Rasmussen AZ GOP 2022 primary survey: Trump-backed candidates lead

August 2, 2022

This poll showing the results of a survey of Republican primary voters was released Friday, July 29, 2022. 

Today is Election Day.  If you haven’t voted early this is your last chance to have your voice heard. 

This Aug. 2, survey, “Biden vs. Trump: Guess Who Wins Rematch?” reflects the unsurprising national voter dissatisfaction with Joe Biden.

Gallup’s survey is even more brutal, as left-leaning MSN headlined, “Joe Biden’s approval rating lowest for any modern president, Gallup poll finds.”

Cloutless newspaper toils in vain to influence votes

July 27, 2022

Arizona voters are gearing up for the Aug. 2, 2022 Primary Election, whether voting early or on Election Day. Pertinent information can be found here. Exercising our rights is an integral part of American freedom. So too, is freedom of the press, enshrined by congress in our First Amendment. The fact is, hard copy news has gone the way of the buggy whip as Associated Press recently admitted. The local newspaper, shriveling in size and filled with disreputable content, remarkably relinquished its reins on pre-election endorsements after infuriated subscribers cancelled in the wake of its Hillary Clinton endorsement. In the aftermath, the Arizona Republic whined that it received death threats following that ill-conceived position. The daily’s more recent tactic is to create an echo chamber of anti-conservatism generally, and anti-Trumpism, specifically, as a reliable arm of the democrat party. Journalists left long ago, replaced by Cronkite J school students and reporters who fit these constricted parameters. As examples, the newspaper that brags about hiring based on ethnicity and gender — they call it diversity and inclusion — has a employee who specializes in “people experiencing homelessness” and another who is unable to type the words “illegal alien,” repeatedly using the word “migrant,“ to describe America’s invaders. The brassiest new tactic is coddling incarcerated criminals while ravaging the Arizona prison system.

The upcoming primary and general elections present unique challenges, since Trump-hatred is so virulent, Trump endorsed candidates become pariahs. With staff dwindling, the two remaining columnists who previously specialized in sap have taken on the mantle of hate-mongers and deceit spewers. A recent pro-abortion column by emaciated leftist E.J. Montini was headlined, “GOP’s goal is complete subjugation of women,” which is not only insulting, it’s untrue. Laurie Roberts whose specialty was exposing the plight of children in tenuous situations, has joined Montini in disparaging Republicans while glorifying democrats — advising the remaining readers not to believe the polls if they don’t align with her leftwing wishful thinking. She conveniently forgets it was Republican governors who appointed her Republican sister Ann Timmer to the Court of Appeals and then as a justice on the Arizona Supreme Court. 

Facts are of no consequence. “It’s the agenda stupid.*

*Bill Clinton’s strategist James Carville coined the phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid,” during the 1992 presidential campaign.

Biden lets fact slip as we celebrate Independence Day…

July 4, 2022

Listen as Biden finally speaks the truth

Those blobs of cells the dems dismissively talk about? Biden admits they actually are “a child.”

Cornell University obscures American history

July 3, 2022

Someone complained, and it was gone:” Cornell biology professor Randy Wayne

Ivy League universities have always had a certain panache that elevated them over other colleges and state universities. Cornell University has recently removed itself from that lofty pedestal.

Jennifer Kabbany, editor of the College Fix, reports “Cornell library removes Gettysburg Address, Lincoln bust.”

As Americans prepare to celebrate Independence Day — commemorating the Declaration of Independence from British rule following the Revolutionary War, and ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 — this article is a must read.  It reveals how our history has transmogrified into nothing more than a soiled past, rife with transgressions and weaklings rather than Founding heroes.

American history is given short shrift in recent years. Ask a teen or college student a few pertinent questions and you’ll quickly learn that our public school system has failed in educating, which is the obligation it is paid to fulfill. Indoctrination is the name of the game as evidenced by this shocking information from Open Secrets…which follows the money in politics.

Then read this fact-filled Fox News report by Tyler Olson, “Biden received more money from teachers unions than any other candidate in 2020.”

Socialist Bernie Sanders, older than most of their grandfathers, won the 18-to-24-year-old primary vote by significant margins in 2020.Those who know American history realize the United States and the Allied Forces fought and won World War II against socialistic lies and gruesome cruelties. Young voters, disastrously, have no such knowledge. They have been dumbed down to the point that they voted for Biden.

Rasmussen: Staggering majority of Americans disapprove of Biden

June 18, 2022

VP Kamala Harris ditches border to concentrate on cyber bullying

Rasmussen rated high for factual reporting, reveals only 23 percent of likely U.S. voters believe the country is heading in the right direction. This number remained unchanged from the previous week, with Biden showing no improvement, as dissatisfaction with his abysmal programs, inability to rein in backbreaking inflation and lack of leadership grows. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of respondents disapprove of Joe Biden.

Real Clear Politics, a polling aggregator has even more dismal news for Biden. On the Economy, 61.5 % disapprove of the job he’s doing. On the Direction of the County, Biden rates even worse, with 68.6% stating he’s on the wrong track.

And appalling VP Kamala Harris?  Feeble Biden named her the border czar putting her in charge of the crisis at our southern border. But the invasion of our county is of no interest to her. Instead, this past week she launched a Cyber Bullying Board, stating, “This affects all of us if it affects any one of us.” She could have used those same words to describe the invasion of our nation.

Breitbart News headlined its fact-filled report, Analysis: 1.1 Million More Illegal Aliens in U.S. Since Biden Took Office.”  We urge our readers to take time to acquaint themselves with the facts that are of no interest to either Biden or Harris, but will irretrievably alter the nation we are leaving to our future generations.

Uneducated students protest US Constitution’s 2nd Amendment

June 12, 2022

In a coordinated effort, anti-gun rallies were reportedly held in hundreds of U.S. cities across the nation Saturday. Many were student-led.

The Second Amendment (read the brief highlighted reference to the impact of Heller decision) to our Constitution took a back seat to emotion, as the rallying cry of the group known as “March for Our Lives,“ made restricting gun ownership the focus of their attention.

From its website, under the heading, Our Demands for the Biden-Harris Administration, is this absurdity carrying the price tag of “at least $1 billion in funding”:

“Much like the COVID-19 pandemic, and the HIV pandemic before it, the gun violence epidemic requires a unified, national plan with a public health lens. President Biden must appoint a Director of Gun Violence Prevention and dedicate at least $1 billion in funding to combat gun violence, rebuilding our research and data collection infrastructure while supporting community-based violence intervention programming. March for Our Lives is urging the Biden-Harris Administration to lead the federal response by meeting the following demands…listed under the link in this paragraph.”

The New York Post provides insights into the abysmal lack of American history taught in our public schools as teachers admit they “teach to the test.” What would motive students’ desire to protect our unique Constitutional-based nation, when they are ignorant of what separates us from Socialist and Communist dictatorships?

It is the public school system run by unionist teachersnot the Second Amendment — that desperately needs to be reevaluated.

Biden admits he’s not a fan of democracy

May 31, 2022

We can protect it: True the Vote meeting today, Tue., May 31, 3-4:30 p.m. AZ Senate

Biden declares “Democracy has never been good,” during Memorial Day speech.

Election Integrity Watchdog Group ‘True the Vote’ to present information on Ballot Harvesting relating to the findings of ballot harvesting that occurred in both Maricopa and Yuma Counties during the 2020 General Election. Read the complete notification on the official website of the Arizona Senate Republicans. 

After 234 years of statehood, Mass. panel unanimously ditches ‘non-PC’ state seal, motto

May 19, 2022

Leftist Massachusetts bows at the altar of tribal political correctness, eliminates old emblems, in place since 1896 as “racist”

Except for the anomaly of electing a Republican governor, now serving his second term, (formally addressed as ‘His Excellency‘) who ran on the same “getting stuff done“ mantra as Arizona’s democrat U. S. Sen. Krysten Sinema, the state/commonwealth of Massachusetts is solid blue. Other officeholders, including the Attorney General elected in 2014 and the Secretary of State (in office for 27 years and running for reelection); incredibly face no term limits. Democrats also fill every House and Senate seat in the state legislature, ensuring all the leadership posts are held by the same party.

It is against this backdrop that we bring our readers this headlined report, “Special commission backs new state seal and motto for Massachusetts,” from GBH, a far left, publicly funded, network akin to KAET/PBS.

Massachusetts was the sixth state to ratify the Constitution on February 6, 1788 — 234 years ago. Today The special commission charged with reviewing and possibly revamping Massachusetts’s official state seal and motto officially voted unanimously this week to recommend that both be replaced.

Brian Weeden is co-chairman of the commission and chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe. He is feeling a “racist” sting, as he states, “It’s a reminder of the oppression and the genocide that was caused to the Indigenous people. As we know, here in the commonwealth is where the English and the Pilgrims landed, first on Cape Cod out here in Wampanoag territory, and then further inland to Plymouth, which is also Wampanoag territory.

“After the English got here … a lot of the Indigenous people out here in the Northeast were kind of the guinea pigs. They were able to assimilate us, forced Christianity upon us…”

History, now regarded as transitory, is easily eradicated if it doesn’t march in lockstep with today’s version of politically correct thinking. This fact-filled version of the background of the state seal and motto is interesting reading. It’s newly updated but historically based, rather than agenda-driven.

Will the Bible be next to go? The banishment of Adam and Eve (representing all of humankind) from Eden for disobedience, was the first of many punishments that could be considered overly harsh by the newly empowered PC crowd.

Desperate dems seek to upend SCOTUS as diversion from their own failures

May 10, 2022

Biden’s handlers downplay, divert from economic crisis as midterm elections loom

The ginned up mobs threatening U.S. Supreme Court justices at their private residences and their venerated workplace are not serendipitous. Chief Justice John Roberts issued this press release explaining the driving force behind the unprecedented harassment. It is the result of a leaked draft document written by Justice Samuel Alito — his own opinion on Roe v. Wade, which has no independent legal standing — has been intentionally blown out of proportion to divert attention from the myriad actual failures of the Biden administration.

Established by the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Court was created with the passage of the Judiciary Act of 1789. The respected institution is the foundation of our democracy.

Suddenly, it has become a political football being kicked around by democrats desperate to divert attention from the worst economy in decades. Americans are besieged by shortages of basics such as food, housing, gas, and even vanishing baby formula — accompanying continually soaring prices, leaving Americans stunned, irate and alarmed.

Democrats facing the midterm elections are rightfully fearful of sweeping losses as the economy and now the stock market is in an epic fail. On Monday, gold dropped $27. This morning Barron’s Financial News runs this lethal headline, “The S&P 500 Has Gotten Crushed. It Could Drop Another 14%.”

According to the deep thinkers in the democrat party, the best way to skirt the problems that plague them is to employ the classic magic sleight of hand trickery of “Look here, not there,” deflection as they attempt to blame all of their failures on Republicans. The desperate scheme is not gaining traction among Americans who are unable to escape the daily reality of Bidenflation. The facts of President Trump’s Unprecedented Economic Boom stand in stark contrast.

Biden’s open border madness extends to Russian illegals

April 5, 2022

Catch and Release policy imperils Americans

Today we take the unusual step of making a congressional letter to an inept Biden administration official our post. Arizona’s CD-5 Congressman Andy Biggs sent this letter signed by him and 19 of his House colleagues to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, posing six pertinent questions about Russian nationals illegally entering the United States and being released into the interior of our country by DHS. It was sent just days ago on April 1, 2022, but don’t mistake this for an April Fool’s Day prank. The topic is deadly serious. Arizona is fortunate to have this America First patriot representing us and asking the serious questions that the radical, open border leftists incomprehensibly want to conceal.

Alejandro Mayorkas, a retread from the Clinton and Obama administrations, was endorsed for his current position by none other than former Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, who resigned to join the Obama administration as head of Homeland [IN]Security. She was noted for her comment, “You show me a 50-foot wall and I’ll show you a 51-foot ladder at the border. That’s the way the border works.”

Mayorkas, an illegal alien himself, is described as fleeing to America from Marxist Castro’s Cuba with his parents and sister as a child. Their story begins to fray when it turns out that the desperate illegals left Florida for California, where they moved to posh Beverly Hills. It’s a odd take on the tear-jerking rags to riches theme we frequently hear. Mayorkas then went to Berkeley for a socialist indoctrination, making a full circle turnaround, ultimately receiving a law degree from Loyola University.

Bigg’s letter is definitely worth your time.