“Fueled by inflation,” which Biden denies exists, postal rates take another hike July 9, 2023

July 2, 2023

This is the notice from the U.S. Postal Service. Postmaster General  Louis DeJoy  Although his name is unfamiliar to most Americans, DeJoy is the second highest paid federal employee next to the president by virtue of his bonuses.

In 2021, DeJoy made a base salary of $305,681, which along with performance bonuses, totaled $480,985.

By comparison, President Joe Biden’s base salary is $400,000, while Vice President Kamala Harris’s is $235,100.

Read this shocking November 2021 exposé from The Center for Public Integrity, exposing the postal services perks and performances bonuses There is no doubt the situation has worsened since this was issued.

Judicial Watch responds to Supreme Court’s Harvard admissions ruling

June 30, 2023

Biden administration actions promoting racial preferences in college admissions reversed

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton released this statement regarding the Supreme Court ruling reversing race-based admissions at Harvard College and the University of North Carolina.

Justice Clarence Thomas, a conservative and judicial originalist, made the following observation in his concurring opinion:

“The solution to our nation’s racial problems cannot come from policies grounded in affirmative action or some other conception of equity. Racialism simply cannot be undone by different or more racialism. Instead, the solution announced in the second founding is incorporated in our Constitution: that we are all equal, and should be treated equally before the law without regard to our race. Only that promise can allow us to look past our differing skin colors and identities and see each other for what we truly are: individuals with unique thoughts, perspectives, and goals, but with equal dignity and equal rights under the law.”

Reason prevails over Biden.

Staring, smirking Biden puts his dementia on display

June 14, 2023

Biden regime staffers herd protesting press out of the room

This pathetic octogenarian wants to charge President Trump under the Espionage Act.

H/T RNC Research

Trump Truth needs to be read

June 12, 2023

The Iowa Standard headlines its report, “TRUMP: ‘Open legal ‘warfare’ by partisan DOJ sets dangerous precedent.”

This important exposé is definitely worthy of your time. Scroll past the solicitation to read the spot-on report.

Former Pres. Donald J. Trump has long been the biggest threat and the top political target of the left as he amasses support his opponents can only dream of securing.

The Washington Times reports nearly half of U.S. voters — 47 percent, according to  an ABC News /Ipso poll released Sunday — say the charges announced last week are politically motivated.

Americans are paying attention.

Biden fails increase, on full display during meeting with UK Prime Minister

June 9, 2023

Embarrassing lack of knowledge gets a workout as his falls take a back seat to his abysmal ignorance and increasingly obvious dementia

AZ’s U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs asks if DHS Sec. Mayorkas violated border security law

June 8, 2023

“Yes,” expert answers

H/T The Daily Signal

Turmoil at AZ’s troubled newspaper as Gannett “journalists” join nat’l walkout

June 7, 2023

AZ Republic employees unite with two dozen local newspapers across the U.S.

A stunningly candid Associated Press report is headlined, “Hundreds of journalists strike to demand leadership change at biggest US newspaper chain.“ It includes these words: “The walkouts coincided with Gannett’s annual shareholder meeting, during which the company’s board was duly elected despite the NewsGuild-CWA union urging shareholders to withhold their votes from CEO and board chairman Mike Reed as an expression of no confidence in his leadership. Reed has overseen the company since its 2019 merger with GateHouse Media, a tumultuous period that has included layoffs and the shuttering of newsrooms. Gannett shares have dropped more than 60% since the deal closed.”

Also included is this statement from Susan DeCarava, president of The NewsGuild of New York, who called the shareholder meeting “a slap in the face to the hundreds of Gannett journalists who are on strike today.”

“Gannett CEO Mike Reed didn’t have a word to say to the scores of journalists whose livelihoods he’s destroyed, nor to the communities who have lost their primary news source thanks to his mismanagement,” DeCarava stated.

In its legal filing, The NewsGuild said Gannett’s leadership has gutted newsrooms and cut back on coverage to service a massive debt load. Cost-cutting has also included forced employee furloughs and suspension of 401-K contributions.

Gannett’s workforce has shrunken 47% in the last three years due to layoffs and attrition. At some newspapers, the union said the headcount has fallen by as much as 90%.

The Trump-bashing Arizona Republic, for example, has gone from 140 newsroom employees in 2018 to 89 this year. The Austin American-Statesman’s newsroom fell during that period from 110 employees in 2018 to 41 this year.

Few Arizonans will see the report since it’s doubtful the failing rag passing as a newspaper will print it. Even if it was bold enough to do so, subscriptions have continued to drop, surpassing this dire 2019 Arizona Business Journal report headlined, “Analysis: Arizona Republic’s circulation decline among steepest for Gannett papers.”

Pornography marketed as mainstream entertainment to kids

June 4, 2023

Melissa Henson has written ‘The Idol’ Normalizes a Pornographic Culture, posted on Townhall.

Henson is vice president of the Parents Television and Media Council (PTC), a nonpartisan education organization advocating for responsible entertainment.

“Responsible entertainment” marketed at American youth is decidedly in short supply these days, when receipts take priority over integrity, and too many parents, shirking responsibility, claim they are too busy to pay attention.

A TikTok-ing Time Bomb is another exposé, longer but worthy of your time, particularly if you have children or grandchildren. Knowledge is power.

Biden’s falling hard for us…again

June 2, 2023

According to Associated Press, Joe Biden, the oldest U.S. President in American history, has fallen again. This time the man who taught Americans the meaning of the word, “octogenarian,” tripped over a sandbag supporting the teleprompter he relies on to speak. He was on stage at the U.S. Air Force Academy graduation, inappropriately wearing a baseball cap, while greeting the new officers, whose own grandfathers are decades younger than Biden.

“He’s fine,” assured Ben LaBolt, another in the never-ending line of White House communications directors. “There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands.” LaBolt was correct in that assessment.

The average age of U.S. presidents in the year they’re inaugurated is 56. If Biden was somehow elected to a second term, he would be 86 as that term ended…the thought of which is hardly a confidence inspirer.

Dr. Jill, the family educrat sporting a PhD, enjoys life in the White House too much to exhibit good sense and encourage “Slo Joe” to give it a rest, though she has instructed him to wave and “pay attention.”

Biden’s border chaos curtailed by Trump appointed federal judge

May 15, 2023

Fox News headlines its recent report, “Federal judge blocks Biden admin from releasing migrants without court dates as Title 42 expires.”

Judge T. Kent Wetherell II, nominated to the federal bench by President Donald Trump, was confirmed by this 78-15-7 senate roll call vote on July 10, 2013. Arizona’s senators at the time were Republican Martha McSally and democrat Kyrsten Sinema, who both voted for Judge Wetherell’s confirmation. Sinema reregistered as an Independent Jan 3, 2019.

Reminder: Seeing Red AZ does not use the word “migrants” when describing illegal aliens, unless used in a quote.