“Vaccine Passports”: Biden’s latest leftist assault on freedom

March 31, 2021

The Biden administration has a new assault on freedom. Known as the “vaccine passport,” it creates an extensive caste system unheard of in the United States, contingent on whether or not individual citizens have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

A vaccine passport would be carried like a driver‘s license or insurance card, providing proof of inoculation against the coronavirus. It would be mandatory for employment, boarding an airplane and such commonplace activities as visiting a restaurant, sporting event, movie theater or gym.

The far-reaching implications are alarming as complicit multi-national entities would be exchanging personal information and violating the privacy of travelers.

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Director of Health Emergencies, Dr. Michael Ryan, told news media that vaccine passports should not be used as a requisite for travel due to “real practical and ethical concerns.” The WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is known as a propagandist for China, so this legitimate statement from Dr. Ryan comes as a welcome surprise.

On his first day in the Oval Office, among the myriad executive orders prepared by his handlers and awaiting his signature, frail Joe Biden signed a 200-page national coronavirus pandemic strategy, which he obviously had not read. The plan included a directive for multiple government agencies to “assess the feasibility” of linking COVID shots to international vaccination certificates and producing digital versions of them.

There are looming concerns about vaccine passports. WHO has said that international travelers should not be required to show proof that they’ve gotten a coronavirus vaccine — noting there are “critical unknowns” about how effective the vaccines are, especially with the spread of more infectious COVID variants. The Royal Society, an academy of sciences in the United Kingdom, stresses that any consideration of a vaccine passport system should take into account how well different vaccines fight the COVID variants.

But prudence stops with leftist unions and the Biden administration. Over two dozen airline trade organizations, labor unions and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have asked the Biden administration to “establish uniform guidance” for a method of proof of COVID-19 immunity, according to a letter sent last week to White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeff Zients.

That correspondence preceded even more appalling doubletalk from Biden surrogates. Andy Slavitt, a senior adviser to the White House COVID-19 response team, said in a press briefing that “it’s not the role of the government to hold that data and to do that,” when asked about vaccine passports. “But we do believe that when that gets done, there is a right way and a way that’s not as good,” Slavitt incoherently blathered. “And the right way is, it needs to be private, the data should be secure, the access to it should be free, it should be available both digitally and in paper, and in multiple languages, and it should be open source.”

How our personal information can be both “private, secure” and an “open source,” was never explained.

Biden’s handlers pick politically correct Fed. Judges

March 30, 2021

Gender, ethnicity, religion, advance as top qualifiers for the federal bench

Frail Joe Biden’s handlers have announced the administration’s first slate of 11 federal judicial nominations to fill federal circuit and district court vacancies. Legal qualifications are incidental, though the list referred to in a statement as “groundbreaking“ and “trailblazing,” focused on their “broad diversity of background experience and perspective.”

 Nine of the nominees are women. Three are identified as black, others as a “Muslim American and an Asian American and Pacific Islander.”

The black women nominated for federal circuit court vacancies include Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Tiffany Cunningham for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and Candace Jackson-Akiwumi for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

Regina Rodriguez has been nominated for the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado.

Firsts matter.  Zahid N. Quraishi, a New Jersey magistrate judge, would be the nation’s first Muslim American of Pakistani heritage to serve on a federal district court. Judge Florence Pan would be the first Asian-American judge to serve on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Judge Rupa Ranga Puttagunta, an East Indian-American, appointed by D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser as an Administrative Judge for the D.C. Rental Housing Commission is also on the PC list. 

Is a fair trial possible for ex-officer Derek Chauvin?

March 29, 2021

The trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, charged with second-degree and third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the death of violent career criminal and repeatedly incarcerated*George Floyd, is scheduled to start this morning. Three other former officers who witnessed the incident will be tried together in a separate trial scheduled for Aug. 23, 2021.

Chauvin’s defense attorney will be eclipsed by four prosecutors led by DNC chief, Minnesota Attorney General and former congressman Keith Ellison. He was also elected despite allegations of abuse from his former girlfriend.

Jury selection was hampered by widespread knowledge of the ill-timed, and many would argue — ill-conceived — $27 million settlement the Minneapolis City Council unanimously voted to award Floyd’s family.

On cue, Rev. Al Sharpton, a radical race-baiter who’s never had a congregation, organized hundreds to a Sunday night prayer vigil to “honor” George Floyd on the eve of the murder trial.

Unemployed 46-year-old George Floyd, aka Floyd Perry, was resisting arrest as he was apprehended for attempting to pass a counterfeit $20 dollar bill in a store. As his autopsy report verifies, he was 6’4”tall, weighed 223 pounds, tested positive for COVID-19 and was high on drugs. Yet he became the rallying cry for malicious BLM looters and arsonists who mounted destructive demonstrations in numerous American cities, and called for defunding the police.

Will this Minneapolis police body cam exonerating footage be shown at the trial? It needs to be.

* Scroll down through the Daily Mail news article to view numerous police reports.

Biden’s promised “transparency” evaporates

March 28, 2021

Within hours of Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration, his recycled Obama administration spokeswoman, Jen Psaki vowed “to bring truth and transparency” back to the White House…deceptively insinuating such elements had vanished under President Trump. She also declared her “deep respect for the role of a free and independent press in our democracy.”

That respect for the press must be the reason for excluding Fox News reporter Peter Doocy from being called on during Biden’s first press conference, 65 days into his administration.

Among the first casualties of the promised transparency is the Homeland Security Advisory Council, which Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said he would “reconstitute” in the next few weeks as he switches to a new model for the committee…likely one less transparent. Cuban-born Mayorkas, another recycled Obama-era insider, was a key player of Obama’s presidential transition team and the director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, implementing the controversial DACA program.

Mayorkas, in this letter sent Friday and obtained by Politico, high-handedly informed the committee that he is ending the terms of the 32 current members.

For all of the Biden administration’s blather about openness and transparency a far more illustrative image is its refusal to allow news cameras inside U.S. Customs and Border Protection facilities to see the massive influx of illegal invaders, many of whom are unaccompanied minors. That claim of transparency also evaporated.

On day one, during a virtual White House ceremony to swear in nearly 1,000 federal appointees and staff who do not require senate confirmation, feeble Biden donned his tough guy demeanor as he emphasized public service and respect, warning:

“If you’re ever working with me and I hear you treating another colleague with disrespect, talking down to someone, I will fire you on the spot,” he threatened the staff.

The same admonition obviously doesn’t apply when DHS Secretary Mayorkas indiscriminately fires 32 experienced members of the advisory council.

AZ Gov. Ducey lifts COVID restrictions as he looks ahead

March 27, 2021

Governor Doug Ducey issued Executive Order 2021-06 on March 25. After scrolling through 17 WHEREAS’ readers will finally get down to the NOW THEREFORE, officially certified with a gold seal, signed by Ducey and attested to by the secretary of state. According to COVID-19 Tracker, over 3 million vaccine doses have been administered so far in Arizona, with 14.8% fully vaccinated, and 26.7% of the population who have received at least one dose.

Bearing the effusive title, “New Phase of COVID-19 Mitigation…Business Guidelines Transition From Requirements to Recommendations,” the Executive Order officially provides Arizonans and businesses the ability to get back to living and reopening businesses. There’s always a backstory.

Ducey’s official bio omits his close association with John and Cindy Hensley McCain. When Ducey came to Arizona to attend ASU he worked at Hensley & Company, heiress Cindy’s Anheuser-Busch beer distributorship inherited from her father. A squish Republicrat, she endorsed and campaigned for Joe Biden for president in 2020.

Ever pragmatic Ducey was onstage with President Donald Trump at his Feb. 19, 2020 overflow pre-pandemic rally at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, accepting the president’s accolades for securing the border. But within days, he forfeited his authority to Mexico as he halted the Sanctuary City ban.

It’s far worse to be stabbed in the back by someone masquerading as a Republican, than a candid Leftist.

Duplicitous Ducey is not going to go quietly into the dark night when his current term expires January 1, 2023. He’s got something up his sleeve which could well entail a self-serving party switch as he seeks his next gig. 

This post, “AZ Gov. Doug Ducey sells out to China,” details his groundwork, as he recently sold his 11,412 sq. ft. Paradise Valley golf course fairway home situated on 2.14 acres, at a discounted rate of $8,150,000. It includes a link to this World Tribune commentary by Joe Schaeffer, “Arizona Gov. Ducey to China: ‘Lots of opportunities’ to exploit ‘our defense industry, mining and ores.’” To call it enlightening would be the height of understatement.

Biden speaks! Fawning press lobs softball questions

March 26, 2021

On Thursday, day 65 of his presidency, hidin’ Joe Biden finally emerged to read from crib notes, sometimes going blank and stumbling. He was never challenged by the leftist reporters, taking questions from only ten of the few allowed in, while tactically omitting acknowledging FOX News‘ Peter Doocy. Photos of pre-selected reporters with their names and notes were seen on one of the pages he was shuffling through in a binder on the podium. Both the “cheat sheets” detailing key policy points and the identities of attending journalists are clearly depicted by Fox News.

Taxpayer-subsidized PBS’ leftist reporter Yamiche Alcindor was enthralled as she both gushed and lied with this toadying statement:

“You’ve said over and over again that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now. That message is not being received,” she deceptively stated. “Instead, the perception of you that got you elected as a moral, decent man is the reason a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and are trusting you with unaccompanied minors.”

There is nothing moral, decent or humanitarian about incentivizing people to embark on dangerous trips with criminal drug cartels, who often abuse those who paid to be transported. The most recent number of unaccompanied minors being held in stretched-to-the-limit border facilities is 16,000.

In fact, Biden, who said he’d “spent 120 years in the senate” campaigned on opening the border, an issue he’s reneging on as president. The tightly scripted press conference was a continuation of Team Biden’s campaign basement strategy — preventing impromptu interactions, keeping him on note cards, staying away from any specific numbers. 

During his first speaking appearance, he said nothing about the economy, jobs, or reopening America’s schools, and implied the filibuster, which the democrats now want to eliminate, is racist, a remark that went unchallenged.

When sycophantically asked if he planned on running for reelection, 78-year-old Biden, who has exhibited cognitive difficulties throughout the campaign, said, “My plan is to run for reelection. That is my expectation.” Biden would be 82 on Jan. 20, 2025, Inauguration Day for the winner of the next election. Bets are he won’t serve out this complete term.

Asked whether he expects to face former President Trump in another general election campaign, Biden blathered, “I have no idea. I have no idea if there will be a Republican Party.”

Despite his struggles, radically left Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin, remained enthusiastic, declaring the president “excelled” while the media, which coddled him, “did not succeed in knocking Biden off message.”  Clearly enfeebled Biden had no message. He had prepared scripts from which he read and for which was strenuously rehearsed  during preparatory mock sessions.

The so-called “press conference” was such an embarrassment, the far left, Biden-supporting  local newspaper relegated the coverage to the bottom of page six.

Biden is not a president, he’s a farce.

Frail Biden officially abdicates power to Harris

March 25, 2021

Biden declares Harris “Speaks for me.” Who speaks for Americans?

There’s no point in tiptoeing around the unprecedented presidential calamity. It’s there for all the world, and certainly Americans, to see. The frail geriatric in the White House, scheduled to give his first press conference today, 64 days after his inauguration, is clearly unfit for the job. Elected after hiding out in his basement bunker, he has frequently stumbled, fallen and forgotten the names of his own defense secretary and other administration officials. On the campaign trail, he mistook his wife for his sister, and when trying to recite the Declaration of Independence, forgot the words, and said, “Go…oh, you know the thing.” Exhibiting signs of dementia, Biden has repeatedly referred to VP Kamala Harris as ’President Harris.”

Now the bumbling Biden who previously told the border invaders, “You should come,” is abdicating his responsibilities to contain the colossal surge of illegal aliens breaching our border, announcing he will put Kamala Harris in charge, saying, “When she speaks, she speaks for me.” Between Harris and recycled Obama administration lackey, spokesperson Jen Psaki, Biden has gotten away with being obscure and unavailable.

This announcement followed his laying blame for the current crisis at the feet of President Trump, who actually authorized the construction of a border wall and instituted policies to quell the flood of Central Americans and Mexican nationals, many of whom are unaccompanied minors traveling with dangerous members of drug cartels, during a devastatingly deadly global pandemic. Once they cross into the U.S., the holding facilities are so packed, they are given bus tickets and allowed to proceed and fan out across the United States. 

No matter what the Biden-Harris administration claims, it was the policies of President Trump that negatively impacted the invasion.

During Kamala Harris’ term as California‘s junior senator, GovTrack ranked her “Most politically left compared to All Senators” and “least likely to join bi-partisan bills.” That placed her to the left of acknowledged Socialist Bernie Sanders.

Media cover-up: Colo. supermarket killer was a Syrian-born Muslim

March 24, 2021

Colorado massacre spurs Dem’s renewed gun control efforts

Within hours of the Boulder, Colorado deadly supermarket shooting that killed ten people including a police officer who was the father of seven, democrats on Capitol Hill began using the tragedy to launch Second Amendments rights restrictions.

The shooter, described by the networks as “another white male” is actually Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, a Syrian-born Muslim. The leftwing local newspaper blandly headlines the mass murderer Alissa as “a 21-year-old Colorado man.” Mentioning that he is a Muslim from Syria doesn’t fit its narrative.

His family is already working on providing an alibi, saying Alissa is delusional and believed people were following or chasing him, which they claim may have contributed to the shootings. A former high school classmate said Alissa, then on the school’s wrestling team, told fellow teammates he was going to kill all of them, but, “no one believed him or did anything about it.”  Surely they must have heard about the Columbine High School massacre and the Aurora theater carnage, both of which occurred in Colorado.

In Washington, D.C., Sen. Chuck Schumer declared he was already committed to sending a universal background check bill to the U.S. Senate. Joe Biden is said to be considering signing another executive action, that restricts the rights of law abiding gun owners — bypassing congress. So desperate are they to curtailing our constitutional freedoms, they could run the two items concurrently.

For a memory jogger, check out this 2012 SRAZ post  titled, “Them Dem Hypocrites,” which comes complete with photos of leading Second Amendment restrictionists and their guns. Chuck Schumer is featured. Barack Obama is pictured with his rifle in the U.K.’s Daily Mail.

When she was Barack Obama’s Homeland Security chief, Janet Napolitano the far-left former Arizona governor, issued a scathing Department of Homeland Security report identifying American returning military vets as  “Right-wing extremists” who pose national security threats. Napolitano claimed, “Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to right-wing extremists.”  It’s still available and can be read under the link

Kamala Harris’ takeover of WH verified by unprecedented language mandate

March 23, 2021

Incrementalism replaced by bold assertion

When Slo-Joe Biden recently referred to VP Kamala Harris as “President Harris,” it was more accurate than a mere slip of the tongue. The latest evidence that the shift is beginning in earnest is the odd directive reported on “Outspoken” titled, “EXCLUSIVE To downplay Biden, White House directs all agencies to refer to ‘Biden-Harris Administration’ in official communications.” 

A leaked email from an employee of a federal government agency reveals the White House is shifting toward a communication strategy that elevates Vice President Kamala Harris in all official White House business.

The directive, the employee reports, emanated from a top White House communications team member and instructs all 15 executive agencies to refer to the Biden administration as the “Biden-Harris Administration.” Those departments include the following executive agencies: Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, Veterans Affairs, and the U.S. Attorney General.

“Please be sure to reference the current administration as the ‘Biden-Harris Administration’ in official public communications,” the directive reads, with “Biden-Harris Administration” accented in bold. The White House twitter account is now using the same wording.

SRAZ was ahead of the announcement as evidenced by our blogroll “Categories” in which we began using the term Harris/Biden immediately following the January 20, 2021 inauguration, as it became increasingly clear that Biden was a momentary figurehead…suffering from mental and physical decline, as noted by former White House physician and current Texas Congressman, Ronny Jackson. After two full months in office, Biden has yet to hold a press conference in which he spontaneously engages with the accommodating press, he has no need to fear. His first one is scheduled for Thursday.

The White House has previously told the press corps it wanted questions submitted to Biden’s staff in advance. If they comply with that request on Thursday, it will be the most convincing evidence Americans need of the devious collusion between the media and the political left. They would never tolerate such behavior from any politician outside of the uniparty to which they all pay homage.*

* This revealing Media Research Center article is not current, but the facts remain the same.

Mesa AZ has charlatan Mayor John Giles leading the city

March 22, 2021

Appearing Sunday on CNN’s “Inside Politics,” Mesa Arizona’s Republican Mayor John Giles says that he has been “impressed so far” by the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis. The Hill has the dialogue in print.

Either Giles isn’t paying attention, impresses easily or thinks halting construction of the border wall and allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to invade the USA is somehow beneficial — especially during the Coronavirus pandemic and as millions of Americans remain unemployed and new jobless claims are historically high. The Washington Examiner reports the Biden administration is opening another overflow facility to house illegals near the U.S.-Mexico border, where thousands of unaccompanied minors, facilitated by members of well-paid drug cartels, are continually breaching our sovereign border. Others, known as OTM and SIA, acronyms for illegal aliens who are ‘Other Than Mexican’ or ‘Special Interest Aliens’ are from places far removed from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. U.S. Border Patrol agents have apprehended invaders from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen. Not only is this unacceptably dangerous, we are then on the hook for the costs to accommodate their basic needs, and educate their children, while the adults flood our depressed labor market, undercutting American wages. 

Mexico disallows the U.S. to send citizens from other countries back through Mexico. Under U.S. law, they’re entitled to a formal deportation hearing. The immigration service lacks beds to hold them, so the vast majority of OTMs are released from custody and asked to voluntarily return for their court date. Guess how that turns out.

This Breitbart headline says it all:Mesa, AZ Mayor Giles: ‘I’ve Been Impressed So Far’ with Biden Administration on Border Surge.”

The good people of Mesa who thought they were voting for a Republican and found they got a Biden admirer instead, should consider kicking this charlatan to the curb with a Constitutionally permissible recall. 

Mesa residents, who deserve better, can and should do it!