Nashville school murderer identified as transgender 

March 28, 2023

Six innocent people were killed Monday in a mass shooting at The Covenant School, a private Christian school that taught preschool through 6th grade in Nashville, including three children, and three school employees.

Police initially described the “heavily armed shooter,” as 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who police killed at the scene. Hale was a graphic designer who used he/him pronouns. Police said Hale was transgender and they initially identified him by his birth name and gender. Hale was assigned female at birth but identified as a transgender man using the name Aiden.

Biden called on Congress to pass an assault weapons ban, saying we “need to do more to protect our schools.”

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, (D-Illinois) echoed Biden’s remarks, saying he strongly supports “bills to ban assault weapons from civilian use and to close gaps in our background check system.”

But Rep. Tim Burchett, (R-Tenn.), told reporters that no laws — existing or proposed — could have stopped the attack.

“It’s a horrible, horrible situation, and we’re not going to fix it,” Burchett said. “Criminals are going to be criminals. And my dad, who fought in the Second World War in the Pacific against the Japanese, said, ‘Buddy, if somebody wants to take you out and doesn’t mind losing their life, there’s not a whole heck of a lot you can do about it.’

US Air Force Academy prioritizes race, gender instruction for cadets

March 27, 2023

We live in an increasingly hostile world as despotic China saber-rattles and war-mongering Russia invades Ukraine — prioritizing the starving and slaughter of civilians. Russia began its recent reign of terror by bombing maternity hospitals. 

Judicial Watch has evidence that there are other considerations which make wartime leaders, surpassing those that have held us in superior stead throughout numerous generations. Leadership involves communicating with subordinates, so the USAFA now has a section in “español.” That foolishness is the least of the now trendy, leftist outreaches. The following report headlined, “Judicial Watch: Records Show Air Force Academy Focus on Anti-American Critical Race Theory Training of Cadets – Academy Head Ties Cadets to Racism and Social Injustice,” is shocking in its content but a must read for those who care about the United States, our military and not falling into the unacceptable, perilous political abyss of political correctness.

American Military leaders are often trained at the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) outside of Denver; the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland; and the Army Academy at West Point, NY., prestigious schools most often requiring a congressional nomination, in addition to superior grades and evidence of fitness, to be considered for admission. These have long been considered crucial leadership qualities. A full list of U.S. military academies and their acceptance rates can be viewed here.

Training officers is serious business. “Political Correctness,” including Critical Race Theory, Racism and Social Injustice, have no place in the arena of protecting the USA, in ever more treacherous times.

Whatever else you do today, read the Judicial Watch report. Knowledge is power.

Canadian Parliament gaffe: Bewildered Biden confuses our ally with Communist China

March 26, 2023

As he continues to fail, Biden’s physical health, mental acuity, and VP succession plans re: incompetent Kamala Harris become front and center concerns

Video H/T: Breitbart

House GOP initiates action to remove do-nothing border czar Kamala Harris

March 25, 2023

The Daily Caller headlines its recent report by Chief National Correspondent Henry Rogers, EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Introduce Resolution To Remove Kamala Harris From Role As Border Czar.

Seeing Red AZ takes our readers directly to the report that contains vital information for those of us in the border state of Arizona, that has been a major portal facilitating the onslaught of illegal aliens…a crisis no longer limited to Mexican nationals — frequently repeat offenders with criminal histories given inappropriate light sentences — but those from nations worldwide who are illegally invading the USA.

Texas GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson, MD, reintroduced this resolution that should be read by all Americans. He notes that “over 4,500,000 have illegally crossed our southern border since January 2021.”

NumbersUSA reports “Border encounters exceed 150,000 for 24th consecutive month.”

Calling illegal invaders “migrants” is akin to referring to bank robbers as “borrowers.” An important clarification of the terminology reported on the well respected Heritage Foundation by Senior Legal Fellow Hans von Spakovsky is, “Sorry, but the Accurate Legal Term is ‘Illegal Alien,’ which refers to an Arizona case.

China-based TikTok infiltrating US via our youth. Is anyone paying attention?

March 24, 2023

TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew, a native of Singapore, appeared before congress Thursday, March 23, testifying that TikTok prioritizes user safety as he sought to avert a U.S. ban on the app by downplaying its ties to China. Representatives of both parties aggressively questioned Chew on topics including TikTok’s content moderation practices, its data security plans, and past spying on journalists, according to this informative AP report.

TikTok reputedly has over 150 million U.S. users. It is a major attraction to American teens, whose parents have little, if any, knowledge regarding its wide ranging content. Wake up, America!  Our political enemy is subtly influencing our youth!

The Business of Apps website reveals what too few Americans are aware of in its report, TikTok Revenue and Usage Statistics (2023).” If you read nothing else today, acquaint yourself with this vial and disturbing information. Knowledge is power. This site is used by national news organizations and sells much of its information, though there is still some crucial data that is available.

America can no longer afford to ignore this dangerous incursion.

AZ U.S. GOP Rep. Debbie Lesko grills dodging Chew, who received a Master’s Degree from Harvard Business School. He just previously admitted that TikTok tracks users’ individual keystrokes, then backtracked, telling Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) that he will “get back” to her about whether the Chinese app keeps records of users’ credit card information and passwords.

An incomprehensible outrage infiltrates US Department of Defense

March 23, 2023

Today we take the unusual step of sending our readers directly to anther website. Ari Blaff, writing for National Review, headlines his column, DoD Medical Staff Call Puberty Blockers, Hormone Replacement, for Kids ‘Human Rights.’

This is not a suggestion, but absolutely necessary reading — especially, but not limited to, those who have been known to regard occasional reports as “too preposterous to believe.” The leaders of communist China and Russia, neither of whom is our ally, have been holding joint meetings for days. They keep their eyes on American weakness. This report certainly details our preposterous frailties.

The importance of this report cannot be overstated. Read it, and share it with friends and relatives. It is not political. It is harsh reality. 

With the world in turmoil, our border wide open, Joe auditions for nursing home

March 22, 2023

Squints at teleprompter, unable to comprehend the words as he attempts to announce creation of new Nevada national monument he is unable to pronounce

H/T RNC Research

Soros-funded NY DA hopes to bring down Donald Trump

March 21, 2023

Trump indictment is a political witch hunt encompassing his supporters

All indications point to an indictment against former President Donald Trump being issued by his political adversaries. The date of parading the popular president to be fingerprinted and indicted appears to be less certain than was previously reported. This is political gamesmanship by the left intended to humiliate Donald Trump and demoralize his supporters. It will only enflame us.

Far left democrat Alvin Bragg, Jr., is the Soros-backed* soft on crime, including downgrading felony charges, New York District Attorney who is bringing the politically motivated charges.

Remember this: Bragg is bringing these unprecedented, (misdemeanor) charges, not only against Donald Trump, but against all of his supporters. We’re the ones who stood in long lines in Phoenix under the blistering sun to hear him prior to his election and crowded into other venues since to celebrate this president. Others across America braved snow and rain for a chance to support candidate Trump. He energizes Americans. Following his election, he strengthened the economy, put solid judges on the U.S. Supreme Court and federal benches, while keeping his campaign promises.

As democrats focus on demoralizing a popular former president, the Communist leaders of China and Russia have been meeting for the past three days. The far left media ignores this potentially disastrous collusion.

* H/T UK’s Daily Mail (news you won’t find in the failing, leftwing, Trump-hating local Arizona newspaper.)

AZ Gov. Hobbs signs executive order prioritizing ethnic black hair

March 20, 2023

Political atonement for discriminating against Talonya Adams?

Though Arizona’s public school test scores have lagged behind national scores, and were further negatively impacted by COVID school closures backed by teacher’s union members, democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs has other considerations that she prioritizes as it comes to Arizona‘s children.

Her focus is hair. And not just any hair. Hobbs has prioritized ethnic black hair. Her preposterous Executive Order titled, “Prohibiting Race-Based Hair Discrimination,” dated March 17, 2023 has to be read to be believed.

According to the 2020 U.S. decentennial Census (the most recent available), Black Arizonans comprised fewer than 5 percent of Arizona’s population — but they overwhelmingly vote democrat, so their hair matters to Hobbs.

This shockingly dismal Arizona Schools Report Card made available by the Arizona Department of Education under former Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman, a democrat, heralded the promotion of “equity” as standards. Grades were given short shrift.

State Superintendent of Schools Tom Horn, a Republican who previously served as Arizona’s elected attorney general, is back in charge of Arizona’s schools having won reelection as superintendent. Given his past successes in elevating Arizona’s educational standards and scores, Hoffman’s dismal record will be noted for the failure it was.

Hobbs defeated Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake by less than a single percentage point, 50.3% to 49.6%, which is hardly a mandate for Hobbs who continually wields a Janet Napolitano-style veto pen. That underhanded tactic earned the former governor —an open border advocate — who resigned to join the Obama administration, the nickname “J-N0.” Democrats govern by demagoguery. Republicans produce results.

For Gov. Katie Hobbs to prioritize black hair is absurd, but it‘s clearly a tactic to gain the good will of the black voters she needs to bolster her image after her unsavory involvement in the Talonya Adams saga. Talonya Adams, a black staff attorney and policy advisor was fired by then-senate minority leader Hobbs for wanting to be paid a salary commensurate with her white, male counterparts. Adams was paid $30,000 less.

This brief U.S, District Court order shows an impaneled jury awarded senate staff lawyer Talonya Adams — who represented herself in court — nearly $3 Million dollars after being discriminated against by Katie Hobbs.

Project Veritas posted ‘Disappearing Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate,’ during the 2022 campaign. In it Hobbs said, “I don’t want to talk politics with anyone I don’t know.” That must be the reason she refused to participate in the KAET-TV political debate…the only candidate for any statewide office to ever take that stance since the debates began decades ago.

What to expect if fmr. Pres. Trump’s arrest prediction is correct

March 19, 2023

Political prosecution is dem party’s mission

Though no charges have been filed, the left is salivating over reports that former President Donald Trump could be indicted early this coming week on contrived misdemeanor charges being brought against him in connection with an alleged hush money payment made to an unsavory adult film actress before the 2016 election. Fear is a powerful inducement for the left to continue to hound the popular president who, unlike feeble Joe Biden, can speak in complete sentences and has an enthusiastic and loyal following.

This debunked but regurgitated saga is being resuscitated due to the fact that Donald Trump officially launched a 2024 campaign for president, filing papers with the Federal Election Committee and establishing a campaign committee.

Drawing large, energized crowds wherever he speaks, Donald Trump is the Biden administration’s worst nightmare. Where else could a transgendered medical doctor, admiral and married father of two, who supports hormone blockers for children, declare himself a woman named Rachel (formerly known as Richard) and be given a cabinet level post in a serious administration? Biden brought this farce into his administration.

Trump holds significant leads for the Republican presidential nomination, supported by 43.9% of Republicans in compared with 28.0% for his nearest rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has not yet announced his candidacy. Real Clear Politics aggregated polling has the most recent numbers.

If Donald Trump is arrested, expect protests across America and even higher poll numbers.