BHO reshuffles cabinet: New faces, how many, who? & Update: Petraeus resignation

Large scale transition in the works

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Treasury Secretary Tim Geither and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood have all indicated they will not be onboard for Obama’s second term. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, found in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over documents regarding the ‘Fast and Furious’ scandal, is also mulling the possibility of leaving. In Holder’s case, the news becomes sullied with the floating of the name of Homeland INsecurity Chieftain and former Arizona governor, Janet Napolitano, as a possible replacement.

According to this post-election insight report from the international law firm SNR Denton, other potential attorney general candidates include Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, and Sens. Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota.

Also said to be on fast track out the door are Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Lisa Jackson, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Scroll to pages 7, 8 and 9 for potential cabinet post vacancies and prospective replacements.  Read more here on Beltway Confidential.

The idiom ‘better the devil you know than the devil you don’t,’ springs to mind.

Count Gen. David Petraeus out!

 CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus has abruptly resigned after the FBI discovered his  extra-marital affair with Paula Broadwell, the Harvard researcher who co-authored the biography of the retired four-star general. The book, “All In: The Education of General David Petraeus,” was released earlier this year.  Broadwell says she was “embedded” with the general in Afghanistan from July 2010 to July 2011 and was “afforded extensive access by General Petraeus, his mentors, his subordinates, and his longtime friends.”

Here she is on the Jon Stewart Show.

This is what is being called cringe-worthy.  It is!

22 Responses to BHO reshuffles cabinet: New faces, how many, who? & Update: Petraeus resignation

  1. LD 7 PC says:

    I’m glad to see them ALL go, but rest assured we will get nothing better to replace them. Anyone appealing to Obama, will easily fit into the same mold as those they are replacing. I have no illusions that things will get any better or that there will be any inclination toward bi-partisanship. Have you ever noticed when “bi-partisanship” is mentioned, it is always with the caveat that Republicans give up something. It’s never the other way around.

    • Doc says:

      Don’t you worry LD 7 PC! I’m SURE all th’ R.I.N.O.’s we’ve got in D.C, combined with speeker boehner, will be more than happy to give away as much of our money, Liberty, & Freedom as they can!

      • LD 7 PC says:

        I agree, Doc. Boehner is a huge disappointment. He needs to go. He’s sounding more liberal with each passing day!

      • ZOO says:

        Here’s Boehner musing about “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” [amnesty].

  2. Clementine says:

    The link to the SNR Denton report was interesting. I appreciate having substantiating information, rather than only opinion. Don’t take that as a slam! I happen to agree with most of the opinion I read here and the comments, as well. It’s just that more information is what we all need these days. It helps in being better prepared to deal with whatever we will be facing. I can’t imagine any of it is good.

  3. eubykdisop says:

    It would be nice if Republicans put up a little resistance this time, even if it’s just a show, with the REALLY bad ones!

    • Republican Voter says:

      I couldn’t agree more, euby. ( I hope it’s OK to call you “euby.” I can’t even pronounce the entire name.)

      We need to stop rolling over and display a bit of resistance. Let the Obamites complain. I really don’t care.

      McCain and Kyl acquiesced to nearly every nominee Obama put up last time, voting to confirm the worst of the worst — in a display of “bi-partisan” aisle crossing. I was disgusted by it then, and am sick of it now. The Democrats held up hundreds of George W’s federal judicial appointments, but our gruesome twosome gives Obama everything he wants, and then some.

      How about giving US something? Wouldn’t you like to see some backbone? I sure would!!!

      • eubykdisop says:

        Call me anything but “Liberal”, LOL!

        The worst part is the probable SCOTUS nomination(s)! Remember the Alamo… AND Judge Bork!

      • Night Owl says:

        Yes. The Supreme Court will be turned inside out and it will be decades before there is even a chance to rectify the damage. Our children will be grandparents and there are no guarantees that we will have a conservative in office. There is a good chance our country will never be the same again. Teach your kids about Ronald Reagan. They won’t hear much about him or his vision in public schools. They won’t know what we can achieve and aspire to without hearing it at home. Do your job, people. There is no one left but us.

  4. Saguaro Sam says:

    Read today that Obama is going to be putting people from Google in high places. There goes free speech.

  5. eubykdisop says:

    The Republican “establishment” is thinking incorrectly in two regards.

    First, they are thinking that they can capture votes by moving towards the Democrat position on issues like “comprehensive immigration reform”. It doesn’t take much reflection to realize that Democrats won’t permit themselves to be outflanked! If Republicans offer more, Democrats will raise the ante and offer even MORE! What we end up with is a race to the left!

    Secondly, the Republican “establishment” is focused on winning elections but thinking about winning elections doesn’t win elections any more than thinking about money makes one wealthy! It is right effort which wins elections and right effort consists of standing for the highest and best principles, sticking to them and selling them to voters! Chasing the “flavor of the day” is pure folly and, as we have seen, inevitably leads to losing elections!

    It’s always easy to sell the best product. Conservatives have the best product. The Republican Party needs to commit to that product, stand by it and sell the hell out of it! THAT is how elections are won, on substance and not on hype and gimmicks or by chasing the ever elusive will-o’-the-wisp all over creation!

    • Doc says:

      Copy THAT! Th’ “establishment”, @ least here @ YAVGOP, consists of mostly R.I.N.O.’s. THESE folks have to realize that the time for “reaching across the aisle” is GONE & we MUST STAND FOR OUR PRINCIPLES!

      • eubykdisop says:

        When is the last time you heard a Republican candidate speak about “principles”, Doc? Democrats don’t but we expect that. We expect MORE than that from Republicans!

  6. Doc says:

    Here’s some change ya’ cain’t take to th’ BANK from “The BLAZE”:

    …this is TOYOTA BABY!!! They asked for it…THEY GOT IT!!!

    • eubykdisop says:

      Pretty devastating stuff, Doc! The thing is that each of these layoffs or closings has negative ripple effects at the city, county and state levels. Downward momentum like that is hard to stop, let alone reverse!

      The Obama solution, of course, is to print and spend more money backed by borrowed funds, which costs interest, or backed by nothing at all! Some “solution”!

      • Doc says:

        RIGHT?!?!? So, as each business lays-off/goes under, LESS TAX REVENUE is generated! As you say it’s hard to stop! I’d add, “th’ SWIRL of th’ socialist toilet bowl…”

      • eubykdisop says:

        Obama won’t be able to hide the effects of his failed policies now. That gives Republicans a golden opportunity to make a case and perhaps save the day. Republicans could get landslide victories in the midterm elections if they play things right over the next two years!

      • Doc says:

        Here’s a little more from Michelle Malkin:

        …make sure to read th’ comments!

      • eubykdisop says:

        The thing we have to watch now, Doc, is that Boehner and the RINO’s are looking to shut down Issa, Grassley and the others who have been conducting investigations exposing the Obama administration on “Fast and Furious” and other serious matters. Boehner wants to call them off and shut them down now. Watch for it!

  7. American Patriot says:

    General Petraeus was scheduled to testify before Congress next week on the murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, in Benghazi, Libya. Obama administration honchos were trotted out one after another and lied about the events leading up to this vicious crime for weeks. They said it had to do with a YouTube video no one had even seen. They claimed there was no organized terrorism component to the massacre. They denied repeated requests for aid by the Americans in the compound.

    The MSM has virtually ingored this story.

    How much do you think the release of this romantic liaison at this time had to do with fleshing out that potentially damning information? This was an ongoing affair. It’s extremely suspicious that Petraeus is being outed at this particular time. Obama is effectively shutting down the investigation by putting Patraeus on the offering platter.

  8. eubykdisop says:

    “Is this why CIA chief really resigned?”

    “Gun running to jihadists could dwarf ‘Fast and Furious’ scandal”