Why Pres. Trump will be reelected in 2020

May 31, 2019

Weary of Democrat obstructionism on the illegal invasion which has put our national security at risk and burdened American taxpayers — President Trump is taking bold steps to do an end run around their efforts to stall his implementation of security measures.

In a strongly worded message, he has warned Mexico, which has facilitated caravans of hundreds of thousands of Central American invaders, that the United States will begin imposing incrementally rising tariffs on Mexican imports until it ceases accommodating the breach of our sovereign southern border.

In his Statement Regarding Emergency Measures to Address the Border Crisis, (full statement) President Trump asserts, “Mexico’s passive cooperation in allowing this mass incursion constitutes an emergency and extraordinary threat to the national security and economy of the United States.  Mexico has very strong immigration laws and could easily halt the illegal flow of migrants, including by returning them to their home countries.  Additionally, Mexico could quickly and easily stop illegal aliens from coming through its southern border with Guatemala.”

President Trump’s pro-American statement substantiates his determination to end the crisis that he described using these words:

“As everyone knows, the United States of America has been invaded by hundreds of thousands of people coming through Mexico and entering our country illegally.  This sustained influx of illegal aliens has profound consequences on every aspect of our national life — overwhelming our schools, overcrowding our hospitals, draining our welfare system, and causing untold amounts of crime.  Gang members, smugglers, human traffickers, and illegal drugs and narcotics of all kinds are pouring across the Southern Border and directly into our communities.  Thousands of innocent lives are taken every year as a result of this lawless chaos.  It must end NOW!”

The White House announced the President will use the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (enacted in 1977 by Democrat Jimmy Carter) to implement the tariff.

As expected, congressional Democrats are crying “foul.” Among the crowd of 24 declared 2020 Dem challengers* who have any actual campaign presence, the sound of crickets chirping is louder than their protests regarding the border invasion. Their issues are free health care for all and the elimination of college debt, as they hope to capture the youth and senior voters with unsustainable giveaways paid for by working families.

Rational Americans already support Donald J. Trump. He won the presidency in a landslide in 2016. The policies he has implemented resonate with the American people. His following will only increase as his opponents’ Socialist views reach fever pitch.

* H/T Ballotpedia

Phoenix City Council elections expose ethnic divide

May 30, 2019

Unity kicked to the curb in Phoenix, AZ as radical activists win council seats

The local newspaper recently heralded the newly elected city council members with a headline blasting, “Elections shake up City Hall.” It was followed with an Elvia Diaz wishful thinking opinion piece titled, “Expect fireworks with Garcia win,” describing the May 20 runoff election.

The City of Phoenix is comprised of 8 regional districts, (map), each electing its own council member. Districts 5 and 9 were at play. The newly elected District 8 councilman Carlos Garcia, is enthusiastically described  by Diaz as a “Mexican native, and an “uncompromisingly revolutionary, unwavering in his defense of undocumented immigrants.” Diaz neglects to mention Garcia is also known to lead chants, “chinga la migra” (f**k the Border Patrol).

She is so stoked by the prospect of seditious insurgents in city hall that she begins two adjacent paragraphs with the words, “It’ll be fascinating to watch….”

It’ll be fascinating to watch García navigate Phoenix city government, which oversees the police department that his organization Puente Arizona and others are suing for clearing out an anti-Trump protest last year.

It’ll be fascinating to watch what kind of councilman García will turn out to be. She asks, “Will he remain the same firebrand who led protesters to chain themselves to the doors of the state’s Capitol…?”

District 5, on Phoenix’ west side, was won by Betty Guardado, a union activist. Editorialist  Diaz, incapable of using the words ‘radical leftists,’ writes, “Like García and recently elected Mayor Kate Gallego, Guardado is a progressive,” making her sound like a reincarnated President Teddy Roosevelt, which she is definitely not. She’s the director of organizing and vice president of Unite Here Local 11 and UNITE HERE labor unions, promising during a campaign rally, “This state is going to turn blue!” Read the linked exposés of the $multimillion unions she leads provided by Influence Watch.  

We are told,”Phoenicians should expect fireworks from Carlos García, who made no qualms about why he sought the council seat in the first place, “to give a voice to the most marginalized.” Which brings us to a bit of history:

Phoenix was previously governed by what was known as “Charter Government,” a mayoral candidate and at-large council candidates, who represented various backgrounds and interests. They ran as a slate, and though they had occasional challengers, they usually won as a team. Most importantly, they did not represent specific districts. This encouraged interaction and working together to benefit city as a whole.

Leftist perennial candidate Samuel Pearson Goddard, III, opting for the chummier nickname, “Terry” (based on Trey for “the third”) — won as mayor, though repeatedly losing trying to replicate his father’s single gubernatorial term. Goddard should be held responsible for dividing the city by districts and eliminating party affiliation, labeling the mayor and council candidates “non-partisan,” as if that concealed their bent.

We can thank liberal elitist Terry Goddard for making ethnicity the sole determiner of representation and irreparably fractionalizing Phoenix.

#RedsForEd teachers aggressively stalk legislators

May 29, 2019

The May 29 edition of the Hillary-endorsing local newspaper features a large photo of teachers, incorrectly headlined as “educators,” clad in their #RedsForEd tee shirts monitoring  state legislators. They filled the gallery of the Arizona Senate chamber to keep a “close eye on the new state budget.” The threat in the tagline is, “they want to hold legislators accountable.” Most are on their cell phones.

Let’s cut to the chase. In 2018 Arizona public school teachers, in violation of their contractual agreements, abandoned over 840,000 students for a week following a 23-year-old avowed Socialist— as they marched, danced to a brass band at the state capitol and clamored for a 20% pay raise for their part-time employment. Gov. Doug Ducey, momentarily balked, then caved to their outrageous demands.  SocialistWorker.org gloated.

SRAZ directs your attention to the 2019 activism expansion, which includes a brief video of how President Reagan handled the PATCO Air traffic controller strikers: May Day: Significant day for teachers to abandon students.

Today’s newspaper’s account calls their “activism more subdued.” They are given credit for sitting in the gallery through the late night through early morning session, which is often typical for legislators. The irony of the leftwing, unionized teachers* keeping a hawk eye on the state budget negotiations and threatening to “hold  legislators accountable,” is Arizona legislators have not had a pay increase since 1998. Unlike neighboring state California, where legislators are paid $110,459 and a hefty per diem of $192, our legislators receive $24,000 with $35 per diem for those within Maricopa County and $65 for those who often have to find local accommodations in a state that is larger than many eastern seaboard states. Sparsely populated North Dakota pays $177/day plus a lodging reimbursement up to $1,682 per month.

Political activism far supersedes a desire to positively impact students. Arizona public school students continue to under-perform as a shockingly low 41% of Arizona students passed math and reading on the 2018 AzMERIT test administered in grades 3-12 as reported by North Phoenix News.

Teachers are busying themselves electing Democrats. That is their commitment. It is not Arizona’s students. In Cave Creek School District, they’ve teamed with Planned Parenthood to sexualize elementary school children, but the kids can’t read with proficiency.

*Open Secrets

Texas passes looting deterrent bill, sent to Gov

May 28, 2019

As they wrapped up the 2019 legislative session over the Memorial Day weekend, Texas legislators, by a slim margin, voted to send HB1177, known as the Natural Disasters bill, to Governor Greg Abbott for his signature. Three Republicans folded, joining the Dems.

The NRA-backed measure protects law abiding citizens from being charged with a crime for carrying a handgun without a “license to carry” during declared state or local disasters enabling them to protect their property from looters for a week.

The Dallas Morning News reports, “Under current law, Texans who can legally own a firearm don’t need an additional license to openly carry a long arm, like a AR-15. However, to carry a handgun openly or concealed, Texans must get a ‘license to carry,’ which requires taking a course, including a shooting test, passing a background check and paying a fee.”

The fee is $140 with a $70 renewal after 4-years. The intended to impede processing time runs between 60-180 days.

Gun owners asked for these license rules to be loosened after Hurricane Harvey hit the Gulf Coast in 2017.  KHOU TV 11 reports, “Looters hit Houston after Harvey to the tune of nearly $1 million.” These homegrown thugs robbed businesses and their neighbor’s flooded homes, while good Samaritans from across the U.S. did whatever they could to provide assistance.

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo, an appointed Democrat whose annual taxpayer financed salary exceeds $260,000, ignores the realities as he previously told Texas citizens who support our Second Amendment protections, “I am not interested in your views as it pertains to this issue.”

The NRA tracks gun laws across the United States. This interactive map provides important information.

Pres. Trump’s inspiring 2019 Memorial Day message

May 27, 2019

We proudly join with President Donald Trump this Memorial Day as he issues an inspiring Proclamation on Prayer for Peace.

In recognizing “those who rest in the hallowed grounds of our country’s national cemeteries [and] laid their lives upon the altar of freedom,” he requests all Americans observe the National Moment of Remembrance beginning at 3:00 p.m. local time today…Memorial Day.

Additionally, the president asks ”the Governors of the United States and its Territories, and the appropriate officials of all units of government, to direct the flag be flown at half-staff until noon on this Memorial Day on all buildings, grounds, and naval vessels throughout the United States and in all areas under its jurisdiction and control.”

Too many Americans view Memorial Day as a time for sales and cookouts. It is so much more. We should never forget the debt of gratitude we owe so many who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we could live in freedom.

JD RADIO: Memorial Day May 27, Noon -3pm

May 26, 2019

Arizona’s acclaimed former congressman and talk radio host JD Hayworth will guest host on Charlotte, North Carolina’s News Talk WBT. He’ll celebrate freedom & commemorate the sacrifices of those who paid the ultimate price to ensure a continuation of the blessings of liberty for the rest of us.

LISTEN LIVE at WBT.radio.com, Noon – 3pm Arizona time


Illegal alien impregnates 11-year-old Phoenix girl

May 26, 2019

Just another illegal coming to do what Americans refuse to do*

In these politically correct times, the local newspaper no longer provides the citizenship of arrested and charged criminals. Nevertheless, we’d like to introduce you to a sterling hunk of a guy.  At 5’4’ and weighing in at 130 lbs., there’s no doubt 20-year-old Carlos Jacinto Cobo-Perez is a sought after Romeo. The problem is he’s been romancing a child. Although he admitted to authorities that he knew it was wrong, he couldn’t contain his overwhelming lust for an 11-year-old, who is now pregnant. His bond has been set at $150,000.

Ironically, the girl’s pregnancy was confirmed at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.

As to his citizenship…with a bit of resourceful searching we found that in addition to the child sex charge, the pedophile also faces illegal immigration charges, a fact the Periódico de la República de Arizona (Arizona Republic) is unwilling to report. During his initial appearance, Cobo-Perez, who is obviously also a jokester, asked the judge if he would sign his Order of Deportation. Count on this Carlos: That won’t be happening.

According to the victim’s mother, the family reported Cobo-Perez to Phoenix police three times prior to the pregnancy — initially when she first saw a hickey on her little girl’s neck. They “didn’t do anything,” she said.

In a related matter, U.S. District Court Judge Haywood S. Gilliam, Jr. of the Northern District of California, on Friday ruled against President Trump. The issue was the completion of a portion of border fence. Gilliam was nominated to the court in 2014 by Barack Obama.

Federal election records reveal Gilliam donated $6,900 to Obama’s campaign for president…$4,600 to Obama for America and $2,300 to the Obama Victory Fund. Barack Obama’s commitment to open borders and amnesty for illegals is well documented.

*The Left’s frequently repeated refrain is, “These are just good people coming to take the jobs Americans refuse to take.”

Exposing left’s tactics: redefining words to alter culture

May 25, 2019

Today we have a gift for our readers, courtesy of The Federalist.How The Left’s War On Words Manipulates Your Mind,” by Benjamin Dierker pointedly illustrates the politicalization of language in reshaping our society by redefining words.

Those familiar with George Owell’s acclaimed book, “1984” will recognize what he described as “Newspeak,” the language of propaganda, the deliberate replacement of one set of words for another. The intent was to irreparably alter thought, and ultimately the entire culture.

Examples are rampant. The objective of indiscriminately hurling the slur “racist” is to silence Americans who object to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens invading our sovereign border. Democrats welcome them as a future voting bloc.

The term “denier,” which initially entered the language to refer to someone who denied the monumental evil reality of the Holocaust, is now used to describe those, including many scientists, who don’t ascribe to liberal lockstep thinking on global warming. It morphed into climate change when the weather cooled. The word “lie” is used when a point lacks sufficient evidence, but no lie is actually intended.

Other examples are welcome.

Vile takedown of conservatives cloaked as news

May 24, 2019

 Appearance at “Patriotism over Socialism” rally becomes suspect

We’re as tired of writing about the far-left, Hillary-endorsing, Trump-hating Arizona Republic as you probably are of reading about it. But the dynamics have changed. Now it’s not only about differing opinions, but about outright lies, disseminated as truth. The rabid intolerance will only worsen as we near the 2020 elections.

The sole Republican the extremist newspaper had an affinity for was John McCain, who had to be “persuaded” to register as a Republican by members of the influential “Phoenix 40” at a hastily called arm-twisting session at the Phoenix Country Club. McCain, a Florida resident working in D.C., newly married to beer heiress Cindy Hensley, was repeatedly denigrated as a carpetbagger when he ran for the Arizona congressional seat being vacated by retiring House Minority Leader John J. Rhodes in 1982. A respected man of integrity, Rhodes initially defeated a longtime incumbent and became the first Republican elected to congress in the state’s history. A Harvard Law School graduate, he was easily re-elected in the conservative East Valley district for thirty years. McCain, a former POW, aided by his wealthy, well-connected, new father-in-law, served a couple of two-year terms before ditching the East Valley, moving to Phoenix and running for the senate. He cloaked his left-wing bent in western sounding “maverick” garb.

Yvonne Wingnut Sanchez, underling and now successor to retired hatemonger Linda Valdez, doesn’t let facts get in the way as she spews her anti-conservative venom. Her recent article titled, “How extremists are reasserting themselves in mainstream GOP politics in Arizona,“ topped with photos of AZ GOP Chairman and physician, Dr. Kelli Ward, former Senate President Russell Pierce and Congressman Andy Biggs, is a case in point.

Sanchez opened her column with these words: “Russell Pearce stepped up to a podium in Gilbert, one of the more affluent and educated communities in Arizona. He had bloodshed on his mind.” She then wrote he “had ties to extremism,” while linking him to a crazed, bigoted murderer who took his own life in a domestic violence crime that had nothing to do with Pearce. Does anyone remember her linking former First Lady Rosalyn Carter to mass murderer John Wayne Gacy?

She continues: “There was a time not so long ago when Arizona’s Republican leaders would have spurned a grassroots gathering such as this “Patriotism over Socialism” rally, put on by the Tea Party Community.” Sanchez refers to the patriotic groups who sponsored the rally as “hate groups,” using the ultimate hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center as her source. The SPLC deceptively lists faith-based organizations such as the Family Research Council as hate groups.

“At the “Patriotism over Socialism” gathering, Kelli Ward, the Arizona Republican Party chairwoman, took the stage ahead of Pearce and right-wing activist Laura Loomer, U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs, the Republican congressman who represents a deep-red East Valley district and is a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, spoke, too. “

“Their presence at this event — and at other gatherings attended by far-right Republicans — signals for some a legitimization of more extreme viewpoints into more mainstream GOP politics.”

In Sanchez’ skewed mind, preferring patriotism over socialism, signals political extremism.

Sanchez is either a practiced liar or too ignorant to know the difference between the words,purgeand “systematically worked to rebuild” as she writes, “ McCain’s fiercest efforts at the local party level came in 2014 shortly after party activists censured him in absentia for being too liberal, namely on immigration reform. McCain and his team systematically worked to rebuild the party by recruiting more moderate candidates to run for precinct committeeman.”

McCain was censured in absentia, because he never attended statutory state meetings, though the rest of the Republican delegation have always made it a point to address the elected delegates. He also lied about his extremist, open border and amnesty for illegals views when running for reelection, as seen in this campaign ad. Immediately after the votes were counted he went back to working with Democrats on what he fallaciously termed, “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” — more appropriately known as amnesty.

Referring to conservatives as “nativists,“ a term crafted by leftist open border proponents, intended to denigrate Americans who resent having our country invaded by illegal foreign hordes — Sanchez’ article contains many more vicious references to conservatives and contrived lies.

Following her litany of incoherent spew were these pathetic words, as the dying newspaper pleads for paid readers to insult: “Support local journalism. Subscribe to azcentral.com today.”

In a related issue, Breitbart News reports on how DHS management teams under former Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen — and continuing under acting director Kevin McAleenan have deliberately sidetracked, stalled, and stopped immigration and border policies sought by President Donald Trump. This is a must read exposé.

Terrorist’s short term, early release, should be inconceivable

May 23, 2019

In 1953, turning on your country was a crime punishable by death. Ethel, 35, and Julius Rosenberg, 37, the parents of two young sons, were charged with conspiracy to commit espionage.

On March 29, 1951 the couple was found guilty of spying on behalf of the Soviet Union, and were executed in the electric chair on June 19, 1953, although the evidence against Ethel was weak.

Fast forward to 2019. John Walker Lindh, 38, a Californian who converted to Islam at age 16, provided support to the Taliban. He became known as the “American Taliban” after his battlefield capture in Afghanistan in November 2001, where he was fighting with the Afghan Taliban two months after the 9/11 attacks.

On February 5, 2002, Lindh was indicted by a federal grand jury on ten charges of conspiracy, including conspiracy to murder U.S. citizens and providing material support and resources to terrorist organizations. He could have received up to three life sentences and 90 additional years in prison.

Instead, Lindh, who now uses the name Abu Sulayman al-Irland, has preposterously been granted an early release from a federal prison after being sentenced to a paltry 20 years. Lindh is getting out 3 years early for “good behavior,” though his actions resulted in American deaths.

In 2010 Lindh and a Syrian-American prisoner, represented by the ACLU, sued to lift restrictions on group prayer by Muslim inmates. U.S. District Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson, an Obama appointee, ruled in their favor, saying that the government had shown no compelling interest in restricting the religious speech of the inmates by prohibiting them from praying together.

According to an internal report by the National Counterterrorism Center, Lindh told a visiting television news producer that he had not renounced extremist violence and continues to advocate for global jihad, saying, “ISIS,” the terrorist group that beheaded Americans, “is doing a spectacular job.”

The burning question is, what can we expect next as this America-hater is free?