AZ Conservative Coalition releases legislative ratings

The Pachyderm Coalition has recently changed its name to the Arizona Conservative Coalition, and has just published its first edition of Legislator Ratings for this session. This list reflects legislative actions as of 2/22/2013. It was last Updated 2/28/2013

Click here for the latest report. Legislators are assigned to a group based on their latest rating. Note that these have changed from last year. Bills used in the evaluation along with the summary of criteria used to weight bills can be seen here.

Individual grades for Arizona’s Representatives and Senators  follow Howard Levine’s narrative. Check out your elected members and hold them accountable with facts.

14 Responses to AZ Conservative Coalition releases legislative ratings

  1. West Valley GOP says:

    What happened to the Pachyderm Coaltion? Seems like the same people and a different name, or is it?

    • Hunter says:

      It is the same people with a different name. You can get the details here:

    • Diogidog says:

      Big, know nothing, fat-mouth leaders of the Pachyderm Coalition was its demise. It was never about being an 80% Reagan Republican. It was always about their way or the highway. Their street creds were evicerated in the last election and now their minions are scattered in the desert. And so be it. Maybe some of them will come to their senses and consider why, exactly, they failed. Birds of a feather.

      • John Q says:

        Speaking about know nothing, you should be painfully aware of the term since it describes you to a “T”. Pachyderm Coalition did not die, it simply changed its name to more effectively reach out to the uninformed like you. The problems in the last election mostly lay at the feet of the IRC and the Pierce/Tobin Republican Victory Fund Scams that were used to defeat conservative Republicans in legislative races.

        You should also wanlook at the Constitution and the Republican Party Platform, which forms the foundation of what was the PAChyderm Coalition and now the Arizona Conservative Coalition (ACC). If you do not like the positions taken by the ACC perhaps you should return to your roots in the Democrat Party.

        Those same leaders that you want to eviscerate also brought the Arizona Conservative Educators into fruition. That portion of their efforts was instrumental in traing conservative candidates for the school board that helped win 22 of 28 school election contested races .

        PS: Since you are so ill-informed, you might also like to know that the leaders of the ACC were the driving force behind PC Day at the Capitol. They planned it, organized it, provided the up-front money to make it happen, and worked closely with the Maricopa County Chairman to advertise and market the event,

        Just a thought – – If you’d do as many positive things in a year as the PAChyderm/Arizona Conservative Coalition volunteer leaders do in a week, your contributions would make a difference. Until then, a thank you would suffice.

      • Hunter says:

        In the AZ Conservative Coalition web page, it says that getting over 80% gets you classified as a “Republican” or better. That sounds like someone with them 80% of the time is still considered a Republican with no qualifiers like “Big Government.” I don’t see how that says my way or the highway if there is any disagreement.

  2. Him says:

    Neat, but what makes it a “coalition?”

    • AZ Conservative Guy says:

      A coalition is made up of a group of like-thinking individuals joining together to exert effort for a cause they all believe to be of importance. Chances are this is not news to you. What’s your beef?

      • eubykdisop says:

        You’ve become a Conservative “Smokey the Bear”, AZ Conservative Guy! You can smell a fire before it starts to flame! Watch out, Liberals! We have a Conservative “lethal weapon”; AZ Conservative Guy! ;-)

  3. paul marchant says:

    Rino Mesa and conservative Gilbert…. a tale of two cities?

  4. Sam says:

    It’s great to see so many freshman legislators in the house at the top of the list. Well done Warren Petersen, Adam Kwasman, Darin Mitchell and Kelly Townsend.

  5. Delilah says:

    I read that list and was not surprised that all of LD 18’s Legialators and their Senator are not Conservatives. Jeff Dial ran as a conservative then allowed McComish to be his mentor, he is very disappointing. What I am extremely upset about is that many in that district are still busy trying to fight the local Party Leadership and have yet to recruit a Conservative to run against any of them.

    • sgtflapjaw says:

      There are quite a few PC’s in LD18 who have had it with Robson and McComish, not big fans of Dial either. Everyone who wants change has got to stand up and let it be known. Good candidates will not come foreward to go up against establishment incumbants unless they know of a strong base of support. Any new challenger knows of the union protection cabal coming out of LD18.

  6. Westnash says:

    Doesnt say much really….how many are Country Club Republicans? How many have proposed roll backs in spending?

    • Arizona Conservative Guy says:

      It says plenty if you take the time to read and digest the information. After reading your shoot from the hip comments clearly devoid of any of the facts in the post you’re commenting on, it obvious that’s not your style, but give it a try. You might actually learn something.

      By the way, what are the names of the “Country Club” Republicans you so disdain? I noticed you commented during the Lincoln Day event recently, which told me you are not a precinct committeeman, since the intent of the luncheon is to honor them/us. I have my doubts as to whether you’re a Republican.