Political exposé you won’t read in AZ’s leftwing local newspaper

July 7, 2023

The Arizona Republic prioritizes news about a homeless encampment trial but neglects covering sisters Laurie Roberts, who writes leftwing pap for the newspaper and her sister Ann Scott Timmer, an Arizona Supreme Court justice.  For that report by Jordan Conradson, we take you to the Gateway Pundit which headlines its coverage, DAMNING AUDIO: Arizona Reporter Who Detests Kari Lake Speaks to Her Arizona Supreme Court Justice Sister “All The Time

If you read nothing else today, read this crucial coverage you are unlikely to see anywhere else.

McCain gearing up for a campaign, not the dead one…his son

July 5, 2023

Ambitious James McCain tries and fails rewriting his father’s “legacy”

Jimmy McCain is back, publicly reminiscing about July 4th with his dad and urging us to donate to the McCain Institute Foundation, which no doubt will be a circuitous funding mechanism for his own campaign. These folks think trading on the family name possessing zero credentials,, is a plus. Most conservatives find this tactic abhorrent.

Jimmy, newly referring to himself as “James” (his middle name is Hensley, a tribute to his mother’s beer baron father, James Hensley who left most of his family well heeled), writes about “finding an old July 4th barbeque video post of my Dad’s from 2017 where he reminded us: “It’s important to remember that we enjoy the freedom to do these very things because of the brave men and women who sacrificed to ensure our liberty.”

This is blatant pre-campaign rhetoric if ever there was any. Jimmy/James even reminds us that he has young sons, and signs off with feigned chummy, “All the best to you and yours.” though he knows none of us and doesn’t care to. As a novice politician with a Hensley inheritance, he can well afford a knowledgeable campaign advisor. He needs help.

Stephen Richer v. Kari Lake: After-the-fact senseless internecine battle 

June 23, 2023

Kari Lake, the 2022 GOP candidate for governor lost that election to democrat Katie Hobbs by the slimmest of margins…50.3% to 49.7%. Frustrated Lake, a popular former TV news anchor endorsed by Donald Trump, refused to concede. She then bizarrely accused Maricopa County Elections Director Stephen Richer, a Republican, of sabotaging her election results. Richer responded with this lawsuit.

Free speech under attack at taxpayer-funded Arizona State University

June 22, 2023

Conservative speakers and views are unwelcome

Turning Point Action headlines it recent report, “Censorship at ASU.”

Ann Atkinson’s revealing report published in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required to read full report) is titled, The university (ASU) is firing me for organizing an event featuring Charlie Kirk and Dennis Prager.”

Bill Gates (no, not that one) can’t take scrutiny, won’t run for reelection

June 3, 2023

Maricopa County Republicans will have to line up to express their remorse over the fact that District 3 Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates has decided his part-time job is too taxing for him, and he’s taking a hike from the grueling duties. This is his June 1, 2023 statement, brimming with self-congratulatory accolades and puffery.

In May 2021, Gates gratuitously wrote, Elected Republicans like me must stop the Big Lie about the 2020 election.

As he leaves, Gates wants to make sure we get his message that (his) “will to fight for the truth remains unhindered.”  Of the five-member board, only one, Steve Gallardo, is a democrat, ensuring this is not a contentious job. Gates’ main gig is as Director of Distribution/Associate General Counsel, for PING golf clubs, located in Phoenix.

Work remains plentiful in the World of PING. A recent article was headlined, “Rise in club demand is forcing Ping executives to work on production lines.” Could that be a clue as to Gates latest venture?

Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone’s jail drug crisis reaches epic proportions 

May 28, 2023

12News is once again reporting on the ongoing drug crisis occurring in the Maricopa County jails. This Feb.16, 2023 graphic report leaves little to the imagination.This April 7, 2023 report concerned seven female inmates now recovering after overdosing on fentanyl. Over 170 MCSO jail inmates were taken to the hospital for overdose or drug-related incidents in 2022.

Penzone, a democrat elected in 2016, weakly claims the type of drugs and how they were obtained is still under investigation. His immediate predecessor, Republican Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who housed overflow inmates in surplus military tents, was elected to an unprecedented six four-year terms. Bleeding heart liberals protested, though the tents had large air coolers. Arpaio correctly noted that the tents were used to house our military in the Middle East without the aid of cooling fans. Penzone resisted being compared to Arpaio, since he always fell short of the popular sheriff. As a top federal official with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in Mexico, the Middle East, Central and South America as well as in the United States including Arizona where he headed DEA, Joe Arpaio spent three decades fighting narcotics trafficking worldwide.

Over 170 MCSO jail inmates were taken to the hospital for overdose or drug-related incidents in 2022. For these conditions to exist within the jails exemplifies the need to replace Sheriff Penzone.

Currently there are two announced Republican 2024 challengers to Paul Penzone: Frank “Mike” Crawford and Jerry Sheridan. Both Crawford and Sheridan have filed statements of interest. Visit Jerry Sheridan‘s campaign website. This is Mike Crawford’s campaign website.

Anti-Trump, Marlene Galan Woods announces for congress as a democrat

May 25, 2023

Bizarrely declares voting rights her number one issue, though any registered voter is able to vote and no voter repression has been alleged

The widow of party-switching McCain aide and former Arizona Attorney General Grant Woods, Marlene Woods is no novice when it comes to switching parties herself. Self-described as the ”Shirley Temple of Cuba,” she came to the USA with her parents as a child, eventually becoming a local television station newsreader.

Grant Woods, who served as John McCain’s congressional chief of staff, frequently broke with the Republican Party to support democrat candidates and leftist causes. He and Marlene celebrated their marriage at the McCain compound in Cornville, Arizona. Later, he endorsed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

Currently announcing as a congressional candidate Marlene Woods declared,  “I want to flip that seat.”

“I’m a moderate democrat. That seems right for the district.” Though there are no allegations of voter suppression, Woods states, I’m interested in voting rights…that’s the No. 1 issue…along with what she cagily refers to as “common sense gun laws and reproductive rights.”

In an interview, Woods said she had been approached to run by democrats after the November elections. She said she switched her party registration from “lifelong Republican” to democrat when Donald Trump became president, saying, she “no longer recognizes the Republican Party.” Most recently, Woods chaired democrat Adrian Fontes’ campaign for secretary of state.

“My values are the values of this district. My positions haven’t changed. I’ve always been pro-choice,” she boasted. “Pro-choice” is liberalese for “pro-abortion.”

The U.S. House of Representatives is comprised of 435 voting members. Congressman David Schweikert, a senior member of the influential Ways and Means Committee, represents the district. Read his impressive bio.

He has served his district well and deserves to be retained.

AZ Supervisor Bill Gates blames Trump supporters for his PTSD & UPDATE

May 9, 2023

Are you what has derogatorily been referred to as “an election denier?” If so, according to this report in the Daily Beast, you are responsible for driving Maricopa County Board of Supervisor’s District 3 member Bill Gates to therapy.


Republicrat Gates has revealed that he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after what he terms were “relentless threats and harassment from election deniers” — using leftist code for Trump supporters.

The complete interview appeared in the left-leaning, subscription only, Washington Post, which has never endorsed a Republican presidential candidate. The WaPo was established in 1877 as a four-page organ of the democrat party and has never veered far from its roots.

Supervisor Gates, too old for whining at age 51, claims he has been targeted by a Trump-obsessed fringe that drove him to the brink, causing his family to retreat to a vacation spot. He further alleged he became so filled with anger and sadness that his wife made him go into therapy, and now has developed coping mechanisms for dealing with conspiracy theorists.

Gates, who has a law degree but never enters a courtroom, works as Director of Distribution for Ping Golf. He ought to take his new “coping mechanisms,” a cup of hot cocoa and his tinker toys and give up trying to portray himself as a grown-up.


Bill Gates, who could not win reelection, hauled out the reliable old, “I’m leaving” line June 1, saying, he intends to pursue “other interests and opportunities.” He’s a lawyer and his wife is a judge.

Bible hiding AZ dem legislator refers to her antics as “playful”

April 27, 2023

Arizona democrat legislator and ordained Presbyterian minister Stephanie Stahl-Hamilton (official bio under link) has been exposed as the thief who has furtively been hiding Bibles under furniture cushions, and even in the refrigerator, in the members-only state capitol lounge. Her odd actions were discovered by security cameras.

When revealed, the member of the Appropriations and Natural Resources, Energy & Water committees described her bizarre antics as “playful.”

Why is the married mother of three, a supporter of what she cagily calls “abortion care,” playing when she has to do a job on behalf of her constituents? The Tucson democrat, who opposes parental educational choice benefiting their own children, has signed on as co-sponsoring a long list of bills, but is not the primary sponsor on a single one of them. Fortunately, she doesn’t have time.

Sen. Sinema forgets she’s now an Independent, secures large, early dem war chest

April 20, 2023

Proving democrats rarely change their stripes, The Washington Examiner headlines its report “Kyrsten Sinema pulls $1M through Democratic software behemoth ActBlue despite party switch.”Arizona U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, who claimed to have left the democrat party in December 2022, when she registered as an “independent,” has hauled in approximately $1.3 million in combined campaign and political action committee donations during the first quarter of 2023 through ActBlue, the radically leftwing democrat fundraising political action group.

Sinema began her political career as a Green Party candidate, a fact she now obscures. For a memory jogger, read “Kyrsten Sinema’s devious metamorphosis,” which we posted in 2018. Nothing has changed except the recently honed, superficial facade.

Regardless of their campaign-related moderate portrayals of themselves, both Sinema and Ruben Gallegos are committed leftist democrats running for the U.S. Senate. Gallegos, proving he is on top of current issues relating to Arizonans, keeps an outdated webpage devoted to COVID-19 Resources.

As democrats, they are both united in their support of barely cognizant Joe Biden, who at age 80 claims he is running for reelection to another four-year term in November 2024.

In order for Republicans to have a solid chance at an upset of the status quo, we need to align behind a single candidate with a winning message and viable chance of winning. Defusing our votes and donations sets us up for loss. The most recent senate race had five GOP primary candidates. Blake Masters, who seemed to forget Arizona’s large retirement population as he focused on abortion instead of the border and the economy, lost to incumbent democrat Mark Kelly, a Second Amendment restrictionist.

Egos need to be set aside as first-time candidates acknowledge the hard fact that a desire to be a U.S. Senator doesn’t always translate into votes. Races at this level are expensive. Open Secrets headlines its recent report, Kyrsten Sinema’s campaign rakes in money from Wall Street, big banks and prominent Republicans. On the surface, this makes no sense. But politics is like an onion, with seemingly endless layers to peel.