Unintelligible, incoherent Joe Biden

December 3, 2022

Say what, Joe?

H/T: RNC Research

Lessons to be learned from 2022 General Election

November 19, 2022

Victor Davis Hanson’s most recent column “Let the Blame Games Begin?” provides an intelligent review of the just concluded 2022 General Elections. Conservative Hanson raises cogent points in what could be described as a post mortem, though one we should learn from, as he enumerates each misstep.

Hanson poses, then answers the question, “Who or what was responsible for the Republican nationwide collapse in the midterms? After all, pundits, politicos, and pollsters all predicted a “red tsunami.”

Longtime readers of SRAZ are aware of the high esteem in which Prof. Hanson (bio) is held on this site. Do yourself a favor and read the linked, thought-provoking and instructive article.

Fmr. Pres. Trump announces 2024 reelection bid

November 16, 2022

Announcement ignored by worried leftwing media

Making his highly anticipated announcement from his family’s Florida Mar-a-Lago home, Donald Trump revealed Tuesday that he would again seek the Republican nomination for president in 2024.

“America’s comeback starts right now,” Trump told cheering supporters. “Unlike other presidents, I kept my promises.”

“The world was at peace, America was prospering, and our country was on track for an amazing future— because I made big promises to the American people and, unlike other Presidents, I kept my promises,” he said. “Under our leadership, we were a great and glorious nation, something you haven’t heard for quite a long period of time. We were a strong nation, and importantly we were a free nation. Now, we are a nation in decline. We are a failing nation.”

Following two years of a Biden debacle, marked by record inflation and soaring prices, a wide-open border and escalating crime rates in American cities, frail octogenarian Joe Biden, who misspeaks and falls, while often appearing confused, and ignored, promises us more of the same.

Democrats fearing Trump’s political resurgence hoped their two contrived impeachments would keep him from returning to the political stage. But Donald Trump retains the power to energize his base who will eagerly work on his behalf. Americans have grown weary of paying astronomical prices for basics such as homes, rent, food and fuel and long for a return to businessman Trump’s stellar economy. Biden has spent his entire career — beginning in 1970 as a councilman in Delaware — the nation’s second smallest state, feeding at the government trough. As president, Biden has presided over an economic disaster.

Leftists court illegals to expand voter base

November 4, 2022

Vast differences separate dems from Republicans

The headline blasting across the top of the failing Hillary-endorsing, Trump-despising Arizona Republic newspaper reads: “Poll: Latinos backing dems.” It preposterously relies on polling from the U.S. Spanish-language network — Univision — along with UniosUS and Mi Familia Vota. According to the report printed in Spanish and English, Hispanic voters now make up nearly a quarter of Arizona’s voter bloc.

Unbridled illegal immigration chaos, flooding border states of Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas, is an ever-increasing problem, as detailed in the latest report titled, “Border Patrol Set New Records for Apprehensions of Children, Families in FY 2022,” by Judge Andrew R. Authur of Center for Immigration Studies. 

America, whose resources are not only being stretched, but are reaching the breaking point as millions of  illegal aliens, many with extensive criminal histories, break into our nation as Americans are struggling to stay afloat under Biden‘s astronomical inflation. According to Biden’s now curtailed numbers — released by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection — which absurdly claims on its website, “Our top priority is to keep terrorists and their weapons from entering the United States.” They have an obviously skewed view, since illegal aliens might not be traditional “terrorists,” they are here in violation of the law and access our generous social welfare system, for food, housing, and other benefits, including education as they overfill classrooms and eventually displace American students receiving tuition assistance at state universities. ASU Pres. Michael Crow, the nation’s highest paid public university president who made an astounding base salary of $1,554,058 in 2017 (last available), continually raises tuition and fees in order to subsidize Illegals.

Pew Research Center reports, “Most Latinos Say Democrats Care About Them and Work Hard for Their Vote, Far Fewer Say So of GOP.” It’s clear they don’t regard America as a land of opportunity as previous generations of legal immigrants did. Illegals expect to be on the receiving end of “care.” And though predominantly Catholic, they prioritize abortion, which is now preposterously viewed as “health care,“ and a “right.”

Dems must be so proud of their votes

November 2, 2022

Biden’s not sure if this is the 20th or 21st century:

Slo Joe also believes the federal debt has been cut in half:

H/T: RNC Research

Missing Michelle Malkin already

October 30, 2022

We all gain our inspiration from admired sources. The nine Muses, daughters of ancient Greeks Zeus and Mnemosyne, are credited as personifications of the arts, writing and knowledge. A more recent inspiration was born in Pennsylvania to Filipino legal immigrant parents — a doctor and a teacher. Michelle Malkin, a conservative columnist and blogger, author of seven books, and a frequent Fox News contributor until she was deemed too conservative for the network widely regarded as conservative. She finally quit, joining Newsmax TV. American Thinker’s Peter Barry Chowka’s July 20, 2020 report was headlined, “Michelle Malkin beaten by BLM thugs and prevented from speaking at Denver pro-police rally.”

Never one to mince words, Malkin has been a reliable voice for conservatism. In 2019, she took heat for criticizing the “ghost” of the late Sen. John McCain stating: “Congress has repeatedly mandated a nationwide visa entry-exit system to track legal short-term visa holders. But one has yet to be built—even in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which were perpetrated in part by several illegal alien visa overstayers. E-verify has been stalled. Sanctuary cities metastasized. And BOTH parties are to blame – yeah I’m looking at you, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, the Bush family, Mitt Romney and the ghost of John McCain.”

Arizona conservatives knew McCain as a marginal man and pro-illegal alien zealot who arrogantly created his own funeral “guest list” pointedly omitting President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, though Barack Obama was tapped to give a eulogy. McCain apparently reached untouchable sainthood status following three funerals in Phoenix, Arizona, Washington, DC, and Annapolis, Maryland.

CNS News delivers the disappointing news that Michelle Malkin is calling it quits — hopefully just for a breather. Read her commentary, Michelle Malkin Signs Off: ‘An Ending, but Not the End.’

To remember what we will be missing, read her exceptional tribute to conservative Tom Tancredo, a former member of congress from her home state of Colorado, correctly identified by Malkin “as one of the three modern leaders standing as the pillars of the America First movement: Pat Buchanan, Tom Tancredo and Donald Trump.”

Pelosi reveals democrat strategy; Biden says he could die tomorrow

October 24, 2022

NANCY PELOSI: “When I hear people talk about inflation…we have to change that subject!”

BIDEN: “I could get a disease tomorrow. I could, you know, drop dead tomorrow.”

H/T RNC Research

Biden, outed as incoherent, cognitively impaired, now sending troops to Haiti

October 16, 2022

Biden reportedly sending US troops to Haiti, the most impoverished country in the Western hemisphere, reeling from a cholera epidemic and shortage of potable water.

Victor Davis Hanson’s recent Townhall column, titled “An Epidemic of Cognitive Impairment?” was scheduled to be our sole gift to our readers today.

Then the New York Post report on Biden’s latest gambit, “Biden admin drafts resolution for rapid military deployment in Haiti” grabbed the headlines. According to the report, “It’s unclear how many US troops will be deployed.”

Takeaway? The less than lucid democrat Joe Biden is up for engaging in war with arsonist street gangs in Haiti. Thank the democrats you know, who bear the full responsibility for skewing the 2020 presidential election.

Finally, an honest democrat

October 14, 2022

Conservative Republican Tyler Kistner is running in Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District mounting a much needed challenge to leftist democrat Rep. Angie Craig, who clearly states her intention is to support big pharma. The differences between the two candidates couldn‘t be more stark. Kistner’s donation page is linked on his website.

The U.S. Congress is comprised of 435 members. Ballotpedia provides a comprehensive list with links to each member’s official website and campaign website.

As of October 10, 2022, Democrats held a 220-212 advantage in the U.S. House with three vacant seats. All 435 seats are up for election. Republicans need to gain a net of five districts to win a majority in the chamber.

Each state is allotted two U.S. Senators. Republicans currently have 50 members to the democrats 48. The fly in the ointment is the there are two registered “Independents” such as self-identified Socialist Bernie Sanders. Biden’s VP/border czar Kamala Harris, who has no interest in staunching the flood of millions of illegal invaders is the tie-breaking vote.

McConnell funds pro-impeachment Murkowski, bypasses Trump-endorsed Masters

October 12, 2022

Today we take the unusual step of taking our readers directly to a revealing Breitbart News report by Wendell Husebo, headlined, “Donald Trump Rips Mitch McConnell for Funding Pro-Impeachment Lisa Murkowski.” Pay particular attention to the fact-filled last two paragraphs.

The informative article shines a bright light on the internecine, intraparty battles that underscore the internal strife that create needless havoc while risking the election of conservatives when the national margins are so crucial.

Heritage Action for America’s scoreboard provides an in-depth view of Sen. Mitch McConnell’s dismal voting record and his unreliable deviation from conservative positions.

According to 270ToWin, the U.S. Senate has 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats (including two independents). Democrats control the chamber as the vice-president can break tie votes. There are 35 seats up in 2022 – including a special election in Oklahoma – of which 21 are held by the GOP. That party can retake control with a net gain of one or more seats. Check out the site’s interactive map.