CD 6 candidate Jeff Smith muzzled in LD 22

We at Seeing Red AZ have only once previously printed a comment from a reader as a post. We make that rare exception today for this comment from “Pablo,” on the post titled, “Settling for Republicans” no longer good enough.” Read it here.

“Just came home from a Legislative District 21 meeting and wanted to share my findings with my fellow conservatives.  One of the guest speakers was Jeff Smith, candidate for Congress in CD 6.  Jeff did a very good job of articulating his conservative positions on many issues ranging from Cap & Trade to his full support of SB 1070.  After his remarks to the group, Jeff revealed he has never been given an opportunity by the leadership of Legislative District 22 to address its rank and file Precinct Committeemen. Apparently, this is Jeff Flake’s home legislative district and they don’t want to give his opponent an opportunity to differentiate himself from the incumbent.  If any of you reside in LD 22, I encourage you to contact your district’s leadership and demand that you be given an opportunity to hear Jeff Smith’s positions on the issues at hand.  This old school political game playing is what is ruining our nation and the Republican Party.  We have incumbents like Jeff Flake who utilize the political machine of their party to muzzle their opposition.  Jeff Flake refuses to debate Jeff Smith on the issues or his record.  Is this the kind of man we want representing us in Congress?  Flake is hoping we will forget he skipped out on the Cap and Trade vote this past year.  Like all incumbents currently in office, it’s time to retire him.  Spread the word, Jeff Smith is a man of the people and a true conservative.”

After making independent inquiries and then checking out Jeff Smith’s website, we are happy to provide this link. Jeff Smith is running for the House of Representatives in Arizona’s 6th Congressional District, challenging Jeff Flake, who like John McCain, has stayed too long at the fair.

LD 22 meets on the second Thursday of each month. The meeting location is undisclosed. The widely distributed GOP calendar of events lists District Chairman Chad Heywood at (480) 388-6149 or email him at for further information. This would be a good opportunity to ask about the restrictive policies.

Heywood, paid by the taxpayers, is the Outreach and Coalitions director for Congressman Flake. Could that be a reason for the muzzle? 

A similar situation has occurred in Legislative District 20, where Conservative Republican J.D. Hayworth challenging John McCain for the U.S. Senate seat will not be permitted to speak until the second week in August — long after early ballots have gone out — because the District Chairman, Anthony Miller, works as a staffer for John McCain.

Can we say “conflict of interest? “

98 Responses to CD 6 candidate Jeff Smith muzzled in LD 22

  1. bill says:

    Jeff Flake is endorseing Juan McCain for reelection………… this alone should be enough to oppose Flake.. “Throw the Bum’s out” !!!!!

  2. MacBeth says:

    Quite an exposé! Good work Pablo and thanks Seeing Red.

  3. Manny Lujan says:

    Anthony Miller and Chad Heywood should be recalled from these trusted elected positions of District Chairman. LD-20 and LD-22 PCs, Read your bylaws. Miller and Heywood are counting on you to be disinterested.

    Flake and John McStain are rolling the slime ball downhill. Miller and Heywood are only too happy to oblige. Disgusting.

  4. Stanford says:

    Question: Why are congressional staffers given positions of authority in the districts that allow for this restriction of the First Amendment? Candidates don’t lose their rights simply because the staffer/congressional aide has an agenda that promotes their boss to the exclusion of anyone else. This is beyond outrageous.

  5. LD 7 PC says:

    Neither Chad Heywood nor Anthony Miller can serve two masters. In their cases the masters are John McCain and Jeff Flake. Their actual “master” in their duties as district chairmen should be THE TRUTH! They both have an obligation to serve the precinct committeemen and the voters of their districts, ensuring they hear from ALL candidates …. and in a timely manner. Waiting until long after early ballots have gone out and many are already voted and returned to the elections department, is deceptive. They should not hold these positions if they are unable to be fair. Obviously they are not.

  6. Doc says:

    Fellow Conservatives: Are the actions & connections of Heywood & Miller even LEGAL considering their positions in their Legislative Districts? I can’t imagine they are. And if I’m wrong, what can be done to remove them from the aforementioned positions?

  7. vagamundo says:

    Great Job on this story. I went to my first District meeting the other night (Chandler) and was in awe. I am a first time committeeman and new comer to the party so I was especially excited to see candidates debate, share ideas and pitch their agendas (corporation comission etc). I too heard Smith speak and thought he sounded legit. I honestly would like to hear Flake tell us why his own web site frowns on 1070 and according to many he buys into the idea that we need to tax carbon to fight global warming etc etc. He is an NRA guy, conservative record etc. so I am genuinely curious to see if he has an explanation.. but if his cronies are able to keep his apparently ‘progressive’ agenda from being spotlighted why would he ever be held accountable.
    Toadies like Heywood help explain why the tea party is becoming more and more relevant.

  8. vagamundo says:

    Great Job on this story. I went to my first District meeting the other night (Chandler) and was in awe. I am a first time committeeman and new comer to the party so I was especially excited to see candidates debate, share ideas and pitch their agendas (corporation comission etc). I too heard Smith speak and thought he sounded legit. I honestly would like to hear Flake tell us why his own web site frowns on 1070 and according to many he buys into the idea that we need to tax carbon to fight global warming etc etc. He is an NRA guy, conservative record etc. so I am genuinely curious to see if he has an explanation.. but if his cronies are able to keep his apparently ‘progressive’ agenda from being spotlighted why would he ever be held accountable.
    Toadies like Heywood help explain why the tea party is becoming more and more relevant.

    • Wright2B says:

      I am a first time committeeman too. i wonder how many PC’s are first timers this year? That would be interesting information. And, something incumbents should fear. Because, i don’t know about you, but since I am new with a new responsiblity to provide the truth, I have NO loyalty to incumbents- only the constitutional values I hold as the only measure and way this country should be run.

  9. Jennifer says:

    I would like to see rules put in place to make it a mandatory disclosure if any LD leadership works and gets paid by any politician currently in office. Not sure if that is a rule now, but if it is, it needs to be enforced.
    The leadership and the chairman have a lot of control over what takes place in the meeting…we need to know where their loyalty lies.

  10. Ricky Vargas says:

    Heywood and Miller take their membership for idiots. Just like Flake and McStain depend on an uninformed electorate.

    Same problem in LD-6 with McCainiac former Chairman, David Braswell. He too depended on the membership of the district to stay quiet and not point out his slime-ball tactics. Now the former LD6 Head RINO is running for State Senate. HA!

    If you’re in LD-6 vote for the dependable conservative, Lori Klein, to beat David Braswell for State Senate.

  11. Stephen Kohut says:

    Dealing with a bad district chair is within the power of the district’s PCs. Per the MCRC By laws “a majority of PC’s within a District may petition the MCRC Chairman to call a special meeting of the District Committee for the purpose of removing ‘the District Chairman of that District. At such a meeting, in which a quorum is present, a majority of PC’s present, in person or by proxy, may remove the District Chairman of the District.”

    You can get them out if the LD’s PCs work together at it. You want them out? Get to work!

  12. Bill says:

    Hey its games like this that turn people against the Country Club Republicans. This sounds like the definition of transparency Pelois uses. Chad shame on you and others for not allowing true democracy to take place and you wonder why people our joing the Tea Party movement

  13. Sylvia Smart says:

    This type of dirty politics is turning off the citizens. This is exactly why so many Americans are disgusted by the behavior in both political parties. It seems that nothing signals a conflict of interest for these guys who are milking the political process for every penny they can get. If the likes of McCain and Flake cannot be removed from office through “real elections” – I believe there will be a massive exodus from the GOP and the party is going to self-destruct. People are angry and they hate the unfairness of these political “has-beens” and their dirty political machine oiled by the money of George Soros and handled by him and his World Government (one of McCains big contributors). On Tuesday I was listening to the Barry Young show on the radio – he pretends to support Conservative values and Constitutional adherence – yet he purposely dished Jeff Smith and promoted his personal friends Jeff and Cindy Flake as the “only Jeff to vote for”. This was so blatantly a solicited set up to promote Flake over the radio. They made up some stupid joke about how Jeff Smith’s campaign manager was so stupid that she was unable to get them to interview Smith on their radio show – and Barry said it would cost a million dollars before they would consider putting him on the show. Barry didn’t even know one thing about Jeff Smith – didn’t even know what Congressional District Flake and Smith are running in! That is how stupid he is. That is a a real eye-opener of how much power Flake holds. Barry Young is just another RINO working to keep his meal ticket in office. It always turns my stomach when I find out that someone I thought had integrity turns out to be a scum bag. I suggest that people simply stop listening to this phoney talk show designed to mislead conservatives to vote for a Progressive Liberal. Barry Young is obviously not fit to call himself a man who supports the Constitution – especially when he won’t allow the voice of a Constitutional Conservative to be heard on his show during an important primary election campaign without getting paid a million dollars for it. I wonder if he charged Flake a million dollars to tell the listeners to vote only for Jeff Flake??? This was such a blatant misuse of his program and not knowing anything about Smith – who embodies what Barry is always spouting over the air – it made my American blood boil.

  14. Ryan says:

    I was at LD22 last night. It was discussed at length last night and repeatedly was said he would have time just like every other candidate has gotten. Thayer V and Doug Doucey were each given 10 mins last night.
    The desire to have a full blown debate is much different than a candidate speaking.
    A debate between those two is pointless and not appropriate when there are much more important issues and races.

    • vagamundo says:

      “Much more important races”? are you kidding me? where do I start with Flake? Prop 200? The Strive Act which Heritage estimated would have cost trillions of dollars in Social Security alone? (kinda makes the whole ‘earmark’ campaign of McCain and Flake look like a drop in the bucket. Cap and Trade which by the way, wikipedia and a number of sites I personally went to, say the Jr miss beauty pageant lasted all week and the Finale was on Saturday, yet Friday was the vote (two hours away on a plane, yeah I looked that up too) . But let me digress, he joined the Dems to: censure Joe Wilson, vote for what could possibly equate to Puerto Rico statehood…. the list goes on and on. Oh, he promised to only serve 3 terms, now he wants us to re-elect him to a 6th. And you don’t think this is an important race? Please don’t embarrass yourself anymore sir!
      I don’t know who you are but prior to Flake’s cap n trade blunder (yes, i read the quotes where admits to buying into global warming and the need for cap and trade) I was just a guy who showed up on Tues and punched the party line button. Now I am informed and will no longer take someone as a conservative because they are Republican! ‘We the People’ are taking back this country!

      • Ryan says:

        I’m no fan of Flake but lets be serious, Jeff Smith isn’t going to beat Jeff Flake. This isn’t a JD McCain fight-Smith doesn’t have a dime and would barely show up in a poll if someone was dumb enough to spend money on one.

        A debate is a waste of time for the PC’s of LD22. Jeff Smith can come and talk all he wants just like every other candidate.

      • Brandon says:

        Well said vagamundo.

        I am sick of the so called “transparency” of these candidates. I thought they (Flake/McCain) were all for transparency, but when it comes to facing their constituents during an election cycle?? OH NO we can’t do that. It’s not “politically expedient” to have a debate because my votes are locked up with the blinded sheeple of the district and I would never want to remove the wool from their eyes by actually debating someone who could potentially expose the reality of my failed tenure in D.C.

        To He*# with politically expedient, we want the TRUTH, and yes we can handle it!

        Sorry for the rant!


  15. South Mountain Conservative says:

    Hate the idea that a debate between candidates is pointless, but oh well. I was going to comment that it isn’t always the way it seems to be in LD22 and LD20. I attend meetings here in South Phoenix at LD16 and our Chairman works for lots of candidates, including Mr. JD Hayworth. Yet he tried to get McCain to come out for a meeting and even offered to put together a group meeting where several of the smaller Phoenix LDs could all get together, making a larger crowd for McCain to speak to. The McCain folks said no, but at least he tried. When we have speakers who are in races where he is working for a candidate, you can’t even tell, because he treats them just like everyone else. So I don’t think its a process problem or a system problem, its just up to the personal qualities of your LD’s chairman whether or not they can properly serve more than one master.

  16. Shane says:

    I whole-heartedly disagree that a debate between Flake and Smith is pointless and inappropriate. The very mission of the party district is to find the best candidates for office and support them. Certainly, you must agree that debate between candidates is highly effective for this effort.

    I was at the same meeting, or at least I thought I was. A whole hour was dedicated to PC training on parliamentary procedure, which immediately afterwards our chairman threw out the window, muzzled a Jeff Smith supporter’s motion to have time in July’s meeting given for him to speak, and refused to hear any debate on the issue. Mr. Heywood’s actions were reprehensible and unbecoming of a chairman. While we might give him the benefit of the doubt that he is not trying to abuse his position of authority, the proper action is to recuse himself and allow the 1st-ViceChair to handle the issue.

    The New Business portion of the agenda where these issues are brought up have consistently been pushed further and further to the end of the agenda. From several perspectives, because of Mr. Heywood’s affiliation with Flake, and actions from last night’s meetings and several before, the stench of impropriety is strong. Mr. Heywood acknowledged himself that such a situation existed just before the last abusive act of adjourning the meeting before any further discussion could be had from the membership.

    Convenient? For Jeff Smith Supporters… certainly not. For district unification? Anything but! But for Jeff Flake’s office? We shall see… in today’s political climate, anything can happen.

    • Ryan says:

      The Parliamentarian Expert said so herself it was not appropriate and the Chairman was in line to not move forward.

      Nothing convenient and that is a simple fact being left out here.

      • LD20er says:

        Ryan, if you ever do hear from “The Chairman’s” lawyers as he threatens you, please let the lawyers know that I haven’t had so much as a card from them in the 2 months since “The Chairman” told me that LD20 e-mails and his photo is “copyrighted.”

        Don’t let “The Chairman” intimidate you with his empty threats. I have to laugh at his accusation that you keep “using” his photo–are you trying to clear the scorpios and other pests out of your garage?

        When I challenged “The Chairman” to tell me how I was violating his so-called copyright by forwarding the LD20 newsletter to someone else, “The Chairman” suddenly quieted down and nothing further from him.

        Don’t be surprised if you NEVER hear from “The Chairman’s” lawyers on this bogus “copyright” claim of his. I’ve learned that much of what he throws around is totally hot air.

  17. The Chairman says:

    I just want to clear-up some misinformation that has been posted on this site. First of all why isn’t anybody talking about Constantin Querard (LD16) Chairman? He severs at will for J.D. Hayworth as well contracts out to other candidates (check F.C.C reports). Let’s not forget about Rob Haney, Maricopa County Chairman who openly supports J.D. and is pushing his agenda on others.
    The PC’s of LD 20 knew that I worked and supported McCain before I ran for LD20 Chairman. Before I ran for LD20 Chairman I consulted with two attorneys and checked if this was against the bylaws. So please email me where in the bylaws it shows that I’m in violation. The PC’s in LD20 are well educated adults and make their own decisions. I don’t push the PC’s towards one candidate over another.
    As a closing note please be aware that the photo you keep using is copyrighted. My lawyers will be contacting you soon.

    • Doc says:

      You’re actually threatening conservatives from this website with litigation over using a PICTURE?!?!? REALLY? ?seriously? And you’re the chairman of what? Kindergarten?

      Sylvia Smart is EXACTLY RIGHT! This is why Arizonans & Americans are paying the “apathy price”…because of INFIGHTING! GROW UP for GOD’S SAKE!

      And if you support McCain, that’s your right. But you DON’T have the right to BLOCK legitimate opposing views. But heads-up…incumbants in general, & R.I.N.O.’s in particular…are fast becoming unemployed…

      just sayin’…

      • Johnson says:


        The reason why Arizonas and Americans are paying the “apathy price” is because of the infighting and uglyness of people like you. You’re the one who needs to grow up. It is really sad that you are acussing the Chairman of blocking legitimate opposing views when you haven’t checked out the facts. Why don’t you check out the facts before making such accusuations? There is NO reason whatsoever for you to behave like a second grader. Shame on you. Do you even know Mr. Miller or anything about him? just prayin’…

      • Doc says:

        gee…johnson…I don’t recall threatening ANYONE HERE WITH A LAWYER. He DID…& THAT’S a fact!

      • LD20er says:

        From your lips to God’s ears, Doc.

        “The Chairman” threatened me with his lawyer 2 months ago for forwarding the LD20 newsletter (bearing his mugshot) to others.

        So far, “The Chairman’s” lawyers haven’t so much as sent me a card.

        I’ve learned to challenge his accusations, and inevitably he either tries to change the subject, or lies and gets himself in deeper.

        “The Chairman” doesn’t get the fact that people he alienates with his hot air and accusations WON’T volunteer for the LD20 events and efforts.

        For the 4 people I registered to vote this spring on my trips in the precinct, I directed the bounty to another LD rather than the treasury of “The Chairman.”

        He still calls for the individual $20 contributions to the LD20 treasury by each PC, so it seems that his idea of “$20 for 20” had a response much less than 100%. No surprise there.

        He claims that everyone knew he worked for McCain, but when I asked on election night whether the “Chief, Field Operations, Friends of John McCain” that he cited on the resume he mailed to each PC was a “paid” or “volunteer” position, he got huffy and replied, “Why do you want to know–do you work for the IRS?”

        He later tried to cover up and accused me of asking his salary amount, but he struck out–I had 2 witnesses who heard what I asked. That was my first encounter with “The Chairman.”

    • SuzanneC says:

      Then Anthony why will you not have JD come to the meeting and speak? Many knew you worked for McCain but may not have expected you to be so partisan.

  18. Sylvia Smart says:

    Ryan, you are absolutely wrong about the importance of such a debate. There couldn’t be two candidates more completely on opposite ends of the spectrum. One is a Constitutional Conservativem Jeff Smith, and the other is a Liberal Progressive, Jeff Flake. YOu can’t have a more appropriate debate than that in this political climate. Jeff Flake needs to step up and tell the constituents of CD-6 why they should vote for someone who intentionally and openly supports carbon tax, believes in global warming hoaxes, and promotes amnesty for illegal aliens. Why should they re-elect a man who simply doesn’t show up when a vote is crucial and then lies about why he couldn’t be there, then lies to his constiuents over the telephone and tells them that he doesn’t support cap & trade legislation when the first thing he does is to introduce his own carbon tax bill. He endorses McCain and all of the McCain liberal progressive footsie playing with the far left democrats in Congress. That means turning over the control of all of our vitamins to the Pharma Industry, supporting the bail out of Wall Street, and the continued built=-in guaranteed bailouts in the future. Only in a debate can the truth come out about where he stands on Constitutional Issues i.e., the federal goverments intrusion in almost every aspect of our lives and the dismissal of States Rights as guaranteed by the Constitution. Only in a debate will he have to answer questions about what he has done to promote fiscal responsibility in the Federal Government and why he isn’t screaming from the housetops about the recent Hamas stimulus package that the President has awarded to our arch enemies to help destroy Israel. Why isn’t he screaming from the housetops about the treatment of Israel and her right to defend herself. Where is his voice??? Why is he silent on all the important issues – he is afraid to stand up in the House and stand up for anything. Only in a debate will he have to answer any probling questions that aren’t just sound bites from his campaign. So you don’t have the right to decide what we can and cannot hear from Mr. Jeff Flake – it is his turn to answer to the citizens of AZ for a change. Not like his townhall meetings where he skirted all the serious questions and played the slick politician as usual. In Pinal County we never ever see Jeff Flake – he has never come to a PC general meeting here or stood up to speak at a local GOP meeting or a Tea party meeting. Where is he? – hiding as usual. This guy must have splinters on his posterior from sitting on the fence or falling over into the other side of it all the time.

    • vagamundo says:

      you omitted the fact that on Flake’s own web site a few weeks ago he called 1070 “IMPRUDENT” . but in fairness, he opposes earmarks.

    • Ryan says:

      I’ll be the first to say that Jeff Flake and I are on different levels. That doesn’t change the fact that a debate between the two is a complete waste of everyone’s time. Jeff Smith isn’t going to get double digits in this election. Call it money, call it name ID, but call it honestly-a debate at an LD meeting when there are so many races is a waste.

      • IntegrityMatters says:

        Who are you to decide who is going to win and who isn’t? Seems to me that just this last Tuesday, Sharron Angle schooled all of you nay-sayers and proved that the public decides, not all the old-school politicos.

        Fact is, the landscape of politics has changes, the PEOPLE are taking their rightful place in civic duty, the rules have changes, and we now make the rules.

        Set your predictions aside, and let the people make the decision.

  19. Johnson says:


    Congressional staffers are not given positions of authority in their district, they are nominated and voted in by the people in their district. By the way, Mr. Miller is not a congressional staffer. He is a campaign staffer. Working for McCain is his job. Serving his district is just that… serving. If the people of Mr. Miller’s district had a problem with what he does for a living, they shouldn’t have elected him as chairman of their district.

  20. Sylvia Smart says:

    I just want to add this: McCain has not agreed to the debate on July 9 in Pinal County between all the Senatorial Candidates either because if he does it will be broadcast by FOX NEWS and scares the devil out of him – a man who is AFRAID of debating a conservative candidate. Now it is the “dang debates” that he is struggling to ignore – I guess the border fence just would not die – and neither will this debate issue. His buddy Flake is now AFRAID to debate Smith – he knows he doesn’t have a prayer of coming out smelling like anything but a cabbage in that match up. He can’t even rely on his “Ken Doll” looks – because his opponent is not too shabby in that department either. What is a man to do if his hair-do, sun tan, and sparkling smile just doesn’t overshadow the serious issue that our country faces? He has to step up to the plate and debate the real stuff – the nitty gritty, down and dirty financial issues and security issues that threaten the U.S. The GOP has an ethical obligation to make this happen.

    • SanTan Patriot says:

      I attended the Town Hall (which was just announced on Wednesday of this last week)afterwards I did ask him if he was planning on attending the Debate in Queen Creek with Hayworth and Deakin and he shook his head (as if he knew nothing about it) like I was from a different planet, then his Staffer jumped in and said that he would not be able to attend because he would be in DC……

      I have known Jeff Smith for years and he is a stand up buy… I dont think that anyone should be discounted, especially right now. On that same note, I am also wondering why it is that everyone is acting like we only have two choices in the Senate Race? We also have a stand up guy in Jim Deakin…..why dont all the conservatives and true Republicans actually get behind the guys that will be the changes that we want. Why do we continue to support and give credence to individuals who clearly do not have our best interest at heart?

      • SanTan Patriot says:

        sorry, I typed to fast and did not check my wording……

        I attended the Queen Creek Town hall with McCain and….

        Jeff Smith is a stand up GUY…

      • Beth says:

        I liked your corrections, “San Tan Patriot”. I think you sound like a stand up “buy”! Just teasing, because I don’t know if you are male or female. I’m buyin what your sayin.

        On a very serious note;
        There is, sadly, a lot of disrespect being thrown. On Thursday night, it was my understanding that even the chairman learned more about the correct process of Robert’s Rules. Not too many attending knew, including the chairman, that the presiding official, usually the chairman, always states a motion. Many also learned, including myself, that preferably, a motion is to be handwritten and given to the chairman before the day the meeting is to take place. It appeared to me that the young woman bringing up new business had every right to do so under the previous understanding of the bylaws and rules. The explanations being given to the young woman sounded too, canned and rehearsed. They didn’t ring true. Especially, when the number of candidates to be heard, the amount of time, and LACK OF IMPORTANCE,(wow, leaders, you should have seen the jaws dropping) was given as an excuse.
        Grant it, the chairman did state that Jeff Smith would be given time at a future date, however many felt uneasy at the contradictions that were doled out by a few. It has become common knowledge that to no avail, Jeff Smith has been making attempts to be appropriately recognized by the leadership of LD22. The fact that the young woman was told by the chairman that in no way, no how would there be a debate, and the “reasons” given, spoke more about the chairman’s attitude than that of the propriety of the member bringing up the new business. But, she was interrupted and demeaned using even newly learned information. Deceiving words were spoken to the entire crowd attending, Thursday night. Exemplifying the leadership’s lack of decorum.
        I have watched this chairman conduct previous meetings. To suddenly wield the “rule book” for the benefit of a few was at the least, distasteful.

        It is not hard to understand why many are questioning the impropriety of the leadership of LD22. They have bumbled too many times for everything to appear perfectly innocent and ethical. I know of, at the minimum, three instances of blatant mishandling of important issues upon which knowledge and integrity were of the utmost importance. This is not a high school, student council meeting. LD22 needs leadership with integrity and knowledge. Doing without either one would be, is, disastrous.
        Perhaps the leadership of LD22 could show their exemplary, good intentions by publicly recognizing their need for further education and practice in the important processes and step down until which time they could lead with the capabilities necessary for the positions.

  21. Sgt. Preston says:

    This is an atrocious state of affairs. Flake obviously controls the chairman and that is indefensible. Flake is a McCain clone who lusts for that senate seat and is putting all of his ducks in a row to get it when McCain exits. If that means manipulating the district meetings through a henchman chairman, so be it. No wonder the tea parties are gaining momentum. I look for McCain to follow Harry Reid out the door, with the footprint of AZ on his behind.

    • Ryan says:

      Smith was given the chance to speak- a debate is ridiculous with so many other races that actually have a chance of a different outcome.

      • Sylvia Smart says:

        Ryan: I strongly suggest that you go purchase or rent the movie: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington – you were probably a child when it was originally released – with Jimmy Stewart. Every one of you political animals is represented there somewhere – yet honest men still do win sometimes. You may be very surprised at the results of the primary election. The Tea Party movement is much stronger than you seem to appreciate. The arrogance of Flake “groupies” may end up being your achilles heel. You must get up in the middle of the night to gaze in admiration at Flake’s bare chested jungle pics. Is this guy really a family man? This is very strange PR stuff coming, as it does, at the same time as D.A.D.T. legislation in Congress. Was he going for that vote, and is that why you are so confident that he will win?

      • IntegrityMatters says:

        No, he was not given a chance to speak. In fact, when the issue was brought up by a new PC, after the meeting Chad approached her and forcibly jabbed her in the back with his finger to get her attention. Then told her she was “too stupid” to realize that Smith was lying to her. This in front of everyone, with a caustic and intimidating tone in his voice.

        Problem is, he took her for an insignificant member and found out otherwise when she publicly put him in his place!

        My prediction? The new tea-party PCs will take care of this situation in the proper manner, using the appropriate channels.

      • Misplaced says:

        Ryan, Smith has never been given an opportunity to speak. That is a flat out lie. I have sat in those ridiculous meetings listening to one idiot after another make ridiculous laws and bylaws, and one meeting in particular several candidates were in attendance and Smith was passed over like a dead fly. He was not even allowed to speak. That whole LD group is the most crooked and ridiculous bunch of idiots I’ve ever seen. And as far as Barry Young he’s a moron. He might as well sit in on the LD22 meeting.

      • Jon says:

        In response to “Misplaced”

        Smith was offered 10 minutes to speak at Thursday’s meeting. This invitation was made the night before and when Smith could not come it is my understanding the Smith was offered 10 minutes at the upcoming meeting.

        There was also a chance for every candidate or candidate’s surrogates to introduce themselves as is the case in EVERY meeting. Smith’s campaign has failed to use that time for the past several meetings. One guy representing David Schweikardt (who is not even in CD-6) spoke for about 2-3 minutes yet no one stood to represent Jeff Smith.

      • IntegrityMatters says:


        You are seriously defending LD22 leadership by saying he was given a chance to speak *the night before???

        Does that sound professional to you? The reason he was offered was because there was so much pressure from the various PCs so it was a token invitation, too late to be any good. He schedule was already booked. What was he supposed to do, go and cancel his new speaking engagement and risk getting a reputation of flaking out?

  22. sherriaz says:

    Any candidate is better than Flake. He lost my vote when he backed amnesty. ‘Nuff said.

  23. Saddlemaker says:

    Isn’t the owner of this BLOG a JD staff member supporter? Isn’ he also the Chairman of Maricopa County?

    • seeingredaz says:

      We suggest you stick to your saddle making. You have a better chance of success in that endeavor than in your prognosticating. You’ve lost your ‘bet’ on this one, but provided us a much needed week-ending chuckle.

      • Saddlemaker says:

        That was a question not a statement but it is always good to have a chuckle. I’m glad I afforded you that opportunity but you still didn’t answer the question Did you?

  24. Jon says:

    Before everyone goes blasting people they don’t know I thought I would present the facts since there seems to be a lack of any factual representations fo last nights meetings.

    Here are the facts of last night:

    – The Chairman of LD22 called Jeff Smith the night before and offered 10 minutes in the meeting along with 10 minutes for 2 Treasurers Candidates. Smith was unable to make it due to another commitment and was told that he would be given a chance to speak in July.

    – During the business portion of the meeting, the chair recognized someone who stood and began about 60 seconds worth of dialogue. She first asked for clarification on why Smith had not been given a chance to speak. She then presented a motion that in July’s meeting there be a debate set between Jeff Smith and Jeff Flake. If Flake did not attend the motion called that 40 minutes of time be given to Flake in the next meeting because Jeff Flake had been given a similar amount of time in the meeting back in November 2009.

    – Chairman Heywood first addressed the person’s request for clarification on why Smith had not been given a chance to speak. He said that he had invited Smith the night before and that if he could not make it that he would give him time in July. At this point the actual motion had not been seconded and someone seconded the motion. Chairman Heywood then made a ruling on the motion that it was out of order since you cannot make a motion which forces someone to be at a meeting (requiring a debate between Smith and Flake). We had a professional and registered parliamentarian present who stood up and confirmed that the motion was out of order.

    – (Side Note) All elected officials and candidates are given a brief moment at the beginning of each meeting to present themselves and Jeff Smith has done that several times in LD22.

    – (Side Note) Asking for 40 minutes was completely ridiculous since Flake comes every year at the end of the year to give a report of what is happening in Congress. At the time there were no official candidates for the House race. We have legislative updates every month from the state which Thayer Verschoor has been up in front for at least 60 minutes over the past several months. However last night was the first opportunity his opponents have had to address the district and they were not demanding equal time because it is unreasonable. This was also the first time that Thayer (who attends EVERY meeting) was able to address the district as a candidate for Treasurer.

    – Once again, Smith is going to get a chance to speak. They are claiming this was a politics as usual by Heywood but this is completely the other way around. Now the Smith campaign is promoting this instance as a way to get good press.

    Who is playing politics here?

    • vagamundo says:

      “called him the night before”!, Please. Unlike Mr. Flake, Jeff Smith is running a campaign right now and is literally going from meeting to meeting and house to house and I am guessing needs to make plans a little more than a few hours before hand.. but, NICE TRY at being impartial.

      • IntegrityMatters says:

        Truth further told, Smith was denied opportunity to speak until the new PCs began to demand it. The PCs were originally told he would be on the June meeting’s agenda. Then the agenda was published and his name was not there. The PCs began to make a complaint and last minute apparently Smith was called the night before, however he made other plans since he was not put on the agenda for June. (You see, he is in high demand)

        Heywood himself told the PC who raised the motion that he thought she was too stupid to know any better. Perhaps you also think we are too stupid to see through your lies and covering up the truth with this attempt to lay out your version of “the facts.”

        Any last words before the country club goes out of business?

      • Jon says:

        As a last minute invite, Smith was offered 10 minutes. When he said he could not make it he was offered time in the next meeting. This is in addition to the opportunity given at every meeting for candidates to briefly introduce themselves which Smith has not taken advantage of for several months.

        The original post is claiming that a few candidates are being muzzled but the facts clearly show otherwise.

  25. Jon says:

    One more thing:

    Chad Heywood is my friend. I know him and he is a good and honest person who has worked many hours trying to make sure that LD22 is ran properly. Last night there were people in that meeting who were out for blood when they didn’t even know the details and this forum seems to be going that direction too.

    Before you crucify a good person please make sure you find out who they are. Email him and ask him the details. Heck now that you have blasted his phone number on here go ahead and give him a call and you will know that he is a good person.

    As a conservative I believe in a higher cause and these types of attacks and the actions of the Smith supporters in the meeting served no other cause than self-serving ambition.

    Go ahead and write me off as a RINO because last night I wanted to be anything but a Republican if this is what it is coming to.

    Jon Lindblom

  26. Ellsworth says:

    I know Jeff Smith. I can assure you he would NEVER do something as blatant as this arrogant display by Jeff the Flake. Check out the linked photos within this post.Flake was alone on an island for a week and set up a camera to capture posed beefcake shots of himself. What a self absorbed jerk. Cheryl must have to work hard to try to look prettier than her blonde-streaked (really!) toothsome husband. And he is supposed to be the head of the household, bringing comfort to his family?

    • vagamundo says:

      good one Ellsworth!, I saw this pic also and looked up the date of his vacation and saw it was within weeks of his ‘sacrifice’ to spend time with family and support his daughter instead of voting against cap and trade. Maybe he is preparing for post congressional career as a reality show personality! Survivor here he comes.! Amnesty International?
      ps. I thought the photo was funny in a self absorbed kind of way. I mean, who takes self portraits of themselves half naked and then ‘leaks them’ to the press? My wife on the other hand was really sickened by it. “He is lost” is all she said and left the room. gotta admit though, the guy is RIPPED! Do they have a congressional gym? just curious..

  27. Pablo says:

    When I penned my comments the other night, I had no idea they would create the amount of debate that has transpired on this blog. It is heartening to see so many, who, like me, passionately believe the electorate has a right to hear from those who desire to represent us in government. Whether or not the challenger will prevail in the election is irrelevant, what is important is the exchange of ideas in the political arena. For someone to argue that a debate between those who would like to hold national office is of little merit reflects a total disregard for the spirit of representative government. I don’t care if it is a supporter of Hayworth, McCain, Flake or Smith, if that individual is a chairman of one of our legislative districts; he/she has an obligation to ensure all candidates are given an opportunity to address those they would like to serve. There is a revolution going on in this country and within the Republican Party. As a people we are getting back to our conservative roots. Character does matter and if you are going to be a leader in government or within the Republican Party and you demonstrate a lack of character, we are going to hold you accountable by calling you out. Can an unknown challenger defeat a well known incumbent? Well, all we have to do is look at the recent Democratic primary in South Carolina for the Senate. No one ever heard of Alvin Greene, but, he won the primary and will be opposing Jim DeMint in November. So what’s my point? We the people are fed up with these arrogant career politicians and the political networks they utilize to control us. On their watch, we have become not only a debtor nation but we are now in a state of decline. Prospects for future generations look bleak, unless, we, the American people rise up and elect candidates that reflect the ideals that made this “Nation” the greatest the world has ever known. Yes, character matters even at the lowest rung of the political ladder. Rise up my fellow conservatives and let’s get rid of these arrogant incumbents who have done nothing for us while in office. If we are successful, those that govern will abide by the “rule of law” and the tenets of our Constitution. Remember, we have the option of exercising term limits every time we vote. It’s not too late to right our course, but, it must be done now. Vote the incumbents out. It’s time to clean the slate off and start anew! Talk to your friends and neighbors and if you are a PC walk your precincts and let’s educate the masses. There is too much at stake to sit on the side lines in the upcoming elections.

    • Ryan says:

      One very important part that has been overlooked. There is a subcommittee in LD22 that makes the decision on what races will hold debates etc. Evey PC is invite to be a part of that committee.
      It is THEM who decedided not to have a debate and just let Jeff Smith have his 10 minutes.
      If there is a problem, take it up with those who represent you on that committee. It was a unanimous decision by the way.

      • AZ Conservative Guy says:

        Get a grip and take some remedial English and spelling lessons, while you’re at it.

        It is “THEY” not “Them” who “decided” not “decedided.” Both in one sentence?

        Looks like that inbreeding is taking its toll.

      • Ryan says:

        Typing from my phone late at night. Obviously those were typos. Doesn’t change the argument.

  28. East Valley PC says:

    Let’s not forget the role Jeff Flake played in attempting to take out the honorable and patriotic Sen. Russell Pearce last election cycle. Flake recruited his immigration lawyer brother-in-law who then employed the sleazeball Nathan Sproul as his consultant. It was a brutal campaign from which Pearce emerged victorious. The lowlife campaign had Jeff Flake’s fingerprints all over it.

  29. Wright2B says:

    Whatever, even if Flake blocks this district from any competition, he cannot block all LD’s from listening to the competition. He’s just scared and thus, should not be taken seriously. UMMM, what is it called, when the political opponent is not allowed to speak?? It’ll come to me. Anyway, There are MANY LD’s where Jeff SMITH is welcome and wanted. Where people have been waiting for someone else to vote for. Yes, Mr Flake SOME ONE ELSE to vote for. If you’re such a great guy, don’t hide behind your little committee front wimps. Man up will ya?? Oh, that’s right you have been in WA TOOO long and your voice is no longer your own (for us). Chicken!

  30. pgillenw says:

    His “grass root” campaign is commendable. I hope he succeeds.

  31. Jeff Kolb says:

    It’s a sad state of affairs where a group of people using pseudonyms feel it’s appropriate to attack the character and integrity of real people by name.

    You state above that J.D. Hayworth will not be allowed to speak in LD20 until August because LD20 chairman Anthony Miller works for John McCain.

    That is categorically false.

    All Republican candidates are allowed and encouraged to speak at any LD20 meeting. There is a limited amount of time for this activity set aside at the end of each meeting. Each candidate typically gets 2-5 minutes, depending on how much time is available and how many candidates show up. There is no “permission” required for this. Candidates may just show up.

    In addition, each month one Republican candidate is designated as a featured speaker, and given an extended time to speak at the beginning of the meeting (usually around 10-15 minutes).

    By my count there are currently 18 active races and 48 candidates seeking votes in LD20. There are 12 months in a year.

    J.D. Hayworth has been given the featured speaker slot in August. There is nothing preventing him, or a representative from his campaign from speaking earlier.

    Additionally, I’m certain that PCs in LD20 are not short on other opportunities to hear from any of the three candidates in the Senate race.

    The idea that LD20 PCs are being denied an opportunity to know who is running for U.S. Senate because Anthony Miller works on the McCain campaign or J.D. didn’t get one of the featured speaker slots until August is demonstrably false.

    Anyone out there who wants to learn about how a legislative district actually works is invited to attend an LD20 meeting. Talk to our officers and chairman. Ask them questions. Get the facts.

    LD20GOP exists to elect Republicans in all races.

    I know it’s really easy to just spew conspiracy theories and throw mud while hiding behind pseudonyms, but it’s really not productive.

    You can find out more about LD20GOP including our meeting dates and locations on our website at

    Jeff Kolb
    Communications Director, LD20GOP

    • Wright2B says:

      One Repub candidate a month for 10 min is what your current schedule allows? Have you watched Fox at all lately. Or,are you aware of the current state of our country? We are in fiscal disaster, our border is open, our state is broke, this country is in free fall. I think you would do your LD a favor by adjusting your schedule a little bit so PC’s can hear as many candidates as possible. don’t you realize we cannot just listen to incumbents? or a chosen few?

  32. Jeff Kolb says:

    One final note – LD20 is hosting a Candidate Forum on June 19. (Details on our website for those who are interested.)

    All GOP candidates were invited. Those who are not attending chose not to attend.

    As of today J.D. Hayworth’s campaign has not chosen to attend.

    Just another example of facts getting in the way of the narrative out there.

    Jeff Kolb
    Communications Director, LD20GOP

    • AZ Conservative Guy says:

      Your arguments are so shot full of holes they don’t deserve the time to respond to each one of them. Your district leadership is clearly in John McCain’s pocket.

      After reading what you and your chairman have written, I can see why JD Hayworth is gaining steam.

      • Johnson says:

        AZ Conservative Guy,

        Why are you so mean? Your immaturity towards Ryan says you have a lot of time on your hands. Instead of being ugly, take the time to pray for your country, your party and your attitude.

      • Johnson says:

        AZ Conservative Guy,

        You say that Jeff’s arguments are so shot full of holes that they don’t deserve the time to respond to each one of them. Whether the district leadership is in John McCain’s pocket or not, the people of LD20 deserve to know what you are talking about. Please inform your fellow conservatives. Also, can you tell me what source you are getting your information from regarding JD Hayworth gaining stream? We need to be informed and want to know the truth and facts. Thank you.

  33. telemoonfa says:

    Jeff Smith does have a really good chance of winning! If enough people hear about him and get involved with his campaign, he can win the race. I’ve told plenty of people about how Jeff Smith is the better candidate.

  34. jeff kolb says:

    Dear “AZ Conservative Guy”,

    Why don’t you give it a shot?

    Just saying my argument is full of holes doesn’t make it so.

    Also, a real name would be nice. I’ll reiterate that it’s easy to take shots while hiding behind a fake name.


  35. Johnson says:

    To all of you haters:

    If you don’t like a certain candidate, please don’t bash them. Instead, promote the candidate of your choice. There is no need to point out the negitive of the opposition when you can point out the positive of the one you support. With all of this infighting in the Republican party, no wonder the Democrats are taking over. United we stand, divided we fall. Time to put on your “big boy” pants.

    • Blackbeard says:

      Your inane comments contribute nothing to this discussion. You sound immature and foolish. Go crochet a doily.

      • Doc says:

        After the ripping you gave me above then you type, ‘”With all this infighting…etc.”? Sounds to me like you sir, are in need of a change of underwear. Mr. Flake, & Mr. McCain have BOTH LIED…A LOT! Now this Chairman person threatens Fellow Conservatives with a lawyer…& I was typing like a 2nd grader? Think about it, then please complete the assignment Blackbeard has given you.

  36. Beth says:

    I am a “Tea partier” and a new PC. My first big meeting as a PC was in January, 2010. I went with thoughts of hope and excitement.I have witnessed politically charged, unethical, unfair, and recently, I believe, illegal behavior.

    To ALL “Chairs”, Presidents, and members of leadership teams of districts, TEA partys, and any other “Conservative” group, Please, for the Love of God, country, and justice, get over yourself. Stand strong on Judeo-Christian, Godly, Principles to which we ALL will be held accountable. It is easy for us to lose sight of the eternal.

    Luke 12:7
    ” Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.

    By the way, has Jim Deakin been invited to that debate? I’m sure, if given the invitation within an appropriate time frame, he will debate with either one or both.

    • Ryan says:

      Beth to your comment above, it appears there is a slight misunderstanding. It wasn’t the Chairman that made the decision, it was a committee that was open to anyone to join. The committee made the decision and it wasn’t appropriate to try and force what the woman did that night.

      • Beth K. Straley says:

        I attended a training by “The American Majority”, recently. Some of their training included encouragement to blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The threads and blogs can be very influential and affective on a broad, reading audience. Why would someone assume that those blogging aren’t doing walking and calling, as well? Your assumptions may be proven slightly off the mark. In speaking to many people, I have been told that even if they FORGET the name, Jeff Smith they won’t forget Flake, or Farnsworth, for that matter. Both are receiving critical reviews, of late.

        Sherriaz,there are many people that are agreeing with your statement above.

        Ryan, I did not misunderstand. NOT EVERYONE ON THAT COMMITTEE,”unanimous” HAD HEARD any discussion on this matter. That one committee person, if not more, may be wondering why they were not included in that “unanimous” decision. By the way, was the decision to allow a candidate running for U.S. Congress to speak for only 10 minutes and after the early ballots were already out? What a sad joke that makes. Just think about that one. That is an idiotic decision and a non-representative commttee.
        Some of you are just trying to cover up damaged ground. You are doing a poor job.

        I think people are blogging because, obviously, it is next to impossible to get some of you to think. It doesn’t have to do with the speed of thought.
        I would feel sorry for Chad if this committee didn’t think past their own noses on this one, except for the “fact” that Chad, as mentioned in other posts, was quite inappropriate to Julie in front of others. You want people to believe that this COMMITTEE REALLY THINKS, IN THIS POLITICAL CLIMATE, THAT, NEW PCs WOULDN’T WANT TO HEAR FROM A NEW CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE? The leadership is either incompetent or unethical or, as I suspect, a little of both. To put it bluntly, the leadership and this committee of LD22 are BUSTED. Whether you will act with dignity or not is a decision only the leadership can make. Kind of sounds like an ultimatium, doesn’t it? It is far more ethical than some of the other ultimatiums and antics blowing around.

  37. Sylvia Smart says:

    Johnson, although saying that we should just support our candidate that we believe in sounds really sweet – the truth is that when a new guy like Jeff Smith steps up to the plate to fight a long-time encumbent – there is only so much you can promise about your candidate – because there is yet no political record to contrast and compare – only a promise of what the candidate has demonstrated their principles to be. However, in the case of the encumbent – there is a record, and in this case a long one – filled with descrepancies between what was promised and what has transpired. A candidate who lies, misrepresents the facts, distorts reality and demonstrates a general willingness to compromise and “wheel and deal” with the opponents of freedom and liberty and to dismiss the foundations of our Republic – then it is entirely appropriate to expose him for what he is – and those who like what he is will vote for him – and those who don’t like what he has actually done will opt for the alternative. If he is proud of his record the encumbent will debate the issues – and if he isn’t proud of it he will hide behind legalities and party political machines. Just to run against this long entrenched machine of McCain/Flake groupies takes an incredible amount of courage and conviction. So running a nice little rah,rah,rah campaign against an encumbent is the way to never get elected in Arizona – and in most other places as well. You need to be realistic about the world we live in. How do you fight entrenched encumbents with bottomless bank accounts and stooges coming out of the woodwork to ensure their piece of the pie is maintained at all costs? How would you do it? Believe me – the Barry Youngs of the world have no concern for fairness or letting the voters hear the whole story on the radio – they decide who, they decide when, they decide how: remember that line from Pretty Woman – when Julia Roberts talks about being a prostitute without a pimp? Well that is actually an apt description of GOP politics (probably the Democratic party is run the same way – I don’t know). In politics we argue with passion, we sling mud, we expose weakness, we have a political process that is tough, rough, brutal and loud – but believe me it sure beats showing up at the polls and having only one name on the ballot! You should be proud of us – all the people on this forum at least care very much about the outcome! Obama hasn’t won yet! He may be sitting in the White House but he doesn’t control us completely just yet. Call this the practice season – wait for 2012 and we will all combine resources and rip the guts out of those Dems. This is the warm-up.

    • Ryan says:

      In response to your comment above. I stated before I am no fan of Flake. I am a realist though-there is NO chance Flake loses to Smith. It just isn’t going to happen. Smith is a nice guy and might just have a future in politics. Disappointed he didn’t get involved until deciding to run for Congress out of the shoot.
      There are dozens of other races though. Thursday night in particular. Thayer V running against Doug Doucey. Now there’s a race. It’s not just the money. Thayer actually has a chance to win against a much better funded candidate. It was not a waste of time to listen to them. It would have been a waste to sit through a Flake/Smith debate.

      • Sylvia Smart says:

        Ryan: Are you telling us that the “fix” is in? When you say “No chance” that means the election is RIGGED. Is that true? If that is what you are claiming than someone should call the FBI and you and your GOP cronies should be indicted for rigging an election and/or for being aware of a federal violation of the election laws and not reporting this to the appropriate authorities. You have just dismissed the Primary election nominating process of a United States Representative for Congress. If this election is already decided and you know the prearranged outcome then why are we pretending to HAVE ELECTIONS? When a candidate is running for office in this political climate – big corporate money and encumbency are definitely not to their advantage. The Tea Party movement has changed the game. You just gave Smith a huge grassroots boost – and I hope everyone reading your message carries it into all the Tea Party meetings next week and makes sure everyone knows that Flake was declared the winner on June 9th by the GOP political hacks in LD22 – and that it is your recommendation that we all shut up and swallow the reality of the GOP choice of record – THE FIX IS IN FOLKS – HOW DO YOU LIKE THOSE BEANS? ARE YOU GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT? ARE YOU GOING TO SHOCK THE HELL OUT OF FLAKE AND SEND MR. SMITH TO WASHINGTON? CONTACT THE FEDS AND MAKE SURE THEY WATCH THESE GUYS LIKE A HAWK ON ELECTION DAY – BECAUSE THEY JUST TOLD US THAT THE PRIMARY ELECTIONS ARE A FARCE. PC’s UNITE – PUT A STOP TO THIS FLAGRANT DISREGARD FOR DEMOCRACY. GET THE MESSAGE TO YOUR PRECINCTS. I just hope somebody gets a bare chested photo of Flake with his big mouth hanging open on election day when the results come in.

        By the way Ryan – what is your last name? Since you made such a big deal out of pseudo names – who is Ryan? I AM NOT FAMILIAR WITH THIS CELEBRITY WHO CAN PREDICT THE FUTURE OUTCOME OF ELECTIONS based on what he allows us to hear before the voting takes place.

    • Ryan says:

      Sylvia, I have seen on this very blog many times people saying Deakin is not a viable candidate and should just drop off. My comments are right in line with that thought process.

  38. Dick says:

    am a newbee, greenhorn at politics. I have voted all my life but, never have been politically active. In late 2008, alarms started going off for me–probably the TARP bill was one of the earliest. I began to research what was happening on the internet and ,that did not put my mind at ease. Soon I was involved with the Tea Party. While having been registered and voting basically Republican all my life, I spent several months debating whether or not to reregister as an independent. I had become more and more disgruntled with the Republicans over quite a few years. I finally concluded that in order to have the greatest impact in getting the country headed back in the right direction, working within the Republican party would be best.

    I gathered signatures to become a PC in LD22 and will become one in August. I had made a conscious decision to get involved with Republican party to influence a change. I had not been very happy with either Mr Flake or Mr McCain for some time. I had heard Republicans, and others, attacking Obama for his lying—and wondered how Republicans could not see the log in their own eye. Jeff Flake said he was only going to serve for 3 terms and is now completing his 5th and running for his 6th. What is that if not a lie? I could go on but, the point is, he has become part of the problem. He has been in Congress for almost 10 years and McCain more than twenty. During that time we have had R and D Presidents and Congress yet the federal government has grown exponentially. The intrusions into our lives and our loses of freedoms have expanded. The present administration merely put the process in warp speed and woke a lot of us up.

    That led me to decide to not only work in the Republican party but, to work to replace those who had been in Washington and contributing to the countries decline.

    For full disclosure purposes, I first heard Jeff Smith at an East Valley Tea Party. When he spoke of having an “awakening” (my words not his) as to the need to get involved it rang a bell with me. I had gone through the exact same experience along with millions of other Americans. Thus the Tea Party movement. He spoke of the Constitution and how far we had drifted. How he had never been involved with politics, he had an interest but, never actual involvement. He outlined his position on several key issues and I was on the exact same page. After the meeting I walked up and introduce myself and asked what I could do to help. I was particularly looking for someone who was not part of the “business as usual”, “go along to get along” crowd.”

    I attended my first LD22 meeting last Thursday evening not knowing quite what to expect. I am somewhat hard of hearing but, was somewhat taken aback when I heard Chad(never met the man and had never even seen him before) state that Jeff Flakes was his boss. I thought I may have heard incorrectly but later he stated that he was on Jeff Flakes staff.

    Having been in corporate management for 26 years before deciding enough was enough and quitting, that announcement struck me as quite strange. I was under the impression that this was a Republican organization and wrestled with the idea that a staffer of one of the elected representatives could be in the position of authority in the party apparatus. It sounded a bit “Chicago style” to me. Machine politics?

    I have absolutely nothing against Chad other than the fact that he even considered putting himself or being allowed to put himself in the position he is in. For all I know he is a great guy but, I think it is a serious conflict of interest in that his future income is based on the success of Mr. Flake and to some degree Mr Flakes’ future as a Congressman is somewhat based on Chad’s success at blocking opponents. That sounds entirely like “good old boys” politics to me.

    I hear people say that so and so can’t win. Rand Paul in Kentucky, Scott Brown in Massachusetts , Marco Rubio in Florida, and Sharon Angle in Nevada seem to dispel that GOB line of thinking. A year ago, I would not have known about any of these people but, like millions of Americans, I am now awake.

    I actually think the “they can’t win” is a hoax played by the GOB’s on their constituents to help keep them in positions of power—translation, able to buy votes with taxpayers money.

    I have said for several years that I would be better off if I walked down the street and selected every third person I met to represent me in Congress than the long term, arrogant politicians that have forgotten that they work for “we the people”.

    It didn’t take long for me to be exposed to the “machine politics” that are taking this country down hill.

    As a person in corporate management I could not have allowed a person who was underperforming to remain on the payroll for 10 or 24 yrs. If I did, my boss would have replaced me. I also would not have been allowed to let a conflict of interest like this to exist. We must all remember that these people work for us and are paid with our tax dollars, we have a right to expect performance.

    Quite frankly, I don’t know why it took me so long to recognize what was going on. I guess a lot of us were content to just let the “politicians” take care of politics and just leave us alone.

    These same kinds of things are taking place all across the country, what we have to do is “take care of business” in our respective districts/states. It is time for some serious change and , all of us need to be a part of it. Let’s make some real change we can all believe in on Nov 2, 2010.

    • CJ says:

      Dick, THANK YOU!!!! As a newbie, voted but never actually involved, you summed up my feelings also. I never knew how this system functioned and am learning but what I have seen already has lights and sirens going off all over the place. Enough is enough!

  39. azwayne says:

    Sure glad I made it thru last comment, some real benefit. Just from the subject there is a need for common sense and corrections. I was asked and considering running for pc, I am glad I decided against, I don’t want to be any part of any organization like this, I am really going to consider registering independent. I’m totally sick and tired of corrupt politicians who do or know nothing but get reelected. It has got to be the biggest sin in the country for the money wasted on our election system, and who has made it that way, democrat party leaders and republican party leaders, all proud of how our national leaders perform? I did not look into laws but any precinct or district leadership who is on payroll of candidate stinks to high heaven. I can’t believe anyone can believe this type of organization is ok.

    I’m certainly sorry tea party didn’t start third party in 2009 so we didn’t have to put up with the corrupt party orgaization. If we had let them go last year we wouldn’t have had to worry about splitting party power we would have defeated both. I still feel that’s what’s needed and hope more realize soon and we have something to work for by 2012. I don’t see that much hope for republican party especially if we don’t get rid of incumbents -rinos. I think party headquarters will realize with thug organizations like we see the money will end.

    • Wright2B says:

      You sound like a chicken. If you want things changed YOU HAVE TO BE APART OF IT! Hiding behind an “I” won’t protect you. You will still have to PAY with your LIFE, and POSSESSIONS, for all the crookedness out there. If you do NOT step forward and try to make a difference I do not want to see your name on another blog for the rest of your life. If you CHOOSE to do nothing, we do not want to hear you complain about it. ONLY PEOPLE LIKE YOU CAN make the difference. Please be a PC an make a difference. While you’re at it, bring a kid along as you knock on doors to teach them how to participate. DON’T GIVE UP.

    • Dick says:

      Azwayne—I think your statements make it all the more important that you become a PC and help change the organization. As I stated in my post above, I had considered changing to Independent but, realized then I would get to vote for the Democrat pol and the Republican pol. To make a difference I would need o be involved in the process of selecting the candidates. Please join us and help turn things around. It seems that previously the incumbent only needed to get a few PC’s in each LD and could control it because there wasn’t much participation. That’s just my read. I am as guilty as a lot of others since I never paid any attention to this stuff for years. I’m just now getting involved. I also started out as a Tea Party guy but, saw that the PC’s are the ones who can really help make change occur.

  40. Bill says:

    It is attitudes like he can never win that has gotten country club republicans in trouble. I am saddened at incumbent attitude it appears very arrogant and is wakeing up the people. If John Mc Sain would of fought as hard with Obama as he is with JD he might of gotten better results. I encourage all voters to vote out the incumbent to show them the people have the power not the party>

  41. Sylvia Smart says:

    Amen to Bill’s comments. The people do have the power – we just need to get them to the polls with all the information available to them. I think we are all sick in our hearts that we have allowed the GOP to become a gang of mobsters feeding at the trough. The Tea Party may be all we have left to hang onto for America. Keep going to your meetings and keep the faith. Come to the rallies, listen to Smith. He has important things to say. This is a case of David and Golliath. But I still believe that American’s will support an honest man over a rich man any day of the week.

  42. MJ in AZ says:

    I too was at the LD22 meeting last week. What a mess!
    In all honesty it appears that Chad tried to correct his mistake by inviting Jeff Smith at the last minute. As should be expected Jeff Smith was booked as any busy candidate is this time in an election cycle.

    There has been enough finger pointing in the district and on this blog to make us all sick of politics !
    In my opinion Jeff Flake and his entire staff sit in a bubble not realizing that MANY people are very unhappy with Jeff Flake. They honestly see this as a nonrace.Some members of the election committee in district 22 have posted comments here that show they are totally surprised that some PC’s actually see this as a race they want to hear about. So remember PC’s you don’t have to sit and wait for Chad to allow you to hear him speak.! We all became PC’s to make a difference .. lets do it ! Organize a Meet and Greet and invite at least 60-75 people to hear him speak at your home!That is the job of a PC get your candidate in front of the public. Don’t wait for your district chair to do it. Go for it!!! Be an activist !! Today do something for Jeff Smith’s campaign. Show Chad and the election committee that you are interested in this race.

    Don’t demonize Chad he is a decent young man who just didn’t think things through very carefully. He needed to be much more careful so that no one could point fingers and accuse him of anything. Those of us who have spent some time in LD22 have known for sometime that Chad was protecting Jeff Flake. IT has been an uncomfortable position for many months even before this issue with Jeff Smith. I think that all districts should be careful and not vote someone into the important position of District chair who is an employee of any elected official.

    BUT don’t act surprised…. this is politics !!! As more people become involved we have to stop situations like this one. Chad was voted in and if the public doesn’t care enough to be involved we get what we deserve. So step up to the plate and watch dog your party!

  43. IntegrityMatters says:

    Here is Jeff Smith’s campaign website:

    Here is Jeff Flake’s campaign website:

    My recommendation is to get up and volunteer for someone’s campaign. If you believe that Smith should be elected, let me tell you some sobering news: He cannot do it without YOU helping him in his campaign.
    It is easy to blog, to tell a friend. But boots need to go to the ground, because he won’t have that help in LD22. All that help that goes to Flake will need to be matched, doubled, and then tripled to help out Jeff Smith. YOU need to take some time to make this happen. Go to his website and fill out the form to volunteer. Make some phone calls, use voter vault or find a PC who has access and together call and let people know about Smith. Knock on the doors of your neighbors with his campaign literature. Ask them what they think about Flake. Ask them if they know about his record recently, SB1070 for example or his sponsoring the bill to force Puerto Rico to become a state or go completely independent without the option to vote for status quo. Yes, he supported that! Cap and Trade was nothing compared to that!

    YOU, You need to do something for Smith today. Tomorrow, and for the next 71 days committ to reaching 10 people a day and recruit each of them to help as you do it.

    Don’t complain, don’t just blog. Be a part of the solution.

  44. taking names says:

    seems our LD Chair has made a pretty penny working for Flake’s campaign.

    Looks like Flake won’t be the only one NOT re-elected this year.

    • Ryan says:

      $43k a year? Not bad but not exactly breaking the bank.

      • taking names says:

        really? That’s taxpayers money. That’s MY money and it’s breaking MY bank. What about his “real” job on top of our tax dollars he received? Considering the median salary in AZ is 45k/year, 44k for a government job isn’t all that shabby.

        You, Ryan, along with the likes of Heywood and a few others in our district which shall remain nameless, are in for a rude awakening come August. I signed up to be a PC (as well as post of the other new PCs) because I plan to clean up the mess our party has made. I’m tired of the establishment telling me that an incumbent isn’t beatable. Really? Just watch. If the reaction I saw at the county meeting is any reflection of how the elections will go down this year, I think a lot of incumbents will be surprised to be out of a job.

    • Ryan says:

      That is his real job…and his only one. A job that also would be filled by Jeff Smith if he were our Congressman. The job is just that…Median.

      I wouldn’t bee surprised to see incumbents fall. In CD6 though with a Congressman whose approval ratings are very high (again, I’m not the biggest Flake fan), he will not be one of them.

      For the 50 people who would have seen a debate, it wouldn’t have changed the outcome anyway. I’ve seen SMith speak 6 different times. Good guy, good ideas-not much different then Flake at the end of the day.

  45. Sylvia Smart says:

    Just thinking about this debate issue – anyone know why a driver who gets in an accident and kills people because they were driving drunk are advised by their attorney not to testify at their trial? The reason is because if they refuse to testify the prosecution is prohibited from exposing them for what they really are by asking probing questions and refuting their false written statements and documentation. It would suggest that this mindset parallels the thinking behind encumbents avoiding debates. Does that sound like a system that would promote honesty, integrity, and excellence in governing? Hardly – and I say that as in “Hardly, you fools.” This is why Flake will not debate Smith – and his flunkies are instructed to repeat the same old sound bite that suggests there is no contest in this election (Ryan sounds like a programmed android) – it is meant to brainwash us into believing Flake’s own PR – he is a legend in his own mind. I predict that the Tea Party members will see through him before the election in August! There have never been so many PC’s who are dedicated to truth and honesty and to the preservation of the Republican Party – not only do we want our Country back – we want our Conservative Republican Party back too! Go Smith – Mr. Smith goes to Washington is not just a movie title anymore. Come on PC’s – let’s make this happen – and knock out those arrogant GOP has-beens who don’t believe in elections. If they had their way the Primaries would be history. Reminds me of the USSR where there was just one name on the ballot – but everyone was forced to vote – window-dressing is all that it was. NO MORE – WE’VE HAD ENOUGH OF IT. We are “Seeing Red” at this juncture.

    By the way, I have spoken to both Flake and Smith – and they are extremely different at the end of the day – different like night and day different. Smith is a man of integrity, a man of honor, not a liar and not a Democrat in Republican clothing. He will listen to his constituents and he will vote using the Constitution as the litmus test when weighing legislation to be voted on. Smith has actually read the Constitution! Interesting concept – Gee Ryan – does all your food taste just like chicken to you?

    • Ryan says:

      Sylvia no offense and I don’t care to get in an argument with you but you just are ignoring the facts here.

      A committee, which is open to any LD22 PC voted NOT to have a debate. Mind you, this is a committee evenly split between Flake and Smith supporters. The vote was unanimous. There is NO argument here. There is a process and it was followed.

      I hope you take the time to actually read this post. I’ve repeatedly said I have my issues with Flake.

      I find the hypocrisy of some appalling that in this post they are outraged that Smith not be given equal time yet decry the fact that Deakin remains in a race he will never win. You can’t have it both ways.

      • Sylvia Smart says:

        Yes, Ryan, I was being sarcastic – first to admit that passion can lead to excesses – and I should not have made personal remarks. I am as frustrated as others by the hypocrisy within our Party. Any PC pretending to support Smith who voted on a Republican committee not to allow him to debate Flake is not a supporter – it is a ploy to exclude him. We were not born yesterday.

        I have bothered to go and hear Deakin, and contributed a small amount to his campaign – and I believe he is an honest candidate going up against two Goliaths (not just one). Their combination of ruthlessness and money does not bode well for him – but I would still never dismiss the value of debate by saying it was a waste of our time to listen to him. No matter who wins, it is never a waste of time because in the end there is the opportunity to see how these candidates handle themselves under the pressure of probing questions – especially the encumbents who have to answer for their record. I welcome Deakin to all debates – and of course, we know that McCain is consistently avoiding him like the plague (must have some fear that this insignificant “David” is a serious threat to him). Just because what is happening to Deakin is a travesty and unjust – doesn’t mean that the dismissal of any candidate is OK. It is a shame that the Republican Party doesn’t sponsor and hold Primary Election debates between ALL qualifying candidates in a fair and open manner throughout the State and before the early voting ballots are in play. Some committee of appointed PC’s should not be deciding this issue. These negotiations and strategy games that the Party orchestrates are really disgusting to observe. We need some new rules in our Party – if a candidate wants to run on a Republican Ticket – they should have to participate in X number of debates with all the candidates included. It would be a great way to differenciate ourselves from the Democrats. Our Party has been turned into a circus of gigantic elephants who do not allow anyone from outside their sphere of power to participate freely. I don’t blame people for fleeing the party and becoming independents – it somehow feels cleaner than sinking into this muddy quagmire of political favors and deals being made in secret. Why are any of us in this party different than Harry Reid or Nancy Palosi? If it looks dirty and it smells dirty – it is probably dirty. The longer McCain and Flake refuse to stand up and debate the issues with all the candidates the more the stench permeates everything they touch.