Quartzsite Mayor Ed Foster exits illegal meeting

Small town, huge problems

Kudos to Quartzsite Mayor Foster for not allowing the rogue government to silence him, as he describes the illegal meeting called on Sunday at a time not stipulated in town code. The citizens of the town have had their fill and are demanding the council resign. Foster walked out of yesterday’s meeting — July 12 — after announcing that formal complaints have been filed with the Arizona Attorney General’s office. Watch as he unplugs the microphone on his way out.

Seeing Red AZ has previously covered the town council’s outrageous antics here (July 10) and here (July 12).

Tip of the hat to the many bloggers who are getting the word out on the contemptible actions taking place in Quartzsite, Arizona.

Desert Freedom Press

Right Wing House Wife

Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots

The Quartzsite News is the local on-line newspaper

12 Responses to Quartzsite Mayor Ed Foster exits illegal meeting

  1. Dennis O'Brien says:

    The more I read of the situation in Quartzsite, the more I think all of those arrogant council members should be removed.

    The first video I saw here a couple of days ago showing a woman being handcuffed after she was recognized to speak by the mayor made me furious. This is more like the Third Reich than a small rural community in the desert. Maybe the heat has fried their brains?

  2. Cave Creek Cal says:

    I wonder why the citizens of the town don’t just walk out instead of sitting there. It’s almost as though they are in a trance. One guy yells out and a few groan or boo, but mainly it’s a wide-eyed crowd glued to their seats.

    I thought Mayor Foster showed real spunk by unplugging the mic on his way out of the room. He’s appears to be a bold and principled guy.

    • Debra Caruthers says:

      I thought the same thing: the people look like they are in a trance. Back on the day that Ms. Jones was hauled off by the Nazi Gestapo, It should have been a knee-jerk reaction of everybody in that room to stand up and support Ms. Jones and demand to be likewise arrested. And the sad thing is: this same thing can happen anytime in any of our towns.


  3. J Eyes says:

    What a disgrace to our country. They should be unseated, publicly ridiculed, and forced to do community service.

  4. Doc says:

    I wrote one of my Representatives up here in District One & was informed that while the video was disturbing, there’ always 2 sides to a story. uuuuhhh…ok. One has to wonder where A.G. Horne is on this…

    …just sayin’…

  5. Villanova says:

    There are procedures to follow. The Attorney General does not come into a town like a wild west Marshall on horseback wearing a white Stetson with his black duster flapping in the breeze. The complaint forms regarding the open meetings violations are available here. How many of you have filled them out?

    The La Paz County Board of Supervisors have direct jurisdiction. DPS should be dealing with Jeff Gilbert, the out of control police chief.

  6. State Committeeman says:

    FINALLY, the state’s largest newspaper is editorializing on this issue today. Imagine that!!

    In the Sunday edition, their smarmy reporter Dennis Wagner will be running a report covering the Quartzsite wars. Can’t wait for that.

  7. Doc says:

    SRA-Off Topic but on point- THIS from CBSChicago, via DRUDGE:

    I suggest that we contact our Arizona Representatives & urge then to get on board with Congressman Walsh’s Comments! Just like the Mayor of Quartzite, this man has a “Spine AND a PAIR!”

  8. Jason Jasper says:

    About time…

  9. sid2b2 says:

    I own property in Quartzsite and even though I am not a registered voter in Arizona as of yet! My concern is all the costs this is laying on us landowners who spend our winters in the town. Last year many vendors were concerned with the increase in fees and its seems to me a 10% sales tax and high vendor fees is enough to make any business go under. Quartzsite and La Paz county are greedy and are beginning to drive folks out of the area. Accessments on property has become high for what it is and they seem to take all they can from whoever lives or does business in the area. The party may soon be over if they do not get their act together.