SB 1062 Veto: Brewer’s finger to the wind leadership

Caving to pressure exerted by loud special interest groups and mass demonstrations, Gov. Jan Brewer has exhibited her cowardly leadership skills by vetoing SB 1062, the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”

Brewer’s letter to Senate President Andy Biggs justifying her veto can be read here.

Though nearly a dozen prominent law professors from prestigious schools across the United States have urged Brewer to take a deeper look at a bill that has been “egregiously misrepresented by many of its critics,” she has bowed to threats from  a more vocal minority — homosexual activists and the leftwing media who have relentlessly pressed for a veto.

Read the letter signed by eleven legal scholars — Democrats and Republicanshere.

“As these legal scholars rightly point out, the misrepresentations about the bill have been egregious,” said Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Douglas Napier. (Listen to his sound bite.) “It has nothing to do with refusing someone a sandwich. It has everything to do with making Arizona a safe place for people to freely live out their faith. The falsehoods need to be exposed for what they are.”

20 Responses to SB 1062 Veto: Brewer’s finger to the wind leadership

  1. Andre Leonard says:

    Sure many thought Brewer would sign this legislation and stand the line. But as we have seen with most of our politicians, it’s very easy to fold-up like a lawn-chair and just let things be.

    The path of lest resistance is go along to get along. Never mind standing for something. Any hopes of Brewer being able to go the distance have been dashed for many.

  2. harristimes says:

    Lining up with all the critics were four of those running to replace Brewer together with the two that call themselves the Senators From Arizona none of whom support Arizona one twit. With a cadre like that supporting the anarchists and false representation by the MLM, is it any wonder? But Jan has demonstrated no backbone when things get tough and when it requires her to take a stand for the citizens of Arizona. Of course, this is all our fault because we elected her, McCain and Flake. I hope we learn our lesson when it comes to electing a new Governor and nominate none of those that joined the panic and ran and hid from the Republican Platform.

  3. Arizona Conservative Guy says:

    If you can stand it, here’s Jan Brewer stumbling over the words that were written for her by her McStrategists. It wasn’t much of a leap to know where she was going after ALL of them, including John McCain, Jeff Flake and even the old has-been Grant Woods came out against the legislation.

  4. LD 23 PC says:

    Jan Brewer obviously represents the loudest voices and deviants over concerned faith based entrepreneurs and families who have seen what has occurred in other states when business owners are sued for not wanting to provide services that violate their religious conscience.

    And to think how happy Republicans were when Jan Brewer succeeded Janet Napolitano who resigned to join Team Obama.

  5. VINOAZ says:

    Disagree!! We lost this ill-advised battle. She did the right thing given the circumstances. The battles have to be picked with more thought and have to be winnable. Agree the gay mafia and the liberal progressives have to be defeated. Democrats have to be defeated. They are evil and are ethically and morally bankrupt. This was the wrong way and wrong time. A start would be for the limp wristed Republican party to run real conservatives who can win and make a difference. It’s the culture, stupid!

    • LEO IN TSN says:

      Every RINO in the country carries a laminated card in his pocket that can be pulled out at the slightest hint of controversy to say “This is the wrong strategy and the wrong time. We must let the leftists do whatever they want, so that everyone might see what they are and vote for us later. We can’t fight this battle now, we’ll come back to it when…”

      It doesn’t seem to have worked for stop obamaocare, defund obamaocare, stop destruction of the military, maintain (or reduce) the debt ceiling and spending, defund EPA, defend DOMA, prosecute IRS, reign in NSA, find the birth certificate, and on and on and on.

      The battle now is to elect conservatives, not the shop-worn RINOS that the McGOP trots out. We had one – yes, just one – candidate for governor who had the guts to stand up in public and support AZ. Remember that at primary time. And remember that every time the RINOS say “we really hurt ourselves by standing up for ourselves, so we’d better not fight. Where’s that ol’ white flag?”

      God bless America.

  6. Annie O. says:

    Jan is the poster child for the expression “if you don’t stand for
    something, you’ll fall for anything”. We expect this nonsense from
    the Dems; getting it from part of the family is especially disgusting.
    Jan, (obviously) we hardly knew ye….

    • morgan says:

      The dems would’ve dug the knife in when they vetoed it and then made a crusade to put a bill that did the opposite on the books next year. I’m not agreeing w/Brewer’s veto but when she puts it as she did, it softened the blow.

  7. Sgt. Preston says:

    No one has ever accused Jan Brewer of being an intellect, but watching her read the statement which she clearly had no hand in writing, it was evident that she was ripe for the picking by the people running her and her office. Even as I object to her veto, it’s difficult not to feel a degree of pity for someone so obviously inept.

  8. Night Owl says:

    Posted with a double paged warning, Michelle Malkin shows the realities of “gay” life at the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. These are not benign folks or photos, but they depict the truth of this so-called alternative lifestyle that we are supposed to “celebrate.” Jan Brewer needs to get a clue! Is this perversion what American children should grow up thinking is the norm?

  9. Chad Palmer says:

    Now more than ever we need to educate the masses on how we can save Liberty before it’s lost forever. I’m so grateful to Life Leadership and the Center for Self Governance for taking the hard line and standing for truth and principals that are God given. Read Leadershift by Orrin Woodward and Oliver Demille and you will know how we will win our Freedom.

    Freedom Fighter’s, Liberty or death, it’s not over until we win.

    • Vinoaz says:

      The president, press, media, NFL, NBA, universities, public schools, judges, Democrats and liberals all celebrate gay, diversity, drugs and most any deviancy you can think of. I am not a Jan Brewer fan, but she is not the villain here. It will be an uphill fight saving liberty and the culture, but a war we must win.

      • Sharon says:

        When you align with evil against the Bible’s teaching you are aligning with the Devil and you are the villain.

  10. Hagar says:

    Brewer’s finger in Obama’s face has morphed into her middle finger to religious Arizonan’s who value liberty.

  11. LEO IN TSN says:

    I am totally incredulous – my head is still spinning.

    There is a certain morning radio talk show host in Baja AZ who has been staunchly opposing SB1062. He is pleased with Gov. McBrewer’s veto.

    Several minutes ago I heard him say on the air – this is the Truth – that he was suggesting that the whole SB1062 campaign might have been just a fundraising gimmick for the Center for Arizona Policy.

    Down here in Baja, people are accustomed to his rampant stupidity. He is the one who made his show the primary campaign forum for Sen. McAmnesty in 2010 and McFlake in 2012. Today he chose to express his disdain for people of faith everywhere and their efforts to be productive citizens & business owners, and to denigrate the efforts of our patriots in the AZ Legislature. He has reached a new low in his daily sojourn on the Starship Idiocy.

    Morning radio in Baja AZ continues to be a desert wasteland.

    God bless America.

  12. ZOO says:

    No matter how you slice it, religious rights protection has just been Super-Bowled over. It worked before – alway$ go with your be$t $hot. Nothing would have changed the outcome, but it is interesting to look at one aspect.

    A news story quoted the Governor’s office as saying they had received over 40,000 phone calls and emails – most of them opposing the bill. In a state of 6.5 million, that doesn’t ever register on the Richter Scale. This made it easier for “opponents” to grab the brass ring. A few million Arizonans couldn’t tear themselves away from their electronics to pick up the phone or type a short email.

    Speaking of victory, yesterday was a two-for. The Lone Star State went down under the judge’s gavel, which now puts Arizona in the nuptial-ecktomy waiting room. It reminds me of when Alaska became a U.S. state (which my grandfather told me about). Oh well, forget your troubles, turn on your speakers, and sing along for a verse:

    • Army Of One says:

      “Super-Bowled over” is a perfect description, and proof that threats work!

      This issue has been distorted by the media and used as a rallying cry for the homosexuals who show up as melodramatic, hand wringing protestors when this bill has nothing to do with them. That fact hasn’t kept them from distorting it to their own ends. They’ve learned well from the marching and demanding illegals who have invaded our sovereign nation and yet expect sympathy (and receive from our relected representatives) for their status.

      Apparently none of these people work since they can assemble by the hundreds at a moment’s notice and park themselves for days of protests.. The new ruling class are the screechers and dramatic actors who stage theatrics for the willing left wing media.

      • ZOO says:

        The NFL’s very public ponder of an “alternative” S.S. site was blackmail and extortion on a scale of 10 – in plain view. Won’t some !%@!@!! person in the U.S. Congress legislate away their tax exempt status – THEN bring them to congressional hearings under RICO statutes? Of course not. It’s All American to allow them to “refuse service.”

  13. Dennis O'Brien says:

    This was Center for Arizona Policy Cathi Herrod’s statement regarding Brewer’s veto:

    “Today’s veto of SB 1062 marks a sad day for Arizonans who cherish and understand religious liberty. 
    SB 1062 passed the legislature for one reason only: to guarantee that all Arizonans would be free to live and work according to their faith.
    Opponents were desperate to distort this bill rather than debate the merits. Essentially, they succeeded in getting a veto of a bill that does not even exist.
    When the force of government compels one to speak or act contrary to their conscience, the government injures not only the dignity of the afflicted, but the dignity of our society as a whole.
    SB 1062 made certain that governmental laws cannot force people to violate their faith unless it has a compelling governmental interest–a balancing of interests that has been in federal law since 1993.
    The religious beliefs of all Arizonans must be respected and this bill did nothing more than affirm that. It is truly a disappointing day in our state and nation when lies and personal attacks can over shadow the truth.”

    My hope is that now that Herrod has been “disappointed” by Jan Brewer, and liars John McCain and Jeff Flake, maybe she’ll finally realize that none of them are trustworthy conservatives and stop currying their favor.