Federal judge ramps it up on Sheriff Arpaio

In an absurd ruling issued yesterday, U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow has expanded the scope of a lawsuit against the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office to include every Hispanic driver and passenger who has been stopped, detained, questioned or searched by MCSO deputies since January 2007, according to a report in the daily.  

Regardless of the reason the individuals were detained, they now have judicial sanction to join a racial-profiling lawsuit that was expanded to class-action status by the federal judge.  Snow, a Brigham Young University graduate, was a George W. Bush nominee to the bench.

Snow has already awarded more than $90,000 in attorney’s fees to American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawyers.

The ruling relates to a 2008 lawsuit filed on behalf of five individuals — Manuel De Jesus Ortega Melendres, Jessica Rodriguez, David Rodriguez, Velia Meraz, Manuel Nieto, Jr. — and Somos America, an illegal alien advocacy group, claiming racial profiling by the sheriff’s office.

The claimants are represented by the ACLU of Arizona, the ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project, MALDEF and counsel with the law firm of Covington & Burling LLP.

The anti-Capitalism, Marxist Workers World rejoices at the ruling.

For his part, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is providing a traditional Christmas feast for the thousands of inmates incarcerated in Maricopa County Jail facilities.

65 Responses to Federal judge ramps it up on Sheriff Arpaio

  1. Maggie says:

    Question: Is Hispanic activist lawyer Chad Snow related to Judge Murray Snow? They appear to be on the same page.

    • Angee says:

      Does this mean “Conflict of interest? If they are related I would
      say YES! Judge Snow should stay out of this case.

      The one thing that always gets me is they call them immigrants!
      these people are ILLEGAL INVADERS! Not legal immigrants.
      They are criminal regardless of the color of their skin or place
      of origin!

  2. Matt DeGennaro says:

    I don’t know if Chad Snow and Judge Snow are related, but Chad Snow is also LDS, he did his church missionary gig in Spain, and the law firm website publicizes they all speak Spanish and advertise using these words:
    “We are the only Workers’ Compensation law firm in the state where all attorneys speak Spanish. We use this ability to make our Spanish-speaking clients feel more at home when the rights of Arizona’s immigrant workers need to be protected.”

    That gives an indication of where at least one Snow stands.


  3. Sgt. Flapjaw says:

    Chad [Al Sharpton] Snow is a well known race baiter. He sleeps with the anti American left when ever he can. All for money.

  4. Steve Huffman says:

    At exactly WHAT point do the future and well-being of our country over-ride the “rights” of illegal aliens….. ie, the people who are not supposed to be here???

    • Rosalie Konkiel Crook says:

      Oh didn’t you know,,,This is no longer the United States! It is now the United Mexican,and all other illegals States!! I wish they would leave Sheriff Joe alone!

    • Joe says:

      At the point where law enforcement officials stop refering to a race of people as drunks and dogs.
      The following is part of the 40 page written opinion issued by the judge:
      “officers with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department (MCSO), which covers Phoenix and surrounding areas, circulated emails that “compared Mexicans to dogs” and portrayed them “as drunks.” “

      • xamericanpridex says:

        If so many of them would stop behaving like ‘dogs’ and ‘drunks’ perhaps those officers wouldn’t have that opinion of them. The responsible and respectful ones are generally not the ones that the officers have to deal with. I did janitorial work at the Sky Harbor precinct years ago and heard plenty of commentarty about the people those officers had to deal with. I’d bet that a good many people who have to deal with the public in their line of work have their opinions own opinions of various segments of society and share them with their coworkers. (They always have in my jobs.) And let’s not forget about the opinions of Europeans/Anglos/whites that a good many of Hispanics/Latinos are all too happy to share with each other and the people that they judge or the fact that they call fellow Hispanics/Latinos who don’t agree with them ‘coconuts’. I’ve heard it myself plenty of times or been told that I ‘belong with my people’… and they have the nerve to call others racist???

        And FYI… Mexican is NOT a race. It’s an ethnicity.

      • Angee says:

        As a Mexican born-reared, and educated (now loyal naturalized American) I came here LEGALLY, according
        to the immigration laws of this country. I resent any greedy attorney calling the illegals: Immigrants.

        And, Yes, many illegals do behave like dogs, even to me
        for not agreeing with them when it comes to their violation
        of the laws of this nation. The facts are: A great majority of Mexicans are alcoholics. That is a fact! When I went to the University there we had studies that showed the tendency
        to alcoholism in the Mexican/Indian population. Not to discriminate, but to educate.

        As a graduate nurse of that country I witnessed the crimes they committed against their own families, friends and strangers when they were drunk.

        The crimes in the communities of mostly low economic
        levels uneducated people, are on their newspapers
        every day. Rapes of young women and children, molestations of infants and even the depraved rapes
        of old women!

        People who live there for a while and read the Mexican newspapers accounts including the graphic photographs,
        will understand what I know to be a fact. Mexican
        Newspapers are not as respectful of the victims as the American news media they show all the details.

        And, yes, they do behave like dogs on their nightly, or
        weekly drinking parties. I witnessed the crimes when
        their victims were brought into the emergency rooms of
        he Mexican Hospitals. There were no claims of profiling,
        charge with unlawful enforcement of criminal laws ??

        As an educator in this country; I saw my share of such
        crimes. One of our middle school students, a 12 year
        old girl was the victim of her own 37 year old (married in Mexico father of several children there), illegally here,
        lived with her parents in the same 2 bedroom apartment! The school counselor and myself visited the home to
        suggest a referral to other agencies for the girl. The
        father, was sitting in the small living room (8’X8′) on a
        small sofa -where apparently the “cousin” slept. The
        other small bedroom where 4 of their children slept in
        two single beds! The small kitchen approximately 6’X8′
        right next to the “living room” a big T.V. hanging from the ceiling and clutter on the floors. The girl’s father and
        mother (from the kitchen) listened (?) to us while
        watching T.V. ??

        The counselor explained the risks on the 12 year old
        girl’s health, her school attendance and why they had
        to take her to an obstetrician. She asked if they knew
        who the father was if he was willing to take responsibility
        for the pre-natal care of the girl. The first thing they
        said was, oh no! He is already married, his wife and
        children are in Mexico, he is my brother’s son and he is
        a good person but he works when they hire him at the
        corner. Sometimes there are too many men and not
        enough work for all…..

        And this is still happening, my relatives in Mexico tell me
        as soon as the rapists are identified and the police goes after them, they head North, cross the border illegally
        get lost here and from then on, they are free! When they commit the same crimes here: Heave forbid! They are
        being profiled, discriminated and targeted by the
        “racist laws” of this nation and its law enforcers. What a crock! Shame on the lefties, communists, socialists, anarchists, bleeding hears for destroying the only one
        country in the world that still has a glimpse of respect
        for the rights of the law abiding American citizens!

        I am grateful for what this country has given me and my family who were born here and grew up as Loyal, law ]abiding USA citizens who love, respect and honor this Country. I am brown as are many people who have come from other countries legally and do not feel discriminated, nor have I been targeted for the color of my skin or place
        of origin. Racism is a projection of what people believe,
        they project their own racism on others and label them as who they themselves are. Illegal migrants are not
        I M M I G R A N T S! Once and for all, they are ILLEGAL INVADERS! They should not be allowed to continue to
        destroy this country or to turn it into the cesspool we
        came from!

        Remove race panderers from the the bench! And stop
        funding the ACLU which is only helping the demise of
        a once great nation.

  5. Sgt. Preston says:

    Lawyer Chad Snow is the guy who teamed with radical activist Randy Parraz to form the deceptively named group “Citizens for a Better Arizona”….whose sole purpose was to remove AZ’s Senate President Russell Pearce. They also want to take down Sheriff Joe Arpaio. They are pro illegal alien, open borders people who want nothing more than to bring in more illegals to satisfy the businesses connected to the Chambers of Commerce that want to pay lower wages and are happy to have the influx of foreign nationals.

    It would be fascinating to know if these two lawyer/judge Snows are related. Does anyone know?

  6. Orion says:

    Judicial activism is the reason judges are now regarded not much higher than used car salesmen. Allowing this lawsuit to expand to a megasized class action suit, exposes the bent of Judge Snow.

  7. garvan says:

    I’m going to write something very radical here.

    What if a judge rendered a decision and nobody obeyed?

    I remember President Andrew Jackson’s pithy reply to Chief Justice John Marshall when the latter handed down a ruling with which President Jackson disagreed:

    “John Marshall has issued his ruling. Now let him enforce it.”

    This was tantamount to Jackson asking Marshall, “How many troops do you have, Judge?”

    The question we must ask ourselves is this: how much longer are we going to cravenly submit to each and every unreasonable ruling issued by people who wear black dresses to work?

    Think about it.

    • Sam Hobson says:

      Preaching to the choir. There have been so many ridiculous claims in the last decade about this that it is beyond absurdity. At what point does divine justice for our nations legal citizens ( born to legal citizens ) kick in?

    • Stanford says:

      The short answer garvan is that violation of a judicial decision results in being held in contempt of court, jailed and fined.

      I haven’t looked it up, but yes, what President Jackson actually said related to the size of the judge’s army as compared to the one he commanded as president.

      We are a nation of laws. Individuals might not always agree with them, but that is what our Constitution is all about.

      • Mark Krieg says:

        I agree with we are a nation with laws but, it’s ok for the illegals to break the law and get away with it and the bleeding heart liberals will help them do it.

      • Evil Genius says:

        But our Legislative Branch must pass laws that are in line with our Constitution. The Patriot Act, the NDAA, among other acts our wonderful Congresspussies have been passing; are contrary to our Constitution. They are working to pass the SOPA, which will give OUR Government the ability to censor the web. Goodbye to Internet in AmeriKa!

      • Joe says:

        Tell that Nation of laws line to Obama. If he don’t like a law he orders the Justice Department to not enforce it. If Congress passes a bill he doesn’t agree with parts of (like eliminating his czars) he issues a signing statement. It is hard to sell the “nation of laws” line of BS to a nation who sees its leaders disregarding the laws of the land.

      • garvan says:


        It sounds like your reply to my question “how long are we goIng to cravenly submit . . .” is: “FOREVER.”

        Are you really saying there is no point in the continuum of judicial tyranny at which you will say, “this far and no further?”

        Yes, the penalty for disobeying rulings based upon a judge’s personal biases is “contempt of court.” But that’s merely a piece of paper. It takes manpower to enforce it.

        If a sufficient number of citizens refuse to submit to an unjust ruling, enforcement is impossible.

        Unjust judges are like the Wizard of Oz. When enough people look behind the curtain and discover they rule by smoke, mirrors and bluster, that is the day they have to stop legislating from the bench.

        The over-arching law of our country is the Constitution, and in particular, the Bill of Rights. When a “judge” makes up his/her own laws out of whole cloth from the bench, those laws are null and void on their face, and need not be obeyed.

        Again to my question: Supposing Sheriff Arpaio told Snowe he was too busy to get involved in this nuisance lawsuit, and supposing Maricopa County authorities refused to hand over any $$ to the ACLU and supposing a sizable number of residents agreed, Snowe would be essentially powerless.

        As I said in my first message, this is indeed a radical proposal.
        But so was the Declaration of Independence.

      • Robert Malone says:

        The liberals have been killing us with their version and interpretation of laws and the constitution, as well as manipulating laws and running interference of and with laws for decades, with the help of derelict and whack job judges. There also needs to be term limits on supreme court judges as well as immediate impeachment for those that do NOT uphold the constitution and the Bill of Rights…

    • Bruce says:

      I’ve been thinking the same thing, was thinking this when they were telling the Gov what she could not do. So far as “contempt, jail, and fine”, who exactly is going to enforce that, march into the elected Governor’s office and handcuff her? Liberals are very tough when they whine with their mouths and point their fingers. I feel they and this anti-populi judiciary needs to be put to the test on it.

      I would stand to block an arrest of the Governor, I think thousands of folks would assist me. I elected her, not these overreaching dictatorial judges and certainly not the racist ACLU and their revanchist friends. If we want them to stop their overstepping, we need to block their way.

    • garvan says:

      One more thing: If Snowe issued a bench warrant against Sheriff Joe on some trumped up civil rights violation, he has the manpower to ignore the warrant.

      If someone without the clout of a sheriff were arrested on some trumped up charge of a civil rights violation, that person need only request a trial by jury.

      After demanding a trial by jury, the next task is to educate the community about the right of jurors to judge the law as well as the facts.

      This is called JURY NULLIFICATION. In the privacy of the jury room a juror has the unlimited power to vote “not guilty”, and that vote cannot be challenged.

      See http://fija.org

      • Bruce says:

        They know all that, attacking the American people through court action is what they do. They are trying to make such an uproar and loud attack, that Joe and friends will flinch and make a deal before any such arrest or trial.

  8. Teller Of Truth says:

    This completely illogical ruling proves we can’t always trust Republican judicial appointees. But don’t forget George W. Bush wanted to appoint his unqualified friend Harriet Miers to the US Supreme Court. Ronald Reagan was also snookered by Sandra O’Connor, who took a decidedly left turn after she was confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Then there was also peculiar Justice David Souter (he lived with his mother) known as the “stealth justice,” due to a lack of actual traceable opinions when appointed, was also placed on the high court by Bush. Yet another liberal appointed by a Republican President.

    Judge Snow’s ruling is extremely disappointing.

    • Bruce says:

      Well, Bush was a liberal. The Bush family business is Republican, but they are what they are and it ain’t on the Right.

  9. Reckless1 says:

    The federal government needs to get their heads out if their asses. Go Sheriff Joe!

    • Scott says:

      Bravo!! Sheriff Arpaio is a career lawman with tons of experience working with the feds since he retired from DEA — a federal agency. He’s nobody’s fool, regardless how his detractors portray him. I’ll keep this good man in my prayers, ask that you all do the same and wish him all the best in the coming year. Joe Arpaio is an American hero and true patriot.

  10. TeaPartyPatriot says:

    Federal judge ramps it up on Sheriff Arpaio
    …DO NOT FORGET that newt gingrich is the ONLY candidate who promises to stop these out-of-control, arrogant, power-grabbing, dictatorial, tyrannical, activist judges and restore the power to the people and their duly elected representatives.

    • Doc says:

      TPP makes a GREAT POINT here. While I can’t personally “endorse” Mr. Gingrich…we are worlds apart on too much…He DOES Nail it here…Lifetime appointments for judges needs to be revisited. Perhaps we could encourage our legislative representatives on this topic…

      …As for this mess Sheriff Joe finds himself in, “Hey Joe, you’re in my prayers, Man!” & so’s Maricopa Co., cuz this is gonna co$t a MINT!

  11. RonPaulKicksAss says:

    I wonder if this is because Sheriff Joe wants Obama’s birth certificate?
    I am voting for Ron Paul! If we stopped giving ANY benefits to people who are not citizens, we wouldn’t have this problem.

    • SeenItAll says:

      Ron Paul is certifiable. Use your vote more wisely than that. A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Obama. He’s the Ross Perot of 2012.

  12. Richard Rogers - Rogers, Mullaney & Brown LP says:


    • Jordan Smith says:

      This is the official policy, the LDS church has no policy of encouraging amnesty. They say clearly that there is a moral issue here in some of the cases not all of the cases. Please do research before you lump all groups into one

      • L. Watson says:

        How farcical. A new statement to obscure the old policy? Aren’t you embarrassed to put this out for others to read? And what’s this about not being “judgmental?” Someone (presumably from within the fold) commits a criminal act and we are counseled not to “judge” it based on the word from on high in the church? This brings to mind the decision by church bishops not to report to law enforcement authorities repeated child molestations by Supervisor Fulton Brock’s wife AND daughter perpetrated against the young son of a longtime family friend. Those bishops should have been charged as accessories to the crimes for making the unilateral decision to take care of the matter “in house.’

        Is this new statement akin to Gordon Hinckley’s revelation that blacks were entitled to the priesthood after 150 years of teaching that they carried the cursed mark of Cain, denying them priesthood? He saw the PC light, changed the rule and it was done. Chop. chop.

        The LDS Church is doing it’s heaviest recruiting in Mexico and Latin American countries. Here in the US missionaries do not ask legal status when spreading their message. Thus they aid and abet illegals.

      • Pima Pal says:

        I just read this piece of garbage press release put out by the LDS Church. What shiftiness and chicanery. The church “discourages (Wow! What strong language!!) its members from entering any country without legal documentation,” but we have no right to expect these invaders return to their homelands (most often Mexico) because we are obligated to “treat each other as children of God.” What a load of crap!

        Then the church cites what it refers to as an historical “mass expulsion or mistreatment of individuals or families” because of race, culture, or religion” as being too awful to contemplate?

        Ultimately, the LDS Church takes the position this is a “federal issue,” just like Obama, John McCain (before his election conversion) and Napolitano. Then they tell us not to be “judgmental?”

        I’m appalled that the LDS Church would expect such utter bullshit to fly. I have lost all respect for this religion. This policy, I’m sorry to say, will cost Mitt Romney votes unless he disavows it. He better do it fast! I was planning on giving him my vote because Gingrich is an newly converted Catholic and toes the church’s amnesty line and says it breaks up families and what if someone belongs to a church and has successfully hidden out here for 25 years? We need to be forgiving, after all. Puleese!!!

    • xamericanpridex says:

      LOL… I sure hope that you’re not holding your breath waiting for any of those in the LDS pushing amnesty to be worried. Their leaders in Utah have made it abundantly clear that building membership, regardless of their documentation or lack of it, is far more important to them than enforcing our laws, securing our borders or keeping our nation’s sovereignty intact.

      • Jordan Smith says:

        Interesting, have you actually seen this policy happen in real life, what has happened for a very long time, is that people are urged to live by the law. No policy has been placed for us to vote for amnesty. So I guess you folks just don’t understand how to read your history books are you having being hitting the beer a little too hard this holiday season

      • Luke says:

        Jordan Smith:
        I get it. you try to unload some ridicuous double talking Mormon church policy on us and then insult us if we don’t buy it. I drink as much beer as I imagine such an LDS devotee as yourself drinks coffee, You’ve got a lot of nerve and very little brains. You must have failed miserably as a missionary!

      • Jordan Smith says:

        Clearly, You have the problem of realizing any church is made of people. Therefore you fail at life. Enjoy your holidays as I won’t be checking this again. You religous bigotry is rather outstanding

  13. Marie Dealing says:

    ILLEGALS have RIGHTS? Give me a BREAK! They are doing the job NO American wants to do? GIVE ME A BREAK! The illegals are costing the AMERICAN TAX-PAYERS MILLION OF $ every year in healthcare, food stamps, accidents (driving without insurance), and lets not forget their criminal activities. And then they have the NERVE to say they are doing the American a favor by being in the USA! What is wrong with all those JUDGES? I am beginning to believe they are being PAID OFF by ILLEGALS. Maybe we need not only to get rid of ALL ILLEGALS but also some JUDGES!

  14. Mark Krieg says:

    Damn bleeding heart liberals are gonna ruin this country berfore you know it.

  15. Ron Wagner says:

    One more reason to quit electing Rino republicans who do not appoint judges who are pro American!

  16. Audrey Aune says:

    This is another disappointing act by our Judiciary….activists bent on destroying the country for Americans. It might be the occasion that galvanizes citizens to march against these activist judges and attorneys! I have my boots on….you?

  17. James Helmick says:

    here is my comment and dont care if i piss people off with it i am against illegals THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS IN THE US LIKE WE HAVE NO RIGHTS IN THEIR COUNTRY ask your self this where the (expletive deleted by SRA) does it end too give up or constitutional rights to some one that didnt belong here I believe in what the sheriff is doing he aint out there harrassing people he is trying to enforce something he believes in and should every american out there it is your ours american heritage they are taken away what our forefathers worked so hard to create and in a instant they take it away for some one unlawfully entering the us

  18. James Gordon says:

    Joe Arpaio for President.

  19. James Gordon says:

    Appoint Joe Arpaio Homeland Security Director.

  20. James Gordon says:

    Support Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a TRUE AMERICAN HERO.

  21. Ron.is says:

    The working class ,, the strongest class will contenue to take only so much on their back before they take the country back..it doesn’t matter how you take that comment, just don’t forget to take it to the bank. Too often the so called rulers over the masses forget there is a line between them who serve and the majority among the masses and then suddenly they cross it. and all hell breaks loose and the house of cards comes down…there is not one king, judge or president can rule over an idea who’s time has come..history excapes the so called brightest of our culture…Our whole system is on the brink of somthing amazing and earth moving…and the high and mighty towers will crumble to the ground…Keep pushing…keep pushing..you never learn but the lesson will always be taught over and over again until we get it right or kill each other off…

  22. aznative64 says:

    I’ve applied for 40 jobs and they all say they prefer someone who speaks spanish. This is the United States of America! It’s Arizona where we voted to make ENGLISH the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. Sheriff Joe is one of the few to try to save our state from becoming part of Mexico. There is a reason he has been re-elected for so many years. (SRA removed expletive) lawyers and bleeding hearts! And especially people who don’t live here.

    • Rambling Rose says:

      I share your frustration, aznative64. The same thing was happening with home sales some time back. Non-English speaking Mexicans using their young children as interpreters arrived to look at our home, and guess what? They were all ‘pre-qualified.’ Young American first time home buyers were unable to engender such generosity from the lending institutions. Why illegals were pushed ahead of our own citizens is beyond comprehension, and infuriating.

  23. OEFvet2010 says:

    This is just the stepping stone for the destruction of our Country by the left. Not long before you can’t even look at someone of another race without getting thrown in jail!! I come from a small town in northern Iowa, where the hispanic population is sky rocketing. A friend of mine parents are having financial problems and when they went to apply for heating assistance, there were hispanics there who couldnt speak english, driving $40,000 trucks, taking all the assistance from the people who really need it. Something has to change or someday a revolution will happen.

  24. chick says:

    This Judge is violating the Equal Protection Clause. Laws are only for those that don’t have Hispanic surnames or don’t look Hispanic.

  25. East Valley Voter says:

    What’s up with Mormons these days? I grew up in a predominantly LDS neighborhood and the neighbors were very conservative. Now they go for BS like the Utah Compact that grants rights to illegals and walk out on the good bills that former AZ Senate President Pearce was able to get on the legislative agenda. Rick Crandall and Adam Driggs are standouts among other shameless panderers. And Jerry Lewis, quietly backed by church hierarchy to defeat Pearce had their blessing all the way. Why do you think a former church bishop was chosen to run in that heavily Mormon district?

  26. AZ Conservative Guy says:

    Federal judges are appointed for life. We can’t even vote them out. I understand the original reason was to keep them free of influence. Now we the people need to be free of their lifetime appointments as they inflict havoc on our lives with impunity. Permanent tenure was a safeguard against legislative and executive encroachment and improper influence and was an incentive to induce the most skilled legal practitioners to leave profitable legal practices to join the judiciary.

    It’s now time to reconsider Article III, Section I of the Constitution, which gives federal judges lifetime tenure and keeps them unanswerable.
    They put their pants on one leg at a time, just like the rest of us. They need to have a specific term of service, just as members of congress should. Two years are too short for House members and six years are far too long for Senators. They should both be elected to four year terms with a cap after three terms. Then they go back home. Twelve years is plenty. As to the seniority argument, if no one had it, it wouldn’t matter.

    • Chuck says:

      Jeff Flake actually took such a term-limits pledge and then blatantly reneged on it, calling it ‘a mistake.” The allure of power was too much for him to rebuff. Now after seemingly eons in the House of Representatives, he’s off to the Senate, with nary a peek from anyone. Wil Cardon, his one opponent with the money to get rolling, headed up Flake’s finance committee last election cycle. That’s far too cozy to be considered a real challenge.

    • garvan says:

      Article III, Section 1 gives a lifetime appointment ONLY to Supreme Court justices. It does not specify term lengths for any other federal court.

      It gives the Congress the right to establish and staff the “inferior” courts.

      Congress has the power to abolish ALL federal lower courts and get rid of ALL current judges.

      They could so tomorrow if they wanted to.

      This is how they could rid of the Nutty Ninth.

      Once Congress has done this, it has the right to reestablish such lower courts as it wishes, and confirm judges for any term lengths it desires.

      I’d bet very few members of congress know they have this power.

    • kennyq says:

      No just outlaw lobbyists,then they won’t want to stay any longer!!!

  27. Joe Collins says:

    Yes,I believe that a revolution is forthcoming,and that we shove these parasitic Hispanic Illegals back where they came from.
    I am ready to resort to ANY means to do this.
    First of all we need to vote out this detestable,un-American,piece of dung we have in the White House.

  28. Steve Huffman says:

    The federal government has no jurisdiction over Sheriff Joe! Maybe this is what they are planning all the FEMA camps for…. Could this be the next step…. a Civil War?

    • James Gordon says:

      You bet. That is what it is all about. Have people noticed that these “Emergency Shelter” facilities have razor wire pointed INWARD?

  29. Bruce says:

    (sorry of a speech)


    This President, his DOJ and other people who are doing this to Joe and all of us, they are *out of here* in a year from now. They would like to make Joe accept a deal that he would be obliged to stick to after they are gone. He have to fight and limit the damage, one ore year. We aren’t going to get the President we really want to replace him, but we can get one that will turn off all these things they are doing to us. Just one year.


    Without encouraging a skinhead mentality here… The President and his appointments are at war with whites. This is what you get when you buy into the “race doesn’t matter” thing. Race is *everything* to other races, white liberals have encouraged them to feel that attacks on whites have no consequences or blowback. Pretending that their motives are not racial is exactly how you end up in this situation, and Republicans are just as bad with promoting that lie as are white liberals. Remember that when you’re tempted to fool yourself, as many of you were a couple years ago. Fox News opinion is not your friend on this.

    You have to vote for individuals whom you don’t need to feign trust in. No more Obamas, no more liberals of *any race*. No more Republicans who play to your patriotism in order to gain power and sell you out. If they are afraid to say exactly what they’re going to do for your demands on this when they need your vote, they surely won’t do it after they’re elected.

  30. Chad Snow says:

    A friend notified me of the many interesting, fact free, comments made about me and others on this blog. I thought I’d respond.

    Judge Murray Snow and I are not related, nor have we ever met. However, we are both Republicans.

    The recent Justice Department investigation was started during the Republican Bush Administration. It only took so long to complete because of Arpaio’s destruction of evidence and obfuscation.

    For those of you who worship Joe Arpaio, read the Goldwater Institute’s study “MIssion Unaccomplished” and get back to me about how he’s the only one enforcing the law. Remember that the Goldwater Institute is an ultra-conservative think tank.

    Also, explain to me how someone who was recently found to have illegally misspent over $100 million taxpayer dollars and had to fire his top three deputies for corruption is a conservative hero.

    • Attila The Hunny says:

      Ah, but don’t you sound cool, calm and reasoned here? Maybe you just go off like a shot when partnered with your radical buddy, Randy Parraz. It’s like being in a gang. One 5’6”, 120 lb. punk gets a lot more brassy when he’s got a handgun in his pocket and several of his homies with him.

      As to the “ultra-conservative” Goldwater Institute: Conservative it is not. Libertarian it is. Clint Bolick actually authored two lengthy reports critical of Sheriff Arpaio, since the sheriff doesn’t play the game of giving cover to those who have entered our country in violation of our national border and sovereignty. Mexico is very stringent about who they let in and under what conditions But according to you and Goldwater Institute, we should simply open our floodgates to all. And if Americans don’t like it, sue ‘em!

      The GI has a cozy partnership (similar to yours with Parraz) with the businesses that profit from illegal laborers, who drain public resources as they take jobs from American citizens.

  31. garvan says:

    At Mr. Snow’s suggestion, I went to the Goldwater Institute website and read the articles on “Mission Unaccomplished.”

    They are disquieting articles. I’ll be looking forward to reading rebuttals, if any.

  32. James Gordon says:

    OPbama is a criminal and history will prove it.
    He stated, during his bid for President, that “This is the greatest Country in the world and WE are hoping to change all that”. Well he has accomplished his goal, the country is broke and well on the way to becoming a second rate nation. True Patriotism seems to have died and, in fact, it seems that a Patriot is now referred to as a terrorist, by our Illegal present administration. The fact is that it has been proven beyond doubt that Barack Obama was born in a small village in Kenya, to an American mothetr and a Kenyan father, brought up as a Mjuslim, and indoctrinated in Communist Ideals, in his formative years.