AZ’s election fraud exposed by The Gateway Pundit

January 11, 2023

Looking for truth? Skip the local newspaper

Deceitful collusion is exposed by The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson. His report is titled, “JUST IN: “Defamation Attorneys Are Being Consulted” – Former Arizona AG Election Unit Head Jennifer Wright Starts Defamation Claim After Fake News Smears Her, Claims She Was Fired.”

To whet your appetite for the truth, Conradson’s pull-no-punches report begins with these words:  “Former Assistant Attorney General and head of the Election Integrity Unit Jennifer Wright came under fire from the Fake News Media, likely due to her willingness to pursue election fraud investigations, after resigning from her position before radical leftist Kris Mayes took office.”

Be advised, the linked report’s accompanying photo of Arizona’s new Attorney General Kris Mayes, is best viewed on an empty stomach. Mayes appealed to open border proponent former governor Janet Napolitano, who gave Mayes her first political break as her press secretary, but more discriminating people are sure to be repulsed.

Open border advocate Napolitano was known for saying, “You show me a 50-foot wall and I’ll show you a 51-foot ladder,” after which Barack Obama appointed her Secretary of Homeland Security. Mayes, now in a position of authority, is an integral part of that cabal.

Slippery AZ Republic buries report on Kris Mayes’ questionable stock trades

October 23, 2022

Kris Mayes is a far-left democrat. She is also running for attorney general. Normally those facts would be enough to give her Page One placement in the radically left newspaper. Today, however, she is buried on Page 12 of Section B. 

It’s enough to make the dwindling readership wonder, “What’s up?” Associated Press recently admitted, “US newspapers continuing to die at rate of 2 each week.“ Technology enabling us to have instantly updated news as close as our fingertips aside, this reporting duplicity is no doubt a contributing factor.

Today’s headline worthy of back paging is, “Mayes’ stock trades questioned.” Kris Mayes, a former political reporter at the newspaper prior to the June 2000 sale to Gannett, has been forced to acknowledge she was one of ten reporters who had purchased Central Newspapers stock (the parent company of the Arizona Republic) through a 401(k) account in advance of the sale. That’s an illegal practice known as insider trading.” Mayes, who claims she did nothing wrong, then left the newspaper to attend law school. As the well-known girlfriend of Gov. Janet Napolitano, she was admitted without question.

This morning’s edition acknowledges, “The value of the stock rose after the company announced it had put itself up for sale and more than doubled from there once a deal with Gannett was announced.”

Matt Salmon’s governor’s office retry is a fool’s errand

January 12, 2022

Matt Salmon is running again. He began his political career in the state senate in 1990. Then running for congress from a Mesa-based district, he was elected to three 2-year terms, retiring to honor his term-limit pledge. That opened the door for the aptly named Jeff Flake, a McCain clone, to succeed him. In 2002 Salmon ran for governor, losing to democrat Janet Napolitano. She then left the governor’s post mid-term to join Barack Obama’s administration.

Next in line of succession* was Secretary of State Jan Brewer, which is why the mundane post is so popular.

Salmon’s history of commitment isn’t much better than Napolitano‘s. Salmon was a U.S. Rep. from 1995 to 2001 and again from 2013 until 2017, not a difficult task, running from the East Valley, where his roots run deep. The governor’s race is statewide. He lost it previously. As a member of the LDS church, which advocates healthy lifestyles and disparages smoking, Matt Salmon was President of the Electronic Cigarette Association, where he peddled vaping to young people.

In the intervening years, he was reported to have earned $336,090 yearly as of 2018, as the chief lobbyist for Arizona State University, notably supporting the China-financed Confucius Institute. This Jan. 2022 list shows a much slimmer list of participants and ASU appears to have ditched its program, which likely accounts for unemployed Salmon running again.

Matt Salmon still chasing AZ governor dream…when not backing China,” provides additional background.

Now, as he once again aspires to be Arizona governor, he has a unique campaign tactic. It includes incessantly emailing lists of his supporters, including many sporting the titles “retired“ and “former.” There is also a long list titled, “Women for Salmon Coalition,”  whose white letters on a red background appearance resembles the nefarious “Republicans for Napolitano.” The similarity stops there. Salmon’s women’s coalition is more likely to be drawn from a Relief Society list.

Salmon’s time has come and gone. His political aspirations have hit a roadblock. He might have had better luck running for secretary of state, which has frequently provided a direct route to the governor‘s office:

*In 1977 Wesley Bolin, Arizona’s longest serving secretary of state with 28 consecutive years on the job, succeeded Gov. Raul Castro who left midterm to become ambassador to Argentina. Bolin served less than five months before suffering a fatal heart attack. The next in line of succession was Attorney General Bruce Babbitt, later elected to two full terms.

In 1988 Secretary of State Rose Mofford succeeded impeached Gov. Evan Mecham. Jane Hull followed the same route in 1997 after Gov. Fife Symington resigned due to a felony conviction —  which was later reversed. Gov. Jan Brewer was secretary of state when she completed Janet Napolitano’s term in 2009 when she resigned to join the Obama administration.

In Arizona, the secretary of state’s office provides a never-ending, high stakes political version of musical chairs.

Speaking AZRepublicese: The left’s political word scam

October 7, 2021

Progressive is the word in which regressive leftists have taken refuge since it sounds forward thinking. Republicans, whose politically savvy radar allows us to recognize a con when we see it, find the word games puzzling, since we have no such reluctance in embracing patriotism and traditional values. Many of us revel in identifying ourselves as conservatives.

Arizona’s failing newspaper, which bizarrely and for the first time ever, didn’t print a Labor Day edition ostensibly to give its staff a holiday respite, employs Elvia Diaz, a radical editorial columnist. Her latest effort is mysteriously titled, “Rift between mayor, progressives.” 

What that means is up for debate, since Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego is a far left Democrat, and the council is dominated by like-thinkers. Although they farcically run without a party designation, the deceit is obvious. Since 1982 in an effort pushed by democrats, they run from specific districts rather than representing the city as a whole and working together of the betterment of Phoenix. There are currently three Republicans and five democrats including the mayor who has a vote. Diaz’ commentary is peppered with quotes from Gallego’s spokeswoman Jeanine L’Ecuyer.  If that name sounds vaguely familiar, she is recycled from being Janet Napolitano’s mouthpiece. Napolitano, Arizona’s worst governor, resigned to join Obama’s administration as Director of Homeland INsecurity.

Diaz’ opening sentence contains the heft of the column: “Don’t tell me Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego is turning into another Kyrsten Sinema —  stubbornly defying her own political base.” Diaz whines about the council members not all falling in line on city proposed wage hikes on government funded construction projects.

Diaz is so enraged that she has even come out of the slippery political language closet, actually using the verboten word “liberal” multiple times.

This post,Phoenix City Council elections expose ethnic divide,”  provides background on how the city council elections transmogrified into ethnic bastions, which serve no one well.

Matt Salmon’s desperate AZ Gov campaign

September 4, 2021

First some essential background on Matt Salmon, who is running for Arizona governor again after previously losing to radical leftist Janet Napolitano in 2002. The open border advocate ultimately abandoned the state by resigning to accept a cabinet appointment from then-president Barack Obama, who absurdly put her in charge of Homeland Security, were she did even more damage.

Salmon’s current fundraising tactics are definitely unique. On August 30, he sent out an urgent plea for campaign donations:

“Please contribute ANY AMOUNT before 11:59 PM TONIGHT to secure your name on the exclusive End-of-Month supporter list.”

Salmon apparently fell short since he extended that drop-dead deadline. On September 1, he sent a follow-up email pleading for “Rush donations.”

“…I’m officially extending our deadline… And ensuring that anything you can chip in RIGHT NOW will go directly to defending Arizona conservative values! For just 24 hours, you have the chance to double down and show the radical Left what we’re made of. Will you take advantage of this immediately?”

His campaign consultants inserted the recipient’s name three times in the email.

Salmon doesn’t have a history of commitment any better than Napolitano. Salmon was a U.S. Rep. from 1995 to 2001 and again from 2013 until 2017, not a difficult task, running from the East Valley, where his roots run deep. The governor’s race is statewide. He lost it previously. As a member of the LDS church, which advocates healthy lifestyles and disparages smoking, Matt Salmon was President of the Electronic Cigarette Association, where he touted vaping to young people. All videos and most references to that sordid saga have been scrubbed from searches. (Google Matt Salmon vaping.)

Kari Lake is also a farce. Read “Conservative” AZ Gov candidate Kari Lake was an Obama democrat. Major new video added.”

Seeing Red AZ endorses State Treasurer Kimberly Yee in the AZ governor’s race. She does far more than reading prepared scripts on a teleprompter. Her solid conservative credentials are impeccable.

Biden’s US AG Merrick Garland launches probe into Phx Police

August 6, 2021

In war-declaring bold type that crackles with rage, the radically left-wing local newspaper headlines, FEDS INVESTIGATE PHOENIX POLICE.

The U.S. Department of Justice, headed by leftist Merrick Garland issued a press release titled, “Justice Department Announces Investigation of the City of Phoenix and the Phoenix Police Department.”

Included in the announcement are these words, “Department of Justice officials informed Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, PhxPD Chief Jeri Williams, and other City officials of the investigation. As part of this investigation, the Department of Justice will reach out to community groups and members of the public to learn about their experiences with PhxPD.”

Democrat Mayor Kate Gallego responded by “welcoming” the investigation“ rather than standing up for the Phoenix Police, who work tirelessly, putting their lives on the line along with their uniforms each day as they respond to ever-increasing crime in our city. This is her statement, (click to enlarge) unprofessionally released via twitter. Notice her media contact is Jeanine L’Ecuyer, reshuffled after earlier serving as former Gov. Janet Napolitano’s director of communications and later as deputy chief of staff. Napolitano, known as J-No for her rabid wielding of her veto pen, was the worst Arizona governor in memory.

This incendiary statement condemning “police violence” was sent out by Phoenix City District 8 Councilman Carlos Garcia. Born in Mexico, where violent drug cartels are in control, he has worn a black T-shirt that says “End Police Brutality” to council meetings.

It’s worth noting that Phoenix Police Chief Jeri Williams, who called on the FBI to investigate a police shooting last year, is black. Her husband Cody, was formerly a Phoenix City Councilman. He is now a South Phoenix Justice of the Peace, running as a democrat.

Matt Salmon still chasing AZ governor dream…when not backing China

July 21, 2021

Though his political time has come and gone, Matt Salmon hasn’t gotten the message. After losing a gubernatorial race to Obama-connected, open-border leftist Janet Napolitano in 2002 and later announcing his retirement from politics, Salmon, a former U.S. Rep. who left congress twice, is once again running for governor. In the intervening years, he’s reportedly earned $336,090 yearly as the chief lobbyist for Arizona State University, notably supporting the Confucius Institute. He was aided in his duties as a fluent Mandarin Chinese speaker. He learned the language in preparation for his 1970’s church mission in Taiwan.

The Chinese Communist Party-linked Confucius Institutes are Beijing-run programs that ostensibly teach Chinese language and culture. Initially, more than 100 institutes simultaneously emerged at universities in the United States, plus Confucius Classrooms at the K-12 level. They’re directed by the Chinese Ministry of Education, employ teachers who are trained in China and teach government-approved versions of history, culture and current events to American students — few of whom have any relevant knowledge of either communism or China, as this disturbing Campus Reform article points out. This brief, but startling video provides an insight into the ignorance flourishing on liberal college campuses:

As of July 9, 2021, there are a total of 41 Confucius Institutes in the United States, down from over 100, as schools abandoned the propaganda programs thanks to pressure from the Trump administration amid growing concerns they have become indoctrination centers. This crucial report in the Washington Examiner reveals President Donald Trump’s proposed rule, “Establishing Requirement for Student and Exchange Visitor Program Certified Schools to Disclose Agreements with Confucius Institutes and Classrooms.” But before the rule made its way to the Federal Register or went into effect, the Biden administration withdrew it on Jan. 26, less than a week after Inauguration Day.

We’re all busy, but should never be too preoccupied to lose awareness of ubiquitous indoctrination programs intended to undermine our constitutional republic and using our younger generation to carry out the scheme.

AZ AG Brnovich in full blown campaign mode

April 14, 2021

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who has taken refuge behind a scruffy Belushi-like beard and moustache, has audaciously signaled he is in full blown campaign mode via a lengthy email detailing his accomplishments. Titled “The General’s Report, ” it begins with a clichéd reference to Spring:

“With April now upon us, it’s time to reflect on the Spring season and it’s classic themes of rejuvenation and renewal.”

Reading between the lines, term limited in 2022, he is moving on, omitting the other “R’ word “reinventing.”

From there he uses his office to blatantly recount his accomplishments, as he employs the royal “we,” while veering into unbridled self promotion in a lengthy email sent to Republicans. How he gained access to the list is anyone’s guess, but recipients are less than enthralled with having a public official inappropriately using his office as a free campaign website. Over a dozen and a half links of the office’s “accomplishments” and links to expansive coverage are an overreach that doesn’t pass the smell test. As a lawyer married to a U.S. District Judge, better judgment should have been used. Although Susan Brnovich was nominated to the federal bench by President Trump, she was initially appointed to the Maricopa County Superior Court by none other than far-left partisan Gov. Janet Napolitano, who rarely engaged in cross party appointments.

In an ingratiating mode, A.G. Mark Brnovich signs his email using the words, “With gratitude.” The obvious takeaway is Brnovich is signaling in advance his gratitude for your vote and a campaign donation…though he doesn’t indicate what office he’s eyeing. From his current perch the possibilities are whittled down to a few.

Media cover-up: Colo. supermarket killer was a Syrian-born Muslim

March 24, 2021

Colorado massacre spurs Dem’s renewed gun control efforts

Within hours of the Boulder, Colorado deadly supermarket shooting that killed ten people including a police officer who was the father of seven, democrats on Capitol Hill began using the tragedy to launch Second Amendments rights restrictions.

The shooter, described by the networks as “another white male” is actually Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, a Syrian-born Muslim. The leftwing local newspaper blandly headlines the mass murderer Alissa as “a 21-year-old Colorado man.” Mentioning that he is a Muslim from Syria doesn’t fit its narrative.

His family is already working on providing an alibi, saying Alissa is delusional and believed people were following or chasing him, which they claim may have contributed to the shootings. A former high school classmate said Alissa, then on the school’s wrestling team, told fellow teammates he was going to kill all of them, but, “no one believed him or did anything about it.”  Surely they must have heard about the Columbine High School massacre and the Aurora theater carnage, both of which occurred in Colorado.

In Washington, D.C., Sen. Chuck Schumer declared he was already committed to sending a universal background check bill to the U.S. Senate. Joe Biden is said to be considering signing another executive action, that restricts the rights of law abiding gun owners — bypassing congress. So desperate are they to curtailing our constitutional freedoms, they could run the two items concurrently.

For a memory jogger, check out this 2012 SRAZ post  titled, “Them Dem Hypocrites,” which comes complete with photos of leading Second Amendment restrictionists and their guns. Chuck Schumer is featured. Barack Obama is pictured with his rifle in the U.K.’s Daily Mail.

When she was Barack Obama’s Homeland Security chief, Janet Napolitano the far-left former Arizona governor, issued a scathing Department of Homeland Security report identifying American returning military vets as  “Right-wing extremists” who pose national security threats. Napolitano claimed, “Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to right-wing extremists.”  It’s still available and can be read under the link

The era of destruction guns for movie icon

July 14, 2020

The perpetually inflamed left isn’t content to oversee the defacing and toppling of statues of Christopher Columbus, Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant off their pedestals. They were just getting revved up. Now they’re coming for Marion Morrison. Marion was a movie star, but if you’re envisioning a platinum haired hot babe in a strapless gown, you’d be disappointed. 

Marion was definitely a cinematic icon, but was nicknamed “Duke” and was known on screen as John Wayne. He personified the wild west in countless movies. A proud Republican, Wayne, who died in 1970, was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1980, by Democrat President Jimmy Carter and in 1998 he received the Naval Heritage Award by the US Navy Memorial Foundation for his support of the Navy and military during his film career. In 1999, the American Film Institute honored the Oscar-winning Wayne as among the Greatest Male Screen Legends of Classic Hollywood cinema. There are schools, ongoing events, a 100-mile trail named the “John Wayne Pioneer Trail” in Washington’s Iron Horse State Park, a marina and major roadways that carry his name to this day. A larger than life-size bronze statue of Wayne atop a horse was erected at the corner of La Cienega Boulevard and Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills commissioned by a bank. John Wayne International Airport in Orange County, California, has a nine-foot bronze statue of him at the entrance.

Now decades after his death, the University of Southern California will no longer honor John Wayne, who attended pre-law classes and played football there before embarking on his film career.

As New American writes:

The memory of the Oscar-winning star must be erased, the school says, because Wayne uttered now-unacceptable sentiments in an interview with Playboy magazine nearly 50 years ago.

 The result is the Wayne exhibit at the university’s cinema school will be removed.

The Hate-Wayne movement began last year when the interview popped on Twitter, and has gained steam since the death of George Floyd, which in turn prompted leftists in Orange County to launch a drive to remove his name and statue from the county’s airport.

This announcement came from Evan Hughes, Interim Assistant Dean of Diversity and Inclusion for the USC School of Cinematic Arts.

Have no doubt Janet Napolitano had a hand in this. The extreme leftist former Arizona governor, who left her post midterm to join the Obama administration, is the president of the University of California system, overseeing all 10 campuses. This will be her coup de grâce before she steps down in two weeks.

In the city of Maricopa, Arizona, part of Arizona State Route 347 is named John Wayne Parkway, which runs through the center of town. There is now an effort to rename that stretch of road.

A  multi-day event of the John Wayne Cancer Foundation benefiting the American Cancer Society takes place each fall in Casa Grande, Arizona where John Wayne owned a ranch. The disease took Wayne’s life.

As to allegations of John Wayne’s racism, the fact that the three-time married Wayne’s wives were all of Mexican heritage lays that to rest. He was the father of seven children.