two federal court challenges—making it impossible to avoid giving ink to the “other side.”

Sharon Rummery, a spokeswoman for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said the program’s accuracy has improved. She said E-Verify is free and easy to use.

“To those employers who want to remain willfully blind to illegal hiring, E-Verify is an enemy, but to the taxpayers of Arizona who bear the economic costs of illegal immigrants, E-Verify is good,” said state Rep. John Kavanagh (R-Fountain Hills), one of the Legislature’s main supporters of the sanctions law.

State Rep. Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, author of the law, said it is a “myth” that illegal immigrants are needed to fill labor gaps in Arizona. Any gaps in Arizona’s labor force could easily be filled by legal workers from states with high unemployment rates or by unemployed Arizonans driven out of the workforce because of depressed wages created by illegal immigration.

And in Maricopa County, the state’s economic and population center, County Attorney Andrew Thomas and Sheriff Joe Arpaio, have said employers can expect vigorous enforcement of the law,

Señor McCain’s desperation springs eternal: Send in your fifty bucks for a shot at a hot time in icy New Hampshire

December 30, 2007
This exciting message direct from the McCain campaign:

Be the lucky person who gets to spend January 8th in New Hampshire with Senator McCain and the campaign staff as we push on to victory! Every person who donates at least $50 between now and January 4th and every maxed out donor to the campaign will be eligible to win this opportunity to be a part of McCain history.

Donate at least $50 below and you will be eligible to be a part of the fun and excitement that is the New Hampshire Primary! We will contact the winner by phone on January 5th so you have time to make your travel arrangements to New Hampshire. Official Rules and Restrictions

Sounds like a ton of fun, but we’re planning on cleaning out the garage and washing the dog that day.

McCain boasts, “I am legend!”

December 29, 2007

Braggadocio takes center stage with the dependably arrogant John McCain

Compares himself to biblical Lazarus rising from the dead.

This is oddly reminiscent of when John Lennon declared the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.