Crisis politics rules at leftist AZ Republic

Continuing invasion by illegal aliens on our southern border doesn’t meet crisis standard but everything else does

Recent issues of the failing Arizona Republic feature skewed headlines that fit its leftwing agenda. Everything is a crisis, but its own dilapidating health on which it doesn’t report. Stock prices for Gannett Co, Inc., it’s parent company, continue to plummet as it struggles to fend off a hostile takeover by MNG, a newspaper conglomerate. Gannett’s answer is that it’s pursuing “a digital transformation” (read an end to far more costly to produce hard copies) and “quality journalism,” long known to be comatose at the Hillary-endorsing local newspaper.

Sample full page report headlines reveal the identity politics that undergirds its mission:

“Arizona Faces an Imprisonment Crisis, but the burden is not equally shared in all of our communities. “ The thrust of the article is that “people of color” are incarcerated more frequently, and for longer terms.

Missing is the fact that juries, who have weighed the evidence in criminal trials, decide the fate of defendants. Many are recidivists, who disproportionately commit increasingly serious crimes.

Ditto the entire front page crisis coverage headlined “CLASS DISPARITY,” which the newspaper’s own analysis indicated black students are suspended at higher rates from Arizona schools. The Republic would have readers believe the students are suspended based on race rather than behavior. The following day, a Page One story asserted, “School discipline varies wildly —  depending on districts.” Missing is the fact that problem students, who deprive their classmates of education, are often in districts where education is not prioritized at home.

Another crisis report carries the headline, “State aims to stem flood of evictions.” There is now a movement to keep people in properties for extended periods after missing rent payments. No word on how the property owners, who have responsibilities of their own to meet, are going to fare when renters no longer feel paying for their basic needs is a priority. There are currently utility payment assistance programs and food stamps now known as SNAP. Free breakfast and lunch programs are available at schools, even in the summer months. Health care is never denied.

Gone are incentives to provide basics for yourself or your own family — a lesson taught to succeeding generations.

Leftwingism is on a roll at the Hillary-Clinton endorsing newspaper, which explains why it is failing in a state that gave all of its electoral votes to 2016 Republican candidate Donald Trump — whom we now proudly call “Mr. President.”

4 Responses to Crisis politics rules at leftist AZ Republic

  1. Realist says:

    Identity politics based on race and “gender” is meant to divide, rather than unite us as Americans. It’s being taught in schools and is an integral part of the dumbing down of American students. American history is taught with a revisionist slant and the successful are hated for attaining that which they have earned. There was a time when being prosperous was something to aspire to. Now success makes enemies of those who have educated themselves and struggled to achieve their dreams.

  2. Tucson GOP says:

    The Arizona Repukelick deserves its failure. It makes no secret of its hatred of Republicans and adoration of the illegal hordes it refers to as “migrants.” It will not be missed.

  3. Saguaro Sam says:

    White Americans are becoming the slaves.
    We work to pay our bills and theirs, too.

    Medicaid is paying for orthodontics for illegals and refugees. In Chicago, there are clinics that have 8-10 chairs going all day long.
    Does your dentist have 8-10 chairs?

    In California, this:
    California’s Proposition 47 downgraded a variety of “non-serious, nonviolent crimes” that had previously been considered felonies to misdemeanors.
    These include shoplifting, grand theft, receiving stolen property, forgery, fraud, and writing bad checks. As long as the total value of the stolen property is under $950, only a ghost of an offense has occurred. A thief may now steal something under that limit on a daily basis and it will never rise to felony status.

    Also, in California, it is no longer a crime to knowingly have HIV/AIDS and infect others.
    Laws with Unintended Consequences? Or something else?

    There are hundreds of potential stories that the AZRag could cover. Real stories about things that really matter.

    Recently, the Baltimore Sun newspaper did an investigative dive regarding the (here we go again) mayor of Baltimore City. Based on the information uncovered by reporters,
    last week, Federal law enforcement agencies along with Maryland State Police conducted simultaneous search warrants at Catherine Pugh’s residence; City Hall, and her attorney’s office.
    Among other things, Ms. Pugh had put her name on a book called “Healthy Holly”, which is supposedly about kids being healthy.
    Unfortunately for Ms. Pugh, she is accused of “suggesting” to companies that want to do business with Baltimore City that they must first purchase many copies of her book. It is alleged that she profited to the tune of over $800,000.
    Law enforcement’s deeper dive has found a lot more on Ms. Pugh’s activities.

  4. East Valley Conservative says:

    Not a single person I know still subscribes to this putrid excuse for a newspaper. Local news is readily available free of charge from numerous other outlets.

    The AZ Repukelick (great name!!) keeps raising its rates to insult us further with its biased coverage.

    Would you pay to ingest poison? That’s what thinking Arizonans who still subscribe are doing!