Republican Frank Riggs enters AZ governor’s race

Frank Riggs, a former California congressman, is throwing his hat in the Arizona gubernatorial ring. He previously contemplated a run in 2005 against Janet Napolitano, then realized he didn’t meet the mandatory five-year residency requirement, having moved here in 2001. 

In the intervening years, Riggs, 63, hasn’t been idle.  Among his activities, he served as 2012 chairman of GOP primary presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s Arizona campaign and has been a leader in the successful Charter School movement.

During his time in California, Republican Riggs defeated a four-term Democrat congressman, making his mark as part of a 7-man crew of then-freshmen Republicans — including Santorum and John Boehner. They outed members of the U.S. House who overdrew their accounts at the House Bank, for months, sometimes years, on end, without penalty. It erupted into a corruption scandal known as Rubbergate.

The conservative activism of the group helped launch the Republican retaking of the House in 1992. That same year, Riggs lost to a Democrat, though he regained the seat in a 1994 rematch. Seventy-seven Representatives resigned or were ousted in the 1994 election.

Frank Riggs, who joins a crowded field of 6 other GOP governor wannabes, intends to run a traditionally funded campaign, opting not to use public money.

8 Responses to Republican Frank Riggs enters AZ governor’s race

  1. East Valley PC says:

    I met Riggs at a conservative Pachyderm Coalition meeting a few years back when he was considering a challenge to Napolitano. He was very impressive. His credentials appear to top the list of those currently in the race. As a late entry, he’s faced with the problem of people already signing nominating petitions for the slew of other candidates. My wife and I are among them. I now wish we had waited.

  2. Fought For My Country says:

    My sole question is where do you stand on the issue of illegal immigration? I won’t vote for any double talker again. They need to be straight with us from the onset. I’d have them sign a “NO AMNESTY” pledge. Not willing to sign? Don’t expect my vote! Simple as that.

  3. Doc says:

    EXCELLENT POINT, Fought! Here’s a suggestion for 1 more question, though: “Can you (ANY prospective candidate) actually balance a checkbook?”

    • ZOO says:

      Doc & Fought – As insignificant as it could be, Riggs has a career rating from Numbers USA of “A” – but then he hasn’t held public office for many years. While having an amnesty-sucking governor such as McDucey it the absolute last thing we need, that political post will not be in the destroy-America loop. What I’m looking for is a gubernatorial candidate that will lead and get the state back on the cliff they jumped off from at gunpoint wielded by the human offal at the Arizona Chamber of Commerce.

      On the premise that ‘Chamber Republicans’ in the House will not sell the U.S. to Mexico before November, we need a leader who will encourage more legislative activity to protect Arizona from the endless invasion that is peaking once again as a result of “reform” plotting by the beltway burglars. At this point, existing candidates Thomas and Melvin undeniably fit that mold.

      I wonder about Riggs’ timing, since it was only yesterday that Joe Arpaio announced that he is once again considering a run.

  4. Villanova says:

    Count us among those who won’t be voting for a drunk, a RINO mayor, a McCainiac or a disbarred lawyer. As far as I’m concerned, at this time, that leaves Bennett and Melvin. Let’s see where Riggs is on the issues. He doesn’t even have a campaign website up. Not a good sign in today’s political arena, signaling he may mot be up to speed.

  5. LEO IN TSN says:

    In 2012, Sec’y of State Bennett was charged by the citizenry with vetting the potential candidates for the AZ ballot. He sent a letter to officials in Hawaii requesting (birth) documents for Obamao that would prove his citizenship. He didn’t get any documents.

    What he got was a letter from some assistant attorney general saying “oh yes, we’ve got the doc’s. Barak’s OK.” Bennett jumped back, threw up his hands and declared “That’s good enuff for me!” The End.

    Some could have described it as folding like a cheap suit.

    Why is Riggs getting in? It appears to follow the McAmnesty/McFlake/McGOP strategy of flooding the field to split primary votes away from the conservative and assure the McRINO gets the nod. If all of these candidates were so “loyal & conservative” as advertised, why don’t they just publicly get behind the one conservative who has articulated and worked on his vision for years? Why is the McGOP scared to death of Senator Melvin? When you hear leftists saying that a large slate of Republican primary candidates is good for the GOP, providing a lot of “choice,” it’s time to put on the brakes and re-consider.

    God bless America.

    • Lyle Tuttle says:

      Love Senator Melvin….but consider all of the wide range of experience Frank Riggs has had ………experiences and knowledge that just can’t be gained unless you are there, on the ground, in the meetings, face to face with the perps & libs… their histories…..both good, but one better suited for Governor than the other…no matter how much we love him!!