2013: A New Year comes with opportunities

December 31, 2012


Seeing Red AZ sends sincere best wishes for a satisfying, productive, safe and healthy New Year to our readers.

 As we embark upon this New Year, there is no better time to renew our acquaintance with America’s founding documents: The Declaration of Independence, our U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

They have served us well. The least we can do is stay familiar with what they contain and ensure that our children know what blessings we have been given as a nation.

Jon Kyl: AZ República bids him a slobbering farewell

December 31, 2012

Liberal newspaper never disappoints

Sunday’s daily has a slobbering and lengthy paean to retiring U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl, referred to as a “real workhorse.” Reporter Dan Nowicki licks Kyl’s boots in the best of fashion, although he omits pertinent facts. As a refresher, we’ll include only a few since the deceptive elitist Kyl’s foot is already on a banana peel and he has insured a continuation of his aisle-crossing legacy by endorsing his replacement, Jeff Flake

Here, with Kyl’s mailer included, is clear evidence that the man Nowicki refers to as “Arizona’s highest-ranking lawmaker in Washington in decades,” still had plenty of time to meddle in lowly precinct committeeman elections in neighborhood districts as he promoted RINO candidates.

And more?

I had hoped to stay out of the Republican senate primary,” (campaign video) proclaims a striving-to-sound-earnest Jon Kyl in this ad supporting Jeff Flake. To demonstrate his sincerity, he has doffed his tie and shakes his head in disbelief as he struggles to convey the gravity involved in getting his hand-picked successor elected to fill the senate vacancy created by his retirement. “Jeff Flake is my choice,” declared a somber and clearly worried Kyl. If his claim to stay out of the senate primary sounds more than a bit phony, it’s due to the fact that Kyl and his seatmate John McCain crisscrossed the state with Flake following an in-tandem endorsement of Flake nearly three weeks earlier — clear evidence that they regard the electorate as fools.

Here’s Kyl’s own farcical 2006 primary campaign ad, in which he used Republican and Democrat Arizona Sheriffs as dupes as he staged his feigned support of securing the porous border, which serves as the major portal for illegal immigration into the United States. Yet immediately after returning to Washington, he joined McCain for another round of what they cunningly termed “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” —  nothing short of a euphemism for amnesty.

Kyl has voted for the confirmation of numerous liberal Democrats. In June, he supported Obama’s appointment of Andrew Hurwitz to the already far-left Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the most overturned court in the nation. He previously supported Mary Murguia, another amnesty proponent, to the same federal appellate court. Judge Murguia’s twin sister, Janet Murguia, is the President and CEO of the racist National Council of La Raza.

Kyl and McCain also voted in support of the confirmation of Eric Holder, Obama’s hand-picked selectee for U.S. Attorney General. Twenty-one Republicans voted against Holder, but not these two enablers. They even voted in support of the nomination of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. After numerous unsuccessful searches to verify the duo’s vote on Janet Napolitano, the best answer was found here.

Promoting himself as pro-life, he hosted high-dollar fundraising events for pro-abortion RINO Maine Senator Susan Collins 3,000 miles from her home, here in Arizona. Both Collins and her equally liberal-so called Republican colleague, Sen. Olympia Snowe voted with the Democrats for ObamaCare, the nationalized overhaul of America’s health care delivery system.

Jon Kyl is a liberal wearing a Republican cloak. Expect the same from Jeff Flake.

Betrayal: The babes and the brass

December 30, 2012

High stake treachery is nothing new, but terrorism is 21st Century matter

Mata Hari was an exotic dancer regarded as the epitome of the seductive female spy, and considered a hot number during World War I.  She intentionally obscured her Dutch background, passing herself off as an East Indian born in a sacred temple. But her well constructed hoax, which included lovers who were high raking military officers of various nationalities, eventually crumbled.  After being found guilty of spying for Germany against the allies, she was executed for espionage by a French firing squad in 1917.

Mata comes to mind in view of Debbie Schlussel’s exposé of a pair of her modern day equivalents, the twin Khawam sisters, Jill Khawam Kelley and Natalie Khawam, spies for Lebanon and the Arab world. These babes, both married wealthy Americans, and were able to party hearty as they hosted lavish soirees with top American military brass, among them two top generals in the Middle East, David Petraeus and John Allen.

Schlussel substantiates — with links to the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal — that Kelley was seen by Muslim Mid-East nations, especially Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon, as the “go to” woman to push their agenda on top American generals.

The Khawam sisters aided the infiltration of Central Command at MacDill Air Base in Tampa by Islamic terrorists. Islamic Jihad founder and convicted Islamic terrorist, Sami Al-Arian, was an instructor on the Middle East to our top generals at MacDill.

Kelley’s sister, Natalie Khawam, was married to a top Bush administration official, Grayson Wolfe, Director of Broader Middle East Initiatives and Iraqi Reconstruction at the Export-Import Bank of the United States. She frequently accompanied him on trips to the Middle East, including to Pakistan. Before that position, Wolfe was the Bush-installed Manager of the Private Sector Development Office of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad, Iraq.

This information originated last month, but is the groundwork for many as yet to be reported stories. Take the time to acquaint yourself with Debbie Schlussel’s blog posting.  Knowledge is power.

Fiscal Cliff? Chuck Woolery has the solution

December 30, 2012

TV legend Chuck Woolery discusses his thoughts on how to cut government spending:

JD Radio: Spend your weekend getting smarter

December 29, 2012

Arizona’s own J.D. Hayworth will be on the air tonight from 6:00 – 8:00 pm on WPHT, Philly.  Listen Live HERE.

Tune in Sunday night also, 6:00 -8:00 pm.

All listings are local Phoenix time.  We do the math, you enjoy!

Federal Judge tosses lawsuit against Russell Pearce

December 29, 2012

Judge Martone: A voice of reason on the federal bench

U.S. District Judge Frederick Martone has dismissed a lawsuit filed by radical illegal immigration proponent, Salvador Reza against former state Senate President Russell Pearce. The lawsuit was filed after Sen. Pearce had Reza removed from the Arizona state Senate building by Capitol police as a matter of security for leading a disruptive group as a series of bills dealing with illegal immigration were being heard in February 2011. Pearce was the architect of Arizona’s much copied SB 1070. The following day, police arrested Reza for trespassing. No charges were ever filed.

In his ruling in Reza v. Pearce et al, Judge Martone referred to the Senate building as a “limited public forum” where some First Amendment restrictions are permissible as long as they are reasonable and not an effort to suppress speech solely because public officials oppose the speaker’s view. Further, he said, restricting access to the Senate building is constitutionally permissible if it was reasonable and viewpoint neutral.

Salvador Reza later sued Sen. Russell Pearce, alleging his First Amendment rights of freedom of speech, assembly, association, ability to petition and communicate with his elected representatives, as well as his due process and equal protection rights were all violated.

Judge Martone said Reza was unable to provide any evidence to support his claim that his rights were violated, as he alleged.

Illegal immigration continues to be a front and center issue. In the first quarter of 2012 alone, 865 bills and resolutions relating to illegal immigration were introduced in 45 state legislatures and the District of Columbia.

Shameless Obama orders pay hikes as “cliff” looms

December 29, 2012

dolllar_staring_you_ down

Our cash-strapped nation emulates Phoenix,* broke and handing out raises

The Weekly Standard tells the sordid tale of Obama’s indefensible pay hikes for federal workers, judges, members of congress and even the clownish Vice President, Joe Biden — in the wake of “fiscal cliff” negotiations.

That cliff is suddenly beginning to resemble a bona fide hoax.

Obama’s 12-page executive order showing the hefty increases is available here. Check out the Biden’s tax 1040 form here.

And take the time to read FedSmith, for the in-depth back story to this outrage.

Earlier this month, Seeing Red AZ detailed the 33% pay increase* — an extra $78,000 a year —  Phoenix City Manager, David Cavazos received, boosting him to a base salary of $315,000 a year, plus a $600 monthly car allowance, $35,000 a year in deferred compensation, and a $4,000 “longevity” bonus.

In 2010 cash-strapped Phoenix instituted a 2 % tax on food in order for the city to continue to function — or so we were told. The scare tactics and gamesmanship included threats to eliminate union firefighters, police officers and teaching positions, although they had recently been funded by a sales tax increase.  But sticking it to the citizenry is nothing new for Phoenix, which hasn’t had a fiscally responsible mayor in years, with Democrats in charge.

In December 2009, with record job losses and homes in foreclosure, $14.3 million was paid in “retention bonuses” to nearly 14,000 city employees. This, as the City Council cut $270 million, or 22 percent, from Phoenix’s general-fund budget, including $156 million from programs and services in order, they claimed, to balance the city budget.

Whether on the federal or city level, or anything in-between, think of yourself as the gullible golden goose when you look in the mirror while getting ready for work each morning. If you voted for any of these people, that’s how they view you and you can surely do no less.

Stanton, wife, publication’s 1st “straight” honorees

December 28, 2012

The City of Phoenix is so broke it had to impose a 2 percent sales tax on the very food residents put in their mouths. It has a crime rate that is high enough for the city website to inform interested parties they have to file a public records request with the Police Department to obtain the information — although adding, that “increasing the availability of statistical information to anyone with an internet connection is something we are committed to improving.”

Our rates of identity and auto theft have been among the nation’s highest.  There is much to do in this city.

Surprisingly, in some quarters,  money still flows freely. Earlier this month, Phoenix City Manager David Cavazos became the lucky recipient of a 33% raise, which amounts to an extra $78,000 a year! He will now be pulling down a yearly base salary of $315,000, plus a $600 monthly car allowance, $35,000 a year in deferred compensation, and a $4,000 “longevity” bonus.

Amid all of this questionable taxation, out-of-control spending and crime, Echo Magazine, a homosexual publication, has found room in its heart to honor Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and his wife Nicole, as the 2012 Man and Woman of the Year — the first “straight” pair so warmly acknowledged.

Nicole Stanton has even been awarded the honor of “Outstanding Service by a Straight Ally.” Among numerous other activities within the LGBT community, the lawyer duo have marched in the Phoenix pride parade. Their liberal roots run deep. The Arizona Democrat Party named her as an elector for Barack Obama.

And hubby Greg?  Stanton is clearly feathering his nest for a run at something far more fulfilling than presiding over Phoenix City Council meetings.  He’s caught the eye of Barack Obama and is a longtime pal of Janet Napolitano, both of whom partnered in a congratulatory phone call when Stanton was elected mayor in November 2011

Feds overhaul foreign mosques, supply computers with US tax $$

December 27, 2012

“Building relationships with Islamic leaders”

This is not new, but chances are you haven’t seen anything like this report detailing the hundreds of millions of dollars the U.S. State Department is spending refurbishing ancient mosques in Islamic countries. 

Atlanta’s WSB TV 2 Action News investigators found a 1,300-year-old Egyptian mosque nearly flooded by contaminated sewer water that is one of many ancient Cairo mosques that were saved from destruction by the U.S. taxpayers. This is part of a $770 million program specifically to rebuild Cairo’s sewer system, paid for by the U.S. State Department’s USAID program.

If that riles you, hold on…there’s more. American tax dollars also fund computers, Internet service and mosques in places like Tajikistan and Mali. At an ancient mud brick mosque in Mali, our federal government has provided Internet service and computer equipment to local imams.

With radical websites inciting violence and extremism worldwide, concerns run high that the taxpayer-funded Internet service will be misused.

“That is not the job of the U.S., giving Internet access to imams and Muslim preachers who hate America,” Egyptian-American human rights activist Nonie Darwish told Channel 2 Action News anchor Justin Farmer. Darwish says “trying to buy respect in the Middle East only shows our weakness.”

Check out the State and USAID – FY 2013 Budget here.



Emergency preparedness: AZ AG Horne’s worthy proposal

December 27, 2012

AZ Attorney General looks to ensuring student safety

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne has announced a thoughtful proposal intended to reduce the risk of another horrific school massacre. He is joined by Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, Sheriff Tom Sheahan of Mohave County and Sheriff Joe Dedman of Apache County. Other Sheriffs are also considering participation in the proposed program.

The proposal is that any school that wishes to do so, may designate the principal or another administrator, to receive training in the use of firearms and how to handle emergencies such as the recent Sandy Hook School slayings in Newtown, Connecticut. Training would be provided free of charge by personnel of the Attorney General’s Office and the cooperating Sheriff’s Offices. The designated individual would then be authorized to keep a securely locked firearm, and would have adequate means of communication to be alerted to an emergency in any part of the school.

“It may not be possible to afford a police officer in every school,” Horne said. “In that case, the next best solution is to have one person in the school trained to handle firearms, to handle emergency situations, and possessing a firearm in a secure location. This proposal is analogous to arming pilots on planes.”

Some Arizona schools have sworn officers, referred to as School Resource Officers (SROs) currently on campus, but budgetary constraints have impacted the ability to expand the program.

Rep. David Gowan (R-Sierra Vista) has agreed to introduce a bill in the upcoming legislative session to put Attorney General Horne’s voluntary participation plan in place. Horne emphasized that only one person in the school will be designated. That person will be evaluated for fitness for this program. Training will involve not only firearms, but also “use of force” laws, defensive tactics, judgment, simulations, and properly securing the firearm.

The most recent Gallup poll, conducted after the Newtown massacre, indicated Americans want trained school officials armed to protect children. They rated the effectiveness of three potential actions higher than the semi-automatic weapon ban proposed by Democrats and Barack Obama.

According to the survey, the most popular option chosen by respondents is boosting police presence at schools; 53 percent of respondents said more police would be “very effective” at reducing acts of mass murder, while another 34 percent said it would be “somewhat effective.” Forty-seven percent say decreasing media and video game gun violence would be “very effective.”

In the wake of the shooting other states are also reacting. Among them, South Carolina is introducing similar legislation. In Utah more than 200 teachers recently signed up for free concealed-weapons training offered by the Utah Shooting Sports Council. A Texas district has allowed teachers to carry guns since 2008. Michigan state lawmakers passed a similar bill — one day before the Newtown school shooting — that would have allowed those with concealed weapons permits to carry guns in schools. It was vetoed by Gov. Rick Snyder.