Focus on Trump at CPAC Conference 1:40 PM today

February 28, 2021

UPDATE: Former President Trump’s presence is undeniably monumental as he solidifies his stature as leader of GOP while addressing an approving CPAC crowd 

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States is scheduled to address the CPAC conference at today 1:40 PM Arizona Time.

Watch Live.

Speaking to the GOP’s conservative base at the conclusion of the three-day CPAC Conference (agenda) in Orlando, Florida, former President Donald Trump continues to hold sway over mainstream Republicans, party insiders and activists.

He is expected to play an active role in the 2022 midterm elections. At this point, he has already endorsed his former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who is running for Arkansas governor.

Donald Trump has been a CPAC regular since making his first appearance in 2011, long before announcing as a presidential candidate. Among the impressive list of speakers at this year’s conference are Arizona Congressmen Paul Gosar (CD4) and Andy Biggs (CD5).

Disturbing election facts presented by Mike Lindell

February 28, 2021

On Saturday, SRAZ commenter Sam Fox posted the following video link with the comment, “Mike Lindell will make sense of the mess with his video,” as he addressed our post, “Persistence pays off: Judge rules in favor of AZ election audit.”

The Absolute Proof documentary is so enlightening, it deserves a post of its own. We hope you’ll watch. Knowledge is power.

Persistence pays off: Judge rules in favor of AZ election audit

February 27, 2021

Today we return to Gateway Pundit for the latest coverage regarding questions that have hung like a dark cloud over the reliability of Arizona’s November 2020 election results.

This is the compelling headline: “HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Judge Rules Maricopa County Must Provide 2.1 Million Ballots From 2020 to Arizona Senate for Audit.”

The report includes this statement (click to enlarge) from Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, in which she expresses gratitude on behalf of Senate Republicans to the Superior Court Judge for issuing a ruling that the senate subpoenas are legal and enforceable, and it is entitled to audit voting equipment and ballots used in the November 2020 election.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Thomason issued the ruling that will answer questions about the integrity of the balloting process. Arizonans deserve no less. 

Read the complete Gateway Pundit report, written by Cassandra Fairbanks, self-identified as “a former leftist who came out in support of Donald Trump in 2016.”

The wacko party’s aberrant priorities

February 26, 2021

The Heritage Foundation explains theEquality Act,” otherwise known as H.R. 5. The article is subtitled, “How Could Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Laws Affect You?”

In view of the Biden administration’s thrust to prioritize sexual orientation and gender identity issues in an era of massive unemployment as the result of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s of utmost importance that you acquaint yourself with this disastrous and far-reaching legislation that undermines reason, constitutional protections and religious values. The democrat sponsor is Rhode Island U.S. Rep. David Cicilline, featured in the Advocate’s article, “Meet the 10 Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Members of the 116th Congress, lauded by the LGBTQ Victory Institute, as a “turning point in the history of federal lawmaking.”

Democrats are no longer simply the “other” political party. They have veered off into trendy aberrant arenas that most of us never heard of before the advent of Bruce Jenner morphing into Caitlyn, and which are not the purview of government. Glamour magazine named the former three time husband and father of six biological children and four stepchildren, ‘Woman of the Year,’ in 2015 as a tribute to his/her work in “transgender awareness and advocacy.” Jenner’s acceptance speech was described as “powerful and moving.”

California’s legislative assembly has recently put forth Assembly Bill 1084 requiring “gender neutral” departments in retail stores, banishing specific areas for boys and girl‘s clothing and even toys. Violators would be subject to $1,000 fines.

This is the state that welcomes unvetted illegal aliens during a global pandemic, while American citizens are unemployed and as elitist California Gov. Gavin Newsom has selectively enforced business lockdowns, unilaterally deciding whose jobs are essential. California citizens, who are waging a recall against Newsom, will ultimately have the last word. We wish them well.

Although they continue to be paid, unionized public school teachers still refuse to return to the classroom. In the 2020 election cycle,* the country’s most influential  educrat dominated teachers unions endorsed and supported Biden and democrat senate candidates over their Republican counterparts. The American Federation of Teachers donated $2 million to Priorities USA Action, a democrat super PAC that spent $44.2 million supporting Biden. The National Education Association gave $500,000 to Take Back 2020, another democrat super PAC that spent $6.4 million to run ads supporting Biden. The AFT also gave $175,000 to Take Back 2020. Teachers unions spent a total of $43.7 million in 2020. Remember that the next time you hear teachers are underpaid for their part-time jobs, with long holiday and full summer vacations not accorded any other workers.

*Center for Responsive Politics

BLM thugs have a billionaire friend in Illinois Guv’s office

February 25, 2021

The trendy canard, ‘systemic racism’ gets a workout in Illinois

The Black Lives Matter fabrication known as “system racism” has found an ally in Chicago, despite the fact that the Illinois city has become the benchmark for violent crime.

Homicides in Chicago skyrocketed in 2020 as the number of deadly shootings rose dramatically to 769 — 274 more than the previous year. Overall, 2020 was the bloodiest year in more than two decades, with the number of shooting victims markedly increasing when gauged against the previous year: 4,033 victims in 2020, compared to 2,598 in 2019.

The vast majority of such shootings are black-on-black, as columnist and former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy noted in June 2020.

Now criminals have a high placed and powerful friend.

Earlier this week, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed an exceedingly lengthy and controversial criminal justice reform bill (HB 3653), authored by the legislature’s black caucus. Its intent is to hamstring police and makes Illinois the first state in the nation to abolish cash bail, giving criminals a free pass to commit more crimes and making victims reluctant to testify against them, fearing reprisals. It was clearly a political decision for the democrat multi-billionaire governor.

As if on cue while pandering to his far left base, Pritzker called the law, “One that marks a transformative step in moving Illinois forward…is Illinois’ effort to lead the country in dismantling systemic racism.”

Check out the following link in the Prairie State Wire for an insight into elitist Pritzker’s stunning hypocrisy.

Dem doctors’ odd obsession with death and sex

February 24, 2021

State sanctioned death in Virginia reveals a bizarrely ironic twist. Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam, M.D., a onetime pediatric neurologist, disdains the death penalty for even the most violent criminals, but thinks infanticide up to and including live births, should be the mother’s prerogative. He publicly advocated for the late-term and post delivery killings. There are no risks involved in this abhorrent stance since it passes muster in the far-left state.

Northham is expected to sign the bill abolishing capitol punishment in the state. There is no crime too vile to meet the standard to receive the ultimate penalty.

We’ve also been following the career path of Rachel Levine, M.D., a pediatrician, who could easily be defined as a resembling an unattractive man with long bleached blonde hair. The description is apt, since that is exactly what Rachel, born Richard, is. Levine, who does not want to be misgendered,” (photo) has been appointed to the Department of Health and Human Services.

Worse yet, Levine has been nominated by Biden as assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a particularly concerning post, since one of the foremost agenda items is advocating for puberty blocking hormones for children who claim to be transgender.

Biden, who has announced the introduction Congressional H.R. 5, known as the Equality Act, has never seen aberration he doesn’t embrace. Its title is: “To prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and for other purposes.”

In announcing his nominees, Biden’s media releases has used these words: “As tested and experienced leaders, these nominees will help advance President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda and build a stronger, more resilient, and more inclusive nation that delivers every American a fair opportunity and an equal chance to get ahead.”

When he could choose the best, Joe Biden veers into playing into a “more inclusive nation.” This letter to Biden protesting the nomination of former California Congressman Xavier Bererra to head the Department of Health and Human Services is signed by his former colleagues including Republicans in the Arizona delegation. Bererra has been endorsed by pro-abortion groups NARAL and Planned Parenthood. To no one’s surprise, even Dr. Anthony Fauci got in on the act.  Fauci is seen here pictured with his longtime radical cohorts, including Socialist George Soros and Bill Gates father.

Sham scheme to “eliminate racism” dumbs down math students

February 23, 2021

Who knew math was “capitalist, imperialist, and racist”?

Today we’re taking our readers directly to a head-spinning example of the lunacy that leftist billionaire Bill Gates is funding through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Washington Examiner tops its crucial exposé with these words: Gates Foundation behind effort to end white supremacy in math instruction by eliminating need for students to show work.”

No kidding.

This opinion piece by Jeremy Beaman explains The “Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction” which is best described as racist.

The actual guidelines to the Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction uses these descriptive words, claiming to facilitate an ”Integrated approach to mathematics that centers Black, Latinx, and Multilingual students in grades 6-8, addresses barriers to math equity, and aligns instruction to grade-level priority standards.” The site includes “5 Strides on the Path to Math Equality,” each with its own download

Rather than focusing on one correct answer, the program encourages math teachers to “come up with at least two answers that might solve a problem.”

It continues with this indecipherable jargon: “Challenge standardized test questions by getting the ‘right’ answer, and justify other answers by unpacking the assumptions that are made in the problem.”

The scheme also encourages teachers to “center ethnomathematics,” which includes a variety of guidelines. One of them instructs educators to “identify and challenge the ways that math is used to uphold capitalist, imperialist, and racist views.”

The consequences of this radicalism passing as education can’t be overstated. A catastrophe is first invading America’s far left, educrat-run classrooms* and will then envelop our nation unless we expose and eradicate it now.

* Center for Responsive Politics displays shocking charts showing the $multi-millions teachers unions give to democrat candidates and their own lobbying “clients” who push their educrat agenda in the halls of congress.

AZ Republic’s columnist compares Republicans to Commie dictator

February 22, 2021

SRAZ has frequently linked to a Phoenix Business Journal report verifying that Arizona’s newspaper of record is on its last legs. It’s not simply floundering. It’s failing so badly that its subscription rate is the lowest of all 200 newspapers in Gannett’s nationwide stable. That’s not a business model to emulate. In fact, it’s a recipe for disaster. Yet no one is doing more to send reasonable readers fleeing the inflamed rhetoric of the Hillary-endorsing newspaper than its Johnny-One-Note employee, E.J. Montini.

The emaciated columnist who has had no other employer since his early 20’s has reached retirement age, and should pack up his loathing of conservatism and ride off into the sunset. But for the loner with no outlet for his venom spew, this is not an option. Montini, a perpetually irate man possessing a murky relationship with honesty, has nowhere to go.

The only alternative for the newspaper’s survival is to cease the expensive to produce and deliver hard copy editions and switch to all digital. But with news available in everyone’s pocket and free of charge in a wide array of formats, even that attempt at continued existence is iffy at best.  What’s left of the dwindling readership is the senior demographic which leans hard right. They led the Trump supporters and Rush Limbaugh loyalists. And unlike the undereducated millennium voters who supported socialist Bernie Sanders, they are knowledgeable about the destructive evils of socialism and communism, having lost relatives or fought in wars themselves, to eradicate those freedom suffocating evils. But leftist Montini, who never served his country, has no problem comparing Arizona Republican state legislators to the “disinformation campaign” of  Russia’s brutal Communist dictator Joseph Stalin, who was responsible for the suffering and deaths of millions. Unfortunately, the aged columnist has never exhibited the capacity to feel shame for his deceit.

Even the leftist newspaper has a yellow banner above Montini’s irrational  column (to which we did not link) stating, “This piece expresses the views of its author(s) separate from the views of this publication.”

Obviously, that’s difficult to believe. The newspaper’s entire perspective is radically left, and it still keeps this brazen liar on the payroll.

AZ’s flush public schools closed due to deceit, not COVID

February 21, 2021

It appears that all it takes to reopen Arizona schools is more money. According to the Arizona Education Association, the educrat union, everything is hinged on more money. The union, which partners with the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers,  blandly refers to itself is the largest professional association for public school employees in Arizona, dodging the word “union.”

This is its message to its members under the banner, ‘Advocating for Change‘: “All across Arizona, we are with you. We are right there next to you fighting for our students. Fighting for our future.

We need to dismantle unjust systems. We need to fully fund public schools. We need to hold our elected leaders accountable to our communities. And we need your help to make it happen.” The “fighting” message would not be complete without tossing in the trendy leftist word, “equity,” which reliably shows up.  Equity is meant to induce shame for ‘white privilege,’ another favorite term.

“Fully fund” definitely falls under the heading of subjective. A recent news report was headlined, “Ariz. schools to receive $1 billion in federal funds.”  Arizona Superintendent of Education, Kathy Hoffman released this ludicrous statement in response:

“While this significant infusion of federal recovery dollars is good news for Arizona’s schools, it’s not a substitute for sustainable funding from the state as they move through and beyond the crisis of this pandemic.”

Hoffman’s memory is too short for the position she holds. Either that or she’s become a comedian. In 2018 as teachers abandoned over 840,000 students and shut down over 1,000 Arizona schools as they followed an avowed 23-year-old socialist and uncredentialed hip-hop music teacher as they protested for 20% raises, SRAZ posted, #REDS for ED: Union thugs demand more $ for less. It contained these two paragraphs:

Teachers unions* have steadily amped up their political involvement: From 2004 to 2016, their donations grew from $4.3 million to more than $32 million — an all-time high. Even more than most labor unions, they have little use for Republicans, giving democrats at least 94 percent of the funds they contributed to candidates and parties since as far back as 1990 when Center for Responsive Politics initially began collecting data.

Passage of ballot propositions — 301 in 2000 increasing the state sales tax and 123 in 2016 a grab from the state land trust — guaranteed more money for education, which apparently is never enough. School districts routinely hold budget overrides and bond elections to “get more money into the classroom” —- eduspeak for bolstering teacher’s salaries. A major premise of passing the Arizona Lottery in 1980 was that money from ticket sales would fund schools.

In 2020 an irrevocable $5 Billion tax increase for education was passed on the fallacious premise of “taxing the rich,” aka those who create jobs.

This was in addition to these State & Federal Grants displayed by the Arizona Department of Education.

Teachers who aren’t teaching are still getting paid as students are falling further behind, suffering academically, emotionally and socially after missing a year of actual instruction, ultimately rendering them less able to compete in the global economy.

Despite the fact that far-left teachers’ unions wield tremendous influence in terms of donations and votes, Center for Disease Control Director Rochelle Walensky. M.D. has repeatedly confirmed that schools can open without teachers being vaccinated since children are less prone to contracting or transmitting the virus. Her assertion is substantiated by the official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

“I also want to be clear that there is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen and that that safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated in order to reopen safely,” Dr. Walensky confirmed.

* Center for Responsive Politics

Globalist Biden dismantles Trump’s foreign policy agenda

February 20, 2021

Biden’s obvious cognitive decline noted in Australia, ignored by US media

The Australian press exposes what America’s Trump-hating, left-wing media refuse to address  — Joe Biden’s serious mental decline. Read this report titled:

AUSTRALIA: Leader of the free world ‘compromised…Struggling With Dementia.’  

A similar report was also carried on Australia’s Sky News: Never before’ has the leader of the free world been ‘so cognitively compromised.’

Not only is Biden exhibiting increasing evidence of mental decline, his most recent gambit is to reject ‘America First’ policies implemented by President Trump. Biden is increasingly managed by Globalist adherents who reject the idea of American exceptionalism and as we are stressed economically and suffering from a deadly virus are allowing millions of unvetted and impoverished illegal aliens to enter our country.

The New York Post covers the new Biden strategy which is a must-read for concerned Americans. Within less than a month in office, his plan swiftly dismantled Trump’s foreign policy agenda, which saw the US withdraw from the World Health Organization, the Paris Climate Agreement (major polluters China and India are members) and the Iran nuclear deal, which President Trump understood were against our nation’s interests.

And while Americans are scheduling appointments and waiting in long lines for vaccinations to halt the coronavirus spread and reinvigorate our economy, Biden has announced that the United States will donate $4 Billion for global coronavirus vaccination efforts… a numbing blow to struggling American taxpayers, many of whom remain unemployed.

Biden voters must be proud of their choice.