Disproportionate number of non-citizens far more likely to commit crime

Criminality becomes routine when the first act of entering the USA is illegal, though Arizona Republic reaches far different conclusion

On Thursday, the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security released data on incarcerated aliens. The appalling statistics reveal that 94% of all confirmed aliens in DOJ custody are here illegally. Read the facts contained in the shocking DOJ news release. Second and Third Quarter FY 2017 reports can be accessed at the bottom of the news release page.

President Trump’s Executive Order on Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States requires the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to collect relevant data and provide quarterly reports on data collection efforts. The newly released Alien Incarceration Report Fiscal Year 2017, Quarter 4 can be read here, The stats clearly illustrate we are importing an unskilled, uneducated criminal class, including murderers, those engaged in drug trafficking and fraud.

Barack Obama didn’t see the relevancy in such reports. After all, these are “just good people coming to do the work Americans refuse to do.” It’s a certainty providing such information to American citizens wouldn’t have topped Hillary Clinton’s list either.  Pres. Trump has authorized their collection and public reporting.

Out of the 185,507 inmates in Bureau of Prisons (BOP) custody, 39,455 (21 percent) were reported by BOP as foreign-born. 

The United States Marshals Service identified 19,311 aliens and foreign-born inmates under Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) investigation detained at USMS facilities.

You won’t find any of the statistics linked in these reports in the Arizona Republic newspaper. In fact this morning’s Page One, above-the-fold headline cites a poll that concludes, “Two-thirds of all Arizonans now oppose border barrier.”

“The big takeaway is that Arizona seems to be moving away from the national conversation on the border wall. And that’s very interesting as a border state,” said Erik Lee, executive director of the North American Research Partnership. “In many ways, this is a return to a kind of traditional Arizona thinking about Mexico,” he said. “The state historically has had a very close relationship to Mexico, it’s complex to be sure.”

This biased polling company that works to facilitate cross-border trade, claims it commissioned the telephone poll of nearly 600 Arizona residents last month jointly with Mexico’s Food and Development Research Center. The Republic concludes the poll “appears to show a noteworthy shift from attitudes seven years ago that led to passage by the Arizona Legislature of the nation’s toughest anti-immigrant law, Senate Bill 1070.”

Once again, the open border, amnesty supporting newspaper gets it wrong. Actual immigrants come here through legal channels and gratefully become Americans. Illegal aliens are not immigrants.

The survey claims, “Two-thirds of Arizonans said immigrants did not increase crime rates. Three-quarters said they don’t take jobs from citizens. Eighty two percent said they were good for the U.S. economy. And an equal number said immigrants improve American society.”

Were you surveyed? Neither were we.

13 Responses to Disproportionate number of non-citizens far more likely to commit crime

  1. Dennis O'Brien says:

    Of course I wasn’t included in the bogus survey. My name is O’Brien mot Rodriguez.

  2. Observer says:

    Donald Trump surged to the top of the list of 17 GOP Primary nominees precisely because he promised to address the issue of illegal hordes flooding our country. Neither he nor those of us who voted for him are the outliers.

    The Arizona Repulsive might increase its readership if it was printed in Spanish, used cartoon characters to get its message across and distributed free of charge in Mexico. I don’t know anyone under 70 who still subscribes.

  3. VINOAZ says:

    A recent segment on Fox debunked the myth that illegals commit crimes at a lesser rate than native born, with facts and figures. None the less the left and the illegal advocates will continue to lie. Joseph Goebbels anyone?

    • Arizona Conservative Guy says:

      I saw that same report last night on Tucker Carlson. He and Mark Styne discussed it at length. They got their information from the reports that are linked in today’s SRAZ post.

      BTW, Great job here, guys!!

  4. State Delegate says:

    The.newspaper is dishonest. Each time it prints such foolish garage it exposes the sad truth about itself. It’s dead. It just hasn’t been buried yet.

  5. PC and State Committeeman says:

    It is always a manipulation of either true facts by how polls are conducted with poor choices or ambiguous questions coupled with whom they actually choose to participate. We all saw that evidence when the polls all had Crooked Hellary as winning and even if some polled that might not have been honest as to be planning to vote for Trump for various reasons. The polls should never dictate who we vote for. For me, I prefer not to allocate much credance to them and never have.

  6. Arizona Conservative Guy says:

    This poll is a load of preposterous BS. It was probably commissioned by the newspaper and those surveyed must be employed there! I’ve never heard of North American Research Partnership, but from its description,(working to facilitate cross-border trade) it obviously has a motive to come up with the results it has..

    I applaud President Trump for making the crime statistics available to America’s citizens. The far left MSM beat up on him every day, but I’d vote for him again in a heartbeat.

    Don’t hold your breath waiting for the AZ Repukelick to print the crime statistics.

    • Conservative Since Birth says:

      North American Research Partnership

      http://naresearchpartnership.org/about__trashed/staff/ (The same “survey” is mentioned here as in AZ Repuke)
      aligned with:
      “The Wilson Center, chartered by Congress as the living memorial to President Woodrow Wilson, is the nation’s key non-partisan policy forum. In tackling global issues through independent research and open dialogue, the Center informs actionable ideas for Congress, the administration, and the broader policy community.”

      They sound more like pro-NAFTA/open borders group.

      The best way to destroy a nation is by unlimited immigration.

  7. Saguaro Sam says:

    Thank God for Tucker Carlson on FOX.
    He Brings It.

    I see today that “DACA illegals” have turned on Tim Kaine for not getting amnesty accomplished.

    The Dim Libs will never understand that the people to whom they pander will Never be grateful for the continual handouts and free rides.

    Meanwhile, over yonder in Mexifornia, Gov. Moonbeam is planning to implement their own version of Obamacare.
    While going ahead with plans for their “bullet train” to nowhere at a cost of billions of dollars per mile.

    • Patriot Dad says:

      You nailed the problem and its proponents, Sam.

      Dependency, rather than being a stop gap measure that people want to put behind them, appears to have become an issue that they fight to maintain. Having others pay your way is a right in the minds of too many.Of course they’d turn on anyone, even one of their liberal ilk like Tim Kaine, who they think isn’t doing enough to give them more.

      As to Gov. Moonbeam; California has numerous bankrupt cities. The taxes are astronomical. There are scores of languages spoken in many school districts.No wonder no one learns. Couple that with the left wing propagandizing kids get from the earliest ages in government schools and the stark truth of where this all ends is too awful to contemplate.

  8. Saguaro Sam says:

    Talk about a crime:

    US Border Patrol provides armed security to wedding on the border.
    Groom is a seriously bad guy.

    WTH? Is Fed law enforcement now in the wedding business?
    Pretty soon they’ll be installing drive-in wedding checkpoints.


    Somebody should lose his/her job over this.

  9. chick20112011 says:

    They surveyed Illegal Immigration Attorneys and Chamber of Commerce members that use Illegal Immigrants instead of Citizens or Legal Immigrants as employees.