Welcome to AZ, Laura

May 31, 2013

Laura Ingraham says Jeff Flake “living up to his last name” 

The Daily Caller’s media reporter Jeff Poor, captured conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham’s words on her recent radio show, as she called out a number of Republican senators who voted to support the amnesty bill. Ingraham concluded the segment saying she was thinking about moving to Arizona to primary Sen. Jeff Flake, who is up for re-election in 2018.

Listen to Laura Ingraham here.

“Let me tell you — I am thinking of moving to Arizona,” Ingraham said. “You know why? I will primary challenge Sen. Jeff Flake myself, if that’s what this requires. Jeff Flake, living up to his last name, backed down from a previous promise his spokeswoman made to Breitbart. This is just like Marco [Rubio] breaking his promise, basically, that he would consider voting in favor of amendments to the Senate’s immigration bill that would close a loophole of allowing illegal immigrants access to state and local welfare. Jeff Flake voted with the liberals against the Ted Cruz amendment.”

Ingraham emphasized why this was an important issue and also suggested that Sens. John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Orrin Hatch be faced with primary opposition for their support of this measure as well.

“Should this be grounds to primary challenge every Republican who voted for this bill, and I mean every single one!” she continued. “I don’t care if they just got re-elected. Next time they’re up for re-election. Ann Coulter’s right. This is a single issue — this is a single-issue primary challenge. You know why? Because this is it. As Bill Kristol said on this show, as he said on this show, once you give this pathway to citizenship all these benefits, all this discretion to [Janet] Napolitano, it’s over. It’s too late to complain about it. It’s over.”

“Should these people be primary challenged — Jeff Flake, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and everyone else, Orrin Hatch,” Ingraham continued. “He just snuck in. He snuck in. He came on this show and he promised, ‘Oh I’m not for amnesty. I’m not for amnesty.’ Well, of course, Orrin Hatch voted — he voted with the Democrats on this issue.”

Heads up to Laura: 

Seeing Red AZ has dedicated an entire category to the slippery Arizona politician we call “Jeff the Flake.” The posts leading up to and during the 2012 campaign will give you plenty of background to mount a first-rate challenge. You’ve got the credentials and name recognition. Arizonans, living in the major border portal, will give you plenty of support.

Chicago Sun-Times: Another troubled newspaper

May 31, 2013

Crain’s Chicago Business reports that the Chicago Sun-Times and its sister suburban papers have eliminated their entire photography staff. As many as 30 employees will be affected. In an indicator of the increasing vulnerability of the print industry, as of last year — 2012 — the Sun-Times was the nation’s 10th largest newspaper in terms of circulation.

The newspaper reportedly plans to use freelancers going forward.

The Sun-Times cited an increasing demand for video and “other multimedia” as a reason behind the cuts. Media reporter Jim Romenesko used his blog to share the statement issued by the Sun-Times, which read:

The Sun-Times business is changing rapidly and our audiences are consistently seeking more video content with their news. We have made great progress in meeting this demand and are focused on bolstering our reporting capabilities with video and other multimedia elements. The Chicago Sun-Times continues to evolve with our digitally savvy customers, and as a result, we have had to restructure the way we manage multimedia, including photography, across the network.”

Newspaper flat-lining is bad enough.  Steep declines are harbingers of the end. Check out the charts and graphs at Newspapers: By the Numbers for 2012. Over the past 20 years, dailies have shown a steady slide in paid circulation. Daily circulation, which stood at 62.3 million in 1990, plummeted to 43.4 million in 2010, a decline of 30%.

This type of reporting, as seen on the front page of the agenda-driven Arizona Republic could be the reason. In an article about a federal judge’s ruling prompting changes at the Maricopa County Sheriff ‘s Office, the words “the ramifications of last week’s landmark federal court decision,” rang out.

Since District Judge Murray Snow’s decision affects Arizona, and is appealable — as well as non-binding in other jurisdictions — the word “landmark” is an outrageous overreach. To put the description in perspective, here are some actual “landmark” cases. 

LA Times’ farcical editorial reaches into AZ

May 30, 2013

The liberal LA Times newspaper is obviously no fan of Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer. Here at home, conservatives castigate the Republican for what has become a decidedly left-wing bent. Our opposition to her push for Obamaesque Medicaid expansion remains unequivocal.

But in Mexifornia, the Times editorial board rudely hands Brewer her head on a platter for not being liberal enough.  Blatant dishonesty, AP style-book Orwellian Newspeak and name-calling mark the piece. We take her to task when she disappoints the base. This editorial, rife with leftist dishonesty, claims she does “further damage to Arizona’s reputation.”

How amusing that a state that has twice elected ACORN-praising, tax-raising, aged hippie radical leftist Jerry Brown as governor, has record numbers of people on the government dole, and bankrupt cities dotting the state, has the temerity to mock Arizona’s “reputation.”

Message for Gov. Brewer: No matter how far you deviate from your core principles and the values of the people who elected you, it will never be enough to satisfy the loony left.

Nev. Sen. Heller does turnabout on amnesty

May 30, 2013

Important: Calls in opposition to amnesty needed NOW

Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC) reports that Republican U.S. Sen. Dean Heller, Democrat Harry Reid’s Nevada seatmate, is caving on the issue of illegal immigration and is now onboard with the amnesty scheme. During his 2012 close election campaign Heller stated his opposition to the DREAM Act, and disapproved of amnesty for the millions of illegals currently in the U.S. in violation of our law.  Along the campaign trail, Heller talked tough about defending the border, ending birthright citizenship, declaring English the official language and opposing amnesty. For his views, he was hammered by the growing Nevada Hispanic community. AZ Sen. Jeff Flake’s close congressional cohort, U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez relentlessly slammed him.

Now, the finger-to-the-wind politician Heller has seen the light. In this editorial published in the Las Vegas Review Journal over the weekend, he swings into U-Turn mode, with carefully crafted words, saying “reform” is necessary, and announcing he is now working with the infamous “Gang of 8.”

With Heller joining the “Gang of 8 Republicans,” (Graham, McCain, Flake, and Rubio), this means that Harry Reid and Obama only need 2 more Republican traitors on board with Amnesty to have the 60 votes they need to pass a cloture vote and then pass Amnesty bill S. 744!  Illegal voters in Nevada helped return Harry Reid to the senate in 2010.  

Contact Heller’s Senate office today: Phone: (202) 224-6244 — Fax Free courtesy of NumbersUSA — Heller’s email contact form is here.

NumbersUSA has issued an alert stating that apathy levels and lower frequency of calls are leading lawmakers who oppose Amnesty to consider voting for this bill. Act now. Silence is taken as consent.

Remember, according to the far left Washington Post-ABC poll, only 18 percent of Americans support amnesty first legislation. When over half of all American college graduates are underemployed, what is the justification for bringing in more foreign workers?


AZ Dems get walloped, no woodshed for RINOs

May 29, 2013


The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has launched a mobile billboard campaign targeting Democrat U.S. Reps. Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-CD1) and Ron Barber (AZ-CD 2) for their support of ObamaCare. The campaign kicked off at a press conference in Phoenix Tuesday morning and then headed to Tucson.

Both Kirkpatrick and Barber are committed liberals, supported by, and supportive of, Barack Obama. Their positions on the massive federal overhaul of our American health care delivery system should come as no surprise. They were straightforward in their support as they campaigned on behalf of this fundamental Democrat pillar.

What was a stunner, however, was the  recent defection of six Republican state Senators disgracefully joining with the 13 unified Democrats in supporting Arizona’s ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion.  Somehow missing out on a trip to the GOP woodshed are liberal colluders: Rich Crandall (LD-16), Adam Driggs (LD-28), John McComish (LD18), Steve Pierce (LD-1), Michele Reagan (LD-23) and Bob Worsley (LD-25).

Although the Congressional Democrats were derided as “hypocrites,” the actions of the genuine hypocrites — those six elected Republicans shamefully conspiring and voting with Democrats —  were greeted with silence at yesterday‘s press conference conducted by GOP state chairman Robert Graham.

The movable billboards encourage Arizona voters to contact Ron Barber and Ann Kirkpatrick, over their long acknowledged support of ObamaCare. A more constructive use of  time would be spent contacting those who ran as Republicans and then conspired against freedom with Democrats. The main number for the front desk at the Arizona Senate is available here.

The six errant sheep are following a bad shepherd leading Arizonans into a pack of wolves — the federal bureaucracy that will unconstitutionally and at trillions of dollars in costs, control our health care delivery system.  Their actions violated the 2012 Republican Party Platform position against this massive governmental overreach, which begins on page 32 under the title “Repealing Obamacare.” Before the AZ GOP points out the splinter in the eyes of the Democrats, they should remove the plank from their own.

McCain slips into Syria, meets with jihadist rebels

May 28, 2013

John McCain, who has no problem with people slipping into the United States, now emulates them by sneaking into Syria to meet with rebel leaders.  The Islamic extremist rebels boldly informed McCain they want the U.S. to provide arms, a no-fly zone, and strikes on Hezbollah. Syria is in the midst of a bloody civil war in which an estimated 80,000 lives have been lost, many through the government’s use of chemical weapons.

Last year McCain said it was “embarrassing that the United States of America refuses to show leadership and come to the aid of the Syrian people.” The rebels are engaged in military action against Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces.

There appears to be no winning side (graphic video) in this ongoing violence. The leader of the al-Nusra Front, a jihadist group fighting in Syria, has pledged allegiance to the leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri. A Reuters report providing background can be read here. 

But is the ubiquitous McCain the man to be acting as intermediary? As far back as 2008 while running for the presidency, he was having trouble keeping his extremists straight. In this case, Sen. Joe Lieberman had to whisper the correction in his ear, after McCain declared that Iranian operatives were “taking al-Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back” — despite the fact that Iran is a Shiite nation and al Qaeda are Sunni fighters.

AZ Conservative Coalition: Updated legislator ratings

May 28, 2013

The Arizona Conservative Coalition’s (ACC) most recent legislator ratings, reflecting legislative actions as of 5/26/2013 is now available. Click here for the updated report.

Legislators are assigned to a group based on their latest rating. Bills used in the evaluation along with the summary of criteria used to weight bills can be seen here. There is also an excellent, concise analysis of each bill considered.

Check out the FAQs section, which answers the question, “Why is a particular legislator rated better or worse then I would have expected?”

Be sure to take time to review Howard Levine’s informative weekly narrative, which provides background on the tracking process.

The folks at ACC provide individual grades for Arizona’s Republican Representatives and Senators. There is quite a variation. This week the Senate ratings range from a high of 92.4 down to the bottom-dragging RINO category of 38.4.

In the House of Representatives the top scorer received a 95.1 with the bottom of the list rating a weak RINO rating of 47.8.

Recently we witnessed a disgraceful act of Republican treachery, with 6 GOP state Senators colluding with and voting in tandem with the cohesive Democrats to endorse Arizona’s ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion, irresponsibly being pushed by Gov. Jan Brewer. The 6 Republican collaborators:  Rich Crandall (LD-16), Adam Driggs (LD-28), John McComish (LD18), Steve Pierce (LD-1), Michele Reagan (LD-23) and Bob Worsley (LD-25), should be remembered when the upcoming elections roll around. Not one of these defectors is worthy of conservative support.

The House has not yet taken up the matter and Speaker Andy Tobin, has decided to abrogate his responsibility by referring the issue to the ballot.

American heroes: Did they die for diversity?

May 27, 2013

As Americans mark this Memorial Day — remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country — it’s appropriate to examine what separates the United States of America from other nations. Our founding documents are masterful works that speak to the indomitable spirit of those who were devoted to, and willing to fight for, freedom.

Undergirding the uniqueness that has set us apart is unity. Legal immigrants have come here from every nation on the globe to gratefully become Americans — part of what was once heralded as “the melting pot.” They obeyed the law, learned English, and adopted our nation’s history as their own. The new Americans raised their children with hope in the future, and the knowledge that a diligent commitment to work and a determined pursuit of education are the key elements to success in this land of opportunity.  In short, they and generations before them, assimilated.

Yet today liberals insist that “diversity” is our strength and something to be celebrated. In fact, at the core of American exceptionalism is the concept of “unity.” Focusing on what separates us, divides.

Ours is the only nation where people of diverse backgrounds come together to become part of something grander than their individual components. Like a symphony, the music is created by various instruments, striving for harmony, playing together.

“E Pluribus Unum,” Latin for “Out of Many, One,” are the words on the Great Seal of the United States. The significance of those words remains as momentous today as when they were adopted by an Act of Congress in 1782.

Memorial Day is a fine day to reflect on their meaning.

Memorial Day 2013

May 27, 2013

Memorial_Day _Hero _saluted_by_a_scout

A day to thank our veterans and their families, who have given so much to protect our many freedoms

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs has a fact-filled site with a treasure trove of historic information regarding the observance of Memorial Day.

We invite you to listen to this haunting rendition of “Taps” played by the U.S. Marine Band.

The following event takes place yearly at the Los Angeles National Cemetery, where over 80,000 Veterans —  including 10,000 from the Civil War — are buried.

Several thousand Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Scout leaders and parent volunteers assemble for the annual Memorial Day Weekend placement of flags at the grave of every veteran. Each scout reads the name of the veteran aloud, places an American flag in the ground, observes a brief moment of silence….and salutes each fallen patriot. Within a hour, the entire cemetery is decorated with thousands of American flags. Most importantly, the lesson of gratitude these young scouts learn will stay with them throughout their lives.

Seeing Red AZ has used this image previously and likely will again.  It is a poignant reminder of the need to teach American children the valuable lessons of honor, duty and commitment.

Freedom isn’t free.

Arizona República on sale

May 26, 2013

It’s no secret the conservative hating Periódico de la República de Arizona (Arizona Republic) is in its death throes. We’ve written about its convulsive travails countless times.

Now adding further credibility to its obvious decline, the newspaper is on sale. Okay, not the building itself, but access — as it offers either Monday through Sunday editions including “full access,”  just Wednesday and Sunday editions, also with full access or the digital e-newspaper alone — all discounted 67% off the regular rate! These are presented as “flexible delivery options to fit your lifestyle.”  In reality, what they are is life supporting oxygen.

Most often when the newspaper mentions “lifestyle” it is in the context of promoting the same sex agenda-driven propaganda so near and dear to the heart of Randy Lovely, chief editor and VP of News and the assenting staff.  This revolting kid glove treatment of a pedophile predator of underage boys is a case in point.

Were it not for the agendized advancement of homosexuality, a relentless push for amnesty for illegals and trouncing of Republicans, actual news would be difficult to locate. Today Linda Valdez frets about the cruelty of a border wall to stop illegal invaders. The República, fond of space-filling half page photos,  is supplied by USAToday, its Gannett sibling, and buys feed from Politico. It’s main concern these days is trying to hang on until the last old timer qualifying for retirement can beat it out the door.

Attempted resuscitation of the dying newspaper is delivered by way of a shouting oversized red banner,3 Months for the price of 1.” One can almost hear a newsboy of yore crying out, “Extree, extree read all about it!  Get yer paper here!”

Worthy of note is that this deal is only available as an inducement to new customers. Not a crumb of gratitude for the few loyal readers of the leftist rag.