Scorned Jeff the Flake’s irrelevant sideshow

In the days before computers and cell phones offered every bizarre enticement, there were sideshows that accompanied state fairs and were the staples of circuses. For a quarter, you could see sword swallowers, fire breathers, unfortunates born with anomalies that rendered them otherwise unemployable and the bearded or tattooed woman (now available free of charge in the grocery store aisles). Oddities were intriguing.

Arizona has had its share over the years. There was a Phoenix record store on Central Avenue that was actually shaped like a gigantic record. Now records are a relic and the building is long gone. Tovrea Castle, a 100+ year old home resembling a wedding cake perched on a hill surrounded by cactus, still stands. Newcomers viewing it from a nearby freeway wonder what it is.

We also had Jeff Flake, a single term U.S. Senator whose home state favorability ratings plunged to a low of 18%, causing him to “retire” rather than face the embarrassment of being kicked to the curb. His relatives in his birthplace of Snowflake, Arizona — named in part for an ancestral grandfather — are not his fans. Never known as a deep thinker, he made a fool of himself during the confirmation hearing for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. Narcissist Flake also tweeted a photo of his check to Democrat Sheriff Paul Penzone’s 2016 campaign, writing “County over Party“ in the memo line. He needn’t have bothered, since open borders socialist billionaire George Soros funneled $3 million to Penzone, who immediately after his election, welcomed illegal invaders as “guests.”

 FrontPagemag’s Daniel Greenfield writes, Republicans for Biden” Off To a Great Start, featuring Jeff Flake. We urge you to read it.

Flake so loathes Pres. Donald Trump, that he is supporting frail, dementia sufferer, Joe Biden. In a compatible pairing Flake is joined by John McCain’s longtime campaign operative, Steve Schmidt. FrontPage commentator Greenfield, sums up Flake with these well chosen words:

“Can’t you just see the Jeff Flake ads script themselves? We are after all talking about giants who have defined what it means to be obscure, forgotten, and generally irrelevant.”

Seeing Red AZ takes a single, minor exception. Flake was only a “giant” within the confines of his own skull.

6 Responses to Scorned Jeff the Flake’s irrelevant sideshow

  1. East Valley Conservative says:

    I’ve known Jeff Flake and his family for years. He’s far more impressed with himself than anyone who knows him is. He thinks he can grin his way through life but falls flat. He’s so stuck on himself that many who know them feel sorry for Cheryl.

  2. Fed Up says:

    Jeff Flake belongs in the democrat party. He aides and abets it and their miserable candidates at every opportunity. He learned well from his McMentor who spent years in DC colluding with Dems.

  3. Frankly Speaking says:

    Jeff Flake was ideal for manipulation, which is why John McCain and Jon Kyl worked so hard to elect him. He was controllable and did their bidding on illegal “immigration.” He was a willing participant in the “Gang of 8” which benefited illegals far more than it protected American citizens. The cheap labor profiteers at the Chambers of Commerce who contributed to their campaigns were solidly onboard.

  4. Maggie says:

    Flake is a disgrace. His showboating antics have defined him from the onset as he bleached his hair and capped his teeth to distract from the ignorant slug he actually is. He even posted beefcake photos of himself when he was on a supposed lone survivor trip to the Marshall Islands without supplies… other than his camera and tripod. What a jerk!

  5. Trevor says:

    Steve Schmidt hates Flake LOL that’s great.