Mo’ J.D. on KC MO

November 30, 2010

Conservative radio listeners agree that Valley news talk radio will never be the same without J.D. Hayworth’s entertaining and politically enlightening drive-time program.

But for the next three mornings, there is a bright alternative to the ordinary. Beginning tomorrow —  Wednesday morning at 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. (Phoenix time), J.D. will be on the air in Kansas City, Mo.

Tune in for live streaming audio at, Kansas City’s Fox News for a welcome voice.

Here’s the listen live button. Press and enjoy.

McCain laments loss of Democrat ally

November 30, 2010

Arizona’s perennial aisle crossing Sen. John McCain, took to the floor of the U.S. Senate today to deliver an emotional farewell to three-term Wisconsin Democrat Sen. Russ Feingold, who lost his November reelection bid to Republican Ron Johnson.

“Without intending it as a commentary on his successor, I have to confess I think the Senate will be a much poorer place without Russ Feingold in it,” McCain said. “I know that in my next term I will experience fewer occasions of inspiration because of the departure of Russ Feingold, a man whose courage and dedication to the principles that guided his Senate service often inspired me.”

Feingold is probably best remembered for his 2002 co-authorship with McCain on the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act — better known as McCain-Feingold — which was ostensibly crafted to limit the influence of money on campaigns, but in fact, severely and unconstitutionally constrained free speech.

Human Events provides an excellent insight on the direct attack of McCain-Feingold as it relates to one of our most fundamental constitutional rights — freedom of speech – especially unpopular political speech, the very speech our Founders sought to protect.

In his lengthy oratory, McCain said Feingold’s friendship and wisdom would be “irreplaceable,” the Wisconsin State Journal reports.

“In his time in the Senate, Russ Feingold, every day and in every way, had the courage of his convictions,” McCain said. “And though I am quite a few years older than Russ, and have served in this body longer than he has, I confess I have always felt he was my superior in that cardinal virtue.”

Russ Feingold held to the convictions he had in common with John McCain but had the proper designation after his name: Democrat.

The daily pushes the nightmarish DREAM Act…again

November 30, 2010

The daily is back at its position as sentry, though not on behalf of the citizens of this country. It is assuming its full statured stance at the gate to our country by taking on the heart-strings tugging posture reverted to as a last defense.  The topic is the DREAM Act, which today’s editorial is pushing with both hands —  even going out on a limb deceptively declaring it neither amnesty nor a reward for lawbreakers.

 As an example, this is the language they employ: “The economic benefits and all-American humanity behind the DREAM Act have been buried under a mountain of political spit wads.”

Editorialist Linda Valdez cunningly refers to the illegal aliens she and her publication hope to normalize as “undocumented children who grew up saluting the American flag.” They are referred to as “children” repeatedly throughout the editorial, although the term is interspersed with “young people” and “kids.”

Using the same terminology as in this shocking Aztlan Reconquista video, Valdez calls America an “aging nation” in need of these “resources we should not squander” — “potential Doctors. Lawyers. Entrepreneurs. Teachers. Politicians.”

One can sense Valdez’s high drama and fever pitch with each one word sentence.

Acknowledging the failed effort to attach the DREAM Act to a defense-authorization bill earlier this year was widely criticized as underhanded, she notes that Nevada Democrat Sen. Harry Reid now pledges to resurrect it as a stand-alone bill during the lame-duck Congress.

Though Democrats are limping though the halls of Congress after suffering massive losses of stature and warm bodies to take up their mantle, they still don’t get the concept of subtleties as apposed to ramrodding unpopular legislation.

The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act would essentially repeal part of prior federal law — specifically the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act — “that prohibits any state from offering in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens unless the state also offers in-state tuition rates to all U.S. citizens.” It would further offer amnesty to those illegal immigrants that came to the U.S. before the age of 16 (essentially unprovable) and have lived here for at least five years if they serve in the military or attend college.

Arizona’s Proposition 300, which specifically bars Arizona universities from giving in-state tuition rates to illegal immigrants, passed in 2006 with a stunning majority of 71.4 percent

Yet the act incorporates children of illegal aliens into American society by providing in-state tuition rates, gifting them a taxpayer-financed education. In contrast, out-of-state American students pay the full cost of their education. This absurd and costly legislation encourages rather than depresses further illegal immigration.

For a bit of background on the nightmare known as the DREAM Act, read more here.

Republic’s Kathleen Ingley: Sanctimonious hypocrisy abounds

November 29, 2010

Kathleen Ingley’s Quick Hit in today newspaper is titled: Is GOP now the party of nattering negativism?

In it, the editorialist  grouses that “Cynics claim Republican members of Congress have a single goal: Defeat Barack Obama. They aim to thwart, embarrass and undermine the president. It’s the party of “no, no, no.” Doing anything constructive for the country is secondary and undesirable if it might reflect well on President Obama. Sound outlandish? By their fruits, we shall know them.”

Ingley is one of those “cynics,” a term she uses to provided herself a deceptive cover of impartiality. Substitute the words ‘George W. Bush’ for ‘Barack Obama’ and rewind. It’s impossible to recall her or her colleagues at the leftward-slanted newspaper defending the previous president.

By your fruits, we know you, Ms. Ingley.

Clean Elections money: Look what you bought

November 29, 2010

ASU’s Cronkite News reports on the novel ways some of the 107 candidates who received public monies to run for the state legislature in 2010, spent the combined $3.2 million they collected from the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission — via Arizona citizens.

Arizona voters passed the public-financing scheme in 1998 after being convinced that “Clean Elections” meant that there was a taint to free speech, which rendered  it “dirty.”

In return for collecting 220 $5 contributions, candidates receive money from the Clean Elections Commission. The amounts vary depending on the office sought, with statewide offices paying out substantial amounts. After the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the controversial matching funds provision this past summer, primary gubernatorial candidates received $707,000, rather than approximately $2.1 million — though hardly chump change. Previously, “participating” candidates got additional money to match the spending by their opponents who were raising private funds from a supportive constituency.

For a comprehensive overview, read what the Institute for Justice has to say regarding the restrictions on free speech the plan imposes. But while free speech took a beating, free spending obviously does not.

Weekend reading guaranteed to make you smarter

November 28, 2010

From the Claremont Institute, an excellent overview and dissection if the midterm elections, titled The Great Repudiation.

Do yourself a favor and make time to read this compelling commentary.  There is much to be learned from the most profound defeat following a new president’s election since 1922. Losing 64 seats in the House of Representatives and 6 in the Senate was an historic lesson, which has left Democrats reeling.

Just two years ago, in 2008, Washington Post columnist Harold Meyerson crowed, “The future in American politics belongs to Barack Obama’s Democrats.”

The Democrats, unable to take responsibility for the massive and unrestrained government that was soundly rejected by American citizens, instead blamed their epic losses on a GOP campaign of misinformation coupled with the administration’s communications failure, since President Obama was working so hard to address the nation’s problems that he neglected to devote sufficient time and attention to explaining his policies to the public.

In the convoluted language of Demospeak, the election outcome was merely the result of a misunderstanding.

In truth, we understood all too well.

Religion of Peace update

November 28, 2010

The New York Times brings us a stunning holiday season reminder that the concept of moral relativism is indefensible.

Here’s what the Oregonian has to say.


But most revealing of all, over the holiday weekend, in an exceptional piece, Michelle Malkin addressed this issue as none of the MSM news sources did, calling it exactly what it is Just another bomb-plotting jihadist yelling “Allahu akbar!” 

We urge you to read it.

Mexican ingenuity

November 27, 2010

No great medical or scientific advances, but THIS major technological breakthrough features such a sophisticated system, it even made the news in Japan, the New York Times and points in between.

AZ Republic leans pro “gay,” anti-LDS

November 27, 2010

Offensive assertion links Mormon Church to increased suicides

Randy Lovely is the Arizona Republic’s chief editor and VP of News. When he arrived, it was “with his partner, “ ensuring his sexuality was front and center from day one.

Noticeable changes were the increasing reports and puff pieces on topics involving homosexuality — whether editorially pushing against the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy,  in favor of same-sex marriage or promoting the gay advocacy group No Longer Silent: Clergy for Justice, which supports leadership roles for gay men, lesbians and others in Christian church services. The daily advocates for same-sex partners health benefits. The Day of Silence solidarity in Arizona schools is given the kid glove treatment.

Recently, the newspaper has been fixated on “gays” in the LDS Church. Articles on fallen-away Mormons such as state Senator-elect Kyrsten Sinema, and former legislator Steve May make news.

But not just any such duos will do.  The focus is now on a specific couple of lovebirds named Flake and Salmon who declare they want to marry and start a family.  Those surnames have a particular resonance since they are not only well known in Arizona’s political community — Republican community.  They are also names that are prominent in the state’s multi-generational Latter-Day Saints arena.

So, via the most recent newspaper report, we introduce you to Matt R. Salmon and Kent Flake, who are now on a mission — of a different sort.  The men are described as “huddled at Pioneer Park across the street“ from the festive Christmas Lights ceremony at the Mesa temple with other members of the Phoenix Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Coalition, to hold “a suicide-prevention outreach and candlelight vigil aimed at preventing gay Mormon suicides in Arizona.”

How odd that the newspaper presents gay Mormons as more likely to take their own lives than others in the homosexual population. Where is the corresponding report on Catholic, Buddhist, Baptist, Presbyterian and Jewish homosexuals? Where are the facts to substantiate such a wild claim?

The Phoenix New Times, a tabloid-style publication, previously covered the Salmon/Flake duo with an attitude and exceedingly flashy photos.

GOP elected officials beware: Keep your powder dry

November 26, 2010

The frost is barely off the AZ GOP’s pumpkin before we witness the far reaching internal squabbles, begun by the vindictive McCain supporters.  The upshot is the organized coup which rendered Republican chairman Randy Pullen ineligible to retain his chairmanship. Pullen, McCain and Kyl all reside in Distinct 11, as do their unwavering nemeses Maricopa County Chairman Rob Haney and County Executive Director Tom Husband.

And like water oozing from a pipe fissure, the applicants for his post are not only pooling up, but seeking endorsements with which to wow the crowd of state committeemen at the upcoming January meeting to elect Pullen’s successor and other state party officers.

The candidates are vying for the big kahuna:  Being able to waive a banner declaring the support of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Such an endorsement implies the candidate, like the sheriff, is a strong defender of a truly secure border, not hypocritical campaign blather in the mode of McCain.

Yet one who is doing just that is perennial candidate Vernon Parker, who is keeping the phone lines sizzling by calling conservative lawmakers and other elected officials touting Arpaio’s support.

Arpaio and Parker employ the same strategist.  But former PV appointed mayor Parker is solidly in McCain’s camp — an integral piece of information not forthcoming from Parker. In fact Parker was instrumental in taking out Tom Husband as a precinct committeeman when he was County Chair, disqualifying him to continue in that role.

The election is weeks off.  Other candidates are sure to enter the fray. An early endorsement has the potential of locking in support one might later regret.  It also can sway others in a direction they might not have taken if all facts were known.

Let’s take a reflective step back and hold off on endorsements that could bring on a major case of buyer‘s remorse. 

There is plenty of time.