Trump-hating AZ Republic cuts staff, blames virus

March 31, 2020

Propaganda machine needs to bear responsibility for its fade to black status

Journalists were once regarded as reputable presenters of fact, ethically dedicated to accuracy, fairness and balance. They forged a bond of trust with their readers as they delivered the news.

For the most part, those days are gone, replaced by strident partisan reporters, driven by hatred of the President of the United States. At the recently sold, homeless Arizona Republic, ASU Cronkite School interns working for a byline and sans editors are the rule rather than the exception. The shrinking newspaper with its unwavering bond to the left, has continued to hemorrhage subscribers, even after their massive exodus following its blunderous 2016 presidential endorsement of Hillary Clinton. 

The Daily Beast announced Monday that the “Coronavirus downturn has forced Gannett to make deep [personnel] cuts.” That’s skewed news at its finest. Newspapers survived other calamities from the Civil War and World Wars I and II to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, the horrific deaths of 3000 by Muslim extremists on September 11, 2001 and everything in-between. We survived them all and so did the newspapers of the day. 

Recent pay cuts and furloughs have far less to do with the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic than they do to readers tiring of the distorted reports and raw Trump hatred — flagrantly absurd in Arizona, a state that gave all 11 of its electoral votes to Donald Trump.

The AZ Republic has been in serious decline for some time. The big boom dropped with the news that to avoid layoffs, Gannett employees will be furloughed five, unpaid days a month through June. That’s three months of 4-day weeks — with no solid guarantees.  Poynter, the go-to insider site, posted this copy of CEO Paul Bascobert’s letter to staff, including this dismal FAQ.

Even without the pandemic, which caused Gov. Doug Ducey to issue thisStay at home order,” on Monday, Gannett had plenty of challenges, as losses in its print businesses showing no sign of abating. In a contorted move, the company sold itself last year to New Media Investments, the parent of GateHouse Newspapers. The new company kept the Gannett name.

“It’s hard to see the path forward,” Mi-Ai Parrish the former president and publisher of The Arizona Republic is quoted as saying. “I think there’s something different about what’s happening right now. They’re all covering COVID. But everybody’s covering it. And nobody’s being paid for it. There are no advertisements.”

Pandemics aside. When newspapers continually insult the intelligence of their readers, it is not a model for success.

On March 22, the Arizona Republic’s Sunday edition headlined in a Kumbaya fashion. “We are in this TOGETHER.” That didn’t last long. Four short days later, the editorial blasted, “Trump doesn’t get it.” It claimed he was missing the point if his top priority is the economy, and mystifyingly lectured, his first job is to protect the people of our country, an issue to which the president has shown an enduring commitment.

Recently the deceitful newspaper has been blatant in its efforts to switch its remaining subscribers to the much cheaper to produce “E-Edition” which it vows will “allow readers to stay connected and informed. Make sure you are familiar with all the ways you can access your subscription online.” It will bring you “Coronavirus coverage,” as though it was unattainable everywhere else — without charge.

Now that expensive obituaries are not being placed due to houses of worship being closed and assembled mourners being limited to ten, ads are hawking sending Mother’s Day and Graduation congratulations on the pages of the newspaper no one reads.  Both announcements scream out the carnival barker’s pitch, “Hurry! Hurry! Place your ad today!”

The bell tolls.

Wuhan Coronavirus packs political punch for the left

March 30, 2020

Washington Times columnist Cheryl K. Chumley has written an extraordinarily insightful commentary that merits Monday morning placement.

Do yourself a favor and readCOVID-19: A crisis fit for a new world order.”

Seeing Red AZ has added a new link to our blogroll courtesy of Bing’s search engine.  Coronavirus Tracker is filled with updated, pertinent information in these unprecedented times. 

Joe Biden’s incoherence is definitely not a stutter

March 29, 2020

“We choose truth over facts”: Biden at Iowa State Fair

As Joe Biden, the presumptive 2020 Democrat presidential nominee displays increasing symptoms of mental decline associated with dementia, his desperate handlers and defenders have begun attributing his incoherence to the speech impediment known as a stutter.

In a recent interview, Biden laid out his plan to help children do better in schools. His solution includes social workers and record players.

“We bring social workers into homes of parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. It’s not that they don’t wanna help, they don’t want — they don’t know quite what to do.

Play the radio, make sure the television, the — ‘scuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the…the…the…the phone, make sure the kids hear words. A kid coming from a very poor school, a very poor background, will hear four million words fewer spoken by the time they get there. Biden is also on record, saying, “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

Biden made this preposterous comment while addressing a town hall hosted by the Asian & Latino Coalition.

Watch this short montage for a potent reminder of his most recent absurd gaffes.


Review Mayo Clinic’s list of symptoms of a stutter, also known as a stammer.

Mayo Clinic’s list of dementia symptoms includes: Memory loss; Difficulty communicating or finding words; Difficulty reasoning or problem-solving; Difficulty handling complex tasks; Difficulty with planning and organizing; Difficulty with coordination and motor functions; Confusion and disorientation

Three-time presidential contender Joe Biden’s problem is definitely not a stutter.

Blinded by Trump hatred, NYT viciously attacks Christians

March 28, 2020

Federalist article points to the contempt in which the secular elites hold faith-based conservatives

There is no question that leftist newspapers, as The Hill pointed out, which overwhelmingly endorsed scandal-plagued Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, have never recovered from her dramatic loss. The failing Arizona Republic was among them, suffering catastrophic subscription cancellations that have never returned.

Today we take our readers directly to The Federalist which does an outstanding job of covering the reprehensible New York Times op-ed by hatemonger Katherine Stewart blaming Christians, Not China, For Spread Of Wuhan Coronavirus. The far left newspaper is subscription only.

As Americans self-quarantine, which President Trump’s team of medical experts have strongly advised, take time to acquaint yourself with the hate-filled spew that emits from the extremist media denigrating his religious supporters. The vicious op-ed reveres not God, but secularism.

Media Research Center printed, “Secular Snobs: Documenting the National Media’s Long-standing Hostility to religion,” in 2012.  It’s a longer, meticulously researched review that explains in annotated points the media’s contempt for religious Americans.  Do return to read it, as it provides the backdrop for the secular hatred of the faith-based. But today, as we lead up to the 2020 election, it’s imperative we focus on the New York Times hit piece on Christians.

Mexico ironically demands border security

March 27, 2020

The incoherent arrogance of Mexico would be laughable if not so ironic. The country whose citizens have been overrunning our southern border for decades is now demanding the United States control the flow of Americans into Mexico.

The concept of Americans flooding the corrupt country run by drug cartels is so preposterous, it was covered by numerous publications, including the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Newsweek headlined its coverage, “Protesters in Mexico block border crossing to demand stronger Coronavirus screenings for those coming from U.S.”

According to reports, hordes of Mexicans at Arizona’s southern border, wearing protective face masks held signs telling Americans to “stay at home.” Incredibly, they are not being called racists in the open border supporting Arizona Republic for doing so.

Their demands include banning visits for tourism and dental or medical procedures in Mexico for both U.S. citizens and Mexicans living in the United States. Topping the list is the insistence that Mexican health officials must begin medical screenings of everyone crossing the border for Wuhan Coronavirus symptoms, a risk few rational people are willing to take in the squalid country not known for cleanliness or safety. Highly contagious, infectious diseases that have been eradicated in the U.S. through vaccinations remain prevalent Mexico.

Mexicans with multiple diseases have long been illegally entering the U.S. and have more recently facilitated their Central American neighbors from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. 

Safety? In the first half of 2019 alone murders in Mexico jumped to the highest on record, according to Reuters News agency

Earlier this week we described U.S. Border Patrol agents reprehensibly defying President Trump’s order banning non-essential travel into U.S. during the deadly global Coronavirus pandemic.

Crime and corruption, which permeate Mexico and Central America, continually make their way across our southern border — with the support of Democrat lawmakers who preposterously view the criminal invaders as a reliable, burgeoning voting bloc.

Vile, hate-laden AZ Republic editorial emerges amid crisis

March 26, 2020

Trump-hating newspaper is a corpse in need of a crypt

What you are reading is not the post originally written this morning. Instead we are reacting to the irrational editorial featured in the today’s edition of the Trump-hating Arizona Republic newspaper.

Despite President Trump’s swift actions to address the virulent pandemic first identified as the Wuhan Coronavirus as it spread worldwide from China, his daily briefings to the American people including our nation’s top medical authorities and his firm grasp of the leadership reins as we all reel in the face of this unprecedented national shutdown of businesses and schools, he remains worthless in the eyes of the Hillary-endorsing newspaper. The briefings televised on Fox Cable News have become top watched programming, though far left CNN and MSNBC have refused to air them

Make no mistake. The editorial, headlined, “Trump doesn’t get it,” is intended to interject partisan politics into the most severe occurrence to affect America and the planet. The newspaper, admitting that it lost subscribers after its 2016 endorsement of scandal-plagued Hillary, attempted to generate sympathy by claiming it received death threats. It’s been a well-earned downhill slide since then. The Phoenix Business Journal reported that of all the newspapers in the Gannett national stable, the Republic has the lowest subscription rate, yet it continues to insult its remaining readers rather than provide impartial coverage.

We are living in perilous times when Americans are rallying to lend a hand to their neighbors, calling to say they have placed bags of canned goods and other necessities, or just picked citrus outside their doors. Staying healthy is the most vital concern as we are urged to self-quarantine.

Suddenly our soaring economy, reacting positively to the decisions of businessman Donald Trump, is in free-fall due to the illness imposed universal shutdowns. Disgracefully, the president has met with resistance from congressional Democrats in his efforts to assist legions of suddenly unemployed Americans and revive the economy via a Coronavirus relief bill.

Through perseverance and prayer we will get through these unprecedented times, much to the distaste of the leftist politicians and hate-driven extremists at the local newspaper.

Trump’s actions during crisis historically boost Dow

March 25, 2020

Radical Dems lurch further left as Pres. Trump prioritizes Americans

In a response to President Trump’s decisive actions in tackling the unprecedented Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic that has incapacitated the nation and the world, the financial markets registered a historic rebound Tuesday.

Despite his successes on behalf of the American people, the delusional leftists at the Hillary-supporting, barely surviving local newspaper, spew venom rather than accolades in the president’s direction.

It’s clear those far-left lunatics suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome would rather see America fail as long as Donald Trump is in the White House. Democrat partisan intransigence has stood as a barricade to Republican efforts to implement reforms that will benefit all Americans. 

A case in point, emaciated columnist E.J. Montini’s latest hit piece is titled, “He is not Dr. Donald Trump. Ignore the president’s medical assertions.” This follows President Trump’s daily meetings conferring with medical authorities on how best to eradicate the scourge. They appear together, each doctor speaking in televised briefings, which anti-Trump, agenda-driven CNN and MSNBC cut away from.

Imagine Montini writing anything similarly degrading about Barack Obama, who busied himself playing golf when reporter James Foley was videotaped being sadistically beheaded by an ISIS terrorist in Syria. Obama did lay his golf club down long enough to threaten Foley’s parents, warning them they could face charges if they attempted to raise the ransom money being demanded for the release of their son.

Though Obama couldn’t miss his rounds of golf vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard while Louisiana suffered devastating and deadly flooding, adoring Montini didn’t register a peep.

Such is the vile double standard of the Dems.

Finally, this morning, a massive $2 trillion economic stimulus deal was announced — the largest in modern American history. Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) stated, “This is a wartime level of investment into our nation.”

Tuesday, SRAZ exposed the Democrat’s treacherous partisan gamesmanship, attempting to detail to today’s accord.

Senate Dems remain focused on derailing Wuhan Coronavirus relief bill

March 24, 2020

Treacherous leftists put their partisan agenda ahead of the needs of Americans as financial markets collapse

Rejecting a $1.6 trillion economic relief package bill intended to provide aid to Americans in the wake of the unprecedented global Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic that is immobilizing our nation, Senate Democrats instead stuffed it full of their pet projects. The bill contained the leftist manipulation of election day voter registration and mentions diversity more than 60 times relating to filling positions based on race and disability status that have nothing to do with the virus aid package. Automatic renewal of work permits for foreign nationals also takes center stage, as does climate activism and wiping out student loan debt — an obvious attempt to garner the youth vote. The Dem package also includes unrelated tax breaks for wind and solar energy projects and stringent emission reduction requirements for the already ailing airline industry. The Dems even tried to slip federal abortion funding into the bill.

Democrat Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) even went so far as to hold up $50 billion in farm aid provisions, a key part of President Trump’s stimulus package. Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA) has no concept of acting in a bi-partisan manner even when we are faced with a calamity of immense portions. Americans are self-quarantining, jobs are lost as businesses shutter, schools are closed and grocery shelves look like they were attacked by ravaging locusts. The financial markets that were spectacularly soaring since President Trump’s 2016 election are now in free fall.

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) warned this morning that the “clock has run out” for “bargaining” on the third phase of a Coronavirus response package, urging Congress to pass legislation “today.”

“This is a national crisis. It’s the most serious threat to Americans’ health in over a century and quite likely the greatest risk to American jobs and prosperity that we’ve seen since the Great Depression,” he said. “The urgency and gravity in this moment cannot be lost on anyone.

Yet leftist obstructionism, ignoring the needs of the American people, is focused on attempting to ram through key portions of Bernie Sanders socialist agenda, minus the defeated presidential candidate.

Democrats should be ashamed, but that is obviously not an attribute they possess.

Abdul-Jabbar suffers from acute case of TDS

March 23, 2020

Trump Derangement Syndrome claims another victim

It’s been fifty years since basketball great Lew Alcindor, Jr. shook off his father’s name, converted to Islam and re-christened himself Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. He obviously didn’t realize he was honoring Arab slave traders as he rejected his American name. He also boycotted the 1968 Summer Olympics by opting not to try out for the U.S. Men’s Olympic Basketball team, which went on to capably win the gold medal. Abdul-Jabbar’s decision to shun the games was in protest of what he strangely regarded the unequal treatment of blacks in the United States, setting the stage for National Football League quarterback Colin Kaepernick to bend a knee rather than stand for the National Anthem decades later — though they both made $multi-millions and were idolized by fans.

This historical ignorance and rejection of America was, for a brief moment, voguish, as esteemed prize fighter Cassius Clay, Jr., also embraced Islam, ditched his father’s name and became Muhammed Ali.  He also used his new found faith as a cover for draft dodging during the Vietnam War. The ignorant Ali announced, “I ain’t got no quarrel with those Vietcong,” the communist troops aligned with ruthless dictator Ho Chi Minh, who was responsible for countless deaths in his own country and loss of life and limb of American servicemen trying to bring stability to those living under the brutal regime.

The lack of historical relevancy is worth noting since radical leftist Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has recently attacked President Donald Trump, comparing him to Nazis in Hunters Series, as reported in detail by Jay Maxson of NewsBusters. Abdul-Jabbar’s visceral Trump hatred spews like a geyser.  He also conveniently ignores the fact that the Nazi Third Reich tortured and slaughtered millions of minorities, including Jews, gypsies, and the infirm. Another pertinent fact that the black Muslim converts astonishingly disregard and as black conservative talk show host, columnist, author and lawyer Larry Elder pointed out in this column, “many know little to nothing about the vast role played by Arab and Muslim slavers in the African slave trade.”

Though the object of hero worship by fans of all races, Abdul-Jabbar was known to be rude to admirers and developed an arrogant penchant for insultingly reading the newspaper while giving interviews.

And who would have guessed that this historical revisionist actually graduated UCLA with a B.A in history?

Border Patrol defies Presidential order banning non-essential travel into U.S.

March 22, 2020

As the rebellious U. S. Border Patrol puts Americans at risk, the question to ask is, “Why?”

While the world is dealing with the highly contagious, deadly viral plague known as the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic, hundreds of carloads filled with Mexican nationals are being permitted to enter the U.S. at the Arizona border.

The Washington Examiner reports that hundreds of vehicles that should have been blocked are being allowed to cross the border into the United States on the flimsiest of claims and in violation of President Trump’s orders.

“We’re letting them through. And that’s pretty much the gist of it,” one Border Patrol official said. “Nobody’s enforcing it. It was put up — the president put it out. The chief patrol put it out. And we’re just not doing it.”

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) website lists its oddly ambiguous mission, which includes keeping terrorists and their weapons out of the U.S. while facilitating lawful international travel and trade.

American citizens have been under the mistaken impression that the law enforcement organization existed to protect our border, as its name clearly defines. The website absurdly includes a “vision statement,” detailing, “What the Agency aspires to become,” which states:

“To serve as the premier law enforcement agency enhancing the Nation’s safety, security, and prosperity through collaboration, innovation, and integration.”

We are living in unprecedented times with a pandemic that is altering daily routines in countless ways. Businesses are closing, healthcare resources are stretched to their limits, Americans are self-quarantining and many are worrying how they will pay their bills since their jobs are gone. The Border Patrol is a law enforcement agency not an innovative social services department. Allowing hundreds of cars filled with Mexican nationals access across our border is not only reprehensible, it further imperils the health and safety of our own citizens.

Whatever else you do today, read The Washington Examiner report, exposing the dangerous laxity on our border.