GOP EGC Health Care Board endorsements

Alphabet soup of acronyms holds important information

Last Wednesday evening the Executive Guidance Committee (EGC) of the Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) endorsed former state legislator Colette Rosati (R-Dist 8) in the race for the District 3 seat on the Maricopa County Health Care District board.  Rosati is a registered nurse.

The EGC also endorsed District 2 candidate Harlan Stratton, MD, an orthopedic surgeon, whose extensive resume overwhelmed that of his opponent, well-regarded former state legislator,  Greg Patterson.

Rosati’s District 3 opponent is former state senator Sue Gerard (R-former Dist.18).  Gerard’ will be remembered as an elected Republican officeholder who endorsed Democrat Janet Napolitano on the 2006 Republicans for Janet website. She was later rewarded with a job in Napolitano’s administration. Gerard resigned last month after numerous questionable incidents at the state-run nursing home for veterans, where she had oversight authority.

In both cases, the medical experience Rosati and Stratton possess was considered a plus in selecting a fully informed decision-making board when dealing with hospital directors. Members serve a four-year term, with each member representing one of the five county supervisoral districts.

The Maricopa County Special Health Care District Board of Directors is the governing body for Maricopa Integrated Health System.

6 Responses to GOP EGC Health Care Board endorsements

  1. nightcrawler says:

    I actually agree with the EGC on this (Pardon me while I check my temperature).

    Both these candidates are well suited for the position.

    This makes sense and cents.

  2. Richard Wayne says:


    You have consistently stated your opposition to the EGC endorsing in a contested race where there were multiple Republican candidates running.

    I am glad that you have seen the light. Regardless of the office, every elected official impacts our lives. There is always sense and cents involved in the right decision.

    Since you are a man of principles, I know you will support the EGC in the future.

  3. Scott says:

    There is no question that having people elected to the Health Care Distict Board who have actual medical background, will keep the Board from being run over by the medical directors, who would flaunt their knowledge in the field.

    Having a medical doctor and a nurse on the Board is an excellent concept.

  4. nightcrawler says:


    You are correct, I do oppose the idea of endorsements. Since the MCRC bylaws allow this practice, I have decided to go with the flow and not beat a dead horse. Although, trust me, I was tempted. The by-laws need to change, but that is a discussion for another time and place (January).

    My support of the EGC will be on an issue by issue basis. It isn’t about the members, who I am sure are good folk, just the policies which they collectively create.

    Since the rules allow this endorsement, why rain on the parade ? I have learned that lesson.

  5. Elizabeth says:

    How nice to see your more reasonable side, Mr. Crawler. I had to pinch myself.

  6. Hometown Guy says:

    Thanks for the tips here. This race is completely off my radar. I’m just now trying to get up to speed. I sure won’t get conned by that Stop Illegal Hiring. They’re really trying to conceal their true agenda with that name!

    I think that’s a law we need. Something should mandate that the name on a proposition should match what the effort is about. So often the name is contrary to the actual intent, in order to snag the unsuspecting voter.