Dems’ connections to anti-Trump Russia dossier

October 31, 2017

Analyzing the “Russia probe”

House Intelligence Committee Chairman U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) joined conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham Monday as she debuted her new Fox News program, “The Ingraham Angle.”  Nunes called on the Department of Justice to “do its job” regarding leaks from major U.S. intelligence services.

Ingraham opened the inaugural edition of the show with a powerful monologue about what “America means to her and to regular Americans.”

Arizonans who attended the impressive kickoff of Dr. Kelli Ward‘s U.S. Senate campaign gave Laura Ingraham a sizzling Phoenix welcome as she endorsed Ward — sharing the stage with Breitbart News executive chairman Steve Bannon and former Arizona Congressman, now NewsMax host, JD Hayworth. Fox News’ Sean Hannity has also endorsed Ward.

This is Ingraham’s take on Jeff Flake’s anti-Trump swan song speech.

The Guardian, a British news source, reported in early January that it was none other than bitter presidential loser John McCain, a virulent Trump-hater, who personally passed what turned out to be a fake dossier alleging secret Trump-Russia contacts to then-FBI director James Comey. It’s difficult to forget Comey.  He’s the one who gave an undeserved legal break to corrupt Hillary Clinton— despite damning evidence against her.

Irrelevant McCain and Flake consume AZ Republic

October 30, 2017

Absurdity comes on fleet foot from local newspaper

 The Arizona Republic is suffering. The throes of despair are more evident with each passing day.  And the cause of this anguish? Two irrelevant Republicrat senators: John McCain and Jeff Flake.

Dan Nowicki, the senator’s assigned sycophantic reporter is so distraught at the thought of their imminent departures, he’s been reduced to writing gibberish — aided by columnists— sappy Laurie Roberts and toothless pit bull E.J. Montini. It‘s a pitiful sight to behold as his job security hinged on two political contrarians, slips beyond his grasp.

 As an example of Nowicki’s predicament, Sunday’s front page carried the headline, “Mavericks Unleashed,” which concludes that now freed from pre-election fundraising and the pressure to sound rational, lame duck Flake and his seriously ill mentor McCain are unconstrained in spewing their ire at President Trump.  A literal translation of the scenario is the duo no longer has to lie in order to soothe the ire of the irate conservative base within the Arizona Republican Party. Flake, who realized he was in a losing battle against principled conservative challenger Dr. Kelli Ward, opted out of his 2018 reelection to avoid a humiliating defeat, not due to his non-complicity with President Trump. This is all facile fakery to allow him to leave on a higher note than being unceremoniously kicked to the curb.

These are the hard facts: Flake has never been popular, winning the open senate seat in 2012 by just 3 points, despite diligent efforts by retiring Sen. Jon Kyl and John McCain. Trump carried Arizona by nearly 20 points in the 2016 GOP presidential primary. In the General Election Trump captured all 11 electoral votes.

 The same edition of the beleaguered newspaper runs what is likely a first, as editorials go. Attributed to the entire editorial board, (do they take turns writing sentences? Is Tucson resident Linda Valdez hooked up via a conference call?)  it is two pages in length, topped with an oversize full color photo of the new hero of the left, Jeff Flake, absurdly titled, “In Flake’s speech, a flash of hope.”  That was after Flake referred to himself as “a globalist,” cast in the image of billionaire Socialist George Soros.

In a fit of pomposity while editorially standing in for Flake, the Republic calls on Americans, not only Arizonans, to reject the President of the United States, but also to reject what they refer to as “Trump making the offensive seem commonplace.”

This is the same Hillary Clinton endorsing newspaper that uses Cronkite students who write news reports that foolishly resemble Snoopy’s “it was a dark and stormy night novellas. The same newspaper that headlines news reports with the slippery words, “May,” “Could,” and “Might” exemplified by this Page One article titled, “Money for kid’s health care may run out in weeks.” That money also may not run out — making the report pointless. Slippery, non-definitive words and editorials passing as news have become the Arizona Republics stock in trade. 

Can those in charge of disgorging bile and fake news actually harbor realistic expectations that they sway any votes?  When elections roll around, fewer of the newspaper’s endorsed candidates win.  Scandal-plagued Hillary is an outstanding example as the Republic, referring to itself as “conservative,” opined, “Her flaws pale in comparison“ to Trump‘s.

An Arizona Republic endorsement has become the kiss of death principled candidates run from. 

Reality takes a hike when Trump haters gather

October 29, 2017

From time to time SRAZ has posted, “Weekend reading guaranteed to make you smarter.” With the retirement of brilliant conservative Thomas Sowell, such worthy columns are more difficult to find.

Yet as much as we enjoy reading columnists with whom we agree, it’s crucial to be aware of what those passing themselves off as conservatives attempt to misrepresent as factual.

Today we are veering off into the incomprehensible mindset of New York Times columnist David Brooks, who appeared Friday on ‘PBS NewsHour’ with Judy Woodruff and Mark Shields. Woodruff was recently honored at a soiree in Phoenix where she was presented with the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism, given annually by Arizona State University. In her acceptance speech, Woodruff issued an assurance that “journalists are not the enemy.”

That bit of information should prepare you for what comes next —  David Brooks: This Was The Week Steve Bannon Really Took Control Of The Republican Party, posted on Real Clear Politics.

RINOs, such as Arizona’s two now irrelevant senators and leftists have joined at the hip in portraying highly accomplished Bannon as evil incarnate.  His wrongdoing?  Bringing Donald Trump to the forefront of the GOP primary lineup of 17 candidates and across the finish line as the campaign’s chief executive. After Trump was elected president, Bannon was appointed White House Chief Strategist before returning to Breitbart News as executive chairman.

David Brooks’ New York Times op-ed, The Week Trump won, opens with references to Lenin, Trotsky “and the rest of the Bolsheviks” taking over Russia.  Guess who he views as the present day disastrous political extremists? 

Flake and McCain: Liberal colluders to the end

October 28, 2017

Flake showboats on Jones Act, McCain mocks Secretary of Homeland Security even as President Trump has temporarily lifted the Jones Act provisions at the request of Puerto Rican Gov. Ricardo Rossello.

 It would be too much to expect that egotist Jeff Flake — who announced his retirement from the U.S. Senate after conceding he couldn’t win reelection — would sit down and shut up. But with the glowing coverage he’s gotten from the Arizona Republic, he’s on  roll, obviously intending to milk his waning days in office. And how better than to try to diminish the Trump administration and Arizona Republicans by scheming with eight House Democrats — and, of course, John McCain — to loudly push the repeal of the Jones Act.

Arizona’s Senior Senator (ASS) McCain sent this letter to Elaine Duke, acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, in which he demands answers to seven questions posed to her, preceded with the sarcastic, “As you know,” and “Given your firsthand experience with the Jones Act….”

The Jones Act, a law implemented in 1920, requires all goods shipped between U.S. ports be carried by ships built by Americans and operated by Americans. Under the law, foreign vessels that enter Puerto Rico are subject to taxes, fees and tariffs.

Ailing octogenarian ASS and short-termer Flake have taken this on as a mission in the wake of Hurricane Maria savaging Puerto Rico, an unincorporated U.S. territory located in the Caribbean Sea. They portray themselves as saviors though President Trump had already implemented a waiver at the request of Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello.

That’s how negotiations are supposed to work. Although such reasoning  exceeds their ability, the showboating Republicrat duo, who are both rankled at the fact that Donald Trump is the president, need to allow the White House to conduct its business.

McCain lost his bid for the presidency. Flake conceded he would have lost his senate race and announced his retirement at the conclusion of his current term.

A new tough guy Dem for the AZ Republic to endorse

October 27, 2017

Redeem Green Robinson has got a lot on his plate. The 28-year-old Democrat is a candidate for the state Senate in Legislative District 30 in the 2018 Primary Election.  He’s also charged with assault and criminal damage originating from a fight earlier this year with his now former-girlfriend.

During the 2016 election cycle, Paul Penzone, who had previously roughed up his then-wife, won the Arizona Republic’s endorsement for Maricopa County Sheriff.  Incumbent Sheriff Joe Arpaio, happily married to his wife Ava for six decades was on the newspaper’s hit list, taking slings and arrows on a daily basis for enforcing the law. Popular Arpaio was elected to an unprecedented 6-four-year terms.

The Arizona Republic endorsed Penzone, whose campaign was funded by open borders globalist George Soros who funneled $2 million to Penzone. It didn’t hurt that Penzone, using the strings-attached-cash, bought full page ads in the failing Republic where the bottom line matters more than integrity. Soon after Penzone was elected, he showed his gratitude to billionaire Soros by referring to illegal aliens as “guests.”

Tainting Trump with Russian collusion traced to Hillary, DNC, McCain

October 26, 2017

John McCain hand-carried dossier to FBI intending to destroy Trump

 It must be excruciatingly painful for the liberal Washington Post, long considered an arm of the Democrat Party, to have to report the facts about the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee collusion in paying for false allegations against Donald Trump while repeatedly linking his campaign to Russian spies. It was all bogus, as he has been saying for well over a year.

What is contained in the Washington Post’s revealing report rivals any John le Carré spy fiction. The difference is, the Democrats and their operatives are willing to sacrifice the well-being of the United States and our election process in order to not only win, but also permanently disable any political challenger who keeps his promises and believes in the greatness of America.

The WaPo’s must read article is titled, “Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier.”

And that dossier filled with contrived smut? it was none other than Trump-hating John McCain, consumed with jealous rage that Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office and he never will, who hand-carried the bogus documents to then-FBI director James Comey.

The same Director Comey who casually cleared Hillary Clinton of all charges pending against her.

In Jeff Flake’s recent declaration that he won’t seek reelection, he places the blame at the feet of President Trump — not his own abysmal 18% approval rating —saying he “won’t be complicit,” with the current path of the Republican Party.

Today’s  Arizona Republic editorial, written by Elvia Diaz, the heiress apparent to aging left-winger Linda Valdez, refers to those who support the senate candidacy of Dr. Kelli Ward, as “her ilk.”

The words are obviously not intended as a compliment to conservatives, but we’ll gladly take them. Who would want to be called a Democrat in today’s world?

Emmy award winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson reveals the truth about baseless Democrat claims of “treasonous Russian collusion” repeatedly lodged against President Trump.

Flake left the senate because he can’t abide the GOP

October 25, 2017

This morning’s issue of the Arizona Republic is a multi-page paean to the man we have often characterized as Jeff the Flake. The Hillary Clinton endorsing newspaper heralds him on the front page with an oversize  photo and overlayed with his quote, “I will not be complicit.” The jump pages include his speech and a dose of fawning by his mentor John McCain. There is no denying the hard fact that throughout his career Flake has shown himself to be “complicit” —- with Democrats and against conservative positions.

The personification of sanctimonious arrogance, the always preening Jeff Flake has been an utter disappointment to Arizona Republicans. He held closed door or invitation only town halls because Arizonans overwhelmingly wanted to see a border wall built while he was acting in concert with John McCain, two other RINOs and a gaggle of the most liberal senate Democrats on the “Gang of 8”amnesty bill. Few have forgotten his 2016 effort to pass “bipartisan” gun control legislation, his collusion with Barack Obama over a nuclear deal with the terror-sponsoring, American-hating rogue nation of  Iran, or the implementation of his long held desire to lift the U.S. embargo on travel to Communist Cuba — another deal made with his buddy Obama.

Then there was  the shocking spectacle of Jeff Flake taking Barack Obama’s lame duck Supreme Court nominee Democrat Merrick Garland through the halls of the senate in an attempt to garner votes for him. With the election of President Trump,  conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch was appointed to the high court to fill the seat previously held by Justice Antonin Scalia.

There have been numerous other betrayals and glib attempts at trickery, all with his ever present smirk plastered on his face. He belittled GOP nominee  Donald Trump who won the Republican nomination over 16 other primary candidates, declaring, “He can’t and shouldn’t win,” while loudly and repeatedly proclaiming his refused to vote for Trump — putting him squarely in scandal-plagued Hillary Clinton‘s column. He must have choked on his own sputum on Dec. 8, 2016 when the results came in showing Trump was elected President.

Flake’s decision to leave the U.S. Senate is based in the  knowledge he is out of step with Arizona’s voters and  couldn’t win in 2018. 

Fortunately, conservatives have an excellent candidate in Dr. Kelli Ward, a physician, military wife, and former two-term state senator who spent 4 years burnishing her conservative credentials in the Arizona legislature. She also supports the President of the United States.

Establishment candidate Jeff Flake folds senate tent

October 24, 2017

There is nothing noble about this out of touch RINO leaving the senate. He takes his leave by continuing to bash Republican Pres. Donald Trump

The Arizona Republic calls Jeff Flake’s decision not to run for reelection to the U/S. Senate “a bombshell.” We call it prudent.  As we have repeatedly written in a sidebar topic titled, Jeff the Flake, Jeff Flake is disconnected to Arizona conservatives, winning the senate by only 3 percentage points in 2012. Open borders supporting Flake has been losing to conservative Dr. Kelli Ward in poll after poll.

The question is, where does the squish elite of the AZ GOP throw its support? Conservatives will support Ward. The RINO hacks in charge of the party apparatus, will blame her for Flake’s decision and likely look elsewhere — conceivably handing a victory to radical chameleon CD 9 U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema.  A first term member of congress, she recently announced for the U.S. Senate. This soft campaign ad about a young military vet who committed suicide, shows her ability to facilely switch positions.

McCain clone Flake told the newspaper, “Here’s the bottom line — The path that I would have to travel to get the Republican nomination is a path I’m not willing to take, and that I can’t in good conscience take. It would require me to believe in positions I don’t hold on such issues as trade and immigration and it would require me to condone behavior that I cannot condone.”

Jeff Flake was not averse tocompromising his positionsin 2011, when facing Arizona voters, he backtracked on his amnesty bent, terrifying the open border newspaper — but only until the ballots were counted.

This is how Breitbart News characterized the Flake exit.

Last month, Jeff the Flake was continuing to raise money while already having nearly $3 and a half million in his campaign coffers. Where will that cash go?

AZ Teachers want 20% raise — Great. Earn it

October 24, 2017

Good teachers are worth their weight in gold and their pay should reflect that, but facts are part of the equation 

After it was reported that Gov. Doug Ducey gave promotions and accompanying raises to numerous staffers, Arizona’s teachers are now demanding salary increases.

Speaking for the teachers was their Arizona Education Association union boss, Joe Thomas, who said, “Everybody deserves a healthy pay raise and  I think our teachers were counting on that.”  Thomas described  the teachers, whose emotions ran the entire gamut, as “disappointed, angry and outraged,” that their pay bump was only one percent compared to the governor’s staff who received larger increases.

 The pay issue raised some questions. Randomly picking a central Phoenix school district, we downloaded its Aug. 7, beginning and May 23, ending school days for the current 180 day calendar year. There were eleven days that were listed as “Half Day Schedules” and “Early Release Days.” Ten holidays were listed, totaling 29 days. Easter and Christmas have gone by the wayside, replaced by Spring (6 days) and Winter(12 days) Breaks. A 5 day Fall Break is in addition to a 2 day Thanksgiving Break. Teachers Planning Days are half days for students and no teaching is done on state testing days. “Teacher Collaboration Time” factors in as an Early Release Day.

State employees in Arizona have ten holidays off. They work full days and have no time set aside for collaboration with their co-workers. Unlike teachers, they don’t get the summer off. State workers are not members of a union. Employees can be fired at will since they have no guaranteed employment protection as do tenured teachers. State workers have to show they are performing to standard, turning out a quality work product. Teachers’ pay based performance standards should be high achieving students, but such sensible markers are vigorously opposed by the unions.

Without teaching to a specific test, teachers should have student achievement markers tied to salary increases, just like the rest of us.  There is a reason many parents are choosing alternatives to public schools.

And how is it that “underpaid” teachers are able to send dues specifically earmarked to fund mostly liberal politicians?  These are the people who spend more time influencing American students than their parents do. Consider why Leftist Barack Obama and Socialist Bernie Sanders cornered the youth vote.

Open Secrets/The Center for Responsive Politics shows the $ millions the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) lobbying arms give to leftist elected officials. The AFT gave not one thin dime to Republicans.

We’ve all seen the intended to be humorous video clips of students strolling their university campuses, who are unable to answer the most basic questions regarding American history, geography or politics but know the latest celebrity trivia. They are pathetic rather than funny. Yet they spent years in classrooms, graduating with enough on their educational resume to gain admittance to a university.

Flake’s a loser: Time to diminish conservative Ward

October 23, 2017

Fish wrap back to trying to slay conservative candidates

The Arizona Republic is in the throes of political agony. Its two venerated RINOcrat senators are in trouble. “Thumbs down” McCain, 81, who deliberately sabotaged President Trump’s efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, is seriously ill. Jeff Flake is reaping what he has sown in denigrating President Trump, and is failing in the polls.

Flake, running for a second 6-year senate term in 2018, is struggling to  keep his head above water. Writing an ill-timed, anti-Trump booklet has not endeared him to Republicans in a state that gave Trump all 11 of its electoral votes.

 Enter Dan Nowicki, McCain’s sycophantic reporter employed by the Hillary-endorsing  newspaper.  Rather than reporting accurately about  conservative challenger Dr. Kelli Ward, who just this past week had a thunderous campaign kickoff featuring conservative icon Laura Ingraham and executive chairman of Breitbart News, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.

Nowicki compares Ward, a family practice physician and two-term state senator, to two women he identifies as “tea party” candidates from Nevada and Delaware, both  of whom won their 2010 primaries only to lose in the general election.  He gets a pass from the left-of-center newspaper which would be the first to call this sexist coverage if the topic was Democrat women.

This iffy language, lacking specifics, is typical of the style Nowicki employs to make his foolish point regarding Dr. Ward:

Many Republicans consider her a weak candidate.”

Some political observers say she could help deliver the senate seat to the Democrats in the general election.”

He repeats the fallacious McCain hype calling her “Chemtrail Kelli” for responding to a question at a candidate forum during her challenge to McCain. Nowicki batters Ward for her commitment to building a wall along our southern border, conveniently overlooking the fact that John McCain and Jeff Flake, both court globalist, billionaire George Soros — a committed Socialist —-  and  open borders proponent — except when McCain and Flake are candidates.

Following Nowicki’s Sunday article, the Republic’s columnist Laurie Roberts jumped in today, with a heading, “Kelli Ward’s run is Democrats’ dream come true.” Echo queen Roberts reaches into the newspaper’s reliable reiteration barrel to absurdly link Dr. Ward to “chemtrials,” and those considered unsavory enough to sully Ward.  But Roberts tosses what she hopes is credibility by going to defamed political operative Nathan Sproul for substantiation of her anti-Ward thesis.

Describing Dr. Kelli Ward’s 2016 loss to John McCain, Nowicki fails to note that McCain outspent her 10 to 1, and brazenly lied about her.  As is his modus operandi McCain has a third candidate enter the race  to split the vote, ensuring  his victory. 

Jeff Flake has been at the public trough for the majority of his adult life, except for a stint as a lobbyist and  registered foreign agent in the African nation of Namibia, where he worked for Rossing Uranium — one of the world’s largest suppliers of nuclear fuel. Flake earned a substantial salary opening doors in D.C. and promoting the firm which had deep financial ties to Iran.

Take time to read about Dr. Kelli Ward and review her principled positions on the issues facing Arizonans and all Americans. Donate what you can. This is a crucial race and she isn’t sitting atop a pile of lobbyist money as Flake is.