New ISIS threat: America’s electric grid

Washington Examiner’s ‘Washington’s Secrets’ columnist Paul Bedard has written a disturbing report regarding our nation’s vulnerability as it relates to a potential threat to the electrical power grid and the dire effects that would accompany such an attack. Due to the urgency of the topic, we have reprinted the report in its entirety:

Former top government officials who have been warning Washington about the vulnerability of the nation’s largely unprotected electric grid are raising new fears that troops from the jihadist Islamic State are poised to attack the system, leading to a power crisis that could kill millions.

“Inadequate grid security, a porous U.S.-Mexico border, and fragile transmission systems make the electric grid a target for ISIS,” said Peter Pry, one of the nation’s leading experts on the grid.

Others joining Pry at a press conference later Wednesday to draw attention to the potential threat said that if just a handful of the nation’s high voltage transformers were knocked out, blackouts would occur across the country.

“By one estimate, should the power go out and stay out for over a year, nine out of 10 Americans would likely perish,” said Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy in Washington.

At the afternoon press conference, Gaffney dubbed the potential crisis the “grid jihad.”

A lack of electricity would shut off water systems, impact city transportation services and shutdown hospitals and other big facilities. Fresh and frozen foods also would be impacted as would banks, financial institutions and utilities.

Pry provided details of recent attacks on electricity systems and said that ISIS could easily team with Mexican drug cartels to ravage America.  He told Secrets, for example, that the Knights Templar drug gang blacked out the electric grid of the Mexican state of Michoacan in 2013 to provide cover for killing those fighting the drug trade.

“The Knights Templars and other criminal gangs in Mexico will do anything for money, and ISIS, the richest terrorist organization in history, has hundreds of millions of dollars at its disposal,” said Pry. “ISIS could hire one of the Mexican cartels, or one of their criminal gangs already in the U.S., or activate jihadist terror cells already in the U.S., and inflict a multi-state blackout immediately, within days or weeks. Perhaps even a nationwide blackout,” Pry explained to Secrets.

“I am not saying it is likely they will do so. But given the capabilities and objectives of ISIS and our obvious vulnerabilities, it would be foolish to ignore the threat to the grid, to regard the threat as unlikely. Our planning should be based on imminent asymmetrical threats, and not assume that another 9/11 large-scale attack is years away,” he added.

The Texas Department of Public Safety recently said they believe there is evidence that ISIS plans an attack.

 Pry, Gaffney and others have been pushing Congress to protect the electric grid from attacks including terrorists, assaults by U.S. foes like North Korea and even sun spots that can zap unprotected transformers with electromagnetic pulse.

Congress is looking at legislation to protect the grid via the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act.

7 Responses to New ISIS threat: America’s electric grid

  1. azgary says:

    Another reason why the second amendment is so important.

  2. jojo says:

    This is pretty old news. Last year the electrical station near San Jose was attacked. Power was lost for weeks in some places. The attackers used guns which left behind shells completely wiped clean of any prints. Sounds like pro’s practicing. Get prepared folks. You never know.

  3. Ellsworth says:

    The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has a website with a half assed preparedness alert focusing their main pages on how to prepare for tornados, hurricanes, wildfires and floods. You have to search to find anything to do with terrorist attacks,which they blandly refer to as “hazards.” This critical topic actually includes a page called “Fun and Games for Kids!”

    Currently, the terrorist hazard page has a blue box with the words, “NO ACTIVE ALERTS.” David Cameron the Prime Minister of the UK has upgraded his country’s alert to “SEVERE.” Meanwhile thickheaded Obama leaves our borders open to any and all comers as American citizens remain vulnerable sitting ducks while he continues to golf and raise money for democrats.

    No wonder thinking people are attending prepper seminars and stockpiling food, water, emergency supplies and ammo.

  4. Saguaro Sam says:

    And yet, with all the of compelling information about ISIS, we still see the folks on CNN and MSNBC apologizing for the way the US “unfairly demonizes ISIS”.

    They know not what they do. . .

  5. Truth or Consequences. says:

    If Harry Reid and his Dem cohorts gave a damn, this is one bill that could/should fly through Congress. Best example we’ve had for a long time as to what they should be spending taxpayer dollars (stimulus) on as well as providing more good American jobs!!

  6. Maggie says:

    Thank you for reposting this important information. When our government is doing little to protect us, we’d all better take steps to protect ourselves.

  7. LEO IN TSN says:

    Foreign muslims are not our only source of concern. Here is a reminder from 2013. Obamao successfully shut down communications over Clark County, Nevada when Harry Reid’s BLM Gestapo was going after Cliven Bundy. He has all of the tools in place.

    [Posted April 1, 2013]
    Obamao has his plans solidly in place for his financial takeover. Obamao, by executive order and with the help of several insane pieces of legislation, has given himself the power to take over the country (martial law). He is well prepared to take over the financial community and simultaneously stifle any dissent. He has created a huge loyal dependent following in his federal hiring and his welfare giveaways to big city police departments and lemmings. All he need do is throw the switch.

    When he shuts down the power grids, our water will stop flowing, our lights and AC units will go off, the gas pumps that fill our vehicles will stop. When he shuts down the refineries, transportation stops. The grocery store shelves will be empty in a day. TSA and the rest of the Obamao civilian police will be manning armored checkpoints on the highways to stop rebels, and armored tanks to keep the city streets clear. When he shuts off the airwaves, civilian communication stops. He has these powers, thanks to a complicit apathetic Congress, and he has been choreographing his plans (45 Czars – 2.2 Billion rounds of ammo – 7000 military-grade assault rifles – 2,700 tanks) since his first immaculation. Where is Congress?? Ask our AZ4 – burn up their telephones. We can not just continue to wait.

    What we need now are patriots within the infrastructure who will keep the lights on, the gas pumps working, the airwaves open and the water flowing while being defended by the patriots with guns & ammo. Talk to everyone you know about our need to keep the Country up and running, and be mindful of the need to mobilize in defense of our freedoms. A well-armed patriot crouched in his dry & darkened home will be effective for about 4 days. An effective Minute Man Militia MUST be able to maintain the delivery of goods and services to all citizens in defense of our Country.

    God bless America.