Truth takes a back seat in Biden’s classified documents garage storage saga

January 15, 2023

American truth seekers are fortunate to have access to Byron York, The Washington Examiner’s Chief Political Correspondent, who directs much needed light on the Biden “misplaced classified documents” fiasco in ”The big problem with the Joe Biden documents story.”

It is definitely a must read, if you’re tired of being treated like a mushroom: Covered with manure and kept in the dark.

Weekend reading guaranteed to make you smarter

January 14, 2023

Today we gift our readers with another gem from Victor Davis Hanson. Posted on Townhall, this column is titled, “What Caused the Political Hysteria?

In his abbreviated Townhall biography, Hanson is described as a “noted historian and social critic whose philosophies are rooted in classicism, an author, contributing editor and professor.” He’s all that and more. Whenever you want to explore the mind of a conservative genius, you need look no further than this compilation.

Oops! Pesky classified documents found at Biden’s home

January 13, 2023

Biden spokesmouth Karine Jean-Pierre quotes lawyer: “Documents Inadvertently misplaced”…calls it a “mistake.”

Refuses to call on reporter asking pertinent question…moves on to “something not related to this“:

How can we tell Joe Biden is truthful when discussing boxes of classified documents found in his garage? He reads from a prepared script, takes no questions, and then walks away.

Joe Biden’s political future took a nosedive yesterday after U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Robert Hur, a former U.S. attorney in Maryland, as special counsel to investigate Biden’s handling of the classified documents. The downside is incompetent, cackling Kamala Harris, selected as vice president solely because she is a mixed-race female, is waiting in the wings.

Australian TV is onto her more than American democrats:

Biden buys-in to giving away our country

January 12, 2023

Following Joe Biden’s recent announcement that the U.S. will accept 30,000 people a month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela, there has been mayhem in those countries as their citizens have rushed to apply for paperwork to make their way to the USA. That’s 360,000 in a single year — rivaling the 2023 population of Cleveland, Ohio.

This preposterous scheme, a massive expansion of what is cunningly referred to as “humanitarian parole” gives democrats a perpetual election advantage as those ostensibly arriving on two-year work visas will overstay and then conveniently get lost in the vastness of the United States.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) announced the new parole plan amounts to “one of the most egregious and unlawful abuses of humanitarian parole authority in the history of our nation.”

Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security, Cuban-born Alejandro Mayorkas, another hold-over from the Obama administration, was also a fixture in the Clinton administration, even partnering with Terry McAuliffe, chairman of the democrat party and Tony Rodham, Hillary Clinton’s brother as reported by Influence Watch. Take a couple of minutes to read the first two paragraphs. 

These are ominous times. If you value our U.S. Constitution and freedoms that flow from our Founding Documents, complacency is not an option.

AZ’s election fraud exposed by The Gateway Pundit

January 11, 2023

Looking for truth? Skip the local newspaper

Deceitful collusion is exposed by The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson. His report is titled, “JUST IN: “Defamation Attorneys Are Being Consulted” – Former Arizona AG Election Unit Head Jennifer Wright Starts Defamation Claim After Fake News Smears Her, Claims She Was Fired.”

To whet your appetite for the truth, Conradson’s pull-no-punches report begins with these words:  “Former Assistant Attorney General and head of the Election Integrity Unit Jennifer Wright came under fire from the Fake News Media, likely due to her willingness to pursue election fraud investigations, after resigning from her position before radical leftist Kris Mayes took office.”

Be advised, the linked report’s accompanying photo of Arizona’s new Attorney General Kris Mayes, is best viewed on an empty stomach. Mayes appealed to open border proponent former governor Janet Napolitano, who gave Mayes her first political break as her press secretary, but more discriminating people are sure to be repulsed.

Open border advocate Napolitano was known for saying, “You show me a 50-foot wall and I’ll show you a 51-foot ladder,” after which Barack Obama appointed her Secretary of Homeland Security. Mayes, now in a position of authority, is an integral part of that cabal.

Biden plays chef-in-chief, tells us how to cook

January 10, 2023

When building from scratch or remodeling, one of the most important kitchen appliances is a high quality stove. Whether home chefs or professionals, many prefer gas cook tops and ovens, despite the fact prices are usually considerably higher, it’s a personal choice.

Or at least we thought so.

Who knew Joe Biden would be interested in our kitchen appliances? Not only does Biden plan to end purchases of gas-powered vehicles by 2035 in a move to lower emissions and promote electric cars, Biden’s US Consumer Product Safety Commission will move to eliminate gas stoves, claiming new research links them to childhood asthma (along with belly-button lint and toenail fungus?).

Within short order of assuming office, Biden nominated Rich Trumka Jr.— the son of Richard Trumka, (died August 2021) the longtime president of the nation’s largest labor union, the AFL-CIO, — to serve as the next commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, described as “an independent government organization” with wide-ranging authority over consumer goods.

Knowing where his bread is buttered, Junior Trumka endorsed Biden in the 2020 election, bringing the union vote along with him, despite Biden killing countless good-paying jobs connected to the Keystone XL pipeline.

Shortly after his inauguration, Biden canceled the federal permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that would have transported 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada to the Gulf Coast, estimated to cost thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in economic activity, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Energy.

Biden photo-ops sanitized El Paso border in quickie pass by

January 9, 2023

Has ignored cataclysmic southern border, visit would intrude on vacations

Joe Biden is renowned for not visiting the southern U.S. border, though teeming with thousands of illegal aliens from counties world wide. Since being inaugurated January 20, 2021, he has finally stopped off in a hastily cleaned up El Paso, Texas, on his way to the North American Leaders’ Summit in Mexico City. El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser has previously declared a state of emergency (read it here) in response to the crisis.

When Donald Trump was president, Biden fancifully described “horrifying scenes” at the U.S. southern border of “kids being kept in cages” and federal agents “ripping children from their mothers’ arms.” But nearly two years into his presidency, Biden has never prioritized visiting the border despite thousands of costly illegal aliens boldly flooding into our country every day. Many are previously deported criminals. When visiting a semi-conductor plant in Arizona, he was noted for defending his decision to skip visiting the border telling reporters, “There are more important things going on.”

Biden has made dozens of trips to his Delaware home which have cost taxpayers at least $11 Million as of November 18, 2022, according to the New York Post, and particularly enjoys traveling to the Caribbean as covered by RedState Dec. 22, 2022.

Brain-dead Biden obviously needs diversions since he is disconnected from the realities of the world around him and the duties associated with being the leader of the free world.

Ruth McGregor an odd choice to restore AZ election confidence

January 8, 2023

Following a November 2022 Election Day (and into the night) debacle with long lines of frustrated voters and ballots that didn’t print correctly, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors announced its intention to get to the bottom of the countless snafus. “This Board of Supervisors has always been committed to continuous improvement. When things don’t work, we find out why. Today we are announcing an important step in our efforts to get to the bottom of the printer issues that affected some Vote Centers,” the board said in a statement.

The board’s bizarre choice to lead the investigation is former Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth V. McGregor, 80, a lifelong democrat. She was appointed to the Arizona Supreme Court in 1998 by Republican Gov. Jane Dee Hull, a longtime friend. The women met when they were both teachers married to medical doctors.

Voting for Republicans who could ultimately be in charge of elections is no longer an assurance of integrity, as we’ve seen with Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, an opportunistic party switcher.

Faulty printers created ballots that were too light to be processed by some tabulators and caused backups at polling places on general election day and into the night. Despite problems with the ballots, the county claimed all votes were counted, and everyone who stayed in line at polling places was given the opportunity to vote.

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Gates, elected as a Republican, called a recent court ruling against GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, “A win for Arizona voters and American democracy.”

Maricopa County Republicans need a new crop of candidates, who actually possess conservative principles.

Biden’s border trickery spread by spokesmouth KJ-P

January 7, 2023

H/T RNC Research

AZ’s conservative icon Russell Pearce has died

January 6, 2023

Arizona was fortunate to have a man of the caliber of Russell Pearce as a legislative leader. A man of integrity and unwavering political resolve, he was admired by his cohorts and respected for his determination even by his adversaries. Russell Pearce was a longtime deputy sheriff who rose through the ranks retiring as chief deputy. Running for the state legislature, Pearce was initially elected to the Arizona House of Representatives in 2000 and later to the state Senate in 2008, where he was elected Senate president by his colleagues. Pearce later served as director of the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division and more recently worked for the Maricopa County Treasurer’s Office.

Pearce partnered with then-Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach, a lawyer, who with Pearce, co-authored SB 1070 bearing the title, Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act.” It was signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer in April 2010.

Kobach is now Kansas’ newly elected attorney general, who served as Kansas secretary of state from 2011 until 2019. A committed conservative, he rose to national prominence with his involvement in SB 1070. Arizonans owe both Sen. Russell Pearce and Kansas AG Kris Kobach debts of gratitude.

R.I.P. Senator Russell Pearce. You will long be remembered as a man of integrity and deep faith, a loving husband to LuAnne, devoted father of five, plus adoptive grandfather of three and respected friend to the state of Arizona.

“He lived a life of service to God, family and country. He loved us, and we loved him dearly,” Pearce’s family said in a statement.