NY Cuomo’s bumbling strategy: “America was never that great”

It’s a good bet his impoverished immigrant grandparents whose son and grandson rose to be governors would disagree with this mockery

New York’s liberal Gov. Andrew Cuomo has attempted to backtrack on his foolish statement that “America was never that great,” failing miserably. An extraordinary communicator, he is not.

Contrast Cuomo’s absurdity, (video) which drew gasps from the audience, with the optimistic and grateful Ronald Reagan, who proudly called America,The shining city on a hill.” (90 sec. video.)

Cuomo’s comment, which fell flat, was intended as a deliberate slap at Donald Trump’s successfully resonating campaign slogan that together, with America‘s citizens, we will “Make America Great Again!”

It’s no secret left-wing Cuomo, who disdains President Trump, covets the Oval Office.

Any reasonable person would think that even extreme liberals would appreciate the great economy, the lowest unemployment numbers in decades, and minorities making unprecedented gains.  None of this plays well with Democrats.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi disdainfully referred to the Trump tax cuts, positively impacting American families, as “crumbs.”

Cuomo might prefer Venezuela, where people stand in line for hours hoping to buy a loaf of bread, with no guarantee of success. Medicine is equally difficult to obtain. President Nicolas Maduro, a former bus driver and leftist union leader, recently unveiled another economic reform package contrived to address the spiraling hyperinflation that has thrown the once prosperous, oil rich, South American country into turmoil. Topping his list is devaluing the currency and implementing the fifth government imposed wage hike this year.  Currently the monthly minimum wage increase — in an economy devastated by repeated manipulations — is reportedly still not enough to buy the equivalent of a pound of ground beef. The free market doesn’t exist. 

Here in America, we have a successful businessman at the helm of state , replacing a community organizer. President Trump has a firm grasp on economic realities. He did not go on a worldwide apology tour as he predecessor did, but stands as a leader on the global stage. His first year and a half in office are a testament to his accomplishments.

Even if Andrew Coumo could articulate a coherent thought, Americans know they chose right in November 2016.

“Make America Great Again.” is more than a slogan.  It’s a tangible, resounding success.

This is what Dimmo Cuomo has to offer:


11 Responses to NY Cuomo’s bumbling strategy: “America was never that great”

  1. East Valley Conservative says:

    Today’s Democrat party is not the one of previous generations. It has veered into America hating Socialism, of the Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ilk, promising “free” health care and education for all, without addressing who will foot the bill.

    Government (once known as “public”) schools have indoctrinated American students with liberalism from the early grades, even promoting homosexuality as simply an “alternative lifestyle.” Using gender-based pronouns such as “him, her, she, his,” can result in firing of instructors and expelling of students. We are losing our country through inattention to what is taking place in classrooms, where liberal propaganda flourishes.

    Pay attention! These $millions in contributions mainly to liberal candidates and causes, are from the dues paying union members who are brainwashing our kids and grandkids:


    • Matt DeGennaro says:

      How right you are! My parents were democrats. They would be appalled by the takeover of the party by socialists. They knew all too well the horrors of that failed system that destroyed lives throughout Europe.

      As to the school indoctrination, Arizona has been in the national forefront of Charter Schools. Check out this list published in US News and World Report to see the premier ranking they receive. Public schools have fallen down on the job. That fact was worsened with the teacher’s walkout leaving hundreds of thousands of AZ students without education for a week as the made 20% pay increase demands, which Gov. Ducey caved on after promising he would not.


      • Observer says:

        Not only did Doug McDoucy cave in to their demands after they abandoned their students in violation of their contractual employment agreements, but now they are promoting an IRREVOCABLE constitutional amendment that has a Marxist agenda of imposing higher taxes on those they declare as “the rich.” This will hit small business owners hard,causing many to fire employees or close shop completely. This monstrosity will be on the November general election ballot. Vote against

        The so-called rich already pay the largest share to taxes, but according to the unionized teachers who are following a hip hop music teacher in making their demands, that’s never enough. The music teacher is in his 20’s, identifies himself as a “Socialist,” and was the AZ coordinator of Bernie Sander’s presidential campaign.

        Get your kids out of public schools!

      • Hometown Guy says:

        Read this excellent overview of the negative impact of the “Invest In Ed” ballot Initiative written by an Ahwatukee-based CPA. He clearly lays out the deception attempting to be foisted upon us as a “for the children” scam. Those are my words not his, but take the time to acquaint yourself with what’s actually going on here.


  2. VINOAZ says:

    Cuomo is a demigod, like his father before him. Mario “the pious” used to appear on Fox. I would time how many seconds before he started to rant and rave about the evil Republicans and how they were responsible for the ills of NY State which he was responsible for. Mario was too much of a coward to run against HW Bush. Hence Bill Clinton became president. Southern NY State, on the PA border, is rich with natural gas. He shut down NY, costing the state billions. His rants on guns, bullets, and illegals defy common sense. I hate to call NY voters morons (where I grew up) but the fact is they are. Andrew has presidential aspirations. God help us.

  3. Saguaro Sam says:

    The Gov has a brother, Chris, who is a major talking head on CNN (the communist news network).

    Interesting as to just how many members of the media are married or somehow related to people in politics/government.

    Remember that chick from the Congo who shut down the Statue of Liberty on July 4 by climbing up Lady Liberty’s skirt?
    She’s an “activist” who has made Millions and Millions of dollars successfully suing NYC and the State of NY over her hurt feelings.
    Neither the city nor the State bother to challenge her claims, they just pay her off.

    Meanwhile, Here Is Something That Will Make You Smile:
    (turn your volume up and maybe grab a Kleenex)


    This is a Great Video.

  4. Doc says:

    Whatta’ Maroon! Here’s Homer Simpson’s response to Cuomo:

    • D. B. Cooper says:

      Too funny, Doc!

      I think Andrew Cuomo was describing himself rather than America, when he said it/he was never that great!

      How far do you think either he or his equally off the wall brother would have gone if their father had not been governor? Listen to Andrew Cuomo speak. He sounds like a bonafide nitwit..

      • Doc says:

        D.B., I’m Really Glad that you liked that. Honestly, when I saw the first report of it, That was the image INSTANTLY appeared in my skull (contents of which will NOT be discussed here)! & as for his BROTHER, between th’ 2 of ’em, I believe that their PARENTS need to be B*TCH-SLAPPED Upside their Headz!

        ….ain’t no accountin’ fer sum folks’ upbringin’, Andy!

  5. Jig says:

    It was always the case to me that Mario, like Jesse Jackson, was quite an orator but when you got down to the substance of his words, there wasn’t much there. I think young Cuomo’s foot in mouth will cancel any future prospects he had.