Why has CDC expanded emergency food, water supply info?

February 22, 2023

If life under the Biden administration is so stable why does the Center for Disease Control and Prevention have a lengthy and disconcerting section titled, “Food and Water Needs: Preparing for a Disaster or Emergency“? On the far left margin, 15 categories of concern are listed, including everything from “Natural Disasters and Severe Weather to Tsunamis and Volcanoes.” Deemed unworthy of mention is Government Instability.

Among the instructions is this sentence, “Alcohol dehydrate the body, which increases the need for drinking water,“ making us question the primary language of the government employee issuing the directive. There is a notice on the site stating the page was updated on January 27, 2021, within a week of Biden’s inauguration. His operatives let no grass, but plenty of weeds, grow under their feet. The agency is headed by Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH, who is committed to vaccinating all American children 6 months through 5 years of age with the COVID-19 vaccine. Revealing herself as a leftwing partisan, she was a vocal adversary of President Trump, who was responsible for initially fast-tracking the vaccine.

The CDC’s website now highlights, “Racism is a Serious Threat to the Public’s Health.” Dr. Walensky also spends an excessive amount of time tweeting and retweeting.

Energy genius Joe throws wrench into dems midterm prospects

November 7, 2022

H/T NRC Research

When logic won’t play, ecology is next go-to border ploy

April 26, 2021

 AZ newspaper desperately calls effective border wall “ecological disaster”

Sunday’s edition of the seriously declining local newspaper exemplifies the facile agility of a desperate contortionist. Aware there is no way to logically promote the massive invasion of the United States by illegal aliens from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, which has reached crisis proportions during the Biden administration, the latest marketing tool being employed is ecological: “Scarring sacred lands” and “displacing wildlife.” The poser following this absurdity is, “Can the border fence be taken down?” The front page report is dramatically headlined, “The Wall’s Death Grip,” continuing on three full inside pages.

This is a sample of “facts” from the article: “The construction has cut through fragile ecosystems in some of North America’s hotspots of biodiversity, where animal species like bears and jaguars once roamed unimpeded. While the long-term effects on the environment are uncertain, conservationists say the barriers and water use have worsened conditions for habitats already threatened by the changing climate.”

Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, masterminded the Nazi propaganda machine while implementing its murderous agenda. His effective theme was “Tell the big lie often enough and people will come to believe it.” That deceit has become the reliable tool of the left. Joe Biden, as feeble and frail as the Arizona Republic, has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to be in charge of implementing border policy, which she finds laughable. She has yet to hold a press conference or travel to the southern border to witness the massive influx of uneducated hordes — among them, thousands of unaccompanied minors — all being welcomed and resettled across the U.S. as eventual democrats by the Biden administration. 

Their underhanded dealing on this critical problem isn’t playing well with Americans. A Quinnipiac University poll found that only 29 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s handling the border crisis, while 55 percent disapprove.

Forty-eight percent also told Pew that they view illegal immigration as a “very big problem,” up 20 points from a year ago.

No wonder a ballot recount is taking place in Arizona‘s most populous county.

Butterflies take precedence over border wall

December 16, 2019

Loony left: U.S. invasion by illegals should not be halted due to wall’s negative impact on butterflies

South Texas Judge Librado “Keno” Vasquez, recently issued a temporary restraining order against a group called We Build the Wall, Inc. The group of privately funded patriots has already raised $25 million through crowdfunding and other sources after promising to build a private barrier on parts of the border between the United States and Mexico, after funding obtained by President Trump was curtailed by congressional Democrats.

Vasquez set a December 17, 2019 hearing for We Build the Wall, Inc. and its founder, military veteran Brian Kolfage — a triple amputee who lost both legs and his right arm during his second deployment in Iraq in 2004. Kolfage is to appear in court in the southeastern Texas city of Edinburg, near McAllen in Hidalgo County. Judge Vasquez, expected to evaluate cases on their merits, without prejudice or preconception, has already stated the project risked causing “imminent and irreparable harm” to the area, responding to concerns of North American Butterfly Association (NABA), a butterfly protection organization.

Brian Kolfage brings more than determination to this worthy effort. He earned a degree from the College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture at the University of Arizona in 2014.

Worth noting is the fact that Democrat Librado “Keno” Vasquez was the only name on the ballot for the judgeship of the 398th District Court in Hidalgo County.

Residents of Hidalgo County have consistently voted Democrat in presidential elections, with rare exceptions, such as In 2004, when Republican former Texas Gov. George W. Bush carried the county.

The U.S. Census Bureau counted 861,661 people living in Hidalgo County in 2017. About 92.2% percent were Hispanic and 6.2% were “White Alone.” 1.01% are listed as “Asian Alone.”

Earthjustice, a leftist fringe group more concerned with butterflies than the safety and security of Americans, wrote this letter protesting construction of the wall to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Control of borders is an essential element of sovereignty, a fact that lacks relevance to either the butterfly enthusiasts or, apparently, to Judge Vasquez.

Prof’s apt reply to ‘Person of the Year’ Greta Thunberg

December 15, 2019

Time Magazine recently named Greta Thunberg ‘Person of the Year.” The strident Swedish 16-year-old, who is traveling far too much to rightly be described as a school girl, (she is, in fact, a drop-out) is heralded for denouncing world leaders who don’t ascribe to her climate change activism, specifically omitting naming major polluters China and India while blasting the U.S. The financing of her global travels remains a mystery. Her insults shrilly barked from the platform oddly given her at the United Nations, were specifically hurled at the United States and our President Donald Trump. For this she has become the darling of the leftist media.

Thunberg encouraged worldwide student school strikes for climate and blasted United Nations representatives with her “How Dare You” speech — threatening, “We will not let you get away with this…we will never forgive you.” For this, she has become praiseworthy as the youngest Time honoree.

The issue of climate change, regarded as cyclical by many scientific experts, has been hijacked by anarchists and this arrogant teen afflicted with Asperger Syndrome who is the daughter of an opera singer and an actor. She commands international attention as she issues threats and accuses the U.S. and industrialized nations of “stealing my dreams.” Hatred of America, the most generous nation on the planet, is a guaranteed attention grabber.

Professor Jason D. Hill responds to Greta Thunberg with a brilliant commentary, titled,An Open Letter to Greta Thunberg: You are not a moral leader. But I will tell you what you are.”  Hill’s extensive credentials follow his open letter.

It was published on Front Page mag and is definitely worth your time.

Shining a dose of antiseptic sunlight on the magazine’s radical left perspective, Time itself notes its other finalists “were three people at the center of the impeachment proceedings against President Trump: the president himself, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the anonymous whistleblower whose complaint helped set the impeachment inquiry in motion.”

What a surprise.

Worshipping at the altar of deity McCain

May 17, 2019

After three funerals that spanned the country, most rational observers regarded John McCain as dead and buried.

That thinking turned out to be delusional. Republicrat John McCain, who relentlessly promoted amnesty for illegal aliens, has in fact, been elevated to deity status. His vengefulness, foul mouth, deceit and abysmal ignorance, have been pushed to the back burner as history concerning this marginal man, has been rewritten.

Sounder minds stalled a proposal to rename the Russell Senate Office Building after McCain. It was originally called the “Old Senate Building” and renamed for Democrat Georgia Sen. Richard Russell in 1972.

Now two other Democrats, part of an established Arizona political family, will likely have their names removed from the Udall Foundation’s Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, named in their honor. Founded in 1992, it was a tribute to longtime Arizona Congressman and environmentalist Morris Udall and his brother Stewart Udall, who was Secretary of the Interior. The Udall family is rooted in the American West. Its role in politics spans over 100 years and four generations. Udall politicians have been elected from four different states: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Oregon

Arizona Senators Kyrsten Sinema (D) and Martha McSally (R) are co-spearheading the effort to dump the Udall name. They are joined by CD 9 U.S. Rep. Greg Stanton (D).

Terminal 3 at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, in the midst of a nearly $600 million renovation, has been renamed to honor the man who crashed three jets — due to his arrogance and lack of judgment.

Those who have actually paid attention will remember John McCain as the man who was so enraged at twice losing the presidency that he publicly declared that neither he nor his family would vote for Republican nominee Donald Trump.

It should not be forgotten that was the envious McCain who personally hand-carried the bogus “dossier” to then-FBI Director James Comey, the sole intent of which was to take down President Trump. Democrat Party-financed operative Christopher Steele, a former British spy, fabricated the now discredited, 35-page, lewd dossier for the Democrats and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. When revealed as the messenger, McCain defended his actions using profanity and adding, “I did what duty demands I do.”

McCain referred to his pal, Hillary, as arock starhe could support in 2016.

Connecting the glut of McAwful dots requires more time than most of us are willing to devote to such reprehensible pursuits.

Meanwhile beer heiress Cindy Hensley McCain, who is not above lying about human trafficking, is busying herself by hiring a Hollywood agent to promote her for global speaking tours.

“As I focus on the next phase of my humanitarian endeavors, I’m thrilled to work with UTA to leverage my charitable passions to carry on my husband’s legacy by reaching new audiences and continuing to improve the lives of others,” solemnly intones Cindy.

An insight: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Socialism

February 8, 2019

Since the June 26, primary election, when it became shockingly clear that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, soundly defeated longtime incumbent Democrat U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley in New York’s 14th House District,  Americans across the country have been inundated with the inanities uttered, and bizarre antics engaged in, by the full-of-herself, newly elected New York Congresswoman.

AOC is a former presidential campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders. Crowley 56, who had served in congress over two decades was seen as a possible replacement for Nancy Pelosi as the leader of the House Democrats — prior to the election returns coming in. He has not had a primary challenger since 2004, when Ocasio-Cortez was too young to vote. 

She prances and dances, as she spews her radical ideology and redistributionist ideas which many find atrocious, others foolishly amusing and still others grasping at them as if being thrown a life-jacket. The latter groups are the ones in dire need of education.

Knowledgeable people who are familiar with history and economics shudder at her notions of taxing the wealthiest Americans at a 70% marginal tax rate in order to fund her “Green New Deal.”

High earners are not the enemy. They are most frequently job creators who make the American Dream possible for other Americans. They are also who previous generations of Americans desired to emulate, not decimate.

Under AOC’s Green New Deal, every building in the nation would have to be rebuilt to comply with her radical climate change goals, which would include eliminating all air travel within the next ten years. Yes, you read that right! AOC has unilaterally deemed that the earth can only survive another dozen years without swift action.  When questioned about how to fund all of these projects, she shrugs and says, “We’ll print more money “

Ocasio-Cortez embraces the description of radicalism, wildly distorting it to fit her contrived image of herself:

“It only has ever been radicals that have changed this country,” she said. “Abraham Lincoln made the radical decision to sign the Emancipation Proclamation. Franklin Delano Roosevelt made the radical decision to embark on establishing programs like Social Security. If that’s what radical means, call me a radical.”

The best counter to Ocasio-Cortez and her ilk is fact-based truth.  Take time to read, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fails miserably at dissociating her socialism from Venezuela’s,” by Monica Showalter and posted at American Thinker. You’ll be glad you did.  It’s a well-written exposé of the global failures of Socialism, always with the same abysmal results. 

Biblical plagues afflict Middle East

January 19, 2019

Exodus revisited?

This linked video documents that locusts have invaded the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Another separate video shows raging, torrential floods and oversized hailstorms taking their toll on Middle East residents, washing away passenger-filled cars. Violent winds, destroying buildings, massive trees and toppling large trucks have also hammered the area. Watch all five minutes to see the full extent of the cataclysmic devastation. 

Now the U.K.’s Mirror reports a “biblical” sandstorm has turned Egypt’s capitol city of Cairo, orange. Government officials are warning residents to stay indoors to avoid respiratory problems. The bizarre event, including strong winds and rough seas, has forced the closure of major ports.

So far, as in the biblical account of the ten plagues that afflicted Egypt —- vividly described in the book of Exodus —- the rivers have not yet turned to blood. But an omnipotent voice appears to be speaking from above.

Do you prefer a sleek jaguar or a secure border wall? & UPDATE

November 25, 2017

Liberals are fond of telling us why building a secure border wall is a bad idea.

A wall won’t stop those who are determined to enter the United States: As though desire provides rights. Ask Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, Charlie Rose and the myriad other high profile sexual abusers about that.

 We can’t stop the illicit drugs coming across the border: We just have to consider our kids collateral damage.

Our population is aging:  Regardless of the fact that many illegals have the equivalent of a grade school education and limited skills, we are told we need a younger labor force. Illegal aliens, though prized by  the illegal labor profiteers who belong to the Chambers of Commerce, are not educated high tech workers. Crops are able to be harvested mechanically. When they are trained to work in the service industries and construction trades, they undercut wages and  take jobs from American workers. Their American-born children then compete against our own American students for university placements and jobs.

It’s cruel to break up families: Although deported illegal aliens are free to take their children home with them, this bogus claim remains high on the faith-based community’s list.

Now there are even more novel approaches to advocating for an open border. We are to consider the “fragile ecology” of the desert border region, and  big cats —  Jaguars, to be exact. The Arizona Republic devoted three pages to telling us about the “beautiful cats” that are “known to cross the border in the same mountainous region as people.” Bet you didn’t know “building an unbroken barrier to stop the people, means extinction of the America jaguar.” The article is titled, “A big cat, a big wall, a big question.” The bold subtitle hits the preposterous button:  “Keeping border crossers out of the U.S. would also affect jaguars, symbols of a strong Southwestern ecosystem. Is it worth it?”

To which we say, Yep. Sure thing. Or as the Lone Ranger‘s trusted sidekick,Tonto, often said, “You betcha, Kemosabe. “

Sunday’s front page report, continuing on to three jump pages, reveals there is another wildcat endangered by the construction of a border wall. Ocelots, described as spotted night stalkers that prowl the Amazon, are also threatened. Most migrate from Mexico into Texas. We are told they live a life of mystery in the borderland shadows, evading even the eyes of the biologists who study them, except during occasional live trappings or roadkill cleanups.

Though biologists miss them, they haven’t escaped the notice of the open border proponents at the Arizona Republic, writing, “In Arizona, at least occasionally, a few slink along the tree-lined mountains that rise from the Sonoran Desert, a place where they face local extinction if a border wall cuts off migration routes.”

Next we’ll be told that construction of the border wall will further endanger exotic species, previously unknown in the southern deserts. Watch for articles on the newly spotted white rhinoceros, penguins, zebras or gorillas. The Arizona Republic is not above using any scheme in its attempt to halt the much needed wall.

Many Americans who voted for Donald Trump last year did so, based in large part, on his promise to build a barrier. Illegal invaders on two feet, must be stopped.


Pres. Trump: US withdraws from Paris Climate deal

June 1, 2017

“The Paris Accord disadvantages the United States to the exclusive benefit of other countries, leaving American workers, who I love, and taxpayers, to absorb the costs in terms of lost jobs, lower wages, shuttered factories and vastly diminished economic production.” — President Donald Trump, June 1, 2017

Fulfilling his campaign promise “to put American workers first,” President Donald Trump has announced the United States’ exit from the Paris Climate Change pact entered into by his predecessor Barack Obama — who imperially bypassed seeking senate authorization to enter into the deal that hamstrings the U.S. Trump left open the possibility of a renegotiation that’s fair to America.

Declaring “I was elected to represent the citizens in Pittsburgh, not Paris,” President Trump took aim at the costly Climate Change restrictions imposed on American citizens, their jobs and the U.S. economy.

“As of today, the United States will cease all implementation of the nonbinding Paris Accord,” Trump said during a White House Rose Garden announcement. The president noted the agreement disadvantaged the U.S. “to the exclusive benefit of other countries,” leaving American businesses and taxpayers to absorb the cost.

Vice President Mike Pence makes his opening remarks at 100.49 on this videoPresident Trump’s historic speech begins at 103.17.