AZ Republic’s leftist skew conceals truth, distorts facts

Reports lack facts, sugar-coat hate monger

SRAZ has ventured into the mind-numbing arena of the AZ Republic’s irrational reports recently. The conjecture, extreme leftwing skew and wishing-it-were-so cover-ups are appalling.

May 27, we brought our readers, Major reason to steer clear of deceptive AZ Republic. It was followed on June 2, by AZ Republic: Foolish reports take center stage again. With these “reports” coming at breakneck speed, it’s difficult to keep up with them. They are not only foolish, they are deceitful.

Today we present a couple of headlined articles worth delving into:

 Headline Number One: “Lawmakers to Pentagon: Reverse transgender ban.”

Bear in mind there are 100 voting senators and 435 representatives. Both chambers hold Republican majorities. There were “over 100 members” who signed the letter written by U.S. Rep. Joe Kennedy,III (D-MA) to Defense Secretary James Mattis demanding a reversal of the Pentagon’s ban on transgender people from military service. The policy originally authorizing transgender troops was instituted by Barack Obama.

Countless searches failed to locate a copy of the letter or any of the signers, though it reportedly concluded with this zinger: “If President Trump and his administration are committed to all of our service members, they will immediately reverse this bigoted ban.”

Headline Number Two: “Louis Farrakhan Jr, dies at Phoenix home.”

“His father, Louis Farrakhan,” according to the newspaper, “is known for preaching a conservative message of self-reliance and family values coupled with black empowerment, but has drawn criticism for fostering anti-Semitic views in the past.”

The past?

Louis Farrakhan, the head of the black separatist Nation of Islam, never preached conservative messages. His anti-Semitism has remained virulent, hateful and incites violence. In March 2018 during a Saviours’ Day event to commemorate the life of Nation of Islam founder Master Fard Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan had some choice descriptions of Jewish people. The “powerful Jews,” he told the audience inside Chicago’s Wintrust Arena, “are my enemy.” The Jews are also “responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out turning men into women and women into men.” He issued a threat to the Jewish community, saying , “Farrakhan has pulled the cover off the eyes of the Satanic Jew and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through.”

In 1986, the Nation of Islam, moved its headquarters to Phoenix, where Farrakhan directed the group.

Farrakhan contemptibly claims Jews committed the 9/11 terrorist attacks in order to start a war between the West and the Muslim world, and to enable the “Jewish owner” of the World Trade Center to collect billions of dollars in insurance money.

National Review recently wrote about Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic tweets. He’s known for praising Hitler and derided Judaism as a “gutter religion.”

Even the radically leftist Southern Poverty Law Center, also known to foment hatred, refers to the Nation of Islam as a hate group. They can recognize one of their own, but the Arizona Republic wears blinders.

11 Responses to AZ Republic’s leftist skew conceals truth, distorts facts

  1. Arizona Conservative Guy says:

    As I noted recently, my wife and I cancelled our subscription many years ago. The AZ Repulsive began its descent under Keven Ann Willey, and has only gotten more liberal. It became so maddening to read that we decided it wasn’t worth paying for something that made us angry each morning. The Arizona Republic is not only a sham purveyor of news, what they deliver is stale by the time its received. This is the 21st century, and news is instantaneous and available on our smartphones. We can get our news from Fox, Breitbart, News Busters, the Federalist, Heritage, The Daily Caller, Numbers USA and other sources that are more aligned with our political bent. There is no need to rely on the leftward, pro-amnesty regurgitation from the Hillary endorsing newspaper and suffer the indignity of having to pay exorbitant rates for its blather.

    To extol Louis Farrakhan clearly shows how brain dead those at the local newspaper are. He’s always been a vicious anti-Semitic bigot who also hates whites (who he refers to as the Devil) and Catholics.

  2. Saguaro Sam says:

    Why doesn’t the rag utilize some investigative journalism skills and trek down to Tucson?
    (OK, go ahead and give a big, ole belly laugh)

    You know, the place where the Veterans on Patrol (VOP) uncovered a sex trafficking site at the old CEMEX plant last Saturday.
    The place where the local PDs refused to assist and Mayor Rothschild is silent. The photographic evidence and physical evidence speaks for itself and was secured by VOP. Now, CEMEX has bulldozed the site. Strange, after being left “abandoned” and an eyesore for years.
    A global company headquartered in Mexico.
    Carlos Slim, the New York Times; the Clinton Foundation, Haiti. . . . . . . .down the rabbit hole it goes.

    Read the NEWS today. NO, not the local rag.
    660 FELONIES. Disney World employees and others arrested in massive child sex porn ring in Polk County, FL.

    Have you ever looked closely at the Disney logo? What do you see?

    President Trump and Jeff Sessions, from Day 1, have been devoting a massive amount of resources, including US military operations here and around the world to fight this evil.

    Their use of symbolism right out in the open shows how they consider themselves to be above the law. Much, much more to come. But the truth, the facts, and unbiased stories will not come from a rag.

    Please pray for God to defeat the works of satan and his minions.

    • Braveheart says:

      I’m not into conspiracy theories, but I just Googled the Disney logo and 666 is clearly evident. Sites are devoted to detailing this in the words, “Walt Disney.” Never heard of this before. But then again, Disney was in the forefront of pushing “gay rights.” The parks even set aside special “pride” days, with discounts.

      The rest of us who still choose to go to this so-called “magical world,” pay the outlandish prices.

      • Saguaro Sam says:

        It’s far worse than I can say here.

        By the way, the term “conspiracy theory (theories)” was dreamed up by the CIA in the aftermath of the JFK assassination to marginalize anyone who dared to dispute or question the Warren Commission report.
        Only the guys at the pickle factory could dream that up.
        Pickle factory. Check it out.

  3. Maggie says:

    The newspaper stinks. The good news is, its end is near. No one I know reads it, either hard copy or online. At least no one admits to willingly ingesting its liberal rot.

    • terry dudas says:

      I’ll fess up – I sometimes scan the Repugnant at the library just to see what crazy slant they’ve taking on any given news story. But, the SRAZ site is a must-see EVERY DAY and often several times a day. For instance, I didn’t know that Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam was now based in PHX until today’s post. As a commuter Loyola U college student, in 1962, I stood below a giant Nation of Islam billboard as I waited for the CTA at Wells and Chicago Ave. , , what the heck is this, , I recall musing. Upon discovery, it was crystal clear that this group was going to be BIG TROUBLE, and they have been. I know I’ve lived too long when what goes round has come round to my adopted neck of the woods, AZ. , , but my thanks to SRAZ for preserving the articles of accurate journalism.

  4. Matt DeGennaro says:

    I find it beyond comprehension that the Arizona Republic would give such gentle treatment to a vile creature such as Louis Farrakhan.
    There are two choices.
    1. Those in charge either agree with his hate speech or
    2. They are too damn stupid and disconnected to know or care what he stands for.

    Either way, it’s shameful. For the first time ever, I wish I was a subscriber, so I would have the pleasure of cancelling my subscription.

  5. Realist says:

    In regard to Headline Number One:
    There SHOULD be 100 US Senators. Arizona has one without the class to step down though he is severely debilitated. The other one spends his time trying to destroy Pres. Trump, rather than doing the job he’s being paid with taxpayer dollars to do,

    These two arrogant jerks are classic examples of what voting without paying attention gives us.

  6. Jig says:

    These so called teachers are more interested in being Community Organizers than doing their jobs. Don’t support this jibberish and eliminate tenure:

    • MacBeth says:

      “Tax the Rich” is what liberals are all about. These people already pay the highest taxes in our society and most often provide jobs for others. There was a time when the poor aspired to be rich and many put in the time an energy to fulfill those dreams. Today those who have achieved financial success are reviled rather than emulated.

  7. Casper says:

    The following link pertains to the disgraceful media cover-up of Barack Obama’s Nation of Islam connection: