Haney by a knockout!!!!

In a stunning upset, Rob Haney former District 11 Chairman, has evidenced the depth of his support by trouncing Jerry Brooks, the establishment choice in the race for Maricopa County GOP Chairman.

In a packed hall at ASU West, 893 elected precinct committeemen carrying 711 proxies, went to bat for Rob Haney — who carried the endorsements of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Sen.-elect Russell Pearce.

Elected Republican leaders were out in force, with soon-to-be Governor Jan Brewer getting a rousing applause from the delighted Republicans, weary of the veto-prone and reckless spending Janet Napolitano. Her appointment by Barack Obama to head the Department of Homeland Security created the vacancy to enable Secretary of State Brewer to lead Arizona.

The Haney victory was bittersweet with mixed results on the slate of officers. Diane Ortiz-Parsons, on the Brooks ticket won Ist Vice Chair. Jeff Greenspan with the Haney slate took the position of 2nd Vice Chair, while Danny Mezza, a Brooks candidate won Treasurer. The Secretary position remains in limbo with Sandy Doty (Haney) and Kim Owens (Brooks) tied at 795 votes. A hand count will be conducted. If the tie remains, the election will be settled by coin toss.

Outgoing Chairman Tom Husband ran an efficient meeting, welcomed with a standing ovation from the crowd of Republicans — both factions thanking him for the quality of leadership he provided during his tenure.

36 Responses to Haney by a knockout!!!!

  1. Frankly Speaking says:

    The same folks who were responsible for his defeat in his home district, couldn’t pull it off a second time. Haney has the last laugh, with this larger scale victory. How ironic that his enemies are responsible for him winning the county chairmanship.

  2. Dist. 11 PC says:

    This shows how effective Haney has been at recruiting. The man is a dynamo! He came to my door a few years ago, so I know first hand what he is capable of doing. I never in a million years thought about being active in politics before meeting him!

  3. Dennis O'Brien says:

    Ah, sweet victory! GO ROB!!!

  4. Ron says:

    This victory shows that one committed activist can effectively block the negative efforts of the powerful. The big guns and their surrogates were decidedly unsuccessful. This gives me hope for a Pullen victory over the establishment pick Lisa James in the upcoming race for State Republican chairman. Randy Pullen is the conservative choice.

  5. Larry O. says:

    Thanks to Arizona Right to Life for clarifying the candidates position on abortion. Brooks had more support until he waffled on being pro-life.

  6. Bill G. says:

    This restores my faith in Maricopa County Republicans. The voice for conservative representation in government rings loud and clear today. I hope Kyl, McCain, Flake and Shadegg (all no-shows at the MCRC election, by the way) were listening. In Maricopa County, Republican activists want to champion the platform including penalizing employers of illegal labor, fighting sanctuary policies and completing the border fence quickly.

  7. Fooled Twice says:

    This is indeed a stunning defeat because the retired engineer beat the congressman in the district and is still sticking it to McCain, who has felt the Haney sting for years.

    Congressman Shadegg’s voice was heard on a robo-dialer supporting McCain’s choice, Jerry Brooks. So much for that being an effective tool against a grassroots conservative who genuinely loves his country and the Republican Party. I couldn’t be more please with this outcome!!

  8. Alex Reid says:

    This is great news! For Rob Haney to come back and take the County Chair’s seat after McCain’s minions worked so hard to take him out as District Chairman is just too wonderful for words.

    Has Sean Noble informed his hundred phantom proxy Republicans yet?

    Has John Shadegg quit his campaigning against conservative activist Republican PCs yet?

    What about all those donors who tried to take Haney and Husband out of their Chairmanships?

    Rob Haney, thank you for TRULY speaking up for the real grassroots Republican voters. And this isn’t a fight Haney wants. We would all rather have elected Republicans who serve in office per the Republican platform.

  9. nightcrawler says:

    First off, hats off to Haney. The people have spoken. I had a gut feel that this would happen. The results of the down slate indicate to me that it was Haney’s name recognition and reputation that got him elected. Like him or not, agree with him or not, everyone knows where he stands and that means something. What you see is what you get. People respect transparency. Hopefully he will behave himself for the next two years.

  10. Ron D says:

    What a story. Senator and Presidential nominee John McCain works to unseat Tom Husband from his County Chairmanship. Then works to unseat Rob Haney from his District Chairmanship. Haney COURAGEOUSLY steps up to beat McCain’s pick for County Chairman. There must be a book deal in here somewhere. Wow!

    This is a great day for all Arizona conservative voters willing to remind our elected elite who it was that put them in office. What an amazing day. Go Randy Pullen!

  11. No Name says:

    This is wonderful news! I was ousted in my district after serving for many years as a dedicated PC. I am certain the McCain folks were behind it. I will never forget this act of aggression against me and other conservatives who made the PC list but were tossed out as state committeemen. I have never seen anything as vengeful toward other Republican activists by so called Republicans. This will never be forgotten. I feel as though Rob Haney’s victory is mine as well.

  12. Maggie says:

    Best of luck, Mr. Haney. This is the best news I’ve heard in a while. My district is being taken over just as No Name describes. I decided quite some time ago to describe myself as a Conservative rather than a Republican. I’ve had quite enough of this double step on issues of grave importance by the majority of our AZ GOP congressmen. They give us lip service here and vote for giveaways to illegals when in D.C.

  13. Capt.Herp says:

    Great news, and I agree with all the Haney congratulators on here. With their short-sighted self congratulation at getting rid of Rob as the LD 11 Chairman, they never counted on his getting a bigger job. By the way, did Steve Tully even bother to show up at the meeting?

    It’s going to be interesting to see the machinations against Haney in the future. Instead of working for “unity,” the RINOs will no doubt be plotting in full force behind the scenes. Have a furtive two years, folks — until then, Rob’s the man.

  14. Kathleen Haney says:

    “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant.
    An elephant’s faithful one hundred percent.” – Dr. Seuss, ‘Horton Hears a Who!’

    In this scenario, how amazingly fitting.

    I love you Dad. I have always been proud to be your daughter.

  15. Kent says:

    Your Dad makes me proud, too, Kathleen, and I don’t even know him. This is the wonderful story of perseverance with truth and good works winning out in the end.

  16. Marne Haney says:

    Yes, Captain Herp, Chm. Tully was there from very early to very late. He’s trying, so let’s give him the support every new chairman deserves, OK? And we wish to thank all the PCs, who sincerely and ethically worked very hard for the success of this meeting and election. Out-going County Chm. Tom Husband gave his usual stellar performance ‘under fire’. I suspect we haven’t seen the last of him, and look forward to his future contributions to our party and candidates. Ditto for George Teegarden. He has agreed to continue as Web Master for the TRUGOP website as well as sharing his other Tech specialist
    And don’t we have a sweet daughter? We are exceptionally proud of her and her many strengths and accomplishments at such a young age.

  17. LD11 says:

    Tully was there working. As Marne says, he is trying. Besides accidentally introducing everybody on the LD 11 email list to each other, he has been doing an ok job.

    Any word on the tie?

  18. Night Owl says:

    Another repudiation of Team McCain, along with Sean Noble and his former boss, John Shadegg. Shadegg busied himself making auto dialers for Brooks. None of their efforts helped Brooks, but it tarnished their images. They should stay out of these committeemen elections and stick to doing the jobs they were elected to do. Have they ever stopped to think how many of the Republican committeemen they are working against actually helped put them in office? Their actions are shameful and divisive. Plus they do nothing to endear themselves to their fellow Republicans.

  19. D-11 PC says:

    Night Owl, You said it brother! What in the world is Congressman Shadegg doing making endorsements AGAINST hardworking Republican activists? Many of the activists Shadegg endorses against have told me they will never vote for him again, and why should they? I, for one, am glad to return that favor to Mr. Shadegg. In fact, I’ll be glad to see Mr. Shadegg finish second next time, just like Mr. Brooks.

  20. Janelle says:

    Well, the Haneys have, once again, issued the olive branch with Marne’s comments re: Tully. Now we will see if the McCains, WISHies, and other Congressional supporters have the integrity and graciousness to respond in kind.

  21. Richard Wayne says:

    Thanks, Janelle. Kim Ownes makes a long speech on Sonoran Alliance citing unity actions yesterday. It is interesting that her examples of unity are of the grass roots conservatives extending their hands to those on the other slate.

    Unfortunately, I am not aware of Haney and other grass roots workers being given the same respect by the people she behind her candidacy. In fact, one of my friends has been consistently attacked by the McCain, Sproul, Noble, DeMenna forces, Perhaps she should make sure her message is related to those people.

    Her words are somewhat hollow since she participated in the purge of long-time effective WORKING grass roots precinct committeemen as state committeemen in her own district. That was not exactly a unifying action on her part. Maybe yesterday was an eye opener so her future actions will match her words.

  22. Tim D says:

    Bill G,
    As you point out, AZ’s Washington delegation was absent from the MCRC elections, except Congressman Trent Franks. He was there and accessable all day. Congressman Franks also had the class to not get up in front a roomful of Precinct Committeemen and take sides.

  23. Kent says:

    Rep. Franks stands head and shoulders above his congressional seatmates, and not just because of his height! He showed up and made himself available to talk with PC’s, and arrived without “staffers” to shield him from the “little folks.” That shows graciousness and very good sense. I wish I lived in his district.

  24. Average Joe says:

    To borrow what an Amish businessowner said to me a couple of years ago, “I don’t know Rob Haney very well. But what I do know, I like”. Long-time, hard-working, honest, transparent, conservative Republicans seemed few and far between in the McCain campaign. Haney’s election indicates there are enough true conservatives fed up with McCain, Shaddegg and other Rino’s to take back control of the GOP in AZ, in spite of the money and power being thrown around in a failed attempt to freeze them out of Party offices.

    Congrats Rob. We look forward to working with you.

  25. Dave K. says:

    Congratulations to Rob Haney! Just the guy we needed after the loss of Tom Husband.

    As for the opposition, well, couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch …

    Get used to it. The conservatives are taking over, and it’s about time …

  26. Charlene Hanson says:

    Mr. Chairman, What a way to start the New Year ! I know that Rob will do the very best for the party, for he gives his all in anything that he does. You have worked so hard, and now I wish the very best for you in the coming years.

  27. Dist 11 PC says:

    District 11 has the greatest number of PC’s and the greatest turn out because of Rob Haney. Those opposing him should get out and work as hard as he has to build support rather than trying to step in and take over what he has worked to build. Rob, thank you for continuing the battle.

  28. Bruce Ash says:

    Time for the delegation and all Brooks supporters to rally around the new chairman and his team. Kudos to Jerry Brooks for runing a vigorous campaign.Congratulations to Rob Haney.

    The opportunities in front of the EGC are exciting.

    Bottom up leadership that gives ownership of the party to activists.

    Attention to voter registration and PC recruitment

    Concentration on electing a Republican governor in 2010.

    Focus on increasing majorities in Arizona State Legislature and restoring lost seats in Congressional delegation.

    Developing the resources in cash and committed volunteers who share the same vision to raise our brand and help elect Conservative Republicans who offer an alternative to democrat extremist liberalism.

    MANY thanks to outgoing MCRC Chairman Tom Husband who has acted with integrity and tremendous leadership.

    We control our future in Arizona !! Let’s work in unity for the good of the GOP to create the Greater Opportunity Party.

  29. Launa Haney Post says:

    Congratulations! We are proud of your efforts all the way in Pennsylvania as you set a shining example for taking on the machine. We need more conservatives like you across the country shaking things up and speaking loud and clear against RINO’s. The turn of events is absolutely stunning and I agree there should be a book deal in the offering.

    It is so refreshing to read all the supportive comments from other folks. Thank you all for making a difference.

    Please let me know when McCain calls to congratulate you!

    We will keep you in our prayers for continued success in AZ. Love you!

  30. Carolyn Knight says:

    This was my first meeting as a PC and I enjoyed being there to support the Republican party. I do have to say I was elated to hear Jan Brewer talk about unity. The crowd applauded with agreement. I am saddened by some of the snide remarks about others that ran. May I remind you of Unity. Nothing wrong with stating your concerns but when we bash that is not unity. I have seen this in a lot of emails that are going around and really concerns me. I want to be proud of being a PC. So please keep all comments positive. Thank you Carolyn

  31. Richard Hanson says:

    Congratulations Rob! You are a true conservative.I`m disapointed in my Congressman Shadegg for actively supporting the McCain picked candidate.This is a great victory for “we the people.” It’s great to know we have a true hard working conservative as chairman of our party. Rob it’s great that you, a principled conservative, was elected chairman of our party. I look forward to your leadership and supporting you as our party goes forward. Also thanks to Tom Husband for his hard work and leadership.

  32. Stanford says:

    Well said, Mr. Ash. There is a lot of work to be done to repair the GOP brand. Let’s face two facts:
    1. Along with some positives with George Bush, we also endured a good deal of negatives that require us to regroup. That does not mean taking a left turn. One needs only look at how well conservatives fared in AZ legislative races.

    2. Our congressmen who meddle in district races and entered into the county chairmanship fray are not doing what they were elected to do and are causing major rifts in the party that will harm us all down the line. This overreaching has got to stop.

    I expect more of the same in the upcoming race for state chair, and the thought disgusts me.

  33. Bruce Ash says:


    Randy Pullen has done much hard work to earn respect of the congressional delegation as well as grass roots . Randy Pullen believes in bottom up leadership . The success we enjoyed here in Arizona in the last election demonstrates what could be done if we were working and playing together as a team. Pullen had to go it alone and the strategy he engineered resulted in a wider legislative majority . With an incoming GOP governor perhaps we can finally clean up the democrat mess created at the Capitol

    We also have the same chance to build a rejuvenated operation at the RNC level . We look forward to selecting a new chairman who will work with our state more effectively. With re districting , state wide elections from the governor down we have much work to get on with and the sooner we are united the more successful we will be.

  34. loyaluscitizen says:

    Way to go Rob Haney! We in Maricopa County need more like you. Let’s keep our
    eyes and ears open for more honorable people like you, and get rid of the rest.
    Some woman argued against you with the same song and dance they do for those
    who are here illegally. Her illogical ranting sounded as one who uses illegal labor.
    Her complaint against you was “He supports Sheriff Arpaio” To that I answered:
    “So do the rest of Maricopa County Citizens, by the way they returned him to office!”

    Her reasoning needs re-evaluating, perhaps she never heard of INTROSPECTION?

    Again, my most hearty congratulations, and, keep the Rinos on their toes!

  35. Cathy&Jack says:

    Congrats. Rob!
    Nothing shows the real caracter of a leader then to get up swinging
    after being knocked down!
    As newly elected D11 PC’s we are very proud of you!
    Have a wonderful term! This year is already better then last

  36. LD11 constituent Art says:

    We were witness to an amazing process and campaign; TruGOP conservatives mobilized and made a statement for a candidate with a passion for the party’s core values. Congratulations and Go Rob!