Divided by race in Obama’s America

Nation’s motto E pluribus Unum (“Out of many, one”) loses relevance in Obama’s separatist view of America

This ad by Barack Obama, appealing specifically to black Americans and identifying a particular website for them to visit in support of his election, signals a new low in American politics. It is race-based divisiveness intending to polarize as well as incite class warfare. 

Listen closely as Obama issues a socialist call for income redistribution so that everyone will get their fair share. He says, “Now we’ve got to decide what kind of country we want to be. We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well, or we can build a nation where everybody gets a fair shot….”

“We are greater together than we can ever be on our own,” he tells one particular segment of our country.

13 Responses to Divided by race in Obama’s America

  1. American Patriot says:

    How foolish I’ve been. I thought ALL Americans are worthy of being addressed by the President of the United States. Imagine if a previous president specifically addressed only his own ethnic group. All hell would break loose. Why is Obama given a pass on this ?

    • Doc says:

      Imagine what would happen if th’ white folk came up with…

      …the ” National Association for the Advancement of White People”…

      ‘African Americans’, ‘Blacks’, etc., whatever they’re espousing as “p.c.” for ‘their’ designation this week, have the “National Association for the Advancement of COLORED PEOPLE”…a.k.a th’ NAACP……….

      Only the mentally NUMB will fall for this BOOLSHEET! This clown’s base is made up of mentally numb humans…automitons at best…followin’ th’ herd…

    • Angee says:

      And as they say: ” You ain’t seen nothing yet”
      Just wait until La Raza starts getting in more positions of
      power. Check out the “Hispanic” (Hispandering) Caucus
      in congress. Divisiveness is their name. For years they
      have bowed to “reconquer” (?) the area that once was
      Mexico. Their ignorance is planned by the Aztlaners. The
      younger generations of un-assimilated Mexicans will be
      worst than Obama, once they gain control of the Presidency.
      And they are working hard on it. Watch out for the ladinos
      who will pretend to be all for America and pretend to follow
      the Reagan philosophy. They, like Obama, will tell you what
      you want to hear…until they are in office. Then you will see
      who, and what they want to do with Americans. Stop being
      so naive and kind hearted to the illegals and some of their
      descendants. Remember the Trojan Horse!

  2. Standing Tall says:

    I’m a white Marine Corps veteran who proudly served and defended this country, as Obama never has.
    I have never bowed to foreign royals or kissed the ass of communist tyrants as Obama has.
    I should be the one not talking to him rather than him excluding me. This man is a divisive farce.

  3. Jane says:

    Disgusting lies. What a racist.

    It’s not whites who should be offended, it’s blacks. Only a creep would use slavery as baseline for the economic progress of blacks. But don’t expect Jesse Jackson to call him out. More than that, considering surging unemployment rates for blacks during his term, Obama has done more to edge blacks BACK to slavery-time poverty than any other WH occupant. Race-baiter-in-chief claims he focused on job creation for blacks all this time. Except, hmmm… for black men the unemployment rate is 19.1%, black women, 14.5%, combined, over 16%—twice that of whites. Since he has been in office, black unemployment has remained above 10% and is expected to stay there for the next four years.

    At 14% of the population and a lower percentage of voting Americans, blacks didn’t put Obama in office—and he knows it. If that were so, you would find him in Detroit and Atlanta rather than in Hollywood and San Francisco where he regularly dines for dollars. If this is what happens to people when Obama focuses on something, whites should be glad about not having a special page on his site, and blacks should be calling for him to take theirs down.

  4. TeaPartyPatriot says:

    The lunatic-left d-cRAT socialists believe that blacks are 100% owned as their property. They will offer them various forms of addictive candy (like the PIGFORD rip-off of American taxpayers) via BIG GOVERNMENT to keep them hooked. BUT, when they stray from the lunatic-left plantation and speak out of turn – or otherwise disobey their d-cRAT MASTERS, the lunatic-left will severely punish the uppity offenders. The lunatic-left absolutely thinks they have a “right” to do so. And their despicable treatment of black works perfectly, so they’ll never change.

    In an exactly similar manner, the lunatic-left d-cRAT socialists believe that latinos are 100% owned as their property. They will offer them various forms of addictive candy (like the nightmarish DREAM Act and other hints at AMNESTY plus coddling treatment of ILLEGALS) via BIG GOVERNMENT to keep them hooked. BUT, when they stray from the lunatic-left bario and speak out of turn – or otherwise disobey their d-cRAT MASTERS, the lunatic-left will severely punish the uppity offenders. The lunatic-left absolutely thinks they have a “right” to do so. And their despicable treatment of latinos works perfectly, so they’ll never change.

    BTW: the same is true for gays, islamic muslims, Jews, and many other groups that the lunatic-left “separates” from the mainstream melting-pot that SHOULD be America.Instead the socialists promote division and foster social unrest through ethic, race, income, etc. disparity to destabilize society and provide them a means to pit each group against the other. Their insidious goal is to divide and conquer, not unite and benefit all equally.

  5. Kathy says:

    All in his plan – destroy America from within. Rush Limbaugh was completely right 3 yrs ago – “I hope he fails” – sadly, he has not (with the help of the elitest establishment) & We the People are paying dearly. Those who voted for him in 2008 attributed to this mess as well (even if they were uninformed, it is their responsibility to be informed when voting). Will they make the same mistake in 2012??

  6. paul marchant says:

    I thought one had to be ordained to be a “congregation captain”?

  7. L. Watson says:

    I’ve gotten to the point where I find it difficult to tolerate any hyphenated Americans or groups that represent them. Whether black, brown, yellow or white, Christian, Jewish, homosexual or any variations of any of the above. Either we are all Americans or we are not. The idea of Black or Latino Congressional Caucuses undermines our unity. Ditto professional groups, doctors, lawyers, etc. My husband was seeing a black cardiologist who we noticed (after several visits) had a framed certificate from the Association of Black Cardiologists on his wall. When he was asked if all hearts weren’t the same, he seemed miffed. We found a new doctor.

    Don’t believe this, here it is, with a banner across the top of the site saying “Saving the hearts of a diverse America.” http://www.abcardio.org/index.html
    It even has a site for referrals based on race!!
    That was never a consideration when originally making an appointment with him. This type of separation is an affront to all Americans regardless of ethnicity.

  8. MacBeth says:

    This is race baiting at its worst. This man is not America’s president. He has configured himself here as president of a special subset based exclusively on skin color. I’m disgusted! I actually wwatched this video twice thinking it might have been altered. It wasn’t.

  9. Sgt. Flapjaw says:

    It is up to all of us to make sure that we send this video to as many people as we can think of. We have nine months to overthrow this evil tyrant.
    All good Americans should be induced to vomiting over what has been done to our country, and the fight will get much worse from here. He must be defeated [soundly] and he and his ilk must be remembered.

  10. Realist says:

    Anymore questions?

  11. dan says:

    This man is f**king dangerous.