Arrogant, irrelevant Jeff Flake craves Dem 2020 win

March 31, 2019

It takes an unparalleled level of conceit for a single term U.S. Senator —- unable to run for reelection due to 18-percent approval ratings in his home state —- to pompously bloviate about the President of the Untied States, and think he is influential.

But that’s exactly the pathetic behavior insignificant Jeff Flake, now a paid defector at a left-wing network, engages in to generate some publicity for himself. The latest is a rehash of his 2016 pre-election rhetoric, when he went anywhere a camera and mic were located to state Donald Trump couldn’t and shouldn’t be elected, and neither he nor his family would vote for him.  His disgraceful antics mirrored those of his mentor, John McCain.

Flake obviously isn’t keen on the best economy, highest employment and lower taxes Americans have enjoyed in decades, excellent judicial appointments —- two on the Supreme Court —- and historic inroads with Communist despots in China and North Korea. As an orchestrating member of McCain’s notorious Gang of Eight, his focus has long been on instituting destructive open border policies.

The appropriately named Flake would rather grouse, though cameras need to be trained on him when he engages in his anti-Trump barrages.

Appearing at a decidedly leftist Democrat forum billed as the “Intelligence Squared” debate in New York City, Flake said: “I think that four years is difficult enough — to unravel some of the damage that has been done internationally to our role, to our leadership position. We cannot — should not go another four years.”

“Yes … and this notion, this narrative that’s been built up, that Donald Trump is the only one that can cobble together the Electoral College and win is just a fallacy,” stated Flake —- a man keenly aware of his own inability to win reelection.

When the moderator asked, “Are you willing to lose a cycle for the Republican Party because of the principles that you’re arguing,” the Flakester unhesitatingly responded, “Oh, yes. Yes.”

AZ Rep. Stringer outed as child molester, resigns

March 30, 2019

By now, Arizonans who aren’t living under a rock know the stomach-turning facts behind David Stringer’s abrupt resignation from the state legislature this past week, where he represented LD 1. Stringer, a 71-year-old Republican, was elected in 2017 after previously having served on the Prescott Planning and Zoning Commission.

The revelations are so disgusting the March 29, edition of the Phoenix New Times report on the recent disclosures concerning Stringer, carries a “Content warning: This article contains graphic descriptions of sexual assault involving children.

Imagine. Someone with the responsibility of enacting laws that the rest of us must abide by, isn’t even able to be trusted to have a normal interaction with kids. He repeatedly paid young boys and a disabled teen he picked up in a Baltimore park for sex. He was charged in 1983 in Maryland, though his record was inexplicably expunged.

David Stringer’s campaign website —- oddly still up —- lists him as “PRO-FAMILY.” It’s a sure bet families with young sons wouldn’t agree.

The unmarried Stringer devotes an entire page to a report titled,Representative Stringer Responds to Reports of 35-year-old Arrest.It was published in the Prescott eNews, in which he holds a financial interest. A disclosure of the relationship is contained in the report.

He has been persona non grata since making bizarre comments such as “black people don’t blend in,” when speaking with a group of ASU students. Stringer has resisted bi-partisan calls for him to resign. 

The arrogance of this criminal to seek public office after moving to Arizona is astonishing. Also puzzling is how he was able to retain his legal credentials and be listed as a member in good standing since 2004 with the State Bar of Arizona.

The New Times has been on top of this since January, when it printed a redacted copy of Stringer’s 1983 criminal case history. He was charged with multiple sex offenses, including child pornography.

Illegal alien crisis reaches breaking point

March 29, 2019

Overburdened Border Patrol is releasing illegal aliens on to city streets in Arizona and Texas, a fact the Arizona Republic buries on page 11

The Trojan Horse symbolizes a saga in Greek mythology describing the strategy used by ancient Greeks to overtake the powerful city of Troy that had remained unconquerable during a decade long war. Finally the Greeks constructed a gigantic wooden horse in which they hid an elite fighting force. The horse, considered a victory trophy by the Trojans, was wheeled into the walled city as the Greeks appeared to retreat. According to legend, using the cover of darkness, the soldiers stowed inside the horse, crept out, opened the gates and let the rest of the army enter. The result was the destruction of Troy followed by a takeover by the invaders. The war ended, and so did Troy.

The United States is now in a similar position. There is no wooden horse, but there are determined invaders —- and we, like the Trojans, appear to be aiding and abetting our own demise.

John Binder, writing for Breitbart News, citing facts and figures from government sources, reports the United States is projected to add about 1.5 million illegal aliens to the American population by the end of the year, if current rates of Catch and Release border crossings and the 300,000 to 400,000 visa overstays remain consistent.

These numbers are in addition to the unverifiable tens of millions* of illegal aliens who are already fanned out across our country. This incalculable range represents the fact that we have lost control of how many invaders have breached our border. Their birth rates surpass native-born Americans.

Additionally, the astronomical numbers don’t factor in the estimated 500,000 illegal aliens who successfully cross into the U.S. undetected by Border Patrol agents. They are typically deported only after committing crimes in the U.S. —- initiating a cycle of repeated returns and deportations.  These are recent Border Patrol statistics.

The unskilled and uneducated Central American and Mexican hordes who have no respect for our sovereignty and are loath to assimilate, recreate the barrios they left behind after arriving in the USA.  Once here, they are able to access taxpayer-funded benefits as they fan out across our nation, all too often aided and abetted by unconscionable churches desperate to fill their emptying pews with grateful invaders.

President Donald Trump ran and was elected on his promise to build a border wall. Congressional Democrats have thwarted his efforts at every turn, denying the funding needed to complete construction. They tout technology that has been a costly failure since it was initially implemented. SRAZ posted,Virtual fence is a virtual flop,“ andVirtual fence “looks good” to Homeland Insecurity Chief Chertoff,” nearly a dozen years ago. The only thing that has changed is the invaders now boldly arrive in caravans, knowing that the leftist dominated U.S. House of Representatives refuses to advance funding President Trump has repeatedly requested. The visceral hatred they have for him trouncing Hillary Clinton in 2016 supersedes any rational thoughts of providing security to America’s citizens.

This Roy Beck video is not new, but remains as relevant as when it first introduced.

* Recent study by researchers from Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Friday with JD

March 28, 2019

Conservatives can get an early start to their weekend, as former Congressman JD Hayworth returns to radio, guest hosting for Vince Coakley on the simulcast of WBT, Charlotte & WORD, Greenville/Spartanburg.

Airtime: 7 – 9:00 am (AZ Time)…listen LIVE at

Smollett aided beating the rap by Obama, $oros connections

March 28, 2019

The Chicago Tribune details the double standard for celebrity Jussie Smollett in what turned out to be a hoax rather than the “hate crime” he reported to police. The headline from the local newspaper blasts, “Chicago police files on Jussie Smollett investigation show behind-the-scenes maneuvers.”

The back story is even more despicable than his fraudulent tale concocted to boost his salary for the televised series in which he participated.

By all accounts, the police work — including thousands of hours diverted from real crimes in the war zone of Chicago — was diligent and impeccably carried out.  Smollett, black and gay, alleged that he had been a crime victim carried out by two men who bound and poured bleach over him.  And what a surprise, the assailants who just happened to be wearing President Trump’s MAGA (Make America Great Again) hats yelled racial slurs at Smollett. It plays out like a script, right down to a threatening letter that was sent to Smollett after he wasn’t getting the reaction he desired. He was behind that, too. The men, Nigerian brothers, were found to have cashed a $3,500 partial payment check from Smollett. The incident supposedly occurred at 2 a.m. as Smollett was walking back to his apartment from a Subway sandwich shop —- assuring there would be no witnesses.

Problems arose when surveillance tapes showed a much different scenario than the one described by actor Smollett. In the end the 16-count indictment handed down by a Chicago Grand Jury meant nothing. He ultimately was sentenced to a couple of days of community service logging it in with Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition. That, and forfeiture of his $10,000 bond was bizarrely enough to satisfy prosecutors in Chicago.

The most riveting aspect of the contemptible saga is the chain of “angels” who shone their purifying light on this fake victim of a sham hate crime specifically constructed with a vicious anti-Trump angle. Former First Lady Michelle Obama had a hand in this legal debacle. Her onetime chief of staff, Tina Tchen, also a lawyer, personally contacted the Illinois State’s Attorney to put in a good word for Smollett, exchanging  text messages (here and here) with prosecutor Kim Foxx before charges were dropped. In one of the messages, Tchen urged Foxx to convince Chicago police to hand the investigation over to the FBI, where Obama still had sway. Replete with trendy liberal speak the exchanges are filled with “reaching out.” Liberals don’t contact one another. Neither do they have problems. Liberals have “issues.”

Messages on this level are compelling stuff if you’re a Democrat in Barack Obama’s hometown.

Foxx was a former chief aide to Cook County Board president before she caught the eye of Socialist billionaire George Soros  He’s also a player, funneling a reported* two $300,000 donations to a Super PAC to support Kim Foxx’ campaign, an additional $333,000 personal contribution, plus $75,000 after she won —- all in his quest to realign the criminal justice system in his skewed image. He’s also funded Secretary of State campaigns and others responsible for election oversight. Soros, who disdains national borders, dumped money into the Maricopa County Sheriff’s race ensuring leftist, wife-beater Paul Penzone had sufficient funding to take out popular, 6-term Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Immediately after being sworn in, and right on cue, Penzone referred to illegal invaders as “guests.”

When Kim Foxx was elected in 2016, she made this statement: “I ran for this office to make sure that we had a criminal justice system people can believe in. That’s my duty.”

Apparently her “duty” cap fell off as she raced to appease the Obama’s and fulfill her obligation to George Soros.

*H/T  Law Enforcement Today

Kyrsten Sinema’s strange bedfellows

March 27, 2019

As a self-declared bi-sexual, it’s a given Kyrsten Sinema — Arizona’s most outrageously unlikely U.S. Senator — has had more than a few strange bedfellows, but chances are she outdid herself Tuesday. What’s more, she engaged in her reckless behavior in the senate chamber — In front of witnesses, no less. To compound matters, she forged ahead without so much as a blush.

Sinema joined with Republicans to vote against the extremist Democrat “Green New Deal,” a brainchild of New York Socialist U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who has declared that Americans must radically alter our lifestyles, modes of transportation to net zero emissions, rebuild our homes and commercial buildings to comply with intrusive green standards to achieve her illusion of GND nirvana or America and the rest of the planet, will be doomed to a prehistoric restoration, sans dinosaurs, within a decade. The extreme proposed legislation also mandates free education, housing, food and economic security for all, without addressing funding.

According to this recent study co-authored by Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the former director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, implementation of the colossal “Green New Deal” could cost as much as $93 trillion, or approximately $600,000 per household. Watch his brief interview with Neil Cavuto.

Forty-three Democrats, including the party’s senate presidential candidates —- Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren —- voted “present” on the cloture vote on S.J. Res.8 avoiding having to sign their names to this far-left issue viewed as one the most radical, dangerous, and destructive policies to ever be considered in the chamber.

Sinema, politically astute when she sees a decided future benefit, bedded down with the Republicans.

AZ Sen. candidate Mark Kelly holds stealth DC fundraiser

March 26, 2019

ActBlue, issuing the invitation, is a construct of Socialist billionaire George Soros

This invitation to Mr. Gabby Gifford’s (aka Mark Kelly) U.S. Senate fundraiser definitely qualifies as unusual. It’s being held today, but the non-committal host committee is still “in formation.” Additionally, the location is secret. The invitation gives a single clue: it’s somewhere in “Downtown Washington, D.C.” The address will only be provided upon the receipt of an RSVP — presumably with a credit card attached. Registrations are taken at an ActBlue email address.

ActBlue’s website promises candidates it will “harness the power of the grassroots,” which raises the question for Mr. Giffords, wouldn’t the grassroots he intends to harness and wants to represent be in Arizona and shouldn’t he be committed to harnessing them himself?

The connection between ActBlue and Socialist billionaire George Soros was revealed here a decade ago. This Kelly/Gifford’s character is not a mainstream Democrat partisan. He’s a far-leftist in addition to being a gun hypocrite who purchased an AR-15, a 1911-style semi-automatic pistol and “high capacity” magazines at a Tucson gun store the day after testifying to Congress in favor of restricting our Second Amendment rights.

Selling out is Robert Robb’s job security

March 25, 2019

In a recent commentary, Robert Robb, the libertarian leaning, once sole deviant opinion writer among the braying gaggle of leftists at Arizona’s newspaper of record, leapt like a lemming off the extremist cliff. His precipice plunge was titled, “Elizabeth Warren is right: The Electoral College has got to go.”

He’s lost his way down the murky liberal alley more frequently as former colleagues have increasingly been replaced with ASU Cronkite Journalism students, who have neither editors nor offices. In September 2018, we wrote,AZ Republic’s Robb grovels, earns his pay on AZ Senate race,”

In response to the virulent anti-Trump spew his superiors routinely dole out, Robb’s recent submissive offering was titled, “Trump’s irresponsible budget.” Barack Obama was never the recipient of such an assault, though his spending eclipsed all previous presidents combined. It’s not difficult to imagine the meeting with editorial page editor Phil Boas, and the instructions being handed to Robb, with that pathetic commentary as the result.

Now Robb’s outdone himself, singing George Soros’ mantra of the National Popular Vote (NPV). His most recent opinion piece is titled….brace yourself ….“Elizabeth Warren is right: The Electoral College has got to go.”

Surely Robb is aware that this farce has become a front burner item for the Democrats. He’s no dummy, as demonstrated by his use of the word “fecund” (which we had to look up), as he described Democrat presidential candidate, Elizabeth Warren. He is, however, all too willing to sing for his supper.

As if by providence, SRAZ wrote a post on the very topic last Friday, taking a much different view than the skew offered by Robert Robb. We place more value on our Nation’s Founders and our U.S. Constitution than in either Socialist billionaire George Soros or Elizabeth Warren. Our piece is headlined, “Desperate Dems embrace NPV absurdity.”

Soros wants to hijack our presidential elections allowing a few highly populated and left-leaning states such as California, New Jersey, New York and Illinois to have a disproportionate influence in our elections. He has also been pouring $millions into under-the-radar campaigns influencing local district attorney races in numerous states to reconfigure the American justice system to his liking, as reported by POLITICO.

NPV is partnered with FairVote, a project of the Soros-funded Center for Voting and Democracy. Along with advocating for the flawed national popular vote for president, it also sets as a goal lowering the voting age to 16.

Robert Robb should know that selling one’s soul to the left is the ultimate degradation. Conservatives no longer have high expectations of him, but he should have them for himself.

Want proof the anti-Trump left is going nuts?

March 24, 2019

This Reuters report clearing President Trump of any involvement in “Russian Collusion,” is three sentences long and required two reporters and an editor to produce:

Mueller does not find Trump campaign knowingly conspired with Russia

WASHINGTON, March 24 (Reuters) – Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian meddling in the 2016 election did not find that any U.S. or Trump campaign officials knowingly conspired with Russia, according to details released on Sunday.

Attorney General William Barr sent a summary of conclusions from the report to congressional leaders and the media on Sunday afternoon. Mueller concluded his investigation on Friday after nearly two years, turning in a report to the top U.S. law enforcement officer.

(Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch and Andy Sullivan; Editing by Leslie Adler)

Attorney General William Barr’s four-page letterto House and Senate Judiciary leaders can be read here. In it, he advises them of principle conclusions reached by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III, and informs them of the status of his initial review of the report Mueller prepared.



Dying AZ Republic still fronts for undead McCain

March 24, 2019

It’s no secret the ever shrinking — both in staff and content —- Arizona Republic is on the skids. Its parent company Gannett Co. Inc. with stock prices continually falling, has been the subject of a hostile takeover bid by outside investors known for gutting newspapers. Recently Gannett, which owns nearly 100 other newspapers including USA Today, fired Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Steve Benson in a cost-cutting measure. Its last resort is to go all digital, which it knows will result in cancellations it can ill afford. The newspaper admitted cancellations spiked following its Hillary Clinton endorsement.

A major problem for the Arizona Republic is its propensity to continually insult its remaining readers. In a state that gave all of its electoral votes to Donald Trump in 2016, and where as president he remains popular, the newspaper stays bonded to its anti-Trump agenda. Its latest effort, headlined, “John McCain and Arizona likely to remain a Donald Trump obsession,” begins with these words:

President Donald Trump’s barrage of attacks on the late Sen. John McCain over the past week landed with a thud in many quarters.

Exactly which “quarters” was left unstated. Like the proverbial elephant in the room, the Republic omits the obvious, as it slathers praise on the less than exemplary McCain and omits his key role in trying to undermine President Donald Trump by acting as a facilitator of the salacious and fraudulent “dossier” supposedly linking Trump to Russian collusion. The 675 day investigation by Special Council Robert Mueller, concluded Friday with no indictments brought against the president or members of his family.

Exhibiting his widely known classy style, McCain defended his actions with these words: “I discharged that obligation, and I would do it again. Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell.” This tirade came despite the fact that he knew the dossier aimed at discrediting President Trump was funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

The Arizona Republic’s Sunday front page report — again marginalizing President Trump — quotes Rachel Bitecofer, a professor of political science who “specializes in campaigns and polarization,” at the unknown Christopher Newport University in Virginia:

“Trump will likely spend time during the 2020 presidential campaign in Arizona talking about his long-promised border wall, and he’s ignored pleas from Republicans in the past to not discuss his views on McCain. He gets into those rallies and he just can’t help himself.”

The newspaper omits the fact that Bitecofer is the author of a decidedly anti-Trump book titled, “The Unprecedented 2016 Presidential Election.” This is the bizarre summary of the book:

This book explains the 2016 presidential election through a strategic focus. In the primaries both parties faced challenges from insurgent outsiders riding waves of populist fervor in the electorate, but only the Democrats were able to steer the nomination into the hands of their establishment favorite. Why weren’t Republican elites able to stop Donald Trump from hijacking their party’s nomination?  Why did Hillary Clinton come up short on Election Day despite the fact that nearly everyone expected her to win after her opponent ran a haphazard campaign plagued by scandal after scandal? The research presented here argues that the Clinton campaign conducted the nearly perfect execution of the wrong electoral strategy, costing her the Electoral College and her chance to become America’s first female president.

The essence of President Trump’s animus towards McCain is not shrouded in mystery. The envious and malevolent McCain ran for president twice and lost both times. Donald Trump attained what McCain never could, and McCain was more than willing to engage in any nefarious actions to take Trump down for his achievement. Trump’s popularity remains strong because he is fulfilling the campaign promises he made to voters. This is not rocket science.