Pornography marketed as mainstream entertainment to kids

June 4, 2023

Melissa Henson has written ‘The Idol’ Normalizes a Pornographic Culture, posted on Townhall.

Henson is vice president of the Parents Television and Media Council (PTC), a nonpartisan education organization advocating for responsible entertainment.

“Responsible entertainment” marketed at American youth is decidedly in short supply these days, when receipts take priority over integrity, and too many parents, shirking responsibility, claim they are too busy to pay attention.

A TikTok-ing Time Bomb is another exposé, longer but worthy of your time, particularly if you have children or grandchildren. Knowledge is power.

Protecting Parents’ Rights with the ‘Given Name Act’

February 15, 2023

Radical gender ideology hidden from parents as schools encourage students to experiment with “transgenderism”

The Heritage Foundation has a newly issued Fact Sheet that should be mandatory reading for every parent, guardian and engaged grandparent of a K-12 age student. Changing names and pronouns is the first step in the implementation of radical gender ideology, which eventually leads to life-altering drugs and irreversible medical procedures. Without substantiation from a well-respected organization such as Heritage, this topic would be impossible to fathom. Read the brief ‘Given Name Act.’

The National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) shows reading and math test scores are significantly below the norm but manipulating pronouns takes center stage.

Leftist NEA has more pressing matters than educating America’s children

July 10, 2022

Parents who object to radical agenda labeled “domestic terrorists”

The National Education Association (NEA) has an agenda that would likely stun most parents who mistakenly think it is dedicated to educating their children. Bob Unruh (bio), reporting for WND, headlines his must read coverage, “NEA announces its priorities for teachers: abortion and LGBT agenda.”

He reveals, “The convention of the nation’s largest teacher’s union reportedly drew some 6,000 delegates to Chicago, where many of the decisions are all but determined by NEA’s staff and board officers. Delegates can raise business items and resolutions, but the 6,000 delegates represent a tiny slice of the NEA’s 3 million members.”

Previously, the New York Post editorially covered Biden’s U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland referring to concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.”

Open Secrets details the astronomical donations from teacher’s unions which gave $hundreds of millions to leftwing candidates and causes during the last election cycle. Republicans were not worthy of contributions from the teachers and their organizations. These people spend more time with America’s children than many parents do. Pay attention and discuss current news and politics with your children…or we will lose our country. They are getting daily infusions of indoctrination by the union members.

State Farm engages in trans indoctrination of 5-year-olds

May 24, 2022

Johnny can’t read, Suzy can’t write, but they’re learning transgenderism

The Washington Examiner titles its must read report, “State Farm donating transgender books for 5-year-olds to schools in Florida,” to which we are directing our readers. To call it shocking is the height of understatement.

Expansion of parental rights in education belittled in local newspaper

May 3, 2022

Duplicity reigns at leftist Arizona Republic

Rating prominent placement in the Valley & State section is a report headlined, “These contentious education bills now law.”

The report begins with these words:

“Two controversial education bills that would create procedures for parents to review library books and allow parents to sue if they believe a school has violated their access to a student’s records were signed into law by Gov. Doug Ducey.” 

The slippery, agenda-driven reporter obviously means “their” child rather than “a” child’s student records.  This deceit is standard operating procedure at the Hillary-endorsing, open-border promoting, failing newspaper.

Reporter Yana Kunichoff, a Chicago transplant, cites House Bill 2161 and House Bill 2439 as examples of what she views as egregious parental overreaches that warrant the descriptive words “controversial” and “contentious.”

If you are among the few who still subscribe to this overpriced, putrid garbage masquerading as news…Cancel! Tired of having your intelligence insulted? Cancel! Call 1-800-332-6733. You’ll get someone in the Philippines who is paid 50% less than an American-based employee as the dying newspaper tries to keep costs down.

Gender identity lessons invade N.J. 1st grade classrooms

April 11, 2022

This revealing editorial, “NJ gender-identity lessons for first graders prove parents were right to worry,” by Karol Marcowicz was prominently displayed in the New York Post over the weekend.

The disturbing lesson plans are being foisted upon young children, teaching them that their gender is malleable.

Randi Weingarten, the former president of the American Federation of Teachers, (AFT) wields tremendous clout as an AFL–CIO union leader and a lawyer. She is also a lesbian married to another woman as reported in Teachers for Choice, an organization that opposes government imposed medical mandates in order for any Americans — especially educators — to remain employed.  To no one’s surprise, Weingarten has long opposed charter schools and school choice.

The AFT was the first national union to endorse Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential primaries. These are the people who influence America’s students each and every weekday.

Open Secrets reveals teachers unions have steadily amped up their political involvement: From 2004 to 2016, their donations grew from $4.3 million to more than $32 million — an all-time high. Even more than most labor unions, they have little use for Republicans, giving democrats at least 94 percent of the funds they contributed to candidates and parties since as far back as 1990, where Open Secrets data begins. Check out where they see fit to place their considerable resources.

This is all important reading.

Who “owns” our children?

February 15, 2022

Parents haven’t abdicated their rights, but schools attempt to usurp them

Using the newly trendy pronoun “they” rather than “he” and “she,” the local newspaper displays its hipness with a prominently featured, lengthy report headlined, “Advocates warn Arizona bill could hurt LGBTQ students.”

Written by Endia Fontanez, a leftist ASU Cronkite Journalism School graduate, who interned last year with OUTvoices Phoenix, her niche at the vacuous and hemorrhaging subscriptions Arizona Republic, is ostensibly covering health but actually focuses on the promotion of what is now being mainstreamed as LGBTQ — an acronym for “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (or questioning).”

The headlined article focuses on House Bill 2161, which defines the rights of parents over their own children and clarifies existing parental rights laws by stating that a parent has access to a minor child’s medical and educational records, whether written or electronic. It ensures that public and charter schools that intend to survey students, must first provide the survey language to parents to properly obtain written informed consent. The bill also allows parents to sue the government, including public schools, for violations of their rights.

This is a bill that would never previously have been regarded as necessary, but times have unfortunately, changed, as homosexuality has relentlessly been promoted in every phase of entertainment and now has its long tentacles reaching into taxpayer-funded schools that intend to seize and obliterate parental authority over their own children. Teacher’s unions are generous supporters of democrat candidates.*

This alarming concept, now gaining momentum, is not new. Nearly a decade ago, CNSNews exposed a 30-second promo for MSNBC’s Lean Forward campaign, featuring educrat Melissa Harris-Perry, advocating that society end the “private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” and instead institute a “collective notion” that kids “are our children,” they belong to the community.

While U.S. schools focus on sexualizing our children and mandating masks, U.S. News and World Reports presented this distressing report, U.S. Students Show No Improvement in Math, Reading, Science on International Exam in Dec. 2019, coinciding with the onset of the COVID pandemic. The situation worsened as unionized teachers stopped teaching and schools closed.

Center for Arizona Policy (CAP), a non-profit advocacy group whose mission is to promote and defend the foundational values of life, marriage, family and religious freedom, does an exceptional job of summarizing and following the progress of HB 2161.

* H/T Open Secrets

AZ high school: Parents shut down transgender awareness week

December 12, 2021

Goodyear’s Estrella Foothills High School mission statement: “Inspire minds to change the world … everyone, everyday.“

Today we take our readers directly The Federalist, which shines a bright light on the social absurdities advancing in our taxpayer-funded schools, while actual education falls through the cracks. 

Spencer Lindguist writes an outstanding exposé on the insanity overtaking public schools, as he reports on the promotion and celebration of ‘Transgender Awareness Week’ at Estrella Foothills High School in Goodyear, AZ. The program was successfully shut down by outraged parents. 

Arizona High School Halts Transgender Spirit Week After Outcry From Parents,” contains important information and clearly illustrates why parents need to be vigilant when it comes to what is passing for education at their children’s schools.

According to 2018-2019 Public School Review* of Goodyear’s Estrella Foothills High School, the percentage of students achieving proficiency in math stood at 60-64%. The percentage of students achieving proficiency in reading/language arts was less than half at 48%, clearly indicating the teaching time could be better spent on educational basics rather than celebrating transsexuality.

Following objections from enraged parents, Principal Kimberly Heinz canceled “Spirit Week” after the first day, telling parents in a mass email that “our administrative team met this afternoon and have made the decision that we will not move forward with the remaining awareness days this week.”

Lindquist’s report includes email exchanges between 24-year-old instructor Courtney Ratkus and Principal Kimberly Heinz, as well as to students. Ratkus, the sponsor of the Coexist Club, needs to find employment other than indoctrinating students in transsexuality. Solitary street sweeping would be a better fit for this radical.

National Review has written how the perverted scheme passing as education has been gaining traction within the educrat community as schools disallow parents to opt their children out of the programs that begin in kindergarten. Your eyes did not deceive you. Kindergarten is where the sexually deviant brainwashing begins. Open Secrets shows where the teachers unions send their political donations. It isn’t to conservatives.

* Updated numbers are not available due to schools being shuttered during COVID.

Exceptional exposé of agenda-driven public/government schools

October 24, 2021

Columbia University Law Professor Philip Hamburger has written a stellar assessment of America’s public school system, titled “Is the Public School System Constitutional?” It was posted as a commentary in the Wall Street Journal.

His summery includes these words: “Education consists mostly in speech, and parents have a right under the First Amendment to exercise authority over what their children hear.”

The WSJ requires a subscription, so the link may not work. Tap “Read Article” in the WSJ’s pop-up box. It’s important reading. If the first paragraph link doesn’t work, SRAZ located the commentary on the Fry Electronics site, which advertises itself as “an automatic aggregator of the all world’s media.” The paragraphs are oddly spaced, but the content remains. One way or another, this is a must read.

Sham scheme to “eliminate racism” dumbs down math students

February 23, 2021

Who knew math was “capitalist, imperialist, and racist”?

Today we’re taking our readers directly to a head-spinning example of the lunacy that leftist billionaire Bill Gates is funding through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Washington Examiner tops its crucial exposé with these words: Gates Foundation behind effort to end white supremacy in math instruction by eliminating need for students to show work.”

No kidding.

This opinion piece by Jeremy Beaman explains The “Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction” which is best described as racist.

The actual guidelines to the Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction uses these descriptive words, claiming to facilitate an ”Integrated approach to mathematics that centers Black, Latinx, and Multilingual students in grades 6-8, addresses barriers to math equity, and aligns instruction to grade-level priority standards.” The site includes “5 Strides on the Path to Math Equality,” each with its own download

Rather than focusing on one correct answer, the program encourages math teachers to “come up with at least two answers that might solve a problem.”

It continues with this indecipherable jargon: “Challenge standardized test questions by getting the ‘right’ answer, and justify other answers by unpacking the assumptions that are made in the problem.”

The scheme also encourages teachers to “center ethnomathematics,” which includes a variety of guidelines. One of them instructs educators to “identify and challenge the ways that math is used to uphold capitalist, imperialist, and racist views.”

The consequences of this radicalism passing as education can’t be overstated. A catastrophe is first invading America’s far left, educrat-run classrooms* and will then envelop our nation unless we expose and eradicate it now.

* Center for Responsive Politics displays shocking charts showing the $multi-millions teachers unions give to democrat candidates and their own lobbying “clients” who push their educrat agenda in the halls of congress.