Farcical Flake fishes for puny funds as lobbyists keep him flush

August 31, 2017

Vast amount of his support comes from lobbyists, not the home folks

Have you received Jeff Flake’s latest solicitation email? His campaign is approaching what he calls his “end of the month fundraising goal,” and he says he wants to “check in” and “reach out.” He even calls us “friend” in a John McCain-like manner. Though he lives in a gated community far from the riff and raff, Flake even veers into corn-pone land with the salutation of “Hey,” as in “Hey Friend.”

Then comes the closer. You know…the car salesman time squeeze, telling you this extraordinary deal has a deadline. Flake gives us just 48 hours to hop aboard his ready-to-implode train. He tells us he only needs 18 supporters to help him reach his goal and advises recipients they don’t want to miss the opportunity to help him reach it. The best part of his financial fakery/campaign con is the tricky plea, “Every little bit makes a difference.” Then he asks for us to “chip in” with  $5 $10 or $25.

If 18 folks were to give Jeff the Jester $5, that would give him the princely sum of $90 bucks, surely enough to clear any hurdles. Especially as his latest FEC filings dated  01/01/2017 to 06/30/2017 show him a year out from the election having spent nearly half a million on operating expenses, mainly lodging, food and cabs.

But not to worry. His coffers are filled with $4,374,137.00 — over four and three-quarters of a million dollars. Additionally, Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate, Inc., (yes, it is a business) shows $527,428.00  in “transfers from other authorized committees,” (read: “lobbyists’) —  including  $262,015.20 from Cindy Hensley McCain’s Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc Political Action Committee.

Flake is doing just fine without receiving $5, $10 or $15 from those who are just scraping by. Does he  really need 18 donors to give him five bucks in the next 48 hours— a whopping $90? The vast majority of his donors fork over $2,700 a pop.

Lobbyists support Jeff Flake because he was one of them. Flake has no core. Prior to his political career, Flake worked as a lobbyist and registered foreign agent for Rossing Uranium — one of the world’s largest suppliers of nuclear fuel — which operates a mine in the African country of Namibia where Flake did his LDS mission. Flake earned a substantial salary opening doors in D.C. and promoting the firm with deep financial ties to terror-sponsoring Iran.

In 2012 exhibiting pretzel-like repositioning on IranFlake was running to replace the retiring Jon Kyl. The League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund and Majority PAC launched an $800,000 television ad campaign outlining the risks of sending former uranium mining lobbyist Jeff Flake to the Senate.

Dr. Kelli Ward is the principled conservative in the 2018 AZ U.S. Senate race. Unlike Jeff Flake who refused to vote for Donald Trump, she stands with President Trump. She deserves our support.

Fake News leaps front and center in AZ Republic report

August 30, 2017

Newspaper’s liberal, anti-Pres. Trump, Joe Arpaio agenda at work

The topic of fake news has been grabbing our attention since candidate, now President Donald Trump, made a point of exposing the chicanery. It’s a compelling issue, and when it emanates from the local newspaper, as it does with regularity, it‘s repugnant.  Although the Hillary-endorsing, pro-amnesty for illegal aliens Arizona Republic has been a leftwing tool for years, that was not always the case. Politics invading what passes for straight news reporting — once known as journalism and viewed as dependable — makes readers wary of anything they read within the increasingly slim pages.

A case in point, excerpted from the newspaper:

“More than 150 people rallied outside the Sandra Day O’Connor United States Courthouse Tuesday afternoon to protest President Donald Trump’s pardon of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The protest was mostly composed of current and former judges and lawyers — even a Republican former attorney general.”

To give a note of drama to this escapade, this fiction-like bit was added to the report:

“They gathered on the lawn at 4th Avenue and Washington Street, as temperatures climbed well above 100 degrees, huddling for shade under the slender trees planted there or beneath umbrellas they’d bought.”

Obviously leftwing lawyers “huddling for shade under slender trees” in the August midday heat, is intended to conjure up a poignant image, but falls far short.

The article names two participants and the ringleader of the protest. They all have one thing in common, a proclivity to lean left.  The lawyer/instigator of the group, William Hardin, is a registered Democrat. The identified appellate court judge is long retired Noel Fidel — another Democrat, appointed to the bench in 1986 by hard-left governor Bruce Babbitt. The “Republican former attorney general’ is none other than RINO show boater Grant Woods, who has threatened to leave the Republican Party but like a spoiled child seeking attention, he knows such a move would render him flaccid as an attraction. He revels in the attention he gets being able to display his liberalism, while cloaked as a Republican.

Woods is quoted stating, “Neither Trump nor Arpaio are true conservatives,” as if he‘d know a conservative if he met one. Woods added, Trump was incorrect in saying the former sheriff was well-liked in Arizona. “The sheriff was taken out of office by the voters,” he said. “He lost big. Bigly.”

What Woods neglects to mention as he creates words like a four-year-old, is that Sheriff Arpaio was defeated by Paul Penzone, thanks to the $millions of dollars funneled to his campaign by socialist billionaire George Soros who abhors sovereign national borders. During the last election cycle POLITICO reported that Soros was quietly attempting to overhaul the U.S. justice system. Penzone, best known for roughing up his ex-wife, was bought and paid for. Immediately after his election, he referred to illegal invaders as “guests.”

Additionally, what rational person would think it merely serendipitous that charges were brought against Sheriff Arpaio to coincide with his reelection bid? This was a well orchestrated, multifaceted effort to remove the popular sheriff who had been returned to office for 6-four year terms by the citizens of Maricopa County who appreciated him.

The only reason Grant Woods, McCain’s former chief of staff, rates any coverage is due to the fact that has learned he can generate attention by remaining a registered Republican while supporting Democrats. He was prominently displayed on Republicans for Janet, during Napolitano’s 2006 gubernatorial campaign and endorsed Democrats Terry Goddard and Felecia Rotellini for AZ Attorney General in two separate races. Leftist Harry Mitchell was Grant Wood’s pick for Congress. In 2016, he endorsed Hillary Clinton for President.

This is the man the fake news purveyor Arizona Republic identifies as “a Republican former attorney general.”

AZ 2018 senate race: Ward crushes Flake 47-21 in new poll

August 29, 2017

Republicans peel away from liberal Flake after his refusal to support the Republican presidential nominee, whom he continues to insult after Donald Trump was elected president 

 This past Friday, SRAZ posted “Poll: Jeff Flake in deep trouble with AZ voters,” in which we cited polling data indicating incumbent Sen. Jeff Flake was trailing challenger Dr. Kelli Ward by 14 points in the 2018 U.S. Senate race.

 Those numbers were definitely worth crowing about —- until now.

A newer survey conducted August 26-27 has even more substantive findings. JMC Analytics shows Republicrat Jeff Flake falling even further behind conservative Kelli Ward, a physician and  former two-term state senator by an even greater margin of 26 points.  Only 21 percent of Arizona Republicans support Flake for reelection in a match up against Kelli Ward— who gets 47 percent support. Yes, you read that right, she more than doubles his numbers.

Flake’s low level of support remains constant. In July, Morning Consult Senate Approval Rankings found only one senator facing re-election next year — Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona — has an approval rating lower than his disapproval rating.

Despite a no-holds-barred campaign on Flake’s behalf by Sen. McCain and retiring Sen. Kyl, Flake just barely squeaked into office in his initial 2012 senate race, with a 3 percent edge over former Surgeon General Richard Carmona, a member of George W. Bush’s administration who ran as a Democrat.

The latest low numbers reflect Flake’s first term in the senate after six terms in the U.S. House, where he deceptively broke his campaign pledge to term limit himself to three 2-year terms. Flake grinned while admitting, “I lied.”

Read more about Jeff Flake in Reaping what he has sown.

Conservatives are lining up behind principled Dr. Kelli Ward, who represents their values.


Republic’s barrage of scare tactics aim to keep Flake in senate

August 28, 2017

…don’t fall for the fish wrapper’s flaky fakery

No one has ever accused Jeff Flake of being an intellect. Well aware of his own shortcomings, he has cultivated an inane grin to give him an aura of affability. Despite his obvious limitations, he possesses a streak of arrogance that allows him to stick his RINO finger in the eye of conservatives in general and President Donald Trump in particular. Flake was an Obama guy, globetrotting with him and on his basketball team. The former president was the one he called when the horrific shooting occurred at the congressional baseball practice.

Flake has honed his insolence to razor sharpness in recent months. Prior to the election Flake vilified Trump and boasted neither he nor his family would vote for the Republican nominee. Since President Trump’s overwhelming victory, Flake has been on a campaign to undermine him, culminating with a foolish 140-page pamphlet masquerading as a book bashing conservatives, with a title stolen from Barry Goldwater’s book published in 1960.

The marginal Flake, who has fed at the public trough nearly two decades, has trouble with original thinking, but has recently labeled himself aglobalist.”

McCain reporter Dan Nowicki appears to be struggling for his professional life. Arizona’s Senior Senator (ASS) is old and ill. His days in the senate are numbered.  So Nowicki veers off into Neverland covering the increasingly unpopular Jeff Flake, ASS’s doppelganger. The headline accompanying his dismal report sounds like that of a racetrack tout: ‘Political handicappers are downgrading GOP chances of holding Sen. Jeff Flake’s seat.”

Of course Republicans want to hold onto the senate seat — which is not Jeff Flake’s but belongs to Arizonans. They also realize it’s Jeff the Flake who is doing his damnedest to cede it to the Dems. The questions that arise in hanging on to Republicrats like McCain and Flake  are always the same:

  1. Do we want to lose our majority?
  2. What about the US Supreme Court? The justices are getting long in the tooth and we need every vote to hang onto the court for the foreseeable future.
  3. There is too much at stake to change course with an unknown entity. What choice do we have?

The fact is that Jeff Flake, doing Obama’s lame duck bidding, promoted Democrat Merrick Garland to fill the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy. He escorted him through the senate, arranging meetings with those who would be casting confirmation votes and stated it was “time to confirm” Garland. Fortunately, Donald Trump was elected president and nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to the high court. But Flake still didn’t get the seriousness of the hearings as he embarrassed himself with this foolish line of questioning. (video)

Though Flake  is a committed promoter of amnesty for illegals, he’s not above lying about his position while in campaign mode — a gimmick he learned from his pro-amnesty mentors McCain and Kyl, (campaign ads under links) who both reverted to amnesty mode after the votes were counted.

How exactly do Republicans benefit from an untrustworthy “majority” rife with RINOs like Arizona’s two duplicitous senators? The quick answer is we don’t. It‘s time for a changeDr. Kelli Ward is a physician and former two-term state senator (two-2 year terms), who is a consistent conservative.

Flake, trailing Kelli Ward by 14 points, is worried that Arizona voters have had enough of his double talk, which explains the myriad ads popping up on the internet, describing him as “Leading to restore conservative values.”  Flake wouldn’t know “conservative values” if they bit him or ASS.

AZ Republic: Joe Arpaio pardon still Page One news

August 27, 2017

Devastating storm takes back seat to Trump/Arpaio hatred

 It’s time to put President Donald Trump’s pardon of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in perspective.

Barack Obama pardoned 212 people and commuted the convictions of a further 1,715 people — among them are: persons who committed treason against the United State. On his way out of the White House, the travesty continued. Obama granted 78 commutations on Dec. 20. 2016

 On January 17, 2017, Obama commuted the sentence of 209 individuals 109 of whom faced life sentences. These included Chelsea (born Bradley) Manning convicted of espionage and Oscar Lopez Rivera sentenced to 70 years for seditious conspiracy and attempted escape — enabling them to be released from prison on May 17, 2017. Manning’s sentence initially ran through the year 2045. Two days later on January 19, 2017 his last full day in office, Obama commuted the prison sentences of 330 federal inmates; most of them black violent drug offenders.

The United States Department of Justice provides THIS LIST of pardons granted by Pres. Barack Obama. THIS LIST shows the commutations Obama granted.

The United States Department of Justice provides THIS LIST of pardons and commutations  granted by Pres. Bill Clinton.

AZ Republic denied Arpaio perp walk, mug shot, goes apoplectic

August 26, 2017

Joe Arpaio graciously expresses appreciation of President Trump’s pardon

Even as the local newspaper anticipated the pardon President Donald Trump granted former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the collective rage of its editorialists, reporters and columnists is palpable. We’ve summed it up in our headline.  The mob of thugs posing as reporters and editors have been exposed by their own words, which you will not read here.

But who rates a stand alone quote on the front page? None other than Arizona’s Senior Senator (ASS), a longtime and current committed amnesty-supporter righteously stating:

“The President has the authority to make this pardon, but in doing so….undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions.” It was excerpted from this full statement released by ASS’s office.

Jeff Flake, who has already inflamed the Republican base with his incessant anti-Trump rhetoric, amnesty schemes, and recently released 140-page anti-conservative pamphlet masquerading as a book, is running for reelection and wasn’t as quick on the draw. His bottom-dragging polling numbers tell his story. Flake has been reprimanded by Republican National Committee chair Ronna Romney McDaniel.

Sean Hannity devoted a segment on his FOX nightly show to telling Flake that hehas lost his way Hannity recently endorsed Dr. Kelli Ward in the 2018 Arizona senate race.

So does SRAZ.


August 25, 2017

Former Maricopa County Sheriff remains  a hero to many

President Donald Trump, fresh off a visit to Arizona on Tuesday evening, has announced that he has pardoned longtime Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  The former sheriff who was reelected to six four-year terms was found guilty of a misdemeanor criminal contempt conviction in federal court. The charges, which many viewed as the culmination of a witch hunt, stemmed from his office’s enforcement of the law relating to illegal immigration.

Sheriff Arpaio had been denied the jury trial he and his lawyers requested and the verdict was handed down by Federal District Judge Susan Bolton who served as judge and jury in the case.

A statement issued by the White House Friday night said, “Today, President Donald J. Trump granted a Presidential pardon to Joe Arpaio, former Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona.”

President Trump hinted that the  pardon was forthcoming at the Phoenix rally Tuesday night.

The President previously referred to Arpaio as a “a great American patriot” who has done “a lot in the fight against illegal immigration.”

At the Phoenix event the president asked the massive crowd of supporters: “Do the people in this room like Sheriff Joe?” His question was greeted by cheers and applause from the thousands of people who filled the Phoenix Convention Center to capacity. “You know what, I’ll make a prediction: I think he’s going to be just fine,” Trump said. “But I won’t do it tonight, because I don’t want to cause any controversy.”

The statement issued by the White House enumerated Sheriff Arpaio’s lifelong commitment to the law:

“Arpaio’s life and career, which began at the age of 18 when he enlisted in the military after the outbreak of the Korean War, exemplify selfless public service. After serving in the Army, Arpaio became a police officer in Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas, NV and later served as a Special Agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), formerly the Bureau of Narcotics. After 25 years of admirable service, Arpaio went on to lead the DEA’s branch in Arizona.

“In 1992, the problems facing his community pulled Arpaio out of retirement to return to law enforcement. He ran and won a campaign to become Sheriff of Maricopa County. Throughout his time as Sheriff, Arpaio continued his life’s work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is now eighty-five years old, and after more than fifty years of admirable service to our Nation, he is worthy candidate for a Presidential pardon.”

We couldn’t agree more!

Poll: Jeff Flake in deep trouble with AZ voters

August 25, 2017

As Flake lags 14 points behind conservative Dr. Kelli Ward, desperation to retain senate seat leads to recrafting of his flaky image 

A recently released poll assessing Arizona’s 2018 U.S. Senate race does not bode well for rowdy Republicrat and first term incumbent Jeff Flake. Having done everything humanly possible to insult and demean Donald Trump—  from the onset of his presidential campaign through his first seven months in the White House — his has not been a wise course of action in a state where the president is popular with the Republican base.

Townhall reports on a statewide survey of likely Arizona voters conducted by the Arizona firm of High Ground which shows Flake lagging a serious fourteen points behind his primary Republican opponent Dr. Kelli Ward. In a contrived match-up with Democrat U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (CD-9), who has not opened a campaign, Flake is eight points behind. He’s worked diligently burnishing his liberal credentials and deserves the bottom-dragging numbers he’s earned.

Conservative Ward is a former two-term state senator and physician. Sinema launched her political career running unsuccessfully as a Green party candidate for the state House. She then tried her luck as a Democrat and fared much better.  In the intervening years, Sinema has cleverly modified her radical positions, altered her appearance and stopped bashing married women and our military, even appearing in a campaign ad sympathetically interacting with the parents of a fallen soldier.

Flake’s contemptible attitude toward President Trump, whom he publicly declared “Can’t win and shouldn’t win” the 2016 election. Since then, Flake has written a 140-page pamphlet masquerading as a book, with a title stolen from Barry Goldwater’s iconic book, “Conscience of a Conservative,” in which he does everything short of burning President Trump at the stake. His internecine battles have not missed the notice of RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel, who has chastised Flake for his antics. In signaling his support for Dr. Kelli Ward, President Trump tweeted, “Jeff Flake is “toxic and weak on borders.”

Worried that his pomposity will cost him the senate seat he so desires to keep, Flake tried the magician’s trick known as “misdirection,” Thursday on ‘Fox and Friends.’ His latest ploy is casting himself as “principled,” saying “I’ll continue to follow my principles” outrageously stating  he has helped President Trump on certain issues —  pointing to his vote to confirm Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. Flake must be suffering from memory loss, but ours is keen. It was Jeff Flake, Obama’s global traveling companion and basketball teammate who personally accompanied Democrat Merrick Garland, Obama’s lame duck Supreme Court nominee, introducing him to senators, and saying “it was time to confirm him” to the high court.

Fortunately’ Donald Trump was elected President of the United  States — without the votes of Jeff Flake, John McCain and their families. As president, one of his first acts was to nominated Judge Neil Grosuch to fill the vacancy left by the unexpected death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia. Gorsuch now sits on the U.S. Supreme Court despite Jeff Flake, not because of him.

You may have thought Fox was “all in” for McCain in 2010, wait until you see this “pander fest” featuring Brian Kilmeade with Arizona’s Junior Senator on what we’ll call, ‘Fox Befriends Jeff Flake.’ The verbal contortions Kilmeade goes through to try and help Flake are cringe-worthy and ridiculous. Watch it here. We suggest you eat afterwards.

Today we are reposting a link to the fact-filledSo you think you know Jeff Flake?  Think again.” It’s definitely worth taking time to review this weekend.

Failing AZ Republic still using Trump rally in vain effort to boost sales

August 24, 2017

If you ever had any doubts that the Hillary-endorsing Arizona Republic was dead, but hasn’t the sense to lie down, today’s front page should settle the matter.

The President of the United States came to town Tuesday evening. Republican Donald Trump was greeted by a capacity crowd of supporters filling the Phoenix Convention Center. They waited in line for hours in the midday August heat, to hear and cheer him.

Prior to the event, however, the newspaper, hoping for chaos, actually gave instructions to protesters.

In March 2014, we reported the shrunken disseminator of leftwing skew, rife with seemingly endless staff layoffs, cutbacks and  buyouts of contracts, with increasing reliance on students from ASU’s left-leaning Cronkite School of Journalism. The newspaper informed nearly two dozen community reporters they would need to work from their laptops at Starbucks and McDonald’s — which supply free WiFi — and consider their cars to be their offices. Does this indicate stability?

The situation has not improved with the passage of time. In a vain effort to boost plummeting sales, today’s edition continues to milk President Trump’s Phoenix appearance through its own biased lens.

Pres. Trump greeted by capacity crowd at Phx. Convention Center

August 23, 2017

Deceitful Arizona Republic distorts the facts to play into its leftist agenda, but wishing doesn’t make it so

It was an event that made waiting in the long lines in Phoenix’ blistering 107° August heat worthwhile.  President Donald Trump returned to the Phoenix Convention Center venue that jump started his presidential campaign and was as pointed in his comments as he was on his wildly successful road to the White House. Trump recalled, “ Phoenix was the scene of my first rally speech, and we knew something special was happening here. Believe me, Arizona,” he said, “I will never forget.”

Following a tour of a border patrol station in Yuma, where a wall has actually worked, he was met by a crowd of thousands in Phoenix. Dr. Ben Carson, a former Republican presidential opponent delivered opening remarks to the enthusiastic crowd, noting the Democrats don’t want to give the president any credit for his accomplishments. Rev. Franklin Graham delivered the opening prayer, evidencing the strong evangelical bond the president has forged. Dr. Alveda King, a former Democrat member of the Georgia legislature, now an ardent pro-life Republican, was on hand to support the president.  She is a niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Vice President Mike Pence won over the crowd as he introduced Donald Trump as “the man you helped elect as the 45th President of the United States.” Pence called the president “a man of his word and a man of action,” declaring “President Trump’s leadership inspires me every day.”

At one point in his address, the president shouted a question to the crowd, “Do the people in this room like Sheriff Joe?” His inquiry was met with cheers and applause. “So was Sheriff Joe convicted for doing his job?“ he asked. “He should have had a jury trial, but I’ll make a prediction, he’ll be just fine.” The president continued, “I won’t do it tonight, because I don’t want to cause any controversy, but Sheriff Joe can feel good.”

So will the rest of us who believe the career lawman was the object of a politicized witch hunt.

He also addressed Arizona’s two senators without naming either one, saying he was advised not to mention any names, so I won’t, “but we were one vote away from repealing and replacing Obamacare…” It escaped no one’s notice that he was referring to the thumbs down deciding vote of Arizona’s Senior Senator, now known by the acronym ASS on this site.

In discussing the “other senator” he recently called “toxic,” President Trump defined him as “weak on crime and the border,“ adding “no one knows who the hell he is.”

The American people voted for immigration control,” he said.  “That’s one reason I’m here.”

It was hot, the wait was long, but the rally attendees were flying high after eight years in the political wilderness, now hearing a president tell the truth about the border, the biased media — he identified as “attacking my supporters,” and his plans for America’s future. “It’s finally time to rebuild our country, ” he told the cheering crowd.

The Drudge Report news aggregator, which appears to have turned on the president was not above mischaracterizing the protesters across the street and reporting that “tear gas filled the streets.” Phoenix police made a point of saying there was no tear gas used, but smoke canisters were employed to disperse the far left, Nazi-inspired fringe group Antifa (contraction of Anti-Fascist). They are thugs, whose identifier is all black attire, and whose core belief is speech they do not agree with is ‘hate speech’ and has no First Amendment protections. They are criminals who destroy property, smashing windows and igniting fires, as part of their “protests.”

Imagine our disgust this morning to see the declaration-of-war sized headline in the Hillary-endorsing, Trump-hating Arizona Republic declaring VIOLENCE ERUPTS and a staged looking photo of a man on his knees seemingly begging the long line of police for his life. The editorial is titled “Trump returns to Ariz with divisive message.”

If you weren’t able to attend, we provide this video. Watch the crowd. Listen to the truth.