Ignored! Pathetic Joe Biden wanders aimlessly

Upstaged by Obama

The occasion warranting a White House visit from Barack Obama was the 12th anniversary of the federal overreach into America’s healthcare system known colloquially as Obamacare. It was passed by the dem controlled congress. Obama-puppet and his former VP, Joe Biden, is set to extend the unaffordable, nightmarish intrusion, which originally included a nationally imposed tax penalty for being uninsured.

When Obama was introduced, he said, “It’s good to be back in the White House. It’s been a while.”

He might not be kidding.

President Grover Cleveland, a democrat, was the only president to leave the White House and return for a second non-consecutive term (1885-1889 and 1893-1897).

7 Responses to Ignored! Pathetic Joe Biden wanders aimlessly

  1. Mike says:

    It’s time to tighten up the Constitutional requirements for being eligible to run for President. Currently all you need to be is at least 35 years old and a natural born citizen. Prior to even being able to run, candidates should be required to 1) pass a mental competency test and certified by at least two licensed professionals and 2) pass the same examination on the United States required of aliens desiring naturalization. It’s a pretty safe bet that Biden could never pass the latter, let alone the former.

    • StetsonXXX says:

      You’re right! People are living longer. The effects of age inevitably catch up with many of us (EXcluding longtime former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is currently running for Mayor of Fountain Hills and is still sharp as a tack!).

      Biden wasn’t bright when he began his political career over 50 years ago. Age hasn’t been a friend to him. He is clearly in a mental fog, and isn’t equipped for the presidency. Other people like “circle back” Jen Psaki speak for him. He is inept and easily manipulated, which is what makes him useful.

      America has become a laughing stock. The Australian TV News has a field day mocking him.

  2. Mr. & Mrs. America says:

    The economy was too good under President Trump. The foolish dems were determined to show us how they could alter it! Any we know, friends or family have been sidelined…after we told them why.
    it’s not just a difference of opinion. We consider them enemies of America’s future. Our kids and grandkids are our principle concern. They will will suffer greatly because of these self-identified jackasses. The dems chose the correct logo for themselves.

    • Rambling Rose says:

      I thought about your comment and initially thought it was an overreaction. Then I reread it and realized the truth in your words. Biden voters are not only political ignoramuses, they are dangerous. Our family includes some, but they live in Mexifornia where crime flourishes w/o penalties, so we don’t visit.

  3. Arizona Conservative Guy says:

    These videos showing Biden wandering around in a daze confirm the fact that he is mentally incapacitated. This was obvious before the election but was of little concern to the left. America has lost its standing as a superpower with this blank eyed, befuddled Alzheimer’s patient trying to maneuver on the world stage. Then there is the growing scandal in which he is clearly implicated with his cocaine addict son, Hunter. Imagine if such dealing were even suspected of going on with any of Donald Trump’s family. All hell would have broken loose!! But the far left media have given aid and comfort to the corrupt Biden’s. That’s why what they report is distrusted.

  4. Kimball says:

    Joe’s brother, Jim Biden, was also on the take from Hunter’s Burisma’s energy dealings in collusion with Russia. The Biden taint is far reaching.

  5. Jack says:

    The only print news source that has given all of this in-depth coverage is the New York Post. It’s my go to spot each morning. It was established not long after the founding of the United States by the first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, who was appointed by George Washington.

    The newspaper’s format is tabloidish, but it remains conservative in its perspective.