Hillary Clinton in Abu Dhabi: “We have extremists in my country”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton equates deranged murderer Jared Loughner —  described by a classmate as a “liberal pothead”– with Muslim terrorists. Clinton calls him an “extremist,” a term the left usually reserves to disparage conservatives.

London’s Guardian weighed in with this bizarre assessment exploiting Saturday’s hideous crime:

“In the US, where hate rules at the ballot box, this tragedy has been coming for a long time…the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords may lead to the temporary hibernation of right-wing rage, but it is encoded in conservative DNA.”

No mention of the fact that this vicious killer was a fan of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and the “Communist Manifesto,” written by the Marxist theorists Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx — hardly the favored reading material of political conservatives.

The labeling has begun in earnest; facts be damned.

6 Responses to Hillary Clinton in Abu Dhabi: “We have extremists in my country”

  1. Sgt. Preston says:

    This is more of the same from the Obama administration, which refuses to call militant Muslims out for the terrorists they are, but takes every opportunity to bring down Americans, such as in Napolitano’s report targeting our returning military service personnel. Remember how they treated the Fort Hood massacre with kid gloves regardless of the fact that the perpetrator was not only a wacked-out psychiatrist who counseled soldiers, but a Muslim? In the wake of 19 Muslims commandeering commercial airliners to kill 3,000 Americans, purposely suspicious acting Muslims in airports and on planes(prostrating themselves in the airport, praying loudly on the plane, carrying no luggage, etc,)were given more consideration than the fearful citizens who reported their actions — to no avail.

  2. Maggie says:

    We sure do have “extremists” in our country, Hillary. You and your boss are among them.

  3. Stanford says:

    The Guardian’s commentary is obscene. British history is replete with criminality — which reflects on the criminal’s minds, not the nation, or in this case the state. Western Europeans, including Great Britains, are watching helplessly as their own birthrates stagnate at less than replacement level, abortion rates dramatically increase, unemployment is staggering and spiraling numbers of Europeans seek to leave the continent as their governments cower to Islamic demands as more Muslims take over their countries. They have lost their national identities by converting their individual currencies to Euros and subjugating themselves to the control of the European Union. Unemployed Muslim immigrants terrorized France and Belgium not too long ago, incinerating cities for weeks on end.

    It would seem the “DNA” problem abounds in The United Kingdom and it‘s neighbors, eh? The Guardian should take up guard at its own gate.

  4. Sigmund Freud says:

    The left is speechless when one of their own left-wingers acts in a manner they hope to reserve for those who they belittle as being tea partiers, conservatives, or Republicans.

  5. sherriaz says:

    Hmmm, then are the Clintons saying that all Muslims who support jihad and terrorism are paranoid schizophrenics?- because that appears to be the state of mind of the Tucson shooter. So does that mean that they are insulting Islam and Mohammed because they are implying that only deranged people would believe and follow his teachings? Whoa, better watch out for a fatwah coming their way.