Refurbishing of RINO Flake begins

March 31, 2017

Jeff Flake’s liberal image: The facts speak for themselves

Jeff Flake is running for reelection in 2018, but first he needs to figure a way to infect Arizona Republicans with pre-election amnesia. We need to forget his repeated declaration that he would not vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. In fact, he haughtily declared Trump “can’t and shouldn’t win.  Flake’s positions have left him with weak support, that even his often inappropriate grin can’t undo.

Now the AZGOP Daily Update, a creation of GOP state chair Jonathan Lines — billing itself as “The Only Official Newsletter of the Arizona Republican Party!” (Italics and exclamation point theirs) — which many regard as a slam at the popular Republican Briefs —- exhibits not only a chronic case of memory loss, but an acceptance of Flake’s marginal Republicanism.

Know this: There is not an iota of difference between Flake and McCain. They both relentlessly push amnesty for illegals, and maintained close relationships with then-President Barack Obama. Flake has colluded with liberals on gun controlMcCain advised Obama on forging his legacy. Flake met with Democrat Merrick Garland, Obama’s Supreme Court pick and actually opined that it was time to start thinking about confirming him.

The AZGOP Daily Update has taken up the whitewash, posturing with this redundant headline, “McCain and Flake Look To Help Law Enforcement Against Criminal Illegal Aliens,” obviously forgetting that ALL illegals are criminals — entering our country by stealth. Imagine that a group broke into your home while you were at work, helped themselves to everything you’ve worked to obtain— demanded you educate their kids and provide them health care and other benefits. When you returned home they wanted your car keys to pick up some friends to join the festivities. That’s what we’re dealing with as a nation.

Arizona’s devious senate duo tout their introduction of a bill “to continue the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) providing reimbursements for state, local, and tribal governments to offset the costs of incarceration for certain undocumented criminal aliens.”  Such a swindle should be renamed to form the acronym SCAM, which more honestly describes the conveniently timed bill.

Jeff Flake is a Libertarian who initially ran as a Republican to get elected.  He’s definitely not a conservative. His progressively close ties with Democrats are only scuttled when elections roll around.

And octogenarian John McCain? His amnesia is indistinguishable from senility (video). An economic wizard, he’s pushing for the elimination of dollar bills, replacing them with dollar equivalent coins claiming such a move will save nearly $14 billion in taxpayer money and generate at least $4.4 billion. He doesn’t explain how.  He’s already forgotten the dollar coins that were costly flops. One named for Lewis and Clark’s Shoshone Indian guide Sacagawea, was minted in 2000 and its predecessor the Susan B. Anthony coin, minted from 1979 to 1981, were impracticable and unpopularexactly like Jeff Flake, as reported by .AZ Family Channel 3 TV.

Joe Arpaio has been there for us: Let’s return the favor

March 30, 2017

AZ Republic endorsed Soros-funded candidates Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Paul Penzone & Diego Rodriguez

There’s never enough bile for the insatiable Arizona Republic to hurl.  After daily spews of rancor aimed at Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the career lawman who was elected to an unprecedented 6 four-year terms, lost to Paul Penzone, a George Soros funded batterer.  Democrat Penzone refers to illegal aliens as “guests” — not of the jails he now oversees, but of Maricopa County.  Soros, a multi-billionaire Socialist and open borders devotee, spent over $2 million to defeat Arpaio.

Arpaio gets hammered by the daily for legal costs he incurred while doing the job he was elected to do. He is currently scheduled for an April 4 trial in Federal Court, charged with criminal contempt stemming from accusations of violating judicial orders against profiling Hispanics, a charge he refutes.  Arpaio’s mounting legal fees are now his personal responsibility.

Consider making a donation to Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s legal defense fund. He has been there for the citizens of Maricopa County doing the job we elected him to do for 24 years. It’s time to return the favor.

The end game for the extremist left is to see the 84-year-old former sheriff in jail.  Joe Arpaio, the son of Italian legal immigrants was appropriately born on Flag Day, June 14. He is a patriot who served in the military, as a police officer and worked for the federal government in the Drug Enforcement Administration serving in diverse locals such as Turkey and Mexico City. Eventually Arpaio headed the Arizona DEA office prior to running for sheriff.

Soros’ entry into the Maricopa County Sheriff’s race is by no means a stand alone aberration. His Safety and Justice national PAC and Maricopa Strong PAC are part of a  syndicate with long tentacles reaching into law enforcement races, including county (district) attorneys, in numerous states, Arizona, Florida, Illinois, New Mexico and Texas, among them. Soros funded unknown Democrat Diego Rodriguez challenging Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery. Soros is funneling multi-millions into the expansion of Europe’s “refugee” crisis, declaringnational borders are the obstacle.”

Like his associates and benefactors of his largess John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Paul Penzone and Diego Rodriguez, Soros is an open borders agent, who refers to illegal aliens as “migrants.” That’s why they and their advocates get his money and Sheriff Joe Arpaio was slated for removal.

We’ve been fortunate to have a man of Arpaio’s caliber heading up the Sheriff’s Office and working to keep Arizona citizens safe. Show your appreciation by helping to defray his legal expenses.

McCain & Flake’s amnesty pal Schumer is a jerk

March 29, 2017

Sen. Chuck Schumer’s bad behavior not limited to the senate

No one has ever accused Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) of being refined. He is known for being shrill, petty and arrogant. In fact, he has long been described by friend and foe alike as an “incorrigible publicity hound”

This Fox News report detailing Sen. Chuck Schumer’s lack of basic manners, self-control and unhinging over other people’s election choices in inappropriate settings, explains why he was the go-to-guy for John McCain and Jeff Flake when they put together their infamous ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty scheme.

The Arizona duo chose four of the furthest left Democrats and two other Republicrats to join them in their failed misadventure. So committed is Schumer to open borders, he introduced a bill in 2012 intending to kill Arizona’s SB1070, and similar laws throughout the country as he anticipated the Supreme Court could rule in favor of the states.

Anytime you hear the words “Immigration Reform,”  “Comprehensive,” or the phrase “Our immigration system is broken,” let your antenna rise to their highest level, since those are the words used to suppress the truth about the invasion that is taking place in the United States. Our immigration system is generous and welcoming to actual immigrants who enter this country legally and choose to become Americans. Don’t allow the amnesty peddlers and illegal labor profiteers to confound our language.  Illegals are neither “immigrants” nor “migrants.”

The question to ask McCain and Flake — if they ever come out of hiding and actually face their constituents — is, “Why are you intent on expanding the Democrat Party?” 

Ann Coulter wrote,Hispanicked GOP elite: They’ll respect us in the morning,” four years ago. Her facts still apply although the figures have undoubtedly increased. If you read it in 2013, it’s time to reacquaint yourself with a healthy dose of reality. If you missed it, this is your chance. Coulter addresses the myth that Hispanics are “natural Republicans.” The information is invaluable as President Trump prepares to fulfill his campaign promise of building a wall along our sovereign southern border. We have a right to know who is entering our country and public officials have a moral obligation to protect Americans in these perilous times.

Melania Trump’s Communications Director’s deep AZ roots

March 28, 2017

This White House press release announces the appointment of Arizonan Stephanie Grisham to serve as Special Assistant to President Donald Trump and Director of Communications to First Lady, Melania Trump. In this role she will lead all communications efforts on behalf of the Office of the First Lady.

Quite a coup.

Grisham previously served as spokeswoman for former Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne, and later in that capacity for the Republicans in the Arizona House of Representatives.

Last November, Grisham and Arizona Treasurer Jeff DeWit were named to the Trump transition team. DeWit had chaired Trump’s Arizona campaign.

For more information, Heavy News features Stephanie Grisham: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know.

Monday morning quarterbacking: To your health!

March 27, 2017

What better way to start the week than doing a bit of Monday morning quarterbacking? We’re not talking sports here.  It’s the epic health care debacle that took place on Friday, as House Speaker Paul Ryan was ordered by President Trump to pull the bill Ryan had shepherded —  just prior to the vote.

Former Senator Jim DeMint, president of The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, assesses the American Health Care Act, that was sold as the answer to candidate Trump’s campaign pledge to “repeal and replace” Obamacare.

The Ryan plan, derided as “Obamacare Lite,” or “RyanCare,” caused conservatives to balk at putting their stamp of approval on it.

DeMint sees the events that unfolded on Friday as an opportunity for Congressional leaders to start over. It takes only a single minute to read,There Are Plans Ready That Truly Repeal Obamacare.”

As President Trump moves to put tax reform on the front burner, it will most likely be without Paul Ryan’s choreographing.  

On Friday, we called for the replacement of Speaker Ryan. Judge Jeanine Pirro shares that thought. Here’s her view, given in her own inimitable style: Paul Ryan must go. Now.”

AP reconfigures language, tries to control thinking — again

March 26, 2017

In a Friday email to subscribers listing updated entries for its style manual, the Associated Press is urging journalists to avoid making references in news stories that suggest there are only two sexes in the human race. Ken Shepherd reporting for the Washington Times caught this latest attempt to neutralize not only our identities and our language, but also dilute our ability to reason.

Gender is the latest gambit.

The Stylebook issued further guidance for use of pronouns under an entry named “they, them, their.” Those third-person plural pronouns are preferred by some transgender or gender fluid individuals who say they are not comfortable with traditional male or female personal pronouns, Shepherd notes.

“Gender fluid”?

At this point the Stylebook has drawn the line on the use of exotic pronouns: “We do not use other gender-neutral pronouns such as xe or ze.”


In April 2013 the news agency asserted that “change is a part of AP Style because the English language is constantly evolving and enriched by new words, phrases and uses.” That announcement dealt with the terminology describing those who have illegally invaded our country, in order to “use the most precise and accurate words so that the meaning is clear to any reader anywhere.” In fact, by skewing words and their definitions, AP did exactly the opposite of their pretentious claim. Seeing Red AZ likened Associated Press’ leftward lurching language machinations to George Orwell’s “1984” Newspeak, the language used by Winston Smith as he toiled at his job rewriting history.

Seeing Red AZ reported in Dec. 2010 that the Diversity Committee of the Society of Professional Journalists called on news reporters nationwide to stop using the term “illegal immigrant” in their news coverage.

The Washington Times editorially addressed this attempt at language control by correctly stating altering words “doesn’t change facts.” The Times contended the term “illegal alien” is “highly specific and accurately describes the problem, unlike “undocumented immigrant,” which purposefully removes a stigma that should rightly remain.”

Kudos to the Washington Times, a lone rational voice in the reporting wilderness, for placing truth above political correctness.

Cranky McCain urges Trump to “do some outreach” — to him

March 25, 2017

John McCain, still smarting from the drubbing he took during his 2008 failed presidential bid, continues to hammer President Donald Trump at any opportunity. Oddly, he ended up forming a cozy alliance with Barack Obama who trounced him, even routinely meeting with him at the White House to help formulate Obama’s legacy.

But populist Trump, swept into office by American people tired of the political status quo, was a bridge too far for the octogenarian Republicrat, who cultivated a “maverick“ image to conceal his liberal bent. McCain not only withdrew his short-lived support from the GOP presidential nominee, he — and his doppelganger Jeff Flake — publicly announced they would not vote for the successful businessman who ignited a groundswell of enthusiasm not seen in the American electorate in decades.

Despite all indications to the contrary,  Flake was so certain Hillary Clinton would win in 2016, that he urged support of Democrat Merrick Garland, Obama’s choice to replace iconic conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died unexpectedly earlier that year.

Trump has nominated Federal Appellate Judge Neil Gorsuch, an unflappable man with impeccable credentials.

Ignoring Trump’s steady adherence to his campaign promises since his inauguration, McCain’s focus is on the fact that he hasn’t met President Trump in person since he took office.

And where does he air his complaints? At the German Marshall Fund’s Brussels Forum using that platform to question Donald Trump’s foreign policy leadership. McCain’s topic was titled, Trump, Transatlantic Partnership.”

What displays better form than to bash the President of the United States on foreign soil?

Here at home, McCain has called for a select committee to investigate his charge of Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election and unsupported  ties between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. McCain is convinced Congress lacks the credibility to “handle this alone.” He never called for similar investigations of Democrats Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.

Given his hostility, it wouldn’t be a surprise to find McCain blaming Pres. Trump for the change of longtime symbols on the Monopoly game board or revealing that the Girl Scout’s popular Thin Mint cookies are actually fattening.

Is it any wonder President Trump hasn’t made time to fit this petulant antagonist onto his calendar?

DOA: Ryan’s proven wrong –This is NOT “the moment”

March 24, 2017

Within 30 minutes of the scheduled 3:30 (ET) floor vote on the health care bill, President Trump called House Speaker Paul Ryan, and asked him to pull it from consideration.. This is the second day in a row an expected House vote did not take place due to lack of Republican support for Ryan‘s flawed scheme.

Ryan responded by declaring Republicans “came up short. I will not sugarcoat this. This is disappointing day for us,” Ryan said. “Doing big things is hard. We will need time to reflect on how we got to this moment.”

Paul Ryan should have heeded the wisdom of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as he tweeted, “Why would you schedule a vote on a bill that is at 17% approval? Have we forgotten everything Reagan taught us?”

Speaker Ryan has repeatedly pressed for passage of his version of a healthcare bill trying to configure it as a repeal and replacement of ObamaCare, using these words of urgency, “This is the moment. This is the time.”

It is only “the moment” if Dead On Arrival has extra meaning for him.  Ignoring the looming concerns of conservative House members, Ryan has put his own ambition ahead of providing accurate advice to President Trump, who ultimately will take the blame for this debacle.

There has been, in fact, no repeal. It obviously follows that RyanCare is no replacement.

What needs to replaced first is House Speaker Paul Ryan.

The U.S. Constitution addresses such concerns regarding the Speaker in Article 1, Section 1, clause 5.

British murderer ID’d as ISIS inspired terrorist

March 24, 2017

London’s mayor advises get used to it

The U.K.’s Daily Mail provides a detailed report on the homegrown middle-aged Brit turned Muslim convert — and ultimately, radical jihadist — responsible for the deaths of four and what are described as “catastrophic” injuries to at least 40 others. As he carried out his depravity on Westminster Bridge and outside Parliament, his weapons were a rental car and two knives, making tracking such lunatics through weaponry purchases impossible.

Among those killed were an unarmed police officer, a mother of two and a U.S. citizen vacationing with his wife as they celebrated their 25th anniversary.

British Prime Minister Theresa May revealed authorities knew of the attacker, who had previously been imprisoned for violent attacks,  but considered him a “peripheral” figure who was “not part of the current intelligence picture.”

Wednesday’s attack was reminiscent of the atrocities in Nice and Berlin where trucks plowed into crowds, killing 86 people in the French Riviera city last July and 12 at a market in the German capital just days before Christmas. 

The report includes a section on how ISIS terrorists have brought death to Europe. Providing overviews of  carnage in France, Belgium, Germany and Denmark.

London’s mayor Sadiq Khan, a Muslim elected last May, reacted to the slaughter by warning Londoners to be vigilant, saying, “Terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a major city.”

That was not always the case, Mr. Mayor.

“Repeal and replace”: Conservative critics hang tight & UPDATE

March 23, 2017

After a late session and heavy lobbying by the White House and GOP leaders, there is still no consensus on the repeal and replacement of ObamaCare.

Fox News reports Speaker Paul Ryan’s fast tracked replacement plan was in peril early this morning after lengthy leadership and committee meetings failed to produce an agreement that would bolster support among conservative members, who say it doesn’t go far enough to undo ObamaCare.

While the House Rules Committee was in session Wednesday Ryan was meeting with more prone to acquiesce  Republicans from Pennsylvania, Illinois, Maine and New York as well as members of leadership, trying to gin up support for what is widely considered to be his plan.

The conservative Freedom Caucus is not on board with the plan. “I’m confident that we have still enough concerns that a vote of 216 votes in the House would not happen today,” said Rep. Mark Meadows, (R-N.C.) the Freedom Caucus chairman. Current (2017) members of the group can be seen here. Three Arizonans are on the list — U.S. Reps. Trent Franks (CD-8), Paul Gosar (CD-4) and David Schweikert (CD-6).

The latest news in advance of the vote indicates President Trump wants unwavering support for the replacement health care bill which was scheduled for a vote today. The deadline could be pushed back since Pres. Trump has scheduled an 11:30 a.m. (ET) — 8:30 a.m. AZ Time, meeting with members of the House Freedom Caucus at the White House.

Thursday evening, March 23, 2017:

Testy Trump issues ultimatum on health care vote

Wants vote Friday or else…..

With conservative Republicans not falling in line behind House Speaker Paul Ryan’s supposed “Repeal and Replacement” of Obamacare, Pres. Trump has issued an ultimatum: If he doesn’t get the vote to authorize what many referred to as “Obamacare Lite” — now dubbed “RyanCare,“ he will move on to other issues, such as border security, tax reform and trade. leaving in place the mess he promised to make a priory.

“For seven and a half years, we have been promising to repeal and replace this broken law because it is collapsing and failing families,” Ryan told reporters Thursday evening. “And tomorrow (Friday) we are proceeding.”

Arizona’s CD 8 Rep. Trent Franks, a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus is not supportive of the plan in its current form. He gave this reasoned opinion:

“I always think if there’s any change whatsoever that we can make the bill better than we should never stop negotiations,” he said. “Now there is a time that those negotiations should stop, but let that not be arbitrary let that be on the timetable itself.”

This ad, urging rejection of “RyanCare,“ is an example of a series underwritten by Club For Growth urging several House members who are willing to yield on this crucial matter to rethink their positions.