Who actually colluded with Russia? Where was the coverage?

June 30, 2017

Obama and McCain got passes for their schemes

Now that it’s been revealed that the relentless CNN contrivances posing as reports regarding President Trump colluding with Russia were all ratings and revenue driven schemes promoted by the network’s president Jeff Zucker, let’s do a quick review of two actual collusions that never merited investigation:

Here is then-President Barack Obama caught on an open mic during a meeting in South Korea, assuring Russia’s then-President Dmitry Medvedev that after his reelection he would have “more “flexibility.”  Medvedev is currently the Prime Minister of Russia. This merited silence from the Obama worshiping press.

Or how about John McCain’s notorious “dossier” that he was all too happy to hand carry to then-FBI director James Comey, supposedly implicating newly elected President Trump in a compromising Russian scandal? The U.K.‘s Daily Mail outs McCain as a virulent enemy of Donald Trump. 

Rebublicrats McCain and Jeff  Flake refused to support the Republican nominee during the 2016 presidential election. Both of Arizona’s U.S. Senators aided liberal Hillary Clinton, who was actually scandal plagued.

As we now know, that “dossier” was, as Van Jones would say, “a real nothing burger.”

AZ Republic’s front page: Blatant trickery:on display

June 29, 2017

Employing an over-sized front page graphic and all caps headline, the Arizona Republic reports on a “FIGHT OVER FAMILY PLANNING FUNDS.” The report bemoans the fact that Gov. Doug Ducey and the state legislature have united in an effort to defund Planned Parenthood Arizona.  The Arizona group receives $4.5 million in taxpayer dollars as its portion of federal “family planning” funds. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest provider of abortions.

Not a single PP facility is equipped with mammography equipment or staffed by radiologists to provide women with essential breast cancer screenings. Women are referred to radiological centers to receive those services, exactly as their family doctors or gynecologists would do. Despite ample evidence to the contrary, the newspaper bogusly refers to Planned Parenthood sites as “community clinics,” making them appear to be in league with family practice physicians where you take the kids for routine inoculations, ear infections and casts for broken bones. Dad doesn’t hop over to Planned Parenthood for relief from knee pain or prostate exams.

Planned Parenthood’s mission is not health care, but something far more odious.

Yet national Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funding, according to this 2015 General Accountability Office report. The report covers the fiscal years 2010 through 2012, so it’s reasonable to expect the 2017 funding exceeds that amount.

These were the roots of Margaret Sanger, the notorious eugenics proponent who started Planned Parenthood, with facilities strategically placed in low income immigrant or black neighborhoods in the early 1900’s. Her mission was to eradicate those she referred to as “human weeds.”

Pres. Trump is right: Fake News abounds — CNN is proof & UPDATES

June 28, 2017

American Pravda: Blatant lies driven by ratings, increased revenue and desire to take down President Donald Trump

CNN, a committed anti-Trump network has been exposed by James O’Keefe of Project Veritas. Three network employees were “urged to resign” after they revealed to O’Keefe that the Russian / Trump linkage was a fabrication. “Mostly Bullsh*t,” they called it.

The CNN employees caught on tape admit the negativity aimed at Trump — specifically the Russian narrative — is good for business, even though there is no proof of its veracity. After the big reveal of CNN’s overt role in the contrivances, the network has retracted the “reports.”  Other videos are due to be released by Project Veritas. We will add them with an ‘UPDATE” headline tag to this post as they become available.

The New York Post reports additional information regarding CNN.

American Pravda:Part Two

CNN’s Jeff Zucker runs from James O’Keefe — Afraid of the truth?

Is your name carrying a taint? Time to rebrand

June 27, 2017

Sean Noble, Nathan Sproul master the art of quick change

Remember when the political consulting firm of Sproul and Associates became toxic?  Nathan Sproul, an ardent McCain ally, initially was regarded as a player to be reckoned as he promoted a squeaky clean image and made $ millions. His name had panache…. until it didn’t.

Then, quick as a wink, with the loss of luster, Sproul and Associates morphed into Lincoln Strategy Group, as it reconfigured under a revered presidential surname. He also strategically cloaked himself as Strategic Allied Consulting.

So it is with Axiom Public Affairs, which has recently and without fanfare altered its name to Compass Rose Public Relations following the indictment of its principal lobbyist and government affairs specialist Jim Norton along with others not associated with the firm, (see indictment) on eight separate federal charges of bribery and fraud. The name change came as high-powered clients were fleeing.

The renamed firm’s home page has an amusing bit of irony, with the words, “Need Direction?” emblazoned across a still of the Phoenix cityscape and directly over the state capitol dome topped by a stark white Winged Victory look-alike.

Establishment operative Sean Noble, was listed as a partner at its 2015 inception along with Melissa DeLaney and Jim Norton. Noble juggles numerous  political consulting irons, DC London and American Encore, among them.

Compass Rose  claims to offer “unparalleled expertise and leadership in lobbying, communications, public affairs, media relations, campaign management and consulting, public relations, crisis management, political advising, and much more.”

In the wake of the fall of Norton, the “much more,” is a tagline that could well be eliminated. “Crisis management” is what they’re  currently engaging in, with the firm being the client.

A look at the bios of the principals of the firm reveals there’s usually a McCain connection. The aged Republicrat’s tentacles have a lengthy and reliably unsavory span.

SCOTUS: Missouri  engaged in religious discrimination

June 26, 2017

Trinity Lutheran wins!

Alliance Defending Freedom, a Scottsdale-based legal organization that stands in defense of religious liberty defended this case before the US Supreme Court. ADF Lawyer David Cortman argued the case.

Excerpted from the ADF site:

Today, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled 7-2 that it is unconstitutional for the state to treat churches and other religious organizations worse than everyone else simply because they are religious.

This is great news! And it sets an important precedent to protect religious freedom. The government should never treat people of faith like second-class citizens.

Yet, that’s how the State of Missouri treated Trinity Lutheran Church when it disqualified them from receiving a non-profit playground reimbursement grant. In order to provide a safer environment for the children who attend its preschool and play on its playground, Trinity Lutheran applied for the grant, which was open to all nonprofits. And they were an ideal candidate, having been ranked fifth by the State out of 44 applicants, based on the criteria.

The State awarded 14 grants that year, but Trinity Lutheran was not among them.

Why? Because Trinity Lutheran preschool is operated by a church. Besides the fact that this was blatant religious discrimination, a majority of the children at the preschool are not members at Trinity Lutheran. On top of that, Trinity Lutheran leaves the playground open outside of school hours for children in the community to use.

Is their safety less important because they are playing on a “religious” playground? Of course not.

The Supreme Court recognized this in its decision today.  Associate Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg were the two dissenting votes. Sotomayor wrote the dissenting opinion, which follows the linked decision.

US Supreme Court allows travel ban — for now

June 26, 2017

President Donald Trump and the American people received a temporary victory today as the U.S. Supreme Court upheld part of his executive order restricting travel from six terror sponsoring counties: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

Fox News carries the compete report.


SCOTUS: 6 Cases amid rumors of Kennedy retirement

June 25, 2017

The SCOTUS blog provides a rundown of the final cases of the Supreme Court ‘s current session, though interest is also swirling about the rumored retirement announcement of Justice Anthony Kennedy.  

The Left is already in full rage mode over  Barack Obama’s lame duck nominee Merrick Garland ,falling off the face of the legal earth as President Donald Trump appointed  Tenth Circuit Appellate Judge Neil Gorsuch to the high court after the unexpected death of iconic justice Antonin Scalia. 

Democrats will go apoplectic if Trump gets another bite at the Supreme Court apple. Expect resistance, distortions and fireworks from the left.

But nothing is certain with justices. Justice Kennedy, who turns 81 in July, was a Reagan nominee who relished his position as the ‘swing vote,’ often siding with the court’s liberals — as did Sandra Day O’Connor, who also skunked Reagan.

The other two older justices, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 84, and Stephen Breyer, 78, were both nominated by Bill Clinton.  Democrats are not known to veer from their liberalism. Chief Justice John Roberts, nominated by George W. Bush, stunned Republicans when he upheld the health care overreach known as Obamacare by inveigling  the costs as “a tax.“ Roberts also voted with the liberals to gut most of Arizona’s well crafted SB 1070, which addressed the flood of illegal aliens entering our state.

For background on Chief Justice Roberts legal switcheroos, we recommend you read Jeff Crouere’s analysis  Et Tu, John Roberts? posted at the time on Townhall.

Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio exhibits more integrity than foes

June 24, 2017

In anticipation of his upcoming trial, the failing Arizona Republic is thrusting a multi-pronged pitchfork in Joe Arpaio’s direction.  Dissipated columnist EJ Montini gloats in an on-line video in which he appears to be unwell. His counterpart, Laurie Roberts leaps onboard with her own spew of negativity. Political cartoonist Steve Benson, who devoted years to churning out contemptuous criticism towards Arpaio has now turned his focus to President Trump, another Republican to despise and attempt to bring down.

This single sentence sums up the newspaper’s bias: “Joe Arpaio — the man, not the lawman — is the defendant in a federal criminal trial scheduled to begin in Phoenix on Monday.”

Arpaio, who fittingly celebrated his 85th birthday which occurs on Flag Day, faces a criminal contempt trial on allegations that he violated a federal judge’s orders to stop enforcing federal immigration law. Joe Arpaio, the son of Italian immigrants, has obviously never been against immigration. Illegal hordes invading our country, using counterfeit or stolen ID to facilitate their lives here are not immigrants.

What you need to remember: Joe Arpaio, an Army veteran and career lawman who rose from a Washington DC police officer to worldwide assignments within the Drug Enforcement Administration, culminating with heading the Arizona DEA office prior to initially running for Sheriff in 1992 — was doing the job the citizens of Maricopa County repeatedly elected him to do.

Democrat Paul Penzone, the Soros supported leftist candidate, who succeeded Arpaio is working to eradicate any semblance of the last 24 years where Sheriff Arpaio was the popular chief law enforcement professional in Maricopa County. The liberal newspaper, which supports open borders and amnesty, led the charge against him. Shamefully the editorial policy is overseen by editor Phil Boas, who is Arpaio’s son-in-law. Boas claims he recuses himself from coverage of Arpaio.

George Soros, a muti-billionaire, is a socialist who ultimately dropped $2 million into Penzone’s campaign as he has been funding liberal candidates across the nation in an attempt to alter the U.S. Justice system. Politico carries the shocking exposé.

Discover the Networks exposes George Soros’ well-funded tentacles.

Jeff Flake, Republican charlatan: desperate or greedy?

June 23, 2017

President Trump’s popularity among Arizona Republicans poses a significant hurdle for relentless Trump-bashing Jeff Flake

Arizona Republicans have been finding desperate money pleas from Sen. Jeff Flake in their in- boxes. The junior senator from Arizona is worried that the Democrats have him in their sights as they gear up for the 2018 election cycle. He needs money and he needs it quick to fight back against the liberal onslaught. This plea elevates begging to a fever pitch. Flake claims the Democrats are outspending Republicans 16 to 1 and he’s formed a Rapid Response Fund to close the gap.  He’s slickly pre-checked the “make this a monthly donation” box, and is asking for as little as $10.

“We’ll be sure to circle back and let you know who’s contributed and who’s still outstanding,” Flake threatens.. “I need at least 1,000 Rapid Response Fund members, so we’ll be sharing this far and wide:” The pitch continues, “We’re expecting some more major buys from the Dems, so this is very time-sensitive.”

Who are the Democrat opponents nipping at Flake’s tender heels? Why is the incumbent’s campaign so destitute?

In an effort to seek answers we first visited the Federal Election Commission’s campaign finance data page for Jeff Flake for US Senate Inc. It was impressive to see that he’s “incorporated.” This filing period covers 01/01/2017 to 03/31/2017. It turns out Jeff Flake is quite a kidder. Flake is sitting on a stack of cash, closing in on nearly $2 million dollars —  $1,790,817.00  — well over a year before the Aug. 28, 2018 primary election.

As you receive his mailers and watch his televised ads, don’t lose sight of who Jeff Flake is. He’s the one who made the rounds of senate offices with Democrat Merrick Garland in tow, attempting to gin up support for Barack Obama’s lame duck appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. Fortunately, newly elected Republican President Donald Trump was not constrained by either Obama or his errand boy Flake. Trump appointed Judge Neil Gorsuch, a conservative, to fill the vacancy left by the unexpected death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.

As if hoisting Obama’s Democrat SCOTUS nominee wasn’t enough, in an outrageous display of arrogance Jeff Flake also made the rounds of network news venues, telling one and all that he would not vote for Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee. Here he is on NewsMax, declaring, Trump can’t win and shouldn’t win.”

Flake was so persuasive, Hillary Clinton included him in this campaign commercial featuring a gang of traitorous Republicrat hooligans.

Flake is a relentless amnesty supporter, partnering with John McCain on the infamous Gang of 8 scheme with two other RINOs and four Democrats including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. He’s not above lying about his position on granting citizenship to millions of America’s invaders as we exposed in this 2011 post Oops — Jeff Flake’s crown slips as he sinks to mere McPolitician,

Jeff Flake has been at the public trough for the majority of his adult life, except for a stint as a lobbyist and  registered foreign agent in the African nation of Namibia, where he worked for Rossing Uranium — one of the world’s largest suppliers of nuclear fuel. Flake earned a substantial salary opening doors in D.C. and promoting the firm which had deep financial ties to Iran.

Is this a man deserving of your financial support? What most locals donate would be considered chump change to a man who has been collecting donations in multiples in what appears to be the insider’s magic donation number of $2,700 and often the donors are husbands and wives doubling up on the high dollar amount. Flake’s donor list is rife with lobbyists, utility honchos obviously wanting a quid pro quo. San Francisco Obama donor Gregory Wendt who was involved in McCain‘s purge of conservative precinct committeemen in Arizona is a Flake donor, along with McCain operatives and the reliable open border crowd, including those listed as immigration lawyers. Do you think their practices focus on legal, skilled immigrants from Europe and Asia or aiding uneducated illegals from Mexico and Central America?

This is Hillary Clinton’s campaign ad in which Jeff Flake is prominently featured:

Arizona Republicans deserve better. Dr. Kelli Ward, an osteopathic physician, is challenging this pathetic McCain doppelganger now completing a first six-year senate term. After exceeding his self imposed 3-term limits pledge, he spent 5 terms in the U.S. House before barely squeaking into the senate by 3 points. His word is obviously “fluid.” It’s time for a change. Kelli Ward isn’t sitting on nearly $2 million a year before the primary. She actually needs our help to be competitive. Acquaint yourself with her principled positions and use the donate button on her site. This is crucially important.

John McCain & George Soros: Decades long nefarious connections

June 22, 2017

Radical leftist Soros aims to influence elections and public policy with cash infusions

High dollar donations from suspect characters and dubious international players are hallmarks of the McCain Institute for International Leadership, housed at Arizona State University. its shady dealings need not only a bright light but a good dose of disinfectant.

The Daily Caller reports that critics note that the institute’s donors and McCain’s personal leadership in the organization’s exclusive “Sedona Forum” bear an uncanny resemblance to the glitzy Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) that annually co-mingled special interests and powerful political players in alleged pay-to-play schemes.

The McCain Institute has accepted contributions of as much as $100,000 from billionaire Socialist activist-funder George Soros and from Teneo, a for-profit company co-founded by Doug Band, former President Bill Clinton’s “bag man.” Teneo has long helped enrich Clinton through lucrative speaking and business deals.

ABC 15 AZ  reported in 2016 on a $1 million Saudi Arabian donation to the institute, a contribution the McCain group has refused to explain publicly.

Even the far-left Washington Post questions the legitimacy of McCain’s claim that he has nothing to do with the institute that bears his name.

Donations at or exceeding $100,000 include monies raised by McCain Presidential Campaign. Also on the list are the McCain Institute Foundation and Cindy Hensley McCain’s Hensley Beverage Company. In the $25,000 – $99,999 category is McCain’s socialist friend, multi-billionaire George Soros, who disdains international borders. The notorious Gregory and Lisa WendtSan Francisco leftists who have worked with McCain operatives to oust elected precinct committeemen in Arizona precincts — are on the list, as is “The Smith Richardson Foundation’s grant [which] supports the project: From Reset to Containment: In Search of a Better U.S. Policy towards Putin’s Russia.”  This sounds suspiciously akin to the issue McCain has been manufacturing  to discredit President Donald Trump.

Extremist Soros, one of the most powerful men on the planet, controls a vast network of radical organizations that is nearly unfathomable. Through them, he and his family are able to mobilize street mobs, turning incidents into incendiary hordes of rioters as we’ve seen repeatedly.  Ferguson, Missouri was a single example. The thuggery and violence associated with Black Lives Matter was a direct result of Soros’ influence and money.  Discover the Networks, a guide to the political left, has a wealth of information.

In 2016 Politico reported that George Soros’ latest quest was a “quiet overhaul of America’s criminal justice system. Here in Arizona, he funded a losing candidate for Maricopa County Attorney and a winning candidate for sheriff, spending $2 million to topple Sheriff Joe Arpaio and install Democrat Paul Penzone. Leftwing Democrats and RINOs are routinely the recipients of his generosity. Check out Open Secrets lists under Recipients and Congressional Committees.

Seeing Red AZ has previously covered the cozy relationship between John McCain, Hillary Clinton and multi-billionaire anti-capitalist, America-hater George Soros.

Here are a few of those posts:

Jan. 27, 2014: John McCain cavorts with pal George $oros

Feb.1, 2016:    By George! McCain & Hillary have a lot in common

Jan. 7, 2017:  Soros funded losing candidates to defeat Trump and failed