Radical homosexual agenda invading public schools

This shocking information needs to be read in short takes. You won’t like it. You might not believe it. But if you are a parent it is imperative you become aware of a sexually explicit and perverted agenda that was not part of the curriculum when you were in school. To ease into the subject, this Washington Times editorial titled Queering our Schools should do the trick.

Sean Hannity and  Michelle Malkin have broken the media silence on Fistgate, GLSEN and Obama’s dangerously radical Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings. Extremist Jennings was “inspired” by NAMBLA icon, Harry Hay.

Watch this Sean Hannity interview with Michelle Malkin for further information about this insidious eradication of innocence.

Thanks to President Barack Obama, Jennings has free reign to promote his Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) organization — which he founded in 1995 — to children, beginning in kindergarten. They call it “Queering the Schools.”

The following reputable blogs cover the unimaginable information being made available to America‘s children. Be aware that much of this is extremely explicit:

Gateway Pundit here. (Including a list of “click ons.”) and here.

Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government here.

Founding Bloggers here.

Michelle Malkin lists corporate sponsors and foundation underwriters along with gay bar guide for teens here.

Mass Resistance here. Disgusting? Yes. Are you ready to speak up?

Congressman Steve King (R-IA) wrote a letter to President Obama in October, which was signed by 52 of his Republican colleagues, requesting that Jennings be removed from his post. King rightly calls Jennings agenda what it is: “A political movement. It’s not about protecting kids; it’s about promoting homosexuality and demanding public affirmation.”

10 Responses to Radical homosexual agenda invading public schools

  1. Jana Simmons says:

    What is this world coming to? When those in positions of authority tell impressionable children as young as five, “Maybe you’ll grow up to marry a man, maybe you’ll grow up to marry a woman.” How do either the Obama administration or the NEA justify this insanity?

  2. Standing Tall says:

    Sodom fell. Gomorrah fell. Rome fell.

  3. Doc says:

    This man is the head muslim’s hand picked guy to guard our children. This indoctrination of a permissive lifestyle is just the tip of the iceberg, in my opinion. Next up, the U.N. parenting guidlines will be shoved up our _______. ?Part of the head muslim’s plan to bring America as we know & Love to an end, & move us to a SOCIALIST STATE? It’s an ugly hypothesis, but 1 we’d better start to consider.

    On World Net Daily, 2 days ago, they showed a “fisting kit”…seriously. I tried but can’t find the link.(You honestly don’t wanna’ see it anyway…) Mentioning this to our children???? I’ll not type my feeling about that here…but I’ll bet I’m NOT the only 1 who feels this way.

  4. Ebenezer says:

    Barack Obama appointed a lesbian to head the EEOC. Her confirmation hearing is scheduled for today. If you’re “straight,” the stars are not aligned for you in this administration.

  5. Ellsworth says:

    Another excellent reason to homeschool. Government schools are bastions of social engineering, liberalism and now perversion — under the guise of non-bullying. What garbage!!!

  6. American Dad says:

    This is shocking and senseless. Exposing young children to perversons is a recruiting tool as far as I’m concerned. I’m sending this link to every parent I know!


  7. sherriaz says:

    Something is seriously askew here. BHO is, in my humble opinion, a closet Muslim. He opines about the worthiness of Islam. Yet he allows radical homosexuals to have free rein in his administration. Since Muslims are not exactly supportive of the homosexual lifestyle or agenda, it is clear that it is all politics with this guy and he has no real faith in anything except his own ego.

    Parents: remove your kids from any public school that will allow this garbage onto the campus. The cost of homeschooling or private schools far outweigh anything else. The sad thing is that most parents will continue to use public education and the next generation will be even more left leaning than the current MTV generation- which is saying something.

  8. Sgt. Preston says:

    I’ve often wondered why some detractors call them “Government Schools.” Now I know. These misfits would never get their foot in the door of a parochial or private school.

  9. Doc says:

    FOUND A LINK TO KODAK’S support of this…with “other” disgusting links attached. No, Michelle Malkin’s NOT in favor of, but rather doing what I’m going to do. Why look @ this filth? Because if you’re a Parent or a Grandparent, you MIGHT wanna’ know what to look for:


    Sadly, but Respectfully posted for your review…

  10. Night Owl says:

    Thanks for this link, Doc. It’s all repulsive, but it’s imperative that we keep informed. Our children are our future.