AZ Republic: Foolish reports take center stage again

Transgender “migrants,” carping school principals rate front page coverage

Last weekend we ran a post titled,Major reason to steer clear of deceptive AZ Republic.” It was an instant hit, garnering an exceptionally high number of hits, proving common sense still resonates.

Today we bring our readers yet another couple of reasons to ditch the newspaper. These latest Page One offerings shared the same issue on Wednesday, May 30.

First we bring you “Looking for a safe place to call home.” You might be inclined to think this concerns abandoned pets up for adoption, but you’d be wrong. The article details the “new struggles” of “transgender migrants.” Their advocates — yes, they have advocates — say “U.S. officials haven’t done enough to protect transgender women from assaults and abuse.” The article continues to two full inside jump pages. The caption accompanying the above-the-fold photo identifies two of these “transgender migrants” by their femme name, continuing, “they often face difficulties in remote detention centers when applying for asylum in the United States.” They complain they are unable to get decent jobs and the only work open to them is in the “sexual servitude industry” working as prostitutes. One reported that “clients became enraged” when discovering the prostitutes ware born male. ‘Ya think?

Article two, also given prominent above-the-fold exposure is titled,” Principal: ‘D’ grade is public shaming.”  Numerous valley principals appearing at the State Board of Education meeting addressed their concerns that the low school grading labels hinder their success.

The principals have it exactly backwards. Their schools’ lack of success in teaching hinders the students, whose abysmal testing scores are reflected in the grades given to the schools by the state.

One by one, they requested their specific schools grades be bumped up a notch or the system that alerts parents to the success or failure rate of individual schools be discarded altogether. These are representatives of the same public schools that abandoned their students — over 180,000 of them statewide — for a week, while the REDsforEd teachers went out on strike demanding a 20 percent salary hike.

The Arizona State Board of Education’s website states:

Arizona Revised Statutes § 15-241 requires the Arizona Department of Education, subject to final adoption by the State Board of Education, to develop an annual achievement profile for every public school in the state based on an A through F scale. The development of the Accountability System was informed by public input through 17 public hearings across the state and a survey that yielded almost 1700 responses. Additionally, a broad-based committee consisting of school administrators, teachers, parents and data experts provided the Board with additional input.

The system measures year to year student academic growth, proficiency on English language arts, math and science, the proficiency and academic growth of English language learners, indicators that an elementary student is ready for success in high school and that high school students are ready to succeed in a career or higher education and high school graduation rates.

This accountability is what the left-wing union educratsare fighting.

* Open Secrets notes its data for the current election cycle was updated by the Federal Election Commission on Monday, May 21, 2018.


12 Responses to AZ Republic: Foolish reports take center stage again

  1. Jig says:

    Here is a cast of characters enough to make you sick, and quite a few from AZ, though they left out at least one:

  2. Arizona Conservative Guy says:

    We stopped our subscription years ago. The AZ Repulsive began its descent under Keven Ann Willey, and has only gotten more liberal. It became so maddening to read that we decided it wan’t worth paying for something that made us angry each morning.
    Willey continued her destruction at the Dallas Morning News, finally retiring last year after her advice was disregarded and Texans elected Gov. Greg Abbott (previously elected Attorney General), kept Ted Cruz in the U.S. Senate and elected a host of other Republicans. Of course, she editorially endorsed Hillary Clinton for President.

    • Trevor says:

      The Dallas Morning News backed some RINO named Jake Ellzey who Bill Kristol backed and I bet The DMS is backing Lupe Valdez and Beta Male O’Rourke. They wanted David Dewherst bad and so did McConnell, his deputy whip Jon Kyl, and that idiot John Cornyn and the Bushes.

  3. Maggie says:

    This election admission of failure must have hastened Willey’s departure.

    My sister lives in Texas and keeps me updated.

    • Ajo Joe says:

      The Arizona Republic crashed and burned after Eugene and Nina Pulliam died. It was a conservative newspaper under their leadership.

  4. Saguaro Sam says:

    The Left has nothing left to stand on.
    So they’ve gone toxic.

    As we get closer to the release of IG Horowitz’s report, we can expect the chaos magicians to continue to amp up.

    Meanwhile, in Virginia, a convicted felon is running for Congress.

    Last weekend, another person running for U.S. Congress out of Maryland, by the name of Chelsea Manning (birth name Bradley Manning) apparently attempted suicide (again) by standing on the ledge of a tall building. Manning posted a photo social media showing a pair of feet with nicely polished toenails perched on a ledge, with a cryptic message.

    Manning was found guilty of the Espionage Act and spent time in Federal custody, only receive a pass from Obama. Also received FREE, multliple transgender surgeries which was paid for by U.S. taxpayers. Manning is Not from Maryland; has no ties to Maryland, and is obviously being propped up by big money.

    There is also a guy in Nevada, Mack Miller, who is running for Nevada State Assembly. He deserted his fellow soldiers in Iraq.
    Army Vets are furious.

    • Casper says:

      What happened to being charged with treason for desertion? I Guess Bowe Bergdahl cleared the way for a White House Rose Garden celebration when his folks were warmly greeted by Barack Obama. Bergdahl’s father sported a beard exactly like those worn by Muslim men and thanked Allah in Arabic when the meeting took place. The prayer was, ““In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate.”