SEIU unionist: “We are heroes who need to create crisis”

Shocking plans to destabilize U.S. economy revealed


Stephen Lerner, a former Service Employees International Union (SEIU) official, lectures at a Progressive Summit, telling unions, community organizers and students they need to escalate protests, break laws, occupy abandoned houses and spread crisis all over the United States of America.

We are grateful for bloggers such as The Blaze and Naked Emperor. This has not been covered by the MSM. 

SEIU is the radically leftist union which advocated for the boycott of Arizona after SB 1070 was signed into law. Arizona’s District 7 Congressman Raul Grijalva, who has roots as a “community organizer,”  was in the forefront of the movement last year, saying “I support some very targeted economic sanctions on the state of Arizona.”

This is what Saul Alinsky’s community organizing tactics are all about.  Obama’s leftist political schemes were honed on these Rules for Radicals. (Click to look inside the book)

Know your enemy. They mean to destroy us.

H/T: Public Service Research Foundation which provides Alinsky’s Rules and Power Tactics.

12 Responses to SEIU unionist: “We are heroes who need to create crisis”

  1. Don says:

    These groups have targeted Arizona first with the attacks on Sheriff Joe (Feds have been following Arpaio for years to find any improprieties-none!) then the Redistricting (Independent Chair-Vote Trading and Bid Rigging per State Lawsuit) and now the attack on Senator Russell Pearce. The mapper for redistricting that has split Scottsdale into three districts and merged Northern Tucson with the Indian tribes to dilute the conservative votes is Strategic Telemetry, whose major clients are SEIU and Move On org as well as Obama. Randy Parraz – a non-Mesa resident- obtained the signatures for Lewis, paid and installed the signs for Lewis, and even made Lewis’ website showing backers such as Grijalva, Sinema, Pastor,AZ Democratic Caucus, and Napolitano. Parraz studied at the Industrial Areas Foundation founded by Saul Alinsky, to train radical community organizers as Obama, Ceasar Chavez, Hugo Chavez etc. and was Parraz was the IAF Pres for 9 yrs.(Horowitz’s book “Shadow Govt”). So look out AZ-we are under attack. Oh yes, suggest you google ” ‘SEIU’s Intimidation Manual’ Uncovered detailing Union’s Dirty Tactics” over 70 pages (Wash Post). Or how about googling the Los Angeles Immigration Rallies with SEIU mambers with communist flags. America, we are under attack.

  2. Maggie says:

    This is both terrifying and enlightening.
    This disgusting creep says” we need to create a crisis for the super rich.” Why are wealth builders who create jobs for others the enemy? This is the philosophy of Marx and Lenin.

    • Matt DeGennaro says:

      It’s also the philosophy of Obama, Maggie!

    • Doc says:

      It’s also the philosophy of our centers of “higher education”…They indoctrinate the young adults with notions of political grandure by bashing the very document by which their freedom of made…”…and a child shall lead them…”

      scary…very scary stuff!

  3. Kathy says:

    Obama’s dream is coming true – afterall he is the chief community organizer. Holder will not act on ANY unlawful acts, afterall he is up to his head in F & F.

  4. auntiefran413n says:

    Do I smell Alinsky here?

  5. StetsonXXX says:

    If this is the world they want to create here, why bother? Just move to a repressive nation and it’s all there for them. Cuba is close and will certainly give them a whiff of what a dictatorship and deprivation is. Mexico is also a nearby treat!
    Communism has failed miserably everywhere on earth where it’s been tried.

  6. garvan says:

    Two can play the Alinsky game. Problem is, our side is too timid. We’re above getting down and dirty. Our side thinks such tactics are beneath our dignity.

    That’s why we’re losing the fight.

    The street thug Obama famously said, “If they bring a knife to the fight, you bring a gun.”

    If we don’t respond in kind to our Alinskyite enemies, we’re going to lose the fight.

    • Doc says:

      You’re absolutely correct garvan! How plaigeristic of obowmao! That very line was said by Sean Connery’s character in the movie, “The Untouchables” with Kevin Costner…

  7. Night Owl says:

    Seven comments and the last one — garvan’s well reasoned one — was hours ago. Is everyone braindead? This is the most serious matter facing us all. The liberals are out to destoy this country. They are telling us their plan. Is there a peep on the alphabet networks? Is everyone lulled by beer and football? We’re going the way of the Roman Empire.

    Stock up on food and water, buy some chickens and feed, lay in a supply of candles, matches and batteries. If you can, get a generator, arm yourself and keep your gas tanks filled.

    • garvan says:

      Night Owl’s suggestion about stocking up on necessities goes without saying. When disasters strike, supermarket shelves are bare within a day or two. We heard from friends in Houston who were without electricity and A/C for two weeks last year during a hurricane. Gas pumps can’t deliver gasoline without electricity. Bad guys rampage during disasters and one needs to be armed if they decide to visit your home after dark.

      But the point of my message went beyond preparing for the consequences of what the current MARXIST regime is doing to our economy, our liberties and our country.

      We can either hunker down–stocked up, of course–and wait, cringingly, for obama’s next onslaught against the productive sector of society . . .

      . . . or we can stand up and say, NO MORE! and start using the Alinsky playbook against the obama regime, which resurrected it at Bill Ayer’s dining room table.

      I got my copy at Amazon.