How’s that “Hope and Change” working out for you?

Congressional budget analysts report that President Obama’s proposed budget will add more than $9.7 trillion to the national debt over the next decade. Proposed tax cuts for the middle class account for nearly a third of that shortfall.

The soaring national debt is projected to be 90 percent of the economy by 2020.  The sobering report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget office (CBO) predicts interest payments on the debt will skyrocket by $800 billion over the same period.

The Washington Post has the complete report here.

2 Responses to How’s that “Hope and Change” working out for you?

  1. Kimball says:

    I’d like a redo.

  2. ann urban says:

    AZ Republic is not carrying this story because it obviously does not advance their liberal agenda to promote illegal immigration.