Dems tout women, long for first female president

February 3, 2023

Democrats are facing a political abyss as they look ahead to the 2024 election. Increasingly feeble Joe Biden, who claims he intends to run for reelection, has a devoted constituency* that resembles the carnival after the state fair closes.

Increasingly displaying signs of accelerated dementia, Biden recently spoke in his usual eloquent manner when he declared on the 30th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act, “More than half the people of my cabinet, more than half the women in my administration are women.” 

Vice President Kamala Harris, selected to fill the bill as the “first female and woman of color” is as ill-equipped as Biden to step into the presidency, a fact not lost on democrat party strategists. Not only has she been ineffective, as Biden’s ‘border czar,’ she has overseen crisis levels of illegal invaders at our southern border, substantiated by FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform). Scroll down to the chart comparing border apprehensions during the Trump and Biden administrations. Additionally, her favorability ratings are in the toilet. Besides being unelectable, Hillary is too white, perpetually angry, a liar of impunity and aging badly. Jill Biden, despite calling herself “Dr.” is definitely not the nation’s cure-all. Michelle Obama would resurrect Barack, removing him from behind Joe Biden’s curtain, though that magic trick would only appeal to the most hardened democrats.

The presidential election is two years down the road, but as we all know, the building blocks are being slathered with cement now. Michelle Obama is laying the groundwork by attempting to be relatable to middle-age women by talking about menopause. Those grandmas vote.

Republicans, however, are much better situated, with a deeper, and more accomplished bench. Nikki Haley, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and South Carolina governor, is expected to officially announce her 2024 presidential run on Feb 15, 2023.

* Real Clear Politics aggregated Approval rating.

AZ MLK Day lie perpetuated by leftist media

January 16, 2023

Catholic Biden, hoping to divert attention from his deceptive classified document chaos, delivered a sermon at Martin Luther King’s Ebenezer Baptist Church this morning

Ballotpedia blandly describes the passage of the Martin Luther King Day holiday in Arizona, noting, “The act establishing a Martin Luther King, Jr./Civil Rights Day on the third Monday in January as a paid state holiday and consolidating the paid state Lincoln and Washington Day holidays into a single Lincoln/Washington Presidents’ Day holiday.”

It was much more complicated than described. Republican Gov. Evan Mecham, a former state senator and successful businessman, was relentlessly derided for refusing to authorize another paid-not-to-work holiday. Instead, he set the observance for a Sunday, logically reasoning Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a minister and a Sunday observance made perfect sense, since it was fiscally prudent while honoring King’s legacy.

Impeachment petitions were circulated from the onset of Gov. Mecham’s election by homosexual activist and later convicted murderer Ed Buck (born Buckmelter), previously a high dollar donor to national democrat candidates including Barack Obama, Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton and Kyrsten Sinema. Buck was charged and convicted of numerous murders stemming from his penchant for luring young black drug addicts to his home where he injected them with methamphetamines and had sex with them. Some were able to escape and contacted the police.

That wasn’t good enough for those who wanted another taxpayer-funded weekday off from work. Gov. Mecham, a religious man, was also practical. But his leftwing detractors in the local press swiftly and offensively portrayed him as a bigot, falsely claiming he rescinded the holiday. In 1990, by a margin of 75.36% – 24.64%, Arizona voters rejected Proposition 301 to create a paid Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

Nonetheless, the devious contrivance was intended to heap scorn on the conservative governor, who won the 1986 GOP Primary Election trouncing well-known and well-financed contenders. Mecham went on to win the General Election in a stunning upset, defeating longtime GOP Majority Leader Burton Barr who incurred voter wrath for smirkingly admitting, “I lied. Next question,” when asked about breaking his promise to rescind a tax increase  A WWII fighter pilot, Evan Mecham was shot down over Germany, and captured as a POW at age 20, endured a long hospitalization and was awarded the Purple Heart and Air Medal. Still Mecham was marginalized and mischaracterized. The NFL even pulled Super Bowl XXVII from Arizona, based on the deceptive reporting.

Two years after the loss estimated at $350 million in major convention business and the Super Bowl, Arizona became the first and only state to popularly vote for and approve a Martin Luther King Day, creating the holiday in 1992. On March 23, 1993, the NFL awarded Super Bowl XXX  to Tempe, proving that even hints of extortion can be powerful persuaders.

Mark Finchem vs. Adrian Fontes for AZ Sec. of State provides clear choice

October 19, 2022

Finchem deserves our votes

The premise behind the old comedic gangster movie, “The gang that couldn’t shoot straight” was that greed and envy are not a pathway to success.  Someone ought to point that truism out to Adrian Fontes. Ousted by voters following a single term as Maricopa County Recorder, in charge of overseeing elections…when his time wasn’t taken up with telling a voter who called the office to “go f–k yourself.”

Fontes lost that post after his obscenity-laced tirade made the news. Now he’s back…outrageously desiring to be in charge of the statewide elections as secretary of state.

“Everything that I’ve done, even some of the controversial stuff,” Fontes boasted, “has been in light of promoting the interest of the voters, not the office.”  Advising voters who pay his salary, to “go f–k yourself,” definitely falls within that lofty parameter.

Fontes claims he supports updating Arizona’s Election Procedures Manual, a new interest intended to provide him relevancy. That change would include Fontes’ newly contrived “cyber security measures.” Fontes also wants all Arizona counties to use a vote center model rather than those organized closer to the voter precincts.

Mark Finchem has a stellar resume, a verifiable commitment to public service, and endorsements most statewide candidates could only hope for. His endorsement by former President Donald Trump provided him a 16.5% primary election victory over his opponents.

VOTE NO on costly Prop. 131, pushed by a failed secretary of state candidate, which would needlessly and expensively create the position of lieutenant governor to succeed the governor in the case of a vacancy. Since our 1912 statehood, that role has seamlessly been filled minus unnecessary costs as the bold type in this 2013 post indicates.

As college costs surge, UofA gifts free degrees to 22 “tribes”

July 1, 2022

Want that “as nearly free as possible” AZ university education promised in  Article 11, Sec. 6 of our state Constitution?  According to this April 14, 2022 edition of the University of Arizona’s Wildcat newspaper, the Arizona Board of Regents did what has become routine, and hiked the rates at all three universities: ASU, UA and NAU. They attempt to confound us with fancy terminology such as “collaborations of key partnerships,” but don’t be conned by the deceitful educrat doublespeak.

Now we find that the University of Arizona is gifting free college tuition to members of 22 Indian tribes, now referred to as “Native Americans,“ a title not accorded to other Americans with generational roots on American soil.

Some questions?  What constitutes a “tribe“? What percentage of tribal DNA qualifies a claimant?  If your heritage includes multiple tribes, can you continue accumulating free degrees?

Why would this sweet financial deal be limited to Ak-Chin, Cocopah, Yavapai, Mohave, Hopi, Apache, Tohono O’odham (who changed their name from Papago), Gila River, Salt River Pima-Maricopa etc.? There are 17 federally recognized tribes completely within the borders of Arizona and others that overlap our border. Nearly one-quarter of land in Arizona is reservation land. Currently, there are twenty-six tribal owned lucrative casinos located across ten counties of the state. Cannabis is advertised and sold at the casinos.

Why are members of Africa’s estimated 3,000 tribes excluded from this ridiculous freebie? Jewish Americans are descended from the Biblical 12 Tribes of Israel, detailed in Deuteronomy 27: 12–13. Are those tribes worthy? No…nor should they be.

Dropping free money on selected groups is never a good idea. The Regents, none of whom are needy, should know that.


June 29, 2022

Beginning with a June 28, 2022 post, ads over which we have no control have begun invading our site. We derive no profit from them, nor was our permission asked prior to their arrival. A notice accompanying them refers to the ads  as “Sponsored Content.” We have been advised via a notice the ads will disappear if we pay an undisclosed service fee — something we do not intend to do. Thank you for what we hope is your understanding.

Your friends at Seeing Red AZ

Facts emerge verifying flaws in Maricopa County 2020 election…

May 28, 2022

…AG Brnovich’s disinterest

Today we take our readers directly to Gateway Pundit’s report, titled, “NEW: Long Withheld Records Reveal More than 20,000 Mail Ballots Received After the Legal Deadline in Maricopa County,” replete with numerous verifying documents. 

If you read nothing else today be sure to read this revealing exposé. It begins with these words:“A new Maricopa County 2020 election report from Verity Vote used public records requests to discover that more than 20,000 ballots were illegally counted.

Arizona’s 2020 Presidential Election was decided by less than 10,500 votes. After numerous records requests and months of waiting for responses, Verity Vote found that Maricopa County received and counted tens of thousands of ballots after the Election Day deadline.”

This finding was not mentioned in Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s equivocal September 24, 2021 ‘Statement Regarding Arizona Senate’s Draft Report on Audit.’

On March 17, 2022, The Western Journal reported, “At Least 200K Mismatched Signatures: Study of 2020 Maricopa County Ballot Envelopes Points to Flawed System.”

Mark Brnovich has moved on. He is now a candidate for the U.S. Senate and his focus is on that campaign rather than the job he was elected to do.

Happy with Bidenflation? Congressional Budget Office warns it’s not going away

May 26, 2022

The full Congressional Budget Office report prepared as a non-partisan analysis for the U.S. Congress — which is too lengthy for anyone but analysts to read, is available here.

These are just two excerpts:

Changes in CBO’s Budget Projections:

CBO’s projection of the deficit for 2022 is now $118 billion less than it was in July 2021, but its projection of the cumulative deficit over the 2022–2031 period is $2.4 trillion more.

The Economy:

In CBO’s projections, elevated inflation initially persists in 2022 because of the combination of strong demand and restrained supply in the markets for goods, services, and labor. Inflation then subsides as supply disruptions dissipate, energy prices decline, and less accommodative monetary policy takes hold. Since mid-2021, inflation has reached its fastest pace in four decades. In CBO’s projections, the price index for personal consumption expenditures increases by 4.0 percent in 2022. In response, the Federal Reserve tightens monetary policy and interest rates rise rapidly. Real GDP grows by 3.1 percent in 2022, and the unemployment rate averages 3.8 percent. After 2022, economic growth slows, and inflationary pressures ease

A more concise overview is available in Director’s Phill Swagel’s Statement on The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2022 to 2032. It contains this gloomy fact:

“In 2022, revenues in CBO’s projections reach their highest level as a share of GDP in more than two decades. They then decline over the next few years but remain above their long-term average through 2032. But outlays grow faster than revenues over that period, so deficits increase.”

Dems use massacre of children to renew call for gun control

May 25, 2022

Biden-Harris politicize horrifying TX shooting deaths of 19 children, 2 adults; AZ US Rep, Ruben Gallego curses prayers to God

The vicious massacre of 19 young children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas, occurred just two days before the second, third and fourth graders were due to leave for summer break. Salvador Ramos, the 18-year-old murderer, first shot his grandmother — with whom he lived — in the face, before entering the school, storming classrooms and wildly terrorizing and slaughtering the innocent young victims. According to the most recent census, the town is predominantly Hispanic, but it took the local newspaper to the jump page to identify the shooter. Inconvenient facts don’t fit its agenda.

Joe Biden immediately reacted to the horror by overtly calling for gun control. Biden’s first statement used these words, “When in God’s name will we stand up to the gun lobby? When in God’s name will we do what we all know in our gut needs to be done?”

VP Kamala Harris jumped onboard the same theme saying, “We have to have the courage to ensure nothing like this ever happens again.”  In dem speak, that translates to invalidating our Second Amendment freedoms, rather than mandating the installation of enforceable safety measures at all U.S. schools, including having only one entrance into the facilities, and armed on-campus security forces comprised of former police officers and military members. The concept has worked well in Israel, where Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian terrorist militia routinely blew up schools and school buses. Arming teachers, all of whom had compulsory military service, stopped the carnage.

Never accused of being the epitome of decorum, crude and profane Arizona democrat U.S. Rep. Ruben Gallego, tweeted at California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, “F— your prayers.  They haven’t worked for the last 20 mass shootings how about passing laws that will stop these killings?”

Gallego also tweeted at Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz,: “Just to be clear f— you @tedcruz you f—ing baby killer.”

Ruben Gallego is alone in thinking he is superior to God.

AZ newspaper re-launches despicable defamation

March 4, 2022

Don’t be lulled into thinking of “Family Feud” as an old television game show. This morning’s edition of the far-left local newspaper puts that notion to rest in an above-the-fold headline, blasting: “Racial profiling plagues MCSO.” Placed just below that is, “Lawsuit costs projected to reach $200 million.” 

This contrived three-page report was not a misplaced article from prior to 2016, when the newspaper conducted daily assaults on popular Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a Republican, who was elected to an unprecedented six 4-year terms. In 2016, with the daily assistance of the local newspaper, Soros- supported democrat Paul Penzone was elected.

The on-life-support newspaper, also known as the Periódico de la República de Arizona (Arizona Republic) is resurrecting this manufactured report for a reason. Joe Arpaio is now running for mayor (campaign web site) of the town of Fountain Hills where Arpaio and his wife Ava, have resided for 23 years. The town’s population peaked to 25,756 in 2021.

As Sheriff, Joe Arpaio was brutally assaulted on a daily basis. His son-in-law, Phil Boas, the editorial page editor of the Trump-despising, Hillary-endorsing and Biden-supporting newspaper, is best known for despicably orchestrating the daily multi-faceted take down of his own father-in-law, Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Boas makes “Family Feud” contestants look congenial.

Leftist lunacy invades NYC elections: Voting non-citizens is ‘best choice’

January 11, 2022

If you thought former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was dreadful, meet the newly elected New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who pledges to “reduce inequality.” Among his schemes, Adams has allowed the “Our City Our Vote” measure to become law, giving approximately 800,000 non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections. The ultimate goal of the scheme is the grateful voters will permanently increase the size of the democrat party’s footprint.

The exact language of the bill is inaccessible, though numerous sites provide radical reasons why illegal aliens should be able to vote in NYC’s elections.

The New York Post tweeted, ‘Mayor Eric Adams says allowing non-citizens to vote for NYC elections is ‘best choice.’

Adams is wrong. Citizenship confers certain privileges. The right to vote is one of them.