Candidate donation solicitations speak McVolumes

September 30, 2015

Earth to candidates: We won’t be your “friend” unless you show conservative credentials

As the FEC deadline for the third fundraising quarter approaches tonight, political activists have been inundated with donation solicitations from candidates. There are the low-key requests and the fever pitched, agitated pleas — packing messages of doom unless the money rolls in.

The winner for employing the most desperate begging has to be Jeb!, who has had his wife, other family members and now his son trying to raise cash from the folks. His haughty sounding PAC, “Right to Rise,” speaks to his idea of expected ascendancy. The lobbyists are on board, but are getting edgy at his mostly single digit polling numbers.

George P., the Texas Land Commissioner and the latest Bush-in the-political-dynasty-wings, is begging on behalf of his seriously plunging dad. It won’t help. As SRAZ commenter, State Delegate so succinctly noted recently, Jeb is ready for the “political embalming fluid.” McCain has been complimentary regarding Jeb Bush‘s potential, which could account for his use of the word, ”Friends” in his solicitations.

Marco Rubio, the slick-talking, pro-amnesty Gang Of Eight member, who continues to join forces with John McCain in blaming Islamic terrorism on oppression, has a not-so-novel approach to his appeals for cash. Rubio addresses his prospective donors as “Friends.”

Why would any candidate seek to emulate this?

Donald Trump, able to self fund, is not imploring his followers for donations.

Dr. Ben Carson wisely addresses his supporters as “Fellow Conservatives,” as he talks about the dangers of political correctness which “prevent us from speaking honestly about our challenges, our differences and our culture.” This brain surgeon knows a thing or two about how the human mind functions.

He’s undoubtedly keenly aware few of us enjoy being so presumptuously addressed in McCain-speak.

LD 30 chair Gary Hirsch: I’m gonna win so I’m resigning

September 29, 2015

The LD 30 saga never ceases to amaze.  Frosty Taylor, editor of Republican Briefs, is the go-to source of the latest information — including the back story — regarding the special meeting called for Monday night in order to recall legislative district chairman Gary Hirsch.

Hirsch is viewed by many of the elected precinct committeemen as a John McCain operative and part of the very senior senator‘s bizarre payback scheme to cleanse the Arizona GOP of conservatives who supported McCain’s censure at the January 2014 state statutory meeting. That vote of censure passed 1,150 to 351.

On Sunday afternoon, in advance of his recall election, Hirsch submitted a letter of resignation to Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) Chairman Tyler Bowyer. In that letter, Hirsch oddly boasted that he had the votes to save his chairmanship. His exact words state he had “secured the votes to win handily on Monday.”

In view of Hirsch’s resignation, the special meeting was officially cancelled.

AZ Republic’s skewed “viewpoints” expose bias

September 28, 2015

Newspaper makes no effort to provide balance

Sunday’s edition of the Arizona Republic is a classic, rife with examples of the leftward lurch that underscores the entire failing publication. For the untutored reader it would be easy to mistake the page topping headlines “Viewpoints Sunday” and “Opinions” as vehicles delivering a variety of vantage points. That is obviously not the case.

There’s the requisite piece of open borders blather from Linda Valdez, the resident amnesty doyenne.  An Our Turn article titled “Focus on the Future” is the joint effort of two notable educrats, Sybil Francis (wife of Arizona State University’s overpaid president Michael Crow) and Lattie Coor, who preceded Crow as ASU president. The duo seeks to exert liberal influence within the state’s educational structure and beyond.

The expected piece of Arpaio bashing is front and center. This one dripping with sarcasm aimed at the sheriff and his office. Letters to the editor? Most sound as though they were crafted by the ASU’s Cronkite journalism students who have risen to jobs for which they are unqualified, as seasoned staffers grab their retirement and run — before the dam finally breaks. 

Focusing on the Question of the Week, under AZ Talk, the skew is irrefutable.  The question, “If Trump wins the Republican primary can he win the White House? “ is answered by each of four selected respondents with the first word emboldened and preceding a short explanation. There are two “No” answers, one “Never” and one “Maybe“. Of the four only one is a registered Republican. Listed under their names are their jobs, presumably intended to convey credibility. Two are either former or current teachers, one is a sculptor’s assistant, and another is described as a “community enthusiast.” 

Phil Boas, son-in-law of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is the director of the Arizona Republic’s editorial pages. That means he oversees the constant barrage against his wife’s father and the grandfather of his kids. It’s a good bet he also has at least some authority over the type of questions asked and the selection of those who respond —  typically in lockstep — with the newspaper‘s bent. Conservatives should consider giving this guy a call and volunteering to provide their perspective on issues concerning us all. Phil Boas can be reached at 602-444-8292. No doubt he’d like to hear from you.

“Vast right wing conspiracy” returns with a vengeance

September 27, 2015

Bill and Hill as victims is a monotonous and tiresome rerun

A little background for those not politically attuned when the Clinton scandals first broke.  We’re not talking about Hillary’s private email server compromising national security during her stint as Secretary of State or the lies that predicated the Benghazi catastrophe. We’re not even taking a step further back in time to the suspect Whitewater investment cover-ups, Filegate or Travelgate, to cite just a few examples.

We’re time traveling to Bill Clinton and his campaign woes arising from what became known as “Bimbo Eruptions,” grounded in his penchant for a variety of women — culminating with the sordid saga involving White House intern Monica Lewinsky and her notorious blue dress.

Where other wives would have had their fill of this ongoing public humiliation, Hillary focused only on her desire to call the White House home. She sprang into action to defend her philandering hubby, blaming all of Bill’s woes on the “vast right-wing conspiracy.” (video under link.)

Now Bill is returning the favor. Like the ambitious Hillary, Bill is hankering for another go at the White House, even if it entails being relegated to the position of first First Gent….er…First Guy. 

Appearing this morning on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Clinton — still refusing to take responsibility for anything as her trustworthiness rating plummet — compares what she calls “attacks” to partisan confrontations on her husband’s administration more than two decades ago. She says she “can’t control” what she called the “drip, drip, drip” of investigations into her email, adding that she “can’t predict to what the Republicans will come up with.”

Amy Chozick, writing for the New York Times delivers Bill’s quid pro quo, “Bill Clinton Blames G.O.P. and Press for Wife’s Email Woes.” We offer it as our weekend reading guaranteed to make you smarter assignment. The test will be on reading between the lines.

AZ’s 3 university prez, coach, net huge pay raises, bonuses

September 26, 2015

In this March 7. 2015 statement from the Arizona Board of Regents, we read, “Universities were dealt a big blow in the fiscal year 2016 budget with $100 million in cuts. Cuts to university budgets represent 63 percent of all hard cuts made in the name of balancing the state budget.”  But ABOR president Eileen Klein also notes, “Our governor challenged our state to think big.”

That “challenge” was obviously taken literally with the massive salary, benefits and 6-figure performance bonuses “for meeting goals,” being doled out to the presidents of Arizona State University (Michael Crow), University of Arizona (Ann Weaver Hart)  and Northern Arizona University (Rita Cheng). Cheng, the most recent hire, didn’t fare as well as her peers  — this year.

Crow took a $10,000 hit for falling short of the “benchmark” of bachelor degrees conferred. 

As they were distributing the big bucks Thursday, the regents generously threw in a $200,000 pay increase for ASU’s head football coach. Todd Graham’s annual salary now skyrockets to $3 million a year — excluding bonuses.

We recommend you read the facts and figures — printed in the daily newspaper — on an empty stomach.

Hillary sticks to liberal PP lie during Iowa interview

September 25, 2015

Des Moines Register interview: Hillary doesn’t deviate from repeating Planned Parenthood lie

National Review knows the truth. Two months ago the publication carried this article by Michelle Malkin which set the record straight on the false claim, even repeated by candidate Barack Obama in 2012, that Planned Parenthood  provides mammograms to “millions” of women. That would be quite a trick given the fact that the nation’s leading abortion provider has neither the equipment nor trained personnel to administer breast cancer screening exams. . 

We don’t provide those services whatsoever,” a staffer at Planned Parenthood of Arizona confessed during this video exposé. 

Malkin notes: Even the liberal Washington Post doled out a three (out of four) Pinocchio rating for the White House’s mammogram lies. “The problem here is that Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms or even possess the necessary equipment to do so,” the paper’s resident fact-checker reported. 

Ladies, open your eyes and hearts. Watch the videos for yourselves. Get the facts. Unmask the lies. The cackling profiteers of Planned Parenthood don’t care about your breasts. They’re too busy putting price tags on the baby hearts, livers, lungs, and limbs swirling around in bloody pie plates, stacked in their “research” labs, subsidized with your tax dollars and sold to the highest bidders. For “preventative care,” of course.

Yet Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, during an interview with the Des Moines Register editorial board, defends the taxpayer funding of these abortion profiteers, saying, “I defend and continue to defend Planned Parenthood.”*

She continues by heaping lies upon lies: “500,000 you know, breast screening exams, a lot of other screening programs that are carried out,” Clinton claimed.

Hillary’s brazen dishonesty continued as she stated, “The Republicans have made it clear in recent years that they are not only opposed to abortion which they have been for quite some time, they’re increasingly opposed to family planning and contraception.”

Pro-life Susan B. Anthony List provides this Fact Sheet for an overview of  Planned Parenthood’s statistics. During fiscal year 2013-2014, Planned Parenthood received more than $528 million in taxpayer funding, or more than $1.4 million per day

The Center for Medical Progress, which released the Planned Parenthood exposés, is to be commended for bringing the macabre truths of this monstrous industry to light via these videos.

* H/T Eric Scheiner CNSNews senior video producer

Boehner stuns with resignation announcement

September 25, 2015

Conservatives will not be saddened by the news that Speaker of the House John Boehner is stepping down. The 13-term Ohio Republican has been ineffectual in his leadership role.

Most recently, his inability to stop the Iran deal from going through or defund Planned Parenthood has placed the often tearful Ohio congressman at odds with many in the Republican Party.  His unexpected announcement is not a retirement but a resignation.

The New York Times broke the news of the announcement that Boehner is stepping down at the end of October. This comes a day after he was successful in getting the pope to address congress, something he has strived to do for twenty years.

AZ GOP establishment, past and present party on — for the party

September 24, 2015

Portrayed as a reception in support of the AZ GOP, it doesn’t take a clairvoyant to recognize what the Oct. 20, gathering thousands of miles from Arizona at the members only Capitol Hill Club is actually about. At this tony soiree, held in Washington, DC, the local Republican hoi polloi can’t even hope to make the guest list. It’s the esteemed lobbyists and PAC contributors whose presence and checkbook is requested. The rest of us need to stand at the ready to pound campaign signs and go door-to-door in 115° delivering campaign materials and getting the vote out. We also get to stand like sheeple and applaud when those we put in the swank offices along the Potomac enter a room.

Featuring Gov. Doug Ducey and AZ GOP Chairman Robert Graham,  co-hosts include the entire AZ GOP delegation: Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake and AZ U.S. Reps. Trent Franks (CD-8), Paul Gosar (CD-4), Martha McSally (CD-2), Matt Salmon (CD-5), and David Schweikert (CD-6).

There is even an honorary host committee including a host of formers — U.S. Reps. Jim Kolbe, now a lobbyist, John Shadegg, also lobbying and former Sen. Jon Kyl, who currently works for the powerful D.C. lobbyist/law firm Covington & Burling.

There will be a gala closer to home in affluent Paradise Valley, but don‘t count on being invited to that high dollar Oct. 17 event either. It’s in a gated community, specifically intended to keep out the riff and the raff. Besides, chances are good you didn’t rate an invitation. Bet these guys did.

Carly Fiorina unmasked as McCain, Hillary supporter

September 23, 2015

Honesty, reliability and conviction carry more weight than slick speaking skills

As GOP candidates surprisingly soar, others who were topping the polls just weeks ago suddenly plunge and abandon their campaigns as we witnessed Monday with the unexpected exit of Gov. Scott Walker and previously, Gov. Rick Perry. We are told that Dr. Ben Carson is irreversibly wounded for having the temerity to utter what most Americans believe. In a calm display of  conviction, he didn’t back away from his words.

For too many Americans, the debates have become entertainment, not a measure of credibility or a means of evaluating positions on crucial issues. Those who have mastered the art of presentation, such as Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina, are thrust into the forefront via media hype, and apathetic citizenry passively accept the latest political flavor of the day.

Conservatives must not allow themselves to be lulled into trusting either Rubio or Fiorina. Both are skilled public speakers. And both have strong ties to the treacherous John McCain. Just two years ago, Rubio collaborated with McCain, Jeff Flake and a cabal of liberal Democrats as a member of the amnesty-pushing Gang of Eight. Like flagrantly opportunistic candidate McCain, who suddenly wanted to “complete the danged fence” in an effort to win votes, and Flake  — who mastered the same deceptive campaign tactics — candidate Rubio has momentarily abandoned his pathway to citizenship position with the same goal in mind.

And Carly Fiorina, a onetime economic adviser to, and high dollar campaign bundler for, John McCain?  Trusting Fiorina is risky business. Her newly acquired conservative stripes are painted on with water based pigment, guaranteed to run in the other direction if she wins.

Dr. Kelli Ward for US Senate: The right medicine for AZ

September 22, 2015

It’s time to replace John McCain — he deserves a rest and we deserve representation

Since most of us were not able to be in attendance to hear state Senator Kelli Ward at the Pima County Republican Club last week, here is a great opportunity to listen to her presentation and view her interaction with attendees, as she gave forthright answers to their questions. She has been traveling the state, meeting the voters and getting her message out

Check out Sen. Ward’s impressive bio here. Her Issues Page contains no double talk. The Lake Havasu City conservative Republican, currently representing Legislative District 5, is mounting a challenge to Sen. John McCain, who is running for his sixth 6-year term. First elected in 1982, he will be 80 by Election Day 2016 and nearly ninety if elected and were to serve out the term.

Seeing Red AZ strongly supports the candidacy of Sen. Kelli Ward and has written numerous posts about her: Here are a few:

 Feb. 27, 2015: AZ 2016 U.S. Senate race takes bright, right turn

March 14, 2015: McCain vulnerable in 2016: All eyes on Sen. Kelli Ward

May 21, 2015: Sen. Kelli Ward: Conservative leadership AZ needs in DC

June 6, 2015:  Breitbart takes note of Sen. Kelli Ward; McCain fares badly

July 14, 2015: It’s official! Dr. Kelli Ward announces for U.S. Senate

H/T Video courtesy of Tillmann News Information